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Eur. Phys. J.

Special Topics 228, 1589–1604 (2019)

c EDP Sciences, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, THE EUROPEAN
part of Springer Nature, 2019 PHYSICAL JOURNAL
Regular Article

Piezoceramic patches for energy harvesting

and sensing purposes
Z. Hadasa , F. Ksica, and O. Rubes

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Technicka 2896/2,

616 69 Brno, Czech Republic

Received 30 September 2018 / Received in final form 26 November 2018

Published online 23 August 2019

Abstract. This paper deals with a design, modelling, simulation,

and test of vibrating mechanical cantilever with bonded piezoelectric
patches for energy harvesting and sensing purposes. An experimental
flexible structure was designed and piezoceramic patches were placed
originally as energy harvesting devices. Furthermore, additional sens-
ing functionality of piezoceramic patches is investigated in this paper.
Such piezoceramic patches are integrated in the cantilever design and
they could represent, for example, smart layers of an advanced aircraft
structure. The design and position of the piezoceramic patches were
analysed in the ANSYS environment. The finite element model was
used to predict output voltage and power for varied vibration modes.
This proposed design of the cantilever with piezoceramic patches was
tested in laboratory conditions, and voltage response for varied mechan-
ical excitation was measured and analysed for both energy harvesting
and sensing purposes. Proposed paper will also present an example
of practical usage of the tested design for impact detection. It could
be mainly used in structural monitoring systems or health and usage
systems in aircraft applications.

1 Introduction
Mechanical vibrations occur on the most of engineering structures, mainly aircrafts
[1] and civil structures [2] could provide extensive vibrations of flexible structures
during operation. Monitoring and analysis of mechanical vibrations is very impor-
tant for maintenance and safety issues. Health and usage monitoring systems are
widely developed for aircraft industry [3], and they strive to become autonomous [4].
Autonomous monitoring systems are also presented for bridge systems [5]. Recent
developments in smart materials and electronics also provide motivation for applica-
tions related to Industry 4.0 [6]. Electrical source of energy, which is embedded inside
the monitored structure, could provide an autonomous energy solution for vibra-
tion monitoring and reporting systems. Energy harvesting technologies are commonly
related to the generation of electricity from an ambient energy and they could also
use vibrating structures as energy sources. Based on multiple principles of electrome-
chanical conversion, the kinetic energy of mechanical vibrations can be transduced
a e-mail:
1590 The European Physical Journal Special Topics

to electric energy. Piezoelectric [7] and electromagnetic [8] kinetic energy harvesting
systems could provide promising amount of electrical energy for sensing and mon-
itoring applications for various vibrating structures. Both presented kinetic energy
harvesting systems based on an indirect seismic coupling and an external mechanical
resonator were used for energy transfer of vibration into electricity [9]. Main disad-
vantage of this indirect method is negative influence and raising of input structural
vibrations by the energy harvesting resonator in maximal power point operation,
which in presented in paper [10].
On the other hand, extensive vibrations causing a direct strain of engineering
structures and a deformation of a host structure with piezoelectric patches or piezo-
electric layers could be used for direct coupling with energy harvesting system [11].
Appropriate piezoelectric materials for energy harvesting purposes [12] are integrated
in the flexible host structure and a deformation during vibrations is converted directly
into useful electricity. Employed and bonded smart piezoelectric elements or layers
provide an electric response as a result of the deformation of the host structure. An
optimal design of piezoelectric elements and their position in a location with maximal
strain on the host structure is necessary for maximal harvesting of electricity with
respect to vibrating operation and structure eigenmodes.
Energy harvesting and structural monitoring are currently for most applications
developed separately. Authors [13] reviewed many types of energy harvesting tech-
nologies for various applications, however, all of them are used just to power other
sensors and communication model, not to be used directly as sensors. Furthermore,
most methods for structural health monitoring are developed separately from energy
harvesting [14]. In recent years, only a few authors developed methods for combined
energy harvesting and structural health monitoring, for example [15,16]. Aerospace
applications, which are the focus of this research, have not yet been thoroughly
developed to form autonomous systems utilizing one piezoelectric device for both
energy harvesting and sensing, leading to piezoelectric energy harvesting network
with integrated sensing capabilities.
The demonstration of the methodology on the simple example of a cantilever
beam is the first approach to the issue and will be developed further in the following
research. The main aim of this contribution is energy harvesting analysis and test
of simple mechanical structure of cantilever beam with piezoceramic patches. The
correct position of two piezoceramic patches is designed for harvesting of maximal
power in wide range of operation. The harvested output power during harmonic
excitation is analysed and measured. However, both piezoceramic patches provide
electrical signal during any excitation and the voltage signal could be used for sensing
and monitoring. Both piezoceramic patches provide useful voltage signal for different
character of input excitations; like harmonic or impact force. The amplitude of impact
force and impact position could be very efficiently analysed from harvested signals.
This paper proposes a new approach for monitoring of flexible structures and it could
be modified for using in the HUMS of aircrafts wings or fuselage [17].

