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-Instructions: Complete the following chart to define each of the keywords.

You can use the

internet for the definition and image, but must create your related terms and sentences.
You will have 25 minutes to complete this, so work quickly and efficiently.

Definition: a doctrine, political strategy, 3 Related Terms:
practice, state policy, or advocacy that Hostility
consists of extending power by territorial Aggression
acquisition. Militarism

Sentence: Image:
Europe was Imperialistic towards Africa
because they thought they were above them.

Definition: the policy or practice of acquiring 3 Related Terms:
full or partial political control over another Expansion
country Take over

Sentence: Colonialism was created due to Image:

Europe taking over Africa.

Sphere of influence
Definition: a country or area in which another 3 Related Terms:
country has power to affect developments Colony
although it has no formal authority. Mother country

Sentence: Great Britain was once a Sphere Image:

of influence to America.

Definition: the action or fact of mistreating 3 Related Terms:
someone to benefit from their work. Mistreatment

Sentence: Some players discovered an Image:

infinite material exploitation and quickly made
use of it before it was removed from the

Definition: polite and well-mannered. 3 Related Terms: polite
Sentence: The daughter of the Mayor was Image:
very civilized to the guests.

Definition: (of an animal or force of nature) 3 Related Terms: ferocious
fierce, violent, and uncontrolled. fierce


Sentence: The english considered africans to Image:

be savages
Instructions: Look at each map or image. Respond to each question based on the evidence in
the images.

Global Map, 1900

1. Which countries are imperial powers?

Great Britain, France, Belgium, Portugal, United States, Spain, Japan, Germany, Italy,
Netherlands, and Denmark.
2. Which areas (continents, regions, modern countries) are controlled by imperial powers?
Africa, Australia, parts of Asia, Canada, the South Pacific, Egypt, and India.
3. How do you think the imperial powers decided who had control over which areas?

4. Which countries are independent? Do you know anything about how those countries
became independent? (Describe at least 3)
a. Russia
b. Brazil
c. China
Africa, 1870

1. Look at the two maps of Africa before 1870. How was the land broken up within Africa?
Broken up into Empires and nonexistent borders.
2. Which imperial powers were present in Africa? How much control do they appear to
have? Britain, Spain, France, Portugal, Holland, Ottoman.
Africa, 1914

1. What differences do you see between the 1914 map and the 1870 map?
Borders, More land occupied by Europe powers, No more African Empires.
2. Which imperial powers were present in Africa?
France, England, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgian.
3. Who seems to have control over the most land?
France and Great Britain.
4. Notice the original tribes and empires from the 1870 map.
a. Are there any countries in Africa that are still free?
Two, Ethiopia and Liberia.
b. Does it seem like any tribes/empires have been split up in the 1900 map? If so,
describe what you notice.
Yes, The Egyptian Empire split as well as others combined into colonies.
c. Does it look like any of the new countries are made of a combination of some of
the original tribes/empires? If so, describe what you notice.
Yes, Tribes close together are combined into one country.
5. How do you think the Africans felt about the increased presence of European powers?

Notes from slides:

● African territory was in high demand due to resources.
● Berlin Conference
● European countries to divide up Africa
● Organized as a result of Germany actively trying to gain land in Africa
● 90% of Africa is controlled by 7 countries
Southeast Asia, 1900

1. Which imperial powers were present in Southeast Asia?

USA,Britain,France, Dutch, Portugal
2. Who seems to have control over the most land?
3. Are there any areas that seem independent from the imperial powers?
China, Tibet, Afghanistan, Nepal, Siam
India, 1857 1858

1. Do a quick Google search. What was the British East India Company?
A exploitainton of indians.
a. What influence did it have on India?
Like a foot print on east asia.
2. Look at the two maps above. How does British control over India expand over time?
Almost complete controll

Notes from slides:

China, 1900

1. Even though China is not controlled by an imperial power, which countries have a
sphere of influence in China?
2. Which countries have trade ports in China?
3. Does this map support or contradict the idea that an imperial power did not control
China? Explain your answer.

Notes from slides:

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