SS 2 Chemistry 3RD Term Exam 2020

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Instruction: Answer ALL questions in Section A and THREE (3) questions in Section B.
SECTION A (Objective Test: Choose the option from A – D)
1. When air is passed through a tube containing fused calcium chloride, the component that
is absorbed is……. A.Carbon(IV) oxide B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Water
2. Which of the following substances decomposes when an electric current is passed through it? [A]
glucose solution [B] hydrogen chloride acid [C] zinc rod [D] tetrachloromethane
3. Which of the following does NOT define oxidation? [A] addition of oxygen [B] increase in oxidation
number in the positive direction [C] removal of electron(s) [D] addition of hydrogen
4. Faraday’s first law of electrolysis can be expressed mathematically as [A] m= [B] m α It [C] Q = It
[D] Qα
5. Which of the following is NOT a necessary condition for rusting of iron? [A] water [B] oxygen [C]
carbon (II) oxide [D] elevated temperature
6. During the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution, hydrogen is discharged at the carbon cathode
because [A] hydrogen ions are in greater concentration than sodium ions [B] sodium is less electro-
positive than hydrogen [C] hydrogen is less electropositive than sodium [D ] sodium ions are in
greater concentration than hydrogen ions
7. Which of the following reagents can be used to distinguish between an alkene and an alkyne? [A]
carbon tetrachloride [B] ammoniacal silver trioxonitrate(v) [C] bromine water [D] chlorine water
8. In the reaction represented by the following equation: 2H 2S(g) + SO2(g) → 2H2O(l) + 3S(s), SO2 is acting
[A] reducing agent [B] an oxidizing agent [C] a bleaching agent [D] a precipitating agent
9. Which of these is a redox reaction?(a)AgNO3 + KCl❑ → AgCl + KNO3(b) HNO3 + NaOH → NaNO3 +