2 Flexible structure of cantilever with piezoceramic patches

The energy harvesting and sensing concept with a direct coupling of the host struc-
ture is presented and evaluated on a mechatronic apparatus with flexible structure
in form of aluminium cantilever beam [18]. The presented lab apparatus consists of
a base with a rigid bracket, flexible aluminium cantilever with a ferromagnetic tip
mass, and electromagnetic system for dynamic and harmonic excitation of the tip
mass. The flexible structure could be also excited by a modal impact hammer or a
shaker. An oscillation of the free end is measured with a sensitive accelerometer and
Energy Harvesting and Applications 1591

Fig. 1. Flexible structure of aluminium cantilever with piezoceramic patches.

laser vibrometer. Active piezoelectric layers in mode 31 are bonded on the host struc-
ture and generated voltage is measured and analysed. This mechatronic apparatus is
shown in Figure 1.
While very similar cantilever design with piezoceramic patches was presented and
analysed in multiple papers, e.g. [19], this design uses piezoelectric layers only beside
rigid fixing lines [20] and the oscillation of cantilever provide maximal strain in a fixed
area for the 1st bending mode. A piezoelectric material on bended host structure is
deformed in 31 mode and the tensile strain of piezoelectric material generates voltage
on electrodes [21]. The apparatus was also designed for energy harvesting in the 2nd
bending mode of flexible cantilever and the 2nd piezoelectric layer was added. The
correct position of both piezoceramic layers is analysed for maximal harvesting in
both bending modes.

3 Vibration energy harvesting – design, simulation and test

3.1 Analysis of optimal position of piezoceramic patches

Eigenmodes of the cantilever beam with a tip mass were determined in ANSYS
environment by modal analysis. The cantilever has dimensions 500 × 48 × 10 mm
and steel tip mass with dimensions of 95 × 48 × 10 mm is fixed on the free end. On
the base modal analysis results in Figure 2, both the 1st mode (19.8 Hz) and 2nd
mode (166.1 Hz) will be used for energy harvesting purposes. Other bending modes
is difficult to excite with used apparatus due to high frequencies and low strain.
The bending modes and maximal strain in individual analysed modes determine
correct positions of both used piezoceramic patches. The position 0 mm is aligned
with a rigid fixating line. The first piezoceramic patch is placed near the fixating line
and provides maximal strain for the 1st bending mode. Piezo plates with dimensions
20 × 20 × 0.5 mm from PCM 51 are chosen for harvesting and sensing purposes. Due
to design constrains, the first patch is bonded 10 mm from fixating line where the
strain is still very high for the 1st bending mode. The 2nd bending mode provide
maximal strain for position 275–295 mm of Piezo 2 which correspond with the second
bending mode shape. The bonded positions of both Piezo 1 and Piezo 2 for the strain
of the 2nd bending mode are shown in Figure 3.
Serviceable vibration energy harvesting systems for industrial applications are
compared with power requirements of employed electronics and the design of energy
harvesting application is adapted to harvesting of require electrical energy or com-
pared with power requirements. A model-based design of common energy harvesting
system provides useful tool for developing of energy harvesting devices [22] due to
multidisciplinary coupling effect. This development approach is presented for simple
1592 The European Physical Journal Special Topics

Fig. 2. Bending modes of flexible cantilever; FEM results for the 1st mode (19.8 Hz) and
2nd mode (166.1 Hz).

Fig. 3. Strain in surface layer of cantilever and position of both piezoelectric patches for
the 2nd bending mode.

