Dynamical Characterization of Z Floquet Topological Phases Via Quantum Quenches

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Dynamical characterization of Z2 Floquet topological phases via quantum quenches

Lin Zhang1, ∗
ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology,
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss 3, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain
The complete characterization of a generic d-dimensional Floquet topological phase is usually hard
for the requirement of information about the micromotion throughout the entire driving period. In
a recent work [L. Zhang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 183001 (2020)], an experimentally feasible
dynamical detection scheme was proposed to characterize the integer Floquet topological phases
arXiv:2311.00114v2 [cond-mat.quant-gas] 15 Nov 2023

using quantum quenches. However, this theory is still far away from completion, especially for
free-fermion Floquet topological phases, where the states can also be characterized by Z2 invariants.
Here we develop the first full and unified dynamical characterization theory for the Z2 Floquet
topological phases of different dimensionality and tenfold-way symmetry classes by quenching the
system from a trivial and static initial state to the Floquet topological regime through suddenly
changing the parameters and turning on the periodic driving. By measuring the minimal information
of Floquet bands via the stroboscopic time-averaged spin polarizations, we show that the topological
spin texture patterns emerging on certain discrete momenta of Brillouin zone called the 0 or π
gap highest-order band-inversion surfaces provide a measurable dynamical Z2 Floquet invariant,
which uniquely determines the Floquet boundary modes in the corresponding quasienergy gap and
characterizes the Z2 Floquet topology. The applications of our theory are illustrated via one- and
two-dimensional models that are accessible in current quantum simulation experiments. Our work
provides a highly feasible way to detect the Z2 Floquet topology and completes the dynamical
characterization for the full tenfold classes of Floquet topological phases, which shall advance the
research in theory and experiments.

I. INTRODUCTION Not only restricted in equilibrium systems, the no-

tion of topological phases has also been proposed and
The discovery of topological quantum states [1–3] has realized in Floquet systems [23–35], where the periodic
revolutionized the classification of fundamental phases driving provides a versatile approach to create and engi-
of quantum matter. One of the most famous examples neer topological matters [36–43]. Like the static systems,
is the integer quantum Hall effect in a two-dimensional the periodically driven matters can be characterized by
(2D) electron gas [4], where the Hall conductance is quasienergy states with Floquet bands obtained from the
quantized and is proportional to the Thouless-Kohmoto- effective Floquet Hamiltonian [44, 45]. However, the Flo-
Nightingale-den Nijs (TKNN) number [5], a topological quet topological phases cannot be fully understood via
invariant that depends only on the global property of the the topological indices from Floquet Hamiltonian due to
equilibrium ground state. This is sharply distinct from the additional periodicity in time domain, and anomalous
the celebrated Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson framework [6], Floquet topological phases have been observed, where the
where the quantum phases are classified by symmetry number of edge modes within each bulk band gap is not
breaking and are characterized by local order parame- uniquely determined by the total topological invariants
ters. The studies of topological quantum phases have of Floquet bands below this gap [25, 27, 46]. To charac-
further become a mainstream of research in condensed terize the Floquet topological phases, new topological in-
matter physics since the discovery of topological insula- variants involving the micromotion throughout the entire
tors [7–10], and a full classification of free-fermion topo- driving period, captured either by the unitary evolution
logical systems has been achieved through the tenfold operator [47, 48] (equivalently, we can also consider a set
way periodic table [11–14], where each topological phase of micromotion-parameterized effective Floquet Hamilto-
is either characterized by an integer invariant or by a Z2 nians [49]) or by the topologically protected singularities
topological index. The most salient and ubiquitous fea- in the so-called phase bands [50], have been proposed,
ture of these states is the so-called bulk-boundary cor- which further provide a tenfold way classification of the
respondence, which states that a system with nontrivial free-fermion Floquet topological phases [48, 51]. How-
bulk topology shall host protected gapless modes at the ever, it is still challenging to detect a generic Floquet
boundary [15–17]. This correspondence is the foundation topological state in practical experiments due to the com-
for many experimental detection schemes in quantum plexity of these invariants.
materials, such as the transport measurement [10, 18, 19]
Recently, considerable efforts have been devoted to de-
and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy [20–22].
tecting topological quantum phases via quench dynam-
ics [52–55] and studying dynamical topological phenom-
ena therein [56–63]. In particular, a dynamical detec-
tion scheme was proposed in Ref. [64] and following stud-
∗ lin.zhang@icfo.eu ies [65, 66] to characterize the Floquet topological phases