H2O (c) CaCO3❑CaO + CO2 (d) 2H2S + SO2 ❑ 2H2O + 3S

→ →

10. If the overall reaction in a cell is Mg + Cu 2+❑→ Mg2++ Cu, Its symbolic representation would be
(a)Mg/Mg2+//Cu2+/Cu (b) Mg/Mg2+//Cu/Cu (c) Cu2+/Cu // Mg2+ /Mg (d) Mg/Mg2+//Cu/Cu2+
11. Which of the following reactions is exemplified by rusting of iron?
(a)Decomposition (b) Displacement reaction (c) Neutralization (d) Redox reaction
12. Which of these compounds exhibit resonance?(a)Benzene (b) Ethanol (c) Butyne (d) Propylene
13. Which of the following raw material is used in the plastic industry?
(a)Ethene (b) Methane (c) Sulphur (d) Hydrogen
14. Ethene is produced from ethanol by(a) Decomposition (b) Hydrolysis (c) Dehydration (d) Ozonolysis
15. When substance X was added to a solution of bromine water, the solution becomes colourless. X is
likely to be (a) Propane (b) Butane (c) Propyne (d) Propanol
16. When a heavy fraction of petroleum is heated at high temperature a low boiling liquid is obtained.
This process is known as?(a)Fractional distillation (b) Polymerization (c) Cracking (D) Refining
17. The reaction between alkanes and the halogens is (a) Polymerization (b) Oxidation (c) Addition (d)
18. The solubility of alkanol in water is due to(a)Their covalent nature (b) Hydrogen bonding (c) Their
low boiling point (d) their low freezing point
19. Which of the following substances is a non-electrolyte? [A] H 2SO4 [B] CH3COOH [C] C6H12O6 [D]
20. Consider the following ionic equation: CrO 72- + 14H+ + ne- → 2Cr3+ + 7H2O. The value of n in the
equation is [A] 7 [B] 6 [C] 3 [D] 2
21. The following compounds are hydrocarbons, EXCEPT [A] 2-methylbutane [B] 2,2-dimethylbutane
[C] cyclohexane [D] methylpropanoate
22. Which of the following equations represents a substitution reaction? [A] C 2H4(g) + HCl(g) → C2H5Cl(l)
[B] C3H4(g) + 4O2(g) → 3CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) [C] C2H2(g) + 2H2(g) → C2H6(g) [D] C4H10(g) + Cl2(g) → C4H9Cl(g)
+ HCl(g)
23. Which of the following compounds has a branched carbon chain? [A] but-2-yne [B] but-2-ene [C] 2-
methylpropane [D] 2-chloropropane
24. Hydrogenation of alkenes produce [A] alkynes [B] alkanes [C] alkanols [D] alkanals
25. The simplest formula of a substance composed of 92.3% carbon and 7.7% hydrogen is [H=1.0,
C=12.0] [A] CH [B] CH2 [C] C2H3 [D] C2H4
26. 2AB2 + B2 2AB3, ∆H = -xKJ/mol The forward reaction will be favoured by (a) A decrease
in pressure (b)An increase in pressure (c) A decrease in temperature (d) An introduction of a positive
27. When a salt is added to its saturated solution the salt; (a) Dissolves and the solution becomes super
saturated (b) Dissolves and the solution becomes unsaturated (c) Precipitates and the solution remains
unchanged (d) Dissolves and crystals are formed.
28. Two metallic ions commonly present in hard water are (a) Ca 2+ and Zn2+ (b) Cu2+ and Na2+(c) Mg2+
and Ca2+ (d) Fe2+ and Na+
29. Which of the following processes is not involved in the treatment of water for town supply?
(a)Chlorination (b) Coagulation (c) Dehydration (d) Sedimentation
30. The rate of chemical reaction of solids are not affected by __________ A. catalyst B. pressure C.
particle size D. temperature
31. Amphoteric oxides are oxides which(a)React with water to form acids (b) React with water form
alkali (c) Show neither acid nor basic properties (d) React with both acids and alkalis
32. One of the following is not a component of liquefied air(a)Nitrogen (b) Oxygen (c) Hydrogen (d)
Noble gases
33. A quantity of air was passed through a weighed amount of alkaline pyrogallol. An increase in the
weight of the pyrogallol would result from the absorption of (a) Nitrogen (b) Argon (c) Oxygen (d)
Carbon (IV) oxide
34. Which of the following molecules is not a linear shape(a)CO2 (b) O2 (c) NH3 (d) HCl
35. Chorine is prepared industrially by the electrolysis(a)Sodium hydroxide (b) Concentrated NaOH (c)
Brine (d) H2SO4
36. The allotrope of sulphur that is stable below 96 oC(a)Monoclinic (b) Plastic (c) Amorphous (d)
37. In the reaction SO2 + O2 SO3. The catalyst used is (a)Platinum (b) Nickel (c) Vanadium (v)
oxide (d) finely divided iron
38. The following gases turn wet litmus paper red EXCEPT A. SO2 B. CO2 C. NO2 D. N2O
39. When an aqueous solution of salt X was mixed with NaOH(aq) and warmed, a gas which gave white
fumes with HCl(g) was evolved. Salt X would likely be A. AgNO3 B. (NH4)2SO4 C. CaCO3 D. NaCl
40. When temporary hard water is boiled for some time with a kettle, the inner surface of the kettle
becomes coated with A. calcium trioxocarbonate(IV) B. calcium tetraoxosulphate(VI) C.
aluminiumtrioxocarbonate(IV) D. calcium hydrogentrioxocarbonate(IV)
41. Which of the following decomposes without leaving a residue? A. .calcium trioxocarbonate (IV) B.
calcium hydrogen trioxocarbonate(IV) C. Sodium hydrogen trioxocarbonate(IV) D. ammonium
42. The following decompose to release brown fumes EXCEPT? A. sodium trioxonitrate(V) B. calcium
trioxonitrate(V) C. magnesium trioxonitrate(V) D. silver trioxonitrate(V)
43. What type of reaction occurs in a Daniel cell? A. Decomposition B. Reduction C. Redox D.
44. Which of the following cannot be oxidized? A. Sulphur(IV) Oxide B. Carbon(II) Oxide C.
Carbon(IV) Oxide D. Phosphorus(III) Oxide
45. How many Faraday is required to deposit 1mole of aluminium from a solution of
aluminiumtetraoxosulphate(VI) A. 2 B. 4 C. 1 D. 3
46. Which of the following metals is extracted by electrolytic reduction of the molten chloride? A. Al B.
Ca C. Ag D. Cu
47. The species present in acidified water is A. NH4+ B. O2- C. HCl D. H3O+
48. Which of the following industrial processes depends on the action of emzymes? A. liquefaction of air
B. manufacture of soap C. brewing of beer D. catalytic cracking
49. 2-methylpropan-2-ol is an example of a A. primary alkanol B. secondary alkanol C. tertiary alkanol
D. quartenaryalkanol
51. Consider the following reaction equation C16H34 →C5H12 + C11H22 The process represented by the
equation is A. cracking B. fermentation C. polymerisation D. reforming
52. The molecular formula of the compound formed between ethanol and propanoic acid is A.
53. Which of the following is NOT an amphoteric oxide? [A] SnO2 [B] ZnO [C] Al2O3 [D] NaO
54. Which halide is widely used in photography? [A] aluminium chloride [B] aluminium fluoride [C]
calcium chlorine [D] silver bromide
55. One of the following is NOT a naturally occuring compound of halogens
[A] calcium fluoride [B] sodium trioxoiodate [C] sodium chloride [D] hydrogen fluoride
56. The following reactions are exothermic EXCEPT A. photosynthesis B. Respiration C. combustion D.
57. Which of the following represent the electronic configuration of 24Cr? A. 1s22s22p63s23p63d44s2 B.
1s22s22p63s23p63d54s1 C. 1s22s22p63s23p63d64s0 D. 1s22s22p63s23p63d34s2
58. Which of the following does not show periodicity? A. Ionization energy B. Electron affinity C.
density D. Electronegativity.
59. What phenomenon does this expression/equation show? Na2CO3.10H2O Na2CO3.H2O + 9H2O
A. Deliquescence B. Hygroscopy C. Efflorescence D. Decomposition.
60. An increase in the rate of a chemical reaction on heating is due to increase in A. activation energy B.
enthalpy C. collision frequency D. reactant concentration