Fig. 4. Setup of flexible cantilever beam with piezoelectric patches; harmonic excitation for
energy harvesting.

energy harvesting application with the flexible cantilever beam and two piezoelec-
tric patches, which is shown in Figure 4. Furthermore, the multidisciplinary model
could be used for optimization study of shape and position of piezoceramic layers.
The optimization development step is necessary for energy harvesting design of more
complex mechanical structure than simple cantilever, e.g. aircraft wing and fuselage.
On the base of simulation results two piezoceramic patches were bonded on alu-
minium cantilever for vibration energy harvesting in two bending modes. Natural
frequencies for both analysed bending modes were measured and compared with
Energy Harvesting and Applications 1593

Fig. 5. Experimental setup of aluminium cantilever with piezoceramic patches; realized

design from previous figure.

simulation results. Frequency difference for simulation and experiment is low and it
is caused by simple model of constrains in fixating line. Resonance frequency of the
1st bending mode is 19.0 Hz and 2nd bending mode is 159.2 Hz and these frequen-
cies are in accordance with mechanical model. The free end of cantilever is actuated
by magnetic force. Maximal deformation of the cantilever free end is 4.5 mm. The
electromagnetic actuation system for dynamic excitation operates in frequency range
10–300 Hz. The experimental setup is shown in Figure 5.

3.2 FEM model of piezoelectric energy harvesting system

Piezoelectric effect is expressed by constitutive equations for coupled mechanical and

electrical domain [23]:

Tp = cE
pq · Sq − ekp · Ek

Di = eiq · Sq + Sik · Ek

where Tp is stress component, cE pq is elastic stiffness constant for constant electric field,
Sq is strain component, ekp is piezoelectric constant, Ek is electric field component,
Di is electric displacement component, Sik is permittivity component for constant
strain (in farads per meter) and i,k,p,q are direction indexes (no unit). Direction 3
is defined as the direction, in which the material is polarized. These equations can
also be expressed in alternative forms by equivalent modifications of them to express
another variable than in the aforementioned form. Alternative forms are used e.g. in
publication [24]. Piezoelectric constant ekp varies for alternate forms to dkp , gkp , hkp ,
where the form of dkp is commonly used. These equations express piezoelectric effect
in 6 directions and could be used to model precise multidisciplinary design. Ansys
environment provides useful tool for modelling of multidisciplinary systems with such
mechanical and piezoelectrical coupling.
A linear orthotropic piezoelectric material with material symmetry axes is consid-
ered. The orthotropic piezoelectric transducers in piezoelectric operation mode 31 is
bonded using epoxy layer on cantilever surface. The electrodes of piezoelectric trans-
ducer are modelled using coupling of nodes for upper and lower plane of piezoelectric
material. Further electrical resistive load is connected and voltage response on the
both resistive loads is simulated and analysed. The mesh of this multidisciplinary
coupled system is shown in Figure 6.

3.3 Simulation and experimental results of vibration energy harvesting

Both the simulation model and experimental setup of the flexible cantilever with
piezoceramic patches were compared. The FEM energy harvesting system was excited
by a harmonic signal and the voltage response determined by a harmonic analysis for
1594 The European Physical Journal Special Topics

Fig. 6. Ansys model with electrical load (red lines) and detail of piezoelectric patch (purple
volume) with electrical coupling of electrodes (green lines).

Fig. 7. Voltage RMS and output power for the first resonance frequency for various resistive

both features Piezo 1 and Piezo 2 is presented in Figures 7 and 8. Also, the exper-
imental cantilever with patches Piezo 1 and Piezo 2 was excited by electromagnetic
force and the resonance operation was measured and analysed. The electromagnetic
excitation force provided the resonant oscillation for the 1st and 2nd bending mode
as well simulation model. The experimental and simulation results for variable resis-
tive load of both piezoelectric circuits are shown in Figures 7 and 8. The presented
simulation results and measurements correspond with the resonance operation when
the free end of the cantilever is oscillating with an acceleration amplitude of 5 g. A
model of the adhesive (epoxide) layer, especially its thickness and Young’s modulus,
used to mount the piezoceramic patches significantly affects the simulation results
and overall behaviour of the piezoelectric patch. Used mechanical characteristics and
the thickness of epoxide layers were validated with experimental data. Simulation
results, which are shown in Figures 7 and 8, correspond with experimental results
very well. The FEM model could be used for a prediction of harvested power and
Energy Harvesting and Applications 1595