using quantum quenches, which is built on the Floquet metric about a generic reference time t∗ instead of the
generalization of the so-called dynamical bulk-surface trigger time t = 0 of quantum quenches in Sec. IV. Fi-
correspondence for equilibrium topological phases [67– nally, the conclusion is provided in Sec. V. More details
71]. This correspondence shows that the bulk topology are shown in the appendices.
of a generic dD system has a universal one-to-one corre-
spondence to the dynamical topological patterns emerg-
ing on certain lower-dimensional momentum subspace II. ILLUSTRATION OF DYNAMICAL
called (higher-order) band-inversion surfaces (BISs) after CHARACTERIZATION VIA 1D FLOQUET
quenching the system from a trivial phase to the topolog- TOPOLOGICAL PHASES
ical regime, providing the dynamical characterization of
topological phases, which can be even generalized to non- In this section, we start with a simple 1D periodically
Hermitian [72, 73] and higher-order [74–77] topological driven model to illustrate the dynamical characterization
systems. As the dynamical topological patterns on BISs scheme. The corresponding Hamiltonian is given by
can be measured directly [78–86], the dynamical char-
acterization scheme of Floquet topological phases pro- H(k, t) = [µ(t)−2t0 cos k]σz +2∆(sin kσx +sin 2kσy ) (1)
posed in Ref. [64] is highly feasible and has been demon-
with the driving µ(t) = µ0 + µd cos ωt of period T =
strated in experiments very recently [87, 88]. Neverthe-
2π/ω. Here t0 is the hopping coefficient, and µ0,d (or ∆)
less, this scheme so far is only applicable to periodically
resembles the Zeeman potential (spin-orbit coupling co-
driven systems with integer invariants and is still far away
efficient). The Pauli matrices are denoted by σx,y,z and
from completion, especially for the free-fermion Floquet
are referred to as pseudo spins. To facilitate the discus-
topological systems, where the states can also be charac-
sions, we divide the above Hamiltonian into the static
terized by Z2 invariants. Whether a general framework
part Hs = h · σ with µd = 0 and the periodically driven
of dynamical characterization theory can be established
part V (t) = µd cos ωtσz . Due to the particle-hole sym-
for these Floquet topological phases is an open question,
metry ΞH(k, t)Ξ−1 = −H(−k, t) with Ξ = σx K, where
whose resolution is crucial to advance this research topic
K is the complex conjugation operator, the Floquet topo-
and benefits the experimental studies.
logical phase (1) belongs to class D and is characterized
In this work, we establish the first full and unified dy- by Z2 invariants [48, 50, 51]. Usually, detecting such a
namical characterization theory for Z2 Floquet topolog- phase is quite involved and requires the information in
ical phases of different dimensionality and tenfold-way the whole momentum-time space, which is hard to ac-
symmetry classes based on a recent work for equilib- cess in practical experiments. To address this issue, here
rium Z2 topological phases [71]. By introducing the we introduce a highly feasible scheme to characterize the
highest-order BISs in the 0 and π quasienergy gaps, we bulk Z2 Floquet topology based on the higher-order BISs.
show that a generic dD Z2 Floquet topological phase can
be characterized by the 0D topological patterns emerg-
ing in the stroboscopic time-averaged spin textures af- A. Band-inversion surfaces for Floquet systems
ter quenching the system from a trivial and static initial
state to the topological regime through suddenly chang- The concept of (higher-order) BISs was at first pro-
ing the parameters and turning on the periodic driving. posed to characterize the equilibrium integer topological
The dynamical invariants on these two types of BISs phases [67, 70], where the n-th order BISs (denoted as
uniquely determine the Floquet edge modes in the 0 and n-BISs) are defined as the momentum subspaces with n
π quasienergy gaps, respectively, hence providing a full vanishing Hamiltonian components. Recently, this con-
and feasible dynamical characterization of the Z2 Floquet cept has also been adopted to describe the static Z2 topo-
topological phases both in the conventional and anoma- logical phase by connecting it to a higher-dimensional
lous sense. We illustrate the applications of this theory integer topological phase of the same symmetry class
via the one- and two-dimensional models. Together with via dimension extension [71], and the BISs for the Z2
Ref. [64], our work completes the dynamical characteri- topology are inherited from the corresponding parent in-
zation for the full tenfold classes of Floquet topological teger phase. For the static topological phase Hs with-
phases, which shall advance the research in theory and out periodic driving, the 0D highest-order 2-BIS [89] ex-
experiments. ists if |µ0 | < 2t0 and corresponds to the momenta with
The remaining part of this article is organized as fol- hz (k) = 0, on which the decoupled hz -bands cross with
lows. In Sec. II, we first illustrate the characterization each other while the nonzero field hx,y opens a topologi-
scheme via a simple 1D periodically driven model. Then cal gap and characterizes the static Z2 topology.
the central result of this work is presented in Sec. III, Here we generalize the higher-order BIS characteriza-
where we provide the dynamical characterization theory tion into periodically driven Z2 topological systems. To
for a generic dD Z2 Floquet topological phase of the this end, we consider the quasienergy spectra of the time-
tenfold-way symmetry classes and further show its ap- periodic Hamiltonian given by the quasienergy operator
plication in two dimensions. We also discuss the validity Q(t) ≡ H(t) − i∂t [90]. In the extended Hilbert space
and modifications of our theory for driven systems sym- F = H ⊗ LT , where H is the physical Hilbert space and

