TENSES Ingles 3rd ESO

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Affirmative I work He/She/It works We/You/They work

Negative I don’ t work He/She/It doesn’ t work We/You/They don’t work
Questions Do I work? Does he/she/it work? Do we/you/they work?

++USES++ The present simple is used:

1 to talk about a habit or something that happens regularly.

How often do you see your grandparents?
2 to talk about a state and general truths such as scientific facts
She doesn’ t like coffee Nine planets travel round the sun/ Babies cry when they’re hungry
3 to talk about a future, timetabled event. The train leaves at 9.30 tonight


1 Adverbs of frequency are often used with the present simple to talk about habitual or repeated actions. Common
adverbs of frequency include: always, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally,seldom, rarely, never

2 They normally come: +after the verb BE : He’ s always late

+after an auxiliary verb: They’ ve often talked about you
+before other verbs: She never wears jeans

3 The adverbs ALWAYS, NEVER, RARELY,SELDOM, HARDLY EVER don’ t normally come at the beginning or end of a
sentence: He always drives to work



Affirmative I am working He/She/It is working We/You/They are working

Negative I am not working He/She/It is not working We/You/They are not working
Questions Am I working? Is he/she/it working? Are we/you/they working?
++USES++ The present continuous is used:

1 to talk about what is happening now, at this moment. James, what are you doing?
2 to talk about a temporary situation, or activity happening around now. He’ s learning English
3 to talk future plans or arrangements. An adverb expressing the future ( this summer, tomorrow, next Friday ,etc.) is
normally included in the sentence or implied . Similar in meaning and use to GOING TO but with less sense of
personal intention.
I’m seeing her tonight
4 to talk about change in progress. My father’s becoming very bad-tempered
--It can be used with movement verbs such as ARRIVE, COME, GO, etc. She’s going to New York next week


Some groups of verbs are not normally used in the continuous form. They include:
VERBS OF THINKING AND OPINION: believe, doubt, feel, forget, guess, imagine, know, mean, realise, recognise,
remember,see(=understand), suppose, think, understand
VERBS OF EMOTION: dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, want, wish
VERBS OF POSSESSION AND BEING: be, belong, consist of, contain, have (=possess), include, involve,need, own,
VERBS OF THE SENSES: hear, see, smell, sound, taste
These stative verbs are sometimes used in the continuous form but describing a mental activity in progress. Thus,
their meaning changes:

She thinks that girls are better at science than boys (opinion) I’m thinking about the maths exam (mental activity)



Affirmative I worked He/She/It worked We/You/They worked

Negative I didn’ t work He/She/It didn’ t work We/You/They didn’t work
Questions Did I work? Did he/she/it work? Did we/you/they work?

Regular verbs from the past simple affirmative by adding –d or –ed : live-lived visit-visited

Many common verbs are irregular. See the list of irregular verbs on page…

++USES++ The past simple is used:

1 to talk about a finished action in the past, often with a time adverbial: He left school in 1994
2 to talk about something that happened regularly in the past: She went out every night
3 to talk about a past situation: I went to Oxford University



Affirmative and negative: I/he/she/it was working/wasn’t working

You/we/you/they were working/weren’ t working
Questions: Was I/He/she/it working? Were you/we/you/they working?
++USES++ The past continuous is used:

1 to talk about an action which was in progress at a particular moment in the past.

I was watching television at 9.30.

2 to describe a situation or the background to a scene.
It was raining and he was carrying an umbrella
3 to describe an interrupted action in the past. We were watching the news when you rang.
4 The past continuous is often used after WHILE and AS . The short action is constructed in the past simple form and
interrupts the long action (in the continuous form).
While we were playing, it started to rain
5 to express simultaneity of two actions: While you were washing the car, I was studying.



Affirmative and negative I/he/we… had left I/she/ they… hadn’ t left
Questions Had I/he/we.. left?

++USES++ The past perfect is used:

1 for an action that happened before another action in the past.

When we got to the station, the train had already left
2 With IT WAS THE FIRST/SECOND TIME. It was the first time that I’d visited Cuba
3 FOR and SINCE can be used with the past perfect.
I’ d been there for three days when James arrived She’ d worked there since the previous summer



Affirmative I have worked He/She/It has worked We/You/They have worked

Negative I haven’ t worked He/She/It hasn’t worked We/You/They haven’t worked
Questions Have I worked? Has he/she/it worked? Have we/you/they worked?

Regular verbs form the past participle by adding –d or –ed Play-played live-lived visit-visited
Many common verbs are irregular. See the list of irregular verbs on page ……. .

++USES++ The present perfect simple is used:

1 to talk about experiences in one’ s life. Have you ever been to America? I’ ve never flown
2 to talk about the present result of a past action. Ann has gone out (=She’ s not here now)
3 to talk about an action which began in the past and which continues in the present.
I have lived in London for ten years She has had the same car since 1993

4 The present perfect simple must be used when the quantity of actions or finished products is mentioned.

I’ ve done three exercises He’ s telephoned a number of times

--We use FOR with a period of time ( for three weeks, for two years, for a long time, for ages, for ever, etc.)
--We use SINCE with a point of time in the past ( since August, since 1993 , since Christmas, since I was a child, etc.)
--To indicate a recently finished action, the present perfect is often used with JUST.
James has just left (=He went out a few moments ago)
+++Other adverbs used are ALREADY and YET.


Affirmative and negative I/he/we/they will go I/he/they won’ t go
Interrogative Will I/he/she/we go?

1 to make a prediction about the future or express a future fact .
I think it will rain tomorrow He will be forty in June
2 to talk about a decision made at the moment of speaking. I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed
3 to express an offer or request Will you help me with this bag? Shall I give you a lift?
4 to express an opinion about the future after verbs and adjectives or adverbs like THINK, SUPPOSE, EXPECT, DOUBT
I suppose you’ ll be pretty busy Do you think he’ ll come?
5 Shall is sometimes used instead of Will in the first person singular and plural ( I and We) , especially in questions.
Where shall we meet? What shall I do?


Affirmative and negative I am/am not going to play he/she/it is /isn’ t going to play
Interrogative Am I going to play? Is he/she/it going to play? Are we/you/they going to play?

1 to make a prediction based on what you know, feel or can see.
Look at those black clouds. It’ s going to rain I think I’m going to faint
2 to talk about plans where the decision has been made before speaking. It normally expresses a degree of intention.
She’ s going to study French. We’ re going to have a party


Affirmative and negative I/he/we will be waiting I/he/we/they won’ t be waiting
Questions Will I/he/we be waiting?

1 The future continuous is used to indicate that an action will be in progress at a particular moment in the future.
I will be working all day tomorrow
When you get home, will your mother be waiting for you?
2 Adverbs used are: At this tie next…, By the end…, at this time tomorrow…, by 7 o’clock.

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