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Cyrus Quinones

Mr. Pfleger

8th Grade ELA

16 November 2023

The Life of S.E. Hinton

S.E Hinton is one of the first and one of the most famous female writers. S.E Hinton is a

well known writer, famous for writing great and influential novels, mature and childrens.

S.E Hinton is a working class female author & writer. S.E Hinton was born in Oklahoma to a

working class family. S.E Hinton wrote her first book while at Will Rogers High School. Her

next two books were the best out of all the others. After her 2 most famous books, started making

children’s books. S.E Hinton also was well known for her books, Tex, Rumble Fish.

S.E Hinton a american author was born on july 22, 1950 in Tulsa, Oklahoma to a

working class family. Hinton’s mother worked in a factory, meanwhile her father was a door to

door salesman (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica) .This was the setting of a working class

family & a working class neighborhood is the setting of her books. Hinton attended Will Rogers

High School and graduated in 1967 (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica). While she was at

Will Rogers she wrote her first book, The Outsiders, which was published in 1967 (The Editors

of Britannica). While publishing her book she wrote S.E to divert everyone from her gender. Her

book was based on a confrontation between rival teens and later on there fallout (The Editors of

Britannica). Now since we were talking about her books, some of her literature were the best in

her time.

Hinton, being an author wrote some amazing books of her time. Hinton produced a few

other books, like That was then, This is Now, Rumble fish, and Tex (The Editors of
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Encyclopedia Britannica). What all of these have in common is that the cast of characters suffer

from the ills of society (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica). Young people alienated from

their families and their peers are seen to veer to crime (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica)

In her stories some of the characters alienated from their families and later turn to crime. Her

books were very popular to the readers, the views and the people were raving about how good

they were (The Editors of Encyclopedia of Britannica). Her books were famous enough to be put

on to the big screen and the movie theaters. Her books were very famous, and well known, now

let’s see her best books yet.

Her next book she published was rumble fish. Rumble fish was the shortest novel she

had published yet (Hinton). It received great positive attention, even one viewer claiming it to be

her best book and the last, the latter was to be proven wrong (Hinton). In 1979, S.E Hinton

published tex, it received more positive reviews then rumble fish. The reviews, the people raved

about how the writing style matured after the last writing & publishing (Hinton). It was to be the

last book to be published by S.E Hinton for the next nine years (Hinton). After another span of

four years, her son Nick was born (Hinton). Now we talked about her books, let’s talk about the

major events that happened for the books and S.E Hinton

After Tex, some major events took place with the books and S.E Hinton. In March of

1983, the movie The Outsiders was released, the following August Nicholas David was born

( Hinton). 2 Months later the movie rumble fish was released. In 1985 the movie version That

was then, this is now was released (Hinton) . 3 years later S.e Hitnon became the first person to

earn the yasd/slj author achievement award. Taming the star runner was released on October that

year. It was the first book S.E Hinton published that wasn’t in first person (Hinton). Seven years

later S>E Hinton released Big David Little David, her first children’s book, and later the puppy
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sister. Her books were very popular, having a big impact on every reader reading them, and were

even put onto the big screen, showing that no matter the gender anyone can make good books.

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