PART B ESSAY (30 marks)

Answer three questions in all, one question from section A and two questions from section B
Credit will be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of material.
Answer one question from this section
1ai.State Le Chatelier’s principle (2mks)
1aii. Differentiate between endothermic and exothermic reactions (1mk)
1bi. Write a balanced equation that shows the stage that requires catalyst in Contact process. (2mk)
1bii. Name the catalyst (1mk)
1biii. Give reason why concentrated tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid cannot be used to dry ammonia gas.
1ci. State four factors which affects the rate of chemical reaction (2mks)
1cii. Write the expression for the equilibrium constant Kc for this equation
3H2(g) + N2(g) 2NH3(g) (1mk)

2ai. What is solubility (2mks)

2aii. 3.06g of a sample of potassium trioxochlorate (V) (KClO 3) was required to make a saturated
solution with 10cm3 of water at 250c. Calculate the solubility of the salt at 25 0c in moles dm-3. [K=39;
Cl=35.5; O=16]. ( 3mks )
2bi. Name two stages involved in the industrial preparation of oxygen and nitrogen (1mk)
2bii. List two natural processes that remove oxygen from the atmosphere. (1mk)
2ci. Give reason why ammonia gas turns moist red litmus paper blue. (1 mark)
2cii. Name two gases that can be used in fountain experiment (1mk)
2ciii. Give reason for your answer above (1mk)

Instruction: Answer any two questions from this section.
3ai. Define homologous series (2 marks)
3aii. State four characteristic of homologous series (2 marks)
3b. State the name for each of the following conversions:
i. CH3 CH2 OH CH2 CH2
iii. CH2 = CH2 CH3 CH3
iv. C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 (4 marks)
3c. Describe a chemical test to distinguish between alkenes and alkynes (2 marks)

4a Concentrated sodium chloride solution was electrolyzed using graphite electrodes.

i. State the ions present in the solution before electrolysis 2mks
ii. Name the product formed at each electrode 2mks
iii. Write a balanced ionic equation for the reaction at each electrode 2mks
iv. What would be the effect of the solution left after electrolysis on methyl orange 1mk
v. State one large scale use of the solution left after electrolysis 1mk
4bi. State two conditions necessary for rusting of iron 1mk
ii. State two methods which prevent the corrosion of iron 1mk

5a. Define the following in terms of electron transfer

I Oxidizing agent 1mk
II Reduction 1mk
5b. Identify the oxidizing and reducing agent in the reaction below:
I Cl2 + H2S → 2HCl + 2S 2mks
II 2H2S + SO2 → 2H2O + 3S 2mks
5c. (i) Define the term electrochemical cell. 1mk
(ii) State three differences between electrochemical cell and electrolytic cell.
5d. Given that E0 Cu2+//Cu = +0.34V E0 Ag+// Ag = +0.84V . Calculate the
i. value of e.m.f for the cell
ii. ΔG (F = 96500C) 3mks