Fig. 8. Voltage RMS and output power for the second resonant frequency for various
resistive load.

output voltage. Furthermore, it could be used for design study of piezoelectric layers
in case that the host structure has complicated design and a shape of piezoceramic
patch has to be optimized for different bending modes.
It is obvious that the operation with the first resonance frequency, Figure 7, pro-
vides significantly higher power on Piezo 1 than Piezo 2 due to a strain distribution
of modal shape for the 1st bending mode. Operation with the second resonance fre-
quency, Figure 8, provides comparable output power on Piezo 1 than Piezo 2 due to
similar strain of modal shape for the 2nd bending mode. This fact is in accordance
with the strain analysis in Figure 3. However, piezoelectric energy harvesting system
provides higher performance for the 1st bending mode of resonance operation. The
2nd bending mode provides lower harvested energy for this host structure of simple
cantilever. However, in case of complex design of the host structure could provide
comparable outputs for different bending modes. For this reason, the ANSYS envi-
ronment is considered a useful tool for design of such smart piezoelectric skin, which
is based on variable mode shapes for individual bending modes of the structure [25].
The presented strain energy harvesting technology in the 1st bending mode is
capable to generate maximal output power around 1 mW for extensive vibration of
the aluminium cantilever beam when subjected to excitation of acceleration ampli-
tude 5 g. Response of piezoceramic patches was measured for different resistive loads
and different level of mechanical vibrations. The lower vibration of the host struc-
ture significantly affects harvested energy. The harvested voltage is proportional with
the strain and the output power is proportional to the second power of strain. The
experimental results for the 1st bending mode in resonance operation are presented
in Figures 9 and 10.
The harvested output power for low oscillation of the host structure is neglectable,
only around 50 µW could be harvested from structure vibrations in acceleration level
1 g. However, both piezoceramic patches provide a sufficient level of voltage which
could be used for sensing purposes.
1596 The European Physical Journal Special Topics

Fig. 9. Voltage RMS and output power for various acceleration amplitudes of the free end
of cantilever beam in resonance operation of the 1st bending mode.

Fig. 10. Voltage RMS and maximal output power for various acceleration of the free end
of cantilever beam in resonance operation of the 1st bending mode.

4 Vibration data harvesting – sensing purpose of energy

harvesting design
Generated voltage in Figure 10 is proportional to the deformation of the free end
and the output power is within range of microwatts. However, the output voltage
could be used for identification of a maximal deformation of the host structure. Very
low output power in this case of small deformations is not useful for powering of a
common ultra-low power electronics and wireless sensor nodes. It makes sense that
a data harvesting purpose could be more useful than energy harvesting for most
engineering structures. For this reason, piezoceramic patches and a complex smart
piezoelectric skin could provide useful signal for monitoring of maximal deformation
and an atypical excitation.
Energy Harvesting and Applications 1597

Fig. 11. Impact excitation in varied position on cantilever.

4.1 Voltage response of impulse excitation

Impulse excitation was also tested for energy harvesting purposes. An impact modal
hammer was used for impulse excitation in variable position on the aluminium can-
tilever. Although the harvested energy was relatively low, the piezoceramic patches
provide quit high voltage response for impact along cantilever, as illustrated in
Figure 11, and voltage responses for varied position of impact illustrated in Figure 12.
The response of both Piezo 1 and Piezo 2 varies for each position of impulse excita-
tion. Signals in time and frequency domains for varied position of impulse excitation
are shown in Figure 12.
For this reason, capabilities of the system for data harvesting was analysed. In
aerospace industry is the impact detection very important for health and usage mon-
itoring systems, especially for wing structures. Example of data harvesting and signal
processing for monitoring purpose is presented in this chapter.
The measured data in Figure 12 provides voltage signals of both piezoceramic
patches. As the experimental apparatus consists of a flexible cantilever beam, the
impact provides voltage response which is proportional to the strain of bending
modes. Voltage response mainly contains signals of the first two natural frequencies.

