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Initial Problems of Pakistan

After getting independence on 14 Aug, 1047, Pakistan faced many problems in which main
problems are given below;

Refugees’ Problems
After creating the two states, millions of Muslims whose areas became part of India migrated to
Migration of the people, commonly known as refugees, overburdened the already depleted
economy and governmental machinery of the newly born Pakistan.

Kashmir Problems
Kashmir is a small state situated north of the Sub-Continent that constitutes 80% of the Muslim
At the time of partition, Kashmir was ruled by Dogras which was a Hindu family. According to
the partition plan of the Sub-Continent, Kashmir had to become part of Pakistan due to its
overwhelmingly Muslim population and geographical closeness with Pakistan.
However, due to Indian conspiracies, Maharaja Hari Sing, the ruler of the Kashmir at that time,
joined the Indian federation. Thus Kashmiris revolted against the Dogra forces, and with the help
of the people of Pakistan, Kashmiris were able to liberate part of Kashmir, known as ‘Azad
Kashmir .’Meanwhile, the United Nations Organization (UNO) intervened to resolve it peacefully
between India and Pakistan.
UNO passed many resolutions calling for a referendum in Kashmir in which the people of Kashmir
were to decide either to join Pakistan or India. However, UNO has failed to implement its
resolutions, and Kashmir has become the main source of contention between Pakistan and India.
Two major wars (1948 and 1965) have been fought between the two countries over Kashmir.

Problems in Division of Assets

At the time of partition, it was decided that the assets of Sub-Continent were divided according to
their respective proportion between India and Pakistan.
Unfortunately, the leadership of Congress tried to make Pakistan a weak country by denying her
due shares in military hardware. Similarly, Pakistan was given only 20 crores out of her share of
75 crore rupees. The remaining 55 crore rupees were paid at a later stage.

Problems in Demarcation of Boundaries

For the boundaries distinction between Pakistan and India, a boundary commission was formed
headed by Sir Cyril Radcliff. He was a close associate of Congress leadership and against the
creation of Pakistan.
He committed injustices to Pakistan. Some of the Muslim majority areas of great importance, such
as Gurdaspur, Murshidabad, Amritsar, and Ferozpur, were given to India to weak Pakistan. The
states of Junagarh and Hyderabad were annexed to the Indian federation forcefully against the
wishes of its people.

Problems in Canal Water Dispute

One of the outcomes of the injustices of the Boundary Commission was the water issue between
Pakistan and India.
The headworks of many canals running in Pakistan were given to India, which allowed India to
stop the water supply to Pakistan that she did in 1950. This brought both countries to the brink of
Finally, in 1960, the issue was resolved with the help of the World Bank. Three western rivers,
Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab, were given to Pakistan, while the three eastern rivers, Ravi, Beas, and
Sutlej, were offered to India.

Problems in Constitutional Crisis

Every country needs to have rules through which the state machinery is run. This set of rules is
called Constitution. After the independence of Pakistan, efforts were made to frame a constitution.
Still, the leadership of Pakistan was so preoccupied with the problems that they failed for almost
nine years to give the country its own Constitution.
It was on 23 March 1956 that the first Constitution was implemented. During this period, the state
of Pakistan was run through the Government of India Act 1935, which was adopted with some
changes as a temporary constitution.
Problems in Security Constraints
Since independence, Pakistan’s foreign policy has been preoccupied and concerned with her
defense, India was not happy with the division of the Sub-Continent, and she did not allow any
opportunity to harm Pakistan.
Furthermore, as earlier mentioned, Pakistan was also denied her due share in military weapons.
Pakistan had to join the Western-sponsored security pacts, i.e., SEATO and CENTO, to acquire
needed military hardware to strengthen its defense.

The demise of the Quaid

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the main towering figure responsible for creating
He was a source of motivation and inspiration to the nation. He could lead the nation in the right
Unfortunately, Quaid died shortly after the creation of Pakistan, and his untimely death left a huge
political gap in the country that any other political leader couldn’t fill. Had Quaid-e-Azam been
alive for some time, the history of Pakistan would have been changed.

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