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The league of

The beginning

 Introduction
 The story of a ruler
 The boy
 A lost soul
 The myth of a magician
 The ascension of the death god
 Birth of the phoenix
 A thoughtful thief
 Side story – 1
 Side story – 2


Once upon a time, when only darkness

reigned supreme, a condensation took
place and it gave the darkness a new form.
This led to the formation of the universe.
This universe was purely based on time.
Every single thing depended on time. The
time itself was later on classified into
different forms by lifeforms which were
formed much later. Time was classified as
rous, monos, timitus, dules, trioles. 10
rous equaled 1 monos, 100 monos equaled
1 timitus, 64 timitus equaled 1 day, 1280
days equaled 1 dule and 7 dules equaled 1
trioles. After the universe condensed, it
started dividing resulting in the formation
of various realms. Later, life was created
and those lifeforms lived in these realms.

However, the reason for why the universe
was created and why lifeforms were
created was simple and the answer to these
questions all lies in a place far beyond the
universe. A place that exceeds the
restraints of reality. The domain of the
ruler. The ruler was an absolute being who
had the power to create or destroy
anything with just a thought. The only
being who existed even before the
universe was created. The ruler of the
universe or otherwise known as ‘God’.
This tale is about a bunch of guys and 1
girl who dared to oppose the almighty
ruler. But for any tale, first one must know
about the people who partake in it to fully
immerse themselves into the tale. So in
this beginning of a great voyage, I will
explore the stories of the members of the
group called ‘The League of Guardians'.
You can also come along with me to
experience their tale. Some may wonder

about who I was but I won’t spoil
anything. So for now, I will lead through
this story as the one called the ‘Narrator’.
Since this is the beginning, I will call this,
‘The League of Guardians: The

The story of a ruler

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