4.2 Signal processing of voltage response for impact detection

The impact detection is based on comparison of amplitudes in time domain response

for both dominant eigenfrequencies. In order to obtain the voltage amplitudes for
each eigenmode separately, these signals were filtered using additive and subtractive
methods to eliminate noise and prevent any distortion around the time of impact
which could negatively affect the signal processing algorithms.
At first, reference measurements of voltage responses for multiple positions of
the impulse excitations illustrated in Figure 12 were used. Each impact position is
characterized by a unique ratio of the 1st and 2nd bending mode amplitudes in filtered
signals. The unique ratio for impact location can serve as a monitoring tool for an
inverse localization of an impact.
In the next step, amplitudes of both filtered mode frequency signals were deter-
mined, see Figure 13. To obtain accurate readings, the transient region near the
initiation of the impact was skipped. On the other hand, as the cantilever beam is a
noticeably damped structure, the response decays rapidly so only the first few periods
will provide good results.
In order to distinguish the transient region without skipping too many periods
of the signal, a threshold trigger method was used. In our case, the threshold was a
fixed voltage value set for both signals separately in order to trigger the zero crossing
detection as soon as the condition is met for any of the two signals. Next three
sufficiently separated zero crossings were detected in order to avoid any false trigger
due to noise. This ensures that we measure the amplitudes in the second period of
1598 The European Physical Journal Special Topics

Fig. 12. Time and frequency domain response for variable position of excitation impact

the signals, which is necessary for accurate reading of the phase relation between the
signals as well as the amplitudes.
The obtained ratios are unique for the 1st and 2nd bending mode. Both voltage
amplitude ratios are shown in Figures 14 and 15, which should match the mode
shapes of the first bending mode (Fig. 14) and second bending mode (Fig. 15). If we
Energy Harvesting and Applications 1599

Fig. 13. Amplitude detection of filtered signals in based on threshold trigger.

Fig. 14. The first mode – normalized amplitude of responses vs. reference position of impact.

compare the values measured by first and second piezo patches, we can see that for
first mode the amplitudes are almost three times larger for the Piezo 1 sensor than
for the Piezo 2 sensor, while for the second mode they are almost the same. That is
due to the strain distribution on the first and second bending mode, as is shown in
Figure 2. For first mode, strain values in the patch locations are very different for the
first mode, but the strain values for the second mode are almost identical for both
patch locations. The ratio of the obtained amplitudes formed a reference (blue circles
in Figs. 16 and 17), that was fitted with a curve, in our case a linear approximation.
For the data harvesting and sensing purpose of independent impact measurement,
4 separate impacts in random locations were performed and presented in Table 1 for
localization of impact. Moreover, these impacts were characterised by high disper-
sion of impact force and high levels of ambient low-frequency noise generated by
1600 The European Physical Journal Special Topics

Fig. 15. The second mode – normalized amplitude of responses vs. reference position of

Fig. 16. Determination of impact locations based on the 1st piezo sensor measurement.

an electromagnetic actuator mounted below the beam to simulate the real structure
environment operation, with amplitudes reaching almost 15% SNR.
Similar procedures used for the reference signals were performed to filter out
frequencies of the both eigenmodes of tested signal of impacts. Ratio of voltage
amplitudes for both eigenmodes were determined and compared with the reference
curves in Figures 14 and 15. On the base of obtained ratio the locations of the
impacts were calculated. The results of presented analysis for impact detection are
presented in Table 1. A relatively accurate localization of the impact was achieved,
with only up to 20% error that could be improved further by more thorough reference
Energy Harvesting and Applications 1601

Fig. 17. Determination of impact locations based on the 2nd piezo sensor measurement.

Table 1. Examples of results for location analysis based on voltage response of piezoceramic
Exact Location based Error Location based Error
location on 1st sensor (%) on 2nd sensor (%)
(cm) measurement (cm) measurement (cm)
7 6.6 −5.7 7.0 0.0
17 19.9 17.1 19.8 16.5
27 28.9 7.0 28.9 7.0
37 38.5 6.8 39.7 7.3