(a) (b) crossings (i.e., BISs) in the Floquet Brillouin zone (FBZ)
[−π/T, π/T ] and divide them into two categories accord-
ing to their positions. Specifically, the band crossings

formed at the center (border) of FBZ are called the 0

Quasienergy index
(c) (or π) gap BISs and are denoted as 2-BISs0(π) , respec-
Quench tively. The off-diagonal blocks Ṽ coupling the neighbor-
ing copies and the finite hx,y further open gaps at these
Driving BISs, rendering the Floquet Z2 topological phase.

- + - + -
B. Floquet Z2 invariant

We now characterize the Z2 Floquet topology based

only on the minimal information of Floquet bands in the
FBZ, which are captured by the Floquet Hamiltonian
Figure 1. Dynamical scheme to characterize the 1D Z2 Flo- HF ≡ (i/T ) log U (T ) with U (t) = T exp[−i 0 dτ H(τ )]
quet topological phase. (a) Quasienergy band structure and and T denoting the time ordering. For the periodically
higher-order BISs. The Floquet bands (solid lines) in the FBZ driven system (1), the Floquet Hamiltonian takes the
(shadow region) can be obtained by opening the finite gaps form of HF = hF · σ. Unlike the static topological phase
at the crossings of the copied and shifted decoupled hz -bands studied in Ref. [71], we now need to define two Z2 invari-
labeled by 0, ±1, . . . (red and blue dashed lines represent ants associated with the q = 0 or π gap BISs as
σz = ±1, respectively), which define the 2-BIS points in the 0
(orange dashed circles) or π (green dashed circles) quasienergy
νq = eiπ(sgn[hF,α (kR )]−sgn[hF,α (kL )])/2 |2-BISq , (3)
gaps. (b) Quasienergy spectrum under open boundary con-
ditions with 160 lattice sites. Both the 0 and π quasienergy
gaps support nontrivial edge modes (red dots). (c) Quantum
where hF,α (α = x or y) should be nonzero on the left
quench protocol. At time t = 0, the static initial state fully (right) point kL(R) of the 2-BISq with hF,z (k) = 0. Since
polarized in the σz axis is quenched to the Floquet topologi- the gap opening at BISs directly reflects the changes of Z2
cal regime by suddenly changing the parameters and turning topology, the Floquet invariant νq naturally characterizes
on the periodic driving. (d) Stroboscopic time-averaged spin the boundary modes in the corresponding quasienergy
textures. The vanishing spin polarizations in all directions gaps [Fig. 1(b)], while the topology of Floquet bands is
determine the 2-BIS0 points k1L(R) and the 2-BISπ points determined by ν0 · νπ . Moreover, as the BISs can be eas-
k2L(R) , where the nonzero dynamical fields gx,y are shown in ily identified from the quantum quenches, the above BIS
red (or orange) arrows. In the left panel, the regions with characterization further facilitates the dynamical detec-
hF,z ≷ 0 are labeled by the symbols “±”, respectively. Here tion of Z2 Floquet topological phases, as presented below.
we set µ0 = 3t0 , µd = 3t0 , ∆ = 0.2t0 , and ω = 4t0 .