SS 2



1D 2B 3D 4B 5C 6C 7B 8B 9D 10C

11D 12A 13A 14C 15C 16C 17D 18B 19C 20B

21D 22D 23C 24B 25A 26B 27D 28C 29C 30B

31D 32C 33C 34C 35C 36A 37C 38D 39B 40A

41D 42A 43C 44C 45B 46B 47D 48C 49C 50A

51A 52A 53D 54D 55D 56A 57A 58C 59C 60C



1ai.State Le Chatelier’s principle

Le Chatelier’s principle stares that if an external constraint such as a change to temperature,
pressure or concentration is imposed on a chemical system in equilibrium, the equilibrium will
shift so as to annul or neutralize the constraint.(2mks)

1aii. Differentiate between endothermic and exothermic reactions

Exothermic reaction is one during which heat is released to the surrounding while endothermic
reaction is one during which heat is absorbed from the surrounding.(1mk)

1bi. Write a balanced equation that shows the stage that requires catalyst in Contact process.
2SO2(g) + O2⇌ 2SO3(g) (2mk)

1bii. Name the catalyst

Vanadium (V) oxide, V 2 O5(1mk)

1biii. Give reason why concentrated tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid cannot be used to dry ammonia gas.
This is because tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid react with ammonia to form a salt (1mk)
1ci. State four factors which affects the rate of chemical reaction
1. Nature of reactant
2. Effect of change in concentration / pressure of gas of reactant
3. Effect of surface area of reactant
4. Effect of change in temperature of mixture
5. Effect of light
6. Presence of catalyst (2mks)
1cii. Write the expression for the equilibrium constant Kc for this equation
3H2(g) + N2(g) 2NH3(g)
KC = [ NH 3] (1mk)

2ai. What is solubility

Solubility is the maximum amount of the solid that dissolves in 1 dm 3 of the solution at a given
temperature expressed in (2mks)

2aii. 3.06g of a sample of potassium trioxochlorate (V) (KClO 3) was required to make a saturated
solution with 10cm3 of water at 250c. Calculate the solubility of the salt at 25 0c in moles dm-3. [K=39;
Cl=35.5; O=16]. ( 3 mks )
Mass of KClO3 given = 3.06g
Molar mass of KClO3 = 122.5g ( ½ mk)
10cm of water saturated 3.06 of KClO3 at 250c

1000 x 3 . 06
Therefore, 1000cm3 will dissolve ( ½ mk )
= 306gdm-3 ( ½ mk)
Using the formula, mass concentration (ℓ) = molar concentration (C) x molar mass (M)
Therefore, C =
= ( ½ mk )
122. 5
= 2.50moldm-3 ( ½ mk ) (3mks)
Using the formula,
massofsalt 1000 cm ofsolventorsolution
Solubility = x ( ½ mk )
molarmass volumeofsolventtorsolution
Where, mass of KClO3 = 3.06g
Molar mass of KClO3 = 122.5g/mol ( ½ mk)
Volume of solvent = 10cm3
306 1000
Solubility = x ( 1mk )
122. 5 10
= 2 .50 moldm −3 ( ½ mk ) (3mks)

2bi. Name two stages involved in the industrial preparation of oxygen and nitrogen
i. Liquifaction
ii. Fraction distillation (1mk)

2bii. List two natural processes that remove oxygen from the atmosphere.
i. Respiration
ii. Burning or combustion
iii. Rusting(1mk)

2ci. Give reason why ammonia gas turns moist red litmus paper blue.
Ammonia gas turns moist red litmus paper blue because it dissolves in moisture or water to form
an alkaline solution which turns red litmus paper blue. (1 mark)

2cii. Name two gases that can be used in fountain experiment

i. Ammonia gas
ii. Hydrogen chloride gas
iii. Sulphur (IV) oxide gas. (1mk)

2ciii. Give reason for your answer above

Because they are very soluble in water.(1mk)

3ai. Define homologous series

Homologue series is a family of organic compounds which follow a regular structural pattern in
which each successive member differs in its molecular formular by a – CH2 - Group. (2 marks)

