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Assalamualaikum and Good Day everyone. I am Muhammad Hafiz Bin Hamdan, a final year student of
Bachelor Estate Management (Hons) from College of Built Environment, UiTM Seri Iskandar. The
purpose of this survey is to study residence satisfaction toward lift maintenance in PPR Intan Baiduri,

The provided survey questionnaire is expected to require around 2-5 minutes for completion. It
comprises three sections: Section A Resident’s background, Section B Resident view toward lift
maintenance in PPR intan Baiduri, and Section C Resident satisfaction toward lift maintenance in PPR
Intan Baiduri. Your participation in this research is greatly appreciated and thank you in advance for
dedicating your time. While you need to answer every question, your full cooperation is encouraged to
contribute to the successful completion of my study and deepen my understanding of the research

You can answer the questions by selecting the appropriate response based on your view. Your responses
will be P&C, used for academic purposes only and will not be exposed to other platforms.

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera kepada semua. Saya ialah Muhammad Hafiz Bin Hamdan,
seorang pelajar tahun terakhir dalam program Ijazah Pengurusan Harta Tanah (Kepujian) dari Kolej Alam
Bina, UiTM Seri Iskandar. Tujuan tinjauan ini adalah untuk mengkaji kepuasan penghuni terhadap
penyelenggaraan lif di PPR Intan Baiduri, Kepong.

Soal selidik yang disediakan dijangkakan memerlukan masa sekitar 2-5 minit untuk dilengkapkan. Ia
terdiri daripada tiga bahagian: Bahagian A Latar Belakang Penghuni, Bahagian B Pandangan Penghuni
terhadap penyelenggaraan lif di PPR Intan Baiduri, dan Bahagian C Kepuasan Penghuni terhadap
penyelenggaraan lif di PPR Intan Baiduri. Penyertaan anda dalam kajian ini dihargai dengan sangat dan
terima kasih di atas kesudian anda meluangkan masa. Sementara anda perlu menjawab setiap soalan,
kerjasama sepenuhnya anda digalakkan untuk menyumbang kepada kejayaan penyelidikan ini dan
memperdalam pemahaman saya terhadap objektif penyelidikan.

Anda boleh menjawab soalan-soalan ini dengan memilih respons yang sesuai berdasarkan pandangan
anda. Maklum balas anda akan dirahsiakan, digunakan hanya untuk tujuan akademik, dan tidak akan
didedahkan kepada platform lain."

SECTION A: Resident’s background

Tick one (1) answer only




2. Location of Home (Block)


3. Status of occupancy



4.How long have you residing in this flat ?

Less than 1 year

1-3 years

3-5 years

More than 5 years

SECTION B: Resident view toward lift maintenance in PPR intan Baiduri.

Please click that if your answer is:

SD= Strongly disagree (1), D=Disagree (2), N=Neutral (3), A=Agree (4), SA= Strongly agree (5)

Monthly Maintenance of lift/ Penyelenggaraan bulanan

1. This building lifts are routinely maintained and cleaned/Lif dalam bangunan ini biasanya diberi
penyelenggaraan dan pembersihan rutin ?

2. Any lift issues or malfunctions reported during the month were efficiently addressed by the
maintenance team/Sebarang isu lif atau kerosakan yang dilaporkan pada bulan tersebut telah ditangani
dengan cekap oleh pasukan penyelenggaraan

Duration Of work/ Tempoh kerja

1.The response of lift maintenance personnel in case of a breakdown or malfunction is on time/Tindak

balas dari kakitangan penyelenggaraan lif dalam kes kerosakan atau kegagalan adalah tepat pada
2.The time taken to repair the elevator in the event of a breakdown required less time/Masa yang
diambil untuk membaiki lif dalam keadaan kerosakan memerlukan masa yang kurang?

3. Maintenance of lift in this building minimizes disruption to residents and efficiently manages the time
taken for maintenance tasks/ Penyelenggaraan lif di bangunan ini mengurangkan gangguan kepada
penduduk dan menguruskan masa dengan cekap untuk tugasan penyelenggaraan.

Maintenance Team

The maintenance team provides sufficient time to notify residents prior to maintenance works or any
potential disruption/Pasukan penyelenggaraan memberikan masa yang mencukupi untuk memberi notis
kepada penghuni sebelum kerja penyelenggaraan atau sebarang gangguan yang mungkin berlaku?

The maintenance team is proactive in identifying and addressing potential issues before they become
major problems /Pasukan penyelenggaraan adalah proaktif dalam mengenal pasti dan menangani isu-isu
yang mungkin timbul sebelum menjadi masalah besar?

The lift is maintained at an appropriate time that avoids peak hours/Lif dijaga pada masa yang sesuai
yang mengelakkan waktu puncak.
SECTION C: Resident satisfaction toward lift maintenance in PPR Intan Baiduri.

Tick one (1) answer only

How Frequent do use the lifts in this building

Multiple times a day

Two or three times a day

A few times a week


How satisfied are you with the current routine maintenance frequency?

Very Satisfied/Sangat Puas Hati

Satisfied/Puas hati


Dissatisfied/Tidak Puas Hati

Very Dissatisfied/Sangat Tidak Puas Hati

How satisfied are you with the duration it took to complete the last lift maintenance?

Very Satisfied/Sangat Puas Hati

Satisfied/Puas hati


Dissatisfied/Tidak Puas Hati

Very Dissatisfied/Sangat Tidak Puas Hati

How satisfied are you with the communication from this building maintenance team?

Very Satisfied/Sangat Puas Hati

Satisfied/Puas hati


Dissatisfied/Tidak Puas Hati

Very Dissatisfied/Sangat Tidak Puas Hati

How satisfied are you regarding to professionalism and conduct of maintenance team?

Very Satisfied/Sangat Puas Hati

Satisfied/Puas hati

Dissatisfied/Tidak Puas Hati

Very Dissatisfied/Sangat Tidak Puas Hati

Are you satisfied with the overall maintenance of the lifts in this building?

Very Satisfied/Sangat Puas Hati

Satisfied/Puas hati


Dissatisfied/Tidak Puas Hati

Very Dissatisfied/Sangat Tidak Puas Hati

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