C. Dynamical detection
LT is the space of T -periodic functions with bases eimωt
labeled by integer m, the operator Q can be written as a
block-tridiagonal matrix form We consider the quantum dynamics induced by
quenching an initially fully polarized state with density

 matrix ρ0 for µ0 ≫ t0 , ω to the Floquet topological phase
. (1) at time t = 0 through suddenly changing the pa-
 † 
Ṽ Hs + ω Ṽ  rameters and turning on the periodic driving [Fig. 1(c)].
 
Q= † (2)
 Ṽ Hs Ṽ 
 The BISs and Floquet topology can be characterized dy-
† namically based on the stroboscopic time-averaged spin

 Ṽ Hs − ω Ṽ  
.. textures [64]
N −1
RT 1 X
with Ṽ ≡ (1/T ) 0 dt e−iωt V (t). From the above for- ⟨σi (k)⟩ ≡ lim ⟨σi (k, t = nT )⟩, (4)
N →∞ N
mula, the Floquet system can be considered as a multi- n=0
band system, where the static Hamiltonian Hs are copied
and shifted by energies mω (m = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . ), leading where ⟨σi (k, t)⟩ = Tr[ρ0 (k)U † (k, t)σi U (k, t)] for i =
to more band crossings. In Fig. 1(a), we show an example x, y, z is the spin polarization measured at time t. The
of the copied and shifted decoupled hz -bands (labeled by numerical results are shown in Fig. 1(d), from which two
m and with σz = ±1) for ω = 4t0 , where the m = −1 pairs of momenta with ⟨σx,y,z (k)⟩ = 0 can be identi-
band with σz = +1 now has crossings with the m = 0, fied. Due to U (nT ) = exp(−iHF · nT ), we can readily
+1 bands with σz = −1. Since the Floquet bands are re- obtain ⟨σi ⟩ = −hF,z hF,i /|hF |2 , which vanishes at the
peated in the quasienergy domain, we focus on the band momenta with hF,z or hF,i = 0. Thus the above two

pairs of momenta indeed measure the 2-BIS0,π , respec- dD Brillouin zone

tively. The Z2 Floquet invariant in each quasienergy
gap can be further detected through the dynamical field
gi (k) ≡ −(1/Nk )∂k⊥ ⟨σi (k)⟩|2-BIS , which quantifies the
variation slope of ⟨σi ⟩ across the 2-BIS and is propor-
tional to hF,i [91]. Here Nk is a normalization factor
and k⊥ denotes the direction pointing from the region
hF,z < 0 to hF,z > 0. As shown in Figs. 1(b) and 1(d),
the opposite gx,y on the 2-BIS0,π manifests the nontrivial
Z2 Floquet invariant ν0 = νπ = −1, consistent with the
edge modes in each quasienergy gap.


CHARACTERIZATION SCHEMES Figure 2. Schematic diagram for the BIS Floquet Z2 invari-
ant. The higher-order 1D (d′ − 1)-BISs are categorized into
BISs belonging to the 0 quasienergy gap (orange dashed lines)
In this section, we develop the dynamical characteri-
or the π quasienergy gap (purple dashed line) according to the
zation scheme for a generic dD Z2 Floquet topological Floquet band structure. On the j-th (d′ − 1)-BIS in the q = 0
system of the tenfold-way symmetry classes and show its or π gap, the corresponding 0D d′ -BIS points (red or blue
application to a 2D time-reversal invariant Floquet topo- dots) are grouped into Nq,j symmetric point pairs (i′j , i′′j ), to
logical model. each of which a nonzero dynamical field gαij ∈ {gd , . . . , gd′ }
is assigned, giving the Floquet Z2 invariant νq [see Eq. (8)].
Here the middle rings are single-connected (d′ − 1)-BISs with
A. Generic Z2 Floquet topological phases Nπ,j1 and N0,j2 point pairs, respectively, while the other two
circles represent the j3 -th (d′ − 1)-BIS with two disconnected
but symmetrically related parts.
We consider the following periodically driven Hamil-
tonian in the Altland-Zirnbauer tenfold symmetry
classes [48, 51] of class D, for which the only particle-hole symmetry
′ does not impose any constraint on the driven parame-
d d
X X ters λ(t). On the other hand, for the Floquet systems
H[k; λ(t)] = hi [k; λ(t)]γi + hi [k; λ(t)]γi , (5)
with synthetic dimensions d > 3 [94–96] and only with
i=0 i=d+1
the particle-hole symmetry, we also assume in this work
which is parameterized by a collection of parameters the above requirement to be satisfied for simplicity, which
λℓ (t) = λℓ (t + T ), such as the driven magnetic field has covered a broad range of topological states.
and hopping coefficients. The Clifford algebra γ satisfies
{γi , γj } = 2δij and mimics a (pseudo) spin of dimension-
′ B. Dynamical characterization
ality nd′ = 2⌈d /2⌉ , where ⌈·⌉ denotes the ceiling function.
This model covers all the Z2 -classified symmetry classes
We now generalize the dynamical characterization the-
in the tenfold way of different dimensionality [71]. In
ory shown in Sec. II to the generic dD Z2 Floquet topo-
the absence of periodic driving, the static Hamiltonian
logical phase. Similar to the 1D periodically driven sys-
H(k; λ) with d′ = d+1 (or d+2) describes a dD first (sec-
tem, we consider the quench dynamics starting from an
ond) descendant Z2 topological phase [14, 92, 93]. The
initial state fully polarized in the γ0 axis. Then the Z2
driven parameters λ(t) further bring this system into the
Floquet topology can be characterized by the emergent
interesting Floquet topological regime.
dynamical topology on the highest-order BISs.
For the Z2 Floquet topological phases, the symme-
For the generic topological phase (5), the Floquet
tries play an important role. Particularly, it has been
Hamiltonian is given as (see Appendix B)
shown that under the symmetries of Altland-Zirnbauer
tenfold classes, the Hamiltonian coefficient is either odd d
X d