5 Future work for harvesting and sensing purposes

The abovementioned robust methodology was thoroughly formulated based on pre-
liminary tests on the vibrating aluminium cantilever beam. Because the current and
future work is aimed towards applications in aerospace, to present and test the appli-
cability of the approach for more complex structures, it has been successfully adopted
for a recently undergone experiment aimed at non-destructive monitoring and even-
tual energy harvesting from a vibrating structure of an aircraft [17]. The workflow
diagram below (Fig. 18) describes the general methodology used in laboratory envi-
ronment for energy harvesting and sensing purposes, while the experiment on the
civil aircraft serves as an extension to illustrate the potential of the proposed method
for real-world applications, especially in the aerospace industry, which will be the
subject of future research.
An experiment performed on a civil aircraft utilizing piezoceramic microfiber
composite elements (MFC) mounted inside an aircraft structure was designed and
performed to test the potential of the MFC elements for energy harvesting and sens-
ing purposes, as illustrated in Figure 18. The aircraft used in this experiment was a
single engine civil aircraft with the structure mainly composed of aluminium sheet.
In order to achieve maximal voltage (power) values during regular operation of the
aircraft, the MFC had to be located on load bearing elements. Therefore, four side
1602 The European Physical Journal Special Topics

Fig. 18. Methodology of piezoelectric layers application for energy harvesting and sensing

stringers within the fuselage were localized and a FEM model of the fuselage section
was assembled. A sequence of simulations was performed in order to determine lon-
gitudinal position on the stringers in which a sensitivity to all possible load modes
Energy Harvesting and Applications 1603

(e.g. tension, bending, torsion) would be ensured. The position of MFC also had to be
accessible by the personnel to enable proper mounting of the elements and connection
to the data collection unit. Four MFC elements are fixed in these pre-determined loca-
tions by simulations and connected via data acquisition electronics. Approximately
20 minutes long flight test was performed and data from four sensors was collected
for various stages of the flight (e.g. take-off, steady flight, landing).
The flight test has shown that the presented methodology is very promising and
viable for applications in aerospace, the measured voltage signals are high enough for
sensing, and that enough power can be collected using the MFC elements to consider
them usable in energy harvesting applications.

6 Conclusions
The main aim of this paper was to present energy harvesting and data harvesting
systems from mechanical vibrations, which occur in most of the engineering struc-
tures. In case of extensive vibrations of flexible host structures, e.g. during an aircraft
flight, the strain of a host structure could be converted into useful electricity. The
lower vibration levels of the host structure cannot provide enough harvested energy
for the recent electronics, even in the low-power spectrum. However, the harvested
power is sufficient and the voltage signal could be used for monitoring and reporting
mechanical vibration and operation modes. In this case we could speak about data
harvesting system, also presented in this paper.
The correct position of piezoceramic patches is essential for both energy and data
harvesting with maximal power, for this reason the ANSYS environment proved to
be a useful tool for design of a smart piezoelectric skin, which corresponds with
individual modal shapes of complex mechanical structures.
The strain energy harvester on cantilever during harmonic excitation is analysed
and measured. A strain distribution of modal shape for the bending mode determines
output power on individual piezoelectric layers and patches. The piezoelectric energy
harvesting system provides higher performance for the 1st bending mode than the
2nd and other bending modes for this host structure. The maximal output power
around 1 mW for extensive vibration of the aluminium cantilever beam in accel-
eration amplitude 5 g was achieved. Amplitude of harvested voltage in individual
eigen frequency waveform could be used for sensing of cantilever deformation during
harmonic oscillation in resonance.
In case of data harvesting also impulse excitation of impact force was analysed.
The amplitude of impact force and impact position could be very efficiently analysed
from harvested voltage signals. Example of data harvesting and signal processing for
impact detection is presented in this paper.
To evaluate the potential of the presented methodology for other energy harvesting
and sensing applications, an preliminary experiment on a civil aircraft is presented.
The usual workflow is based on the technical object being analysed in FEM envi-
ronment, the design and position of piezoelectric patches or layers being analysed
and experimentally validated. The design of piezoelectric layers, patches, or MFC for
energy harvesting and sensing purposes in the aerospace industry is the main aim
of our future research, where the workflow is followed similarly as for the presented
aluminium beam. The presented methodology can serve as a useful tool for Structure
Health Monitoring or Health and Usage Monitoring Systems in aerospace, with the
potential of being used in wider spectrum of industrial applications.

Authors gratefully acknowledge financial support provided by the ESIF, EU Operational

Programme Research, Development and Education within the research project Center of
1604 The European Physical Journal Special Topics

Advanced Aerospace Technology (Reg. No.: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 019/0000826) at the

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology.

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