3aii. State four characteristic of homologous series

i. All members of a series share a general molecular formula.
ii. Each successive member of a series differs in its molecular formula by the addition of a----- CH 2
group and in its relative molecular mass by an increase of 14.
iii. The physical properties of the members in a series change gradually as the number of carbon
atoms per molecule increase.
iv. All members of a series can usually be prepared by using the same general method.
v. The members of a series show similar chemical properties.
vi. All members of the same family have the same functional group. (2 marks)
3b. State the name for each of the following conversions:
i. CH3 CH2 OH CH2 CH2
iii. CH2 = CH2 CH3 CH3
iv. C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
i. CH3 CH2 OH CH2 CH2
Name dehydration 1mk
Name oxidation 1mk
iii. CH2 = CH2 CH3 CH3
Name hydrogenation 1mk
iv. C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
Name fermentation 1mk (4 marks)

3c. Describe a chemical test to distinguish between alkenes and alkynes

Bubble separately the alkene and the alkyne samples through a solution of ammoniacal copper(i)
chloride(1 ), the alkyne gives a reddish-brown precipitate of copper (i) dicarbide while no
precipitate (1 ) is formed with the alkene
Bubble separately each gas through ammoniacal solution of silver trioxonitrate(v), an alkyne will
give a white/yellowish white precipitate of silver dicarbide while no precipitate (1) is formed with
the alkene.
(2 marks)

4a Concentrated sodium chloride solution was electrolyzed using graphite electrodes.

i. State the ions present in the solution before electrolysis
Ions present include
a. Na+
b. OH-
c. H+
d. Cl- 2mks

ii. Name the product formed at each electrode

Anode product = chlorine gas
Cathode product = hydrogen gas 2mks

iii. Write a balanced ionic equation for the reaction at each electrode
Anodic half reaction: 2Cl-(aq) →Cl2(g) + 2e- 1mk
Cathodic half reaction: 2H+(aq) + 2e-→ H2(g) 1mk

iv. What would be the effect of the solution left after electrolysis on methyl orange
At the end of the electrolysis, the electrolyte will become alkaline and will turn yellow with methyl
orange indicator. 1mk

v. State one large scale use of the solution left after electrolysis
a. NaOH is used in large scale for the production of soap 1mk

4bi. State two conditions necessary for rusting of iron

a. Presence of moisture
b. Presence of oxygen 1mk

iii. State two methods which prevent the corrosion of iron

a. Painting
b. Galvanizing
c. Electroplating
d. Greasing or Oiling 1mk

5a. Define the following in terms of electron transfer

I Oxidizing agent
II Reduction
i. Oxidation agent can be defined as the substance which gains electron(s) during redox
reaction. 1mk
ii. Reduction can be defined as the gain of electron(s) 1mk

5b. Identify the oxidizing and reducing agent in the reaction below:
I Cl2 + H2S → 2HCl + 2S
Chlorine gas Cl2 –oxidizing agent (1) and H2S reducing agent (1) 2mks

II 2H2S + SO2 → 2H2O + 3S

H2S reducing agent (1) and SO2- oxidizing agent (1) 2mks

5c. (i) Define the term electrochemical cell.

Electrochemical cell is a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy 1mk

(ii) State three differences between electrochemical cell and electrolytic cell.

Convert electrical energy to chemical Convert chemical energy to electrical energy

energy i.e. electric current is required for i.e. chemical reaction produces electrical
the reaction to occur. energy.

Electrons are forced or pushed by an Electrons are generated by oxidation at an

outside source such as a battery. The electrode (anode). The process is
process is non-spontaneous spontaneous

Cathode is the negative electrode while Cathode is the positive electrode while
anode is the positive electrode anode is the negative electrode

Electrodes are in the same compartment Electrodes are in separate compartments

Any three corresponding answer 1 mark each = 3marks

5d. Given that E0 Cu2+//Cu = +0.34V E0 Ag+// Ag = +0.84V . Calculate the

i. value of e.m.f for the cell
ii. ΔG (F = 96500C)
i. e.m.f for the cell = E0cathode - E0anode(1)
= 0.80 - 0.34 = +0.46V(1)
ii. ΔG= -nFE0 (1)
-2 X 96500 X 0.46 = 88780J (1) 3mks

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