or even with respect to the momentum k [71]. Here we HF (k) = hF,i (k)γi + hF,i (k)γi . (6)
assume h0 to be an even function without loss of general- i=0 i=d+1
ity. With this, we can prove that the periodically driven
parameters need to satisfy λℓ (t) = λℓ (−t) for the systems The corresponding higher-order n-BIS ≡ {k|hF,i = 0, i =
with time-reversal symmetry ΘH(k, t)Θ−1 = H(−k, −t) 0, 1, . . . , n + d − d′ − 1} is a (d′ − n)D symmetric sub-
and/or chiral symmetry ΠH(k, t)Π−1 = −H(k, −t); see space in the Brillouin zone [71] and can be detected by
Appendix A. This constraint applies to most of the Flo- the stroboscopic time-averaged spin textures ⟨γi (k)⟩ =
quet Z2 classifications under physical dimensions (i.e., −hF,0 hF,i /|hF |2 . We first note that the (d − 1)D lowest-
d = 1, 2, 3) [48, 51], except for the 1D topological phases order (d′ − d + 1)-BIS(i) with only hF,i = 0 is determined

by the momenta where ⟨γα ⟩ = 0 for all α if i = 0 or by the C. Application to the 2D time-reversal invariant
momenta with ⟨γi ⟩ = 0 while not on the (d′ −d+1)-BIS(0) Floquet topological phases
for i ̸= 0. With these basic BISs, the higher-order BISs
can be dynamically constructed as We now utilize the above generic dynamical scheme to
characterize the following 2D Floquet topological phase

\ −1
n+d−d H(k, t) = h(k, t) · γ (9)
n-BIS = (d′ − d + 1)-BIS(i) . (7)
h0 (k, t) = m(t) − 2t0 cos kx − 2t0 cos ky
Which quasienergy gap the higher-order BIS belongs to − 2t′0 cos(kx + ky ) − 2t′0 cos(kx − ky ),
is determined by the Floquet band structure. We would h1,2 (k) = 2tso sin kx,y , h3,4 (k) = 2tso sin(kx ± ky ).
like to mention that the definition of higher-order BISs
is actually not unique and the n-BIS can also be defined Here t0 , t′0 (or tso ) denote the spin-conserved (-flipped)
through any other (n+d−d′ ) Floquet Hamiltonian coeffi- hopping coefficients. Instead of the simple harmonic
cients and the corresponding (d′ −d+1)-BISs, which does driving, here we consider the polychromatic square-
not change the result of dynamical characterization. On wave magnetization, given by m(t) = m0 + 2md /π (or
the other hand, as the Floquet bands are symmetric with m0 − 2md /π) for −T /4 ≤ t < T /4 (or T /4 ≤ t < 3T /4),
respect to the momentum, the (d−1)D basic BISs used to to show the wide validity of our theory. We take γ0 =
construct the higher-order BISs should include those de- σ0 ⊗ τz , γ1 = σz ⊗ τx , γ2 = σ0 ⊗ τy , γ3 = σx ⊗ τx , and
fined by parity even Hamiltonian coefficients, from which γ4 = σy ⊗ τx , with σi and τi being Pauli matrices. The
the 0 or π gap n-BISs can be most easily identified. This 2D Floquet phase (9) possesses the time-reversal sym-
is also necessary for the trivial Z2 phases with multiple metry ΘH(k, t)Θ−1 = H(−k, −t) with Θ = −iσy ⊗ τ0 K
parity even Hamiltonian coefficients. and belongs to class AII with Z2 invariant. In Figs. 3(a)
and 3(b), we show the quasienergy spectra in the peri-
We further introduce the dynamical field gi (k) = odic boundary conditions and for a cylindrical geometry
−(1/Nk )∂k⊥ ⟨γi (k)⟩ on the 0D highest-order d′ -BISs, with open boundary condition in the y direction, respec-
where k⊥ is perpendicular to the (d′ − d + 1)-BIS(0) and tively, with m0 = t0 , md = 3t0 , and ω = 7t0 . There exist
points to the side with hF,0 > 0. The dynamical field protected gapless helical edge modes both in the 0 and π
gi is proportional to hF,i . Then the Floquet topological quasienergy gaps.
phases can be fully characterized by the Z2 invariants We study the quench dynamics from a fully polarized
defined in the q = 0 and π quasienergy gaps and cap- initial state in the γ0 axis by setting m0 ≫ t0 and ω = 0
tured by the dynamical topological pattern introduced to the above nontrivial Floquet topological regime. The
in Ref. [71] stroboscopic time-averaged spin textures are shown in
Figs. 3(c0)-3(c4), where six ring-shaped structures with
vanishing spin polarizations emerge in all the plots of
Y Y 1
[sgn(gα ′ )+ηq,j sgn(gα ,i′′ )] ⟨γα ⟩ for α = 0, 1, . . . , 4, identifying the 1D lowest-order
ij ,ij
νq = (−1) 2 ij j
3-BISs(0) with hF,0 = 0. Besides, there are additional
j ij ∈d′ -BISs on the
(d′ −1)-BISq,j
lines with ⟨γi ⟩ = 0 for i ̸= 0 in the corresponding
(8) spin texture, capturing the 3-BISs(i) with hF,i = 0. In
with nonzero gαij ∈ {gd , . . . , gd′ } of the same parity, Fig. 3(d), we use 3-BISs(0) and 3-BISs(1) to construct
which uniquely determines the Floquet boundary modes the 0D highest-order 4-BISs. According to the Floquet
in the corresponding quasienergy gap. Here the first band structure [Fig. 3(a)], the 4-BIS points on the outer
product is performed over all of the 1D (d′ − 1)-th 3-BIS(0) that surrounds the k = (0, 0) point belong to
order BISs in the quasienergy gap q, while the sec- the 0 quasienergy gap, while the others represent the
ond product is performed over the Nq,j pairs of d′ -BIS 4-BISsπ . We assign a nonzero dynamical field gαi to
points (i′j , i′′j ) located symmetrically on the j-th single- each symmetric point pair of these 4-BISs, with which
connected (d′ − 1)-BISq,j or the (d′ − 1)-BISq,j with two we can obtain the Z2 invariant ν0 = −1 and νπ = −1,
disconnected but symmetrically related parts (see Fig. 2), characterizing the Floquet topological phase.
for which we have ηq,j = (−1)Nq,j or ηq,j = −1, respec- We would like to mention that the dynamical char-
tively. The above characterization scheme involves only acterization scheme built on the BISs requires the Flo-
minimal information about the Floquet system that can quet bands in the FBZ to be gapped. For the special
be detected in the quantum quench dynamics, hence is 2D time-reversal invariant driven system with only two
highly feasible in real experiments. Particularly, together bands as considered in Ref. [50], the bulk Floquet bands
with the integer Floquet topological phases studied in are related by the time-reversal symmetry and the cor-
Ref. [64], the above results complete the dynamical char- responding gap necessitates to close at high symmetry
acterization for the full tenfold classes of Floquet topo- momenta, leading to a gapless Floquet Hamiltonian HF ,
logical phases. to which our approach is not applicable.

(a) (b) t∗ = 0 and have the relation H(k, t; t∗ ) = H(k, t − t∗ ) for

a generic reference time t∗ .

A. Direct measurements

We first consider the dynamical characterization

(c0) (c1) (c2)
scheme proposed above without any modifications. The
time evolution operator over one period now reads
U (T ; t∗ ) ≡ T e−i 0
dτ H(τ ;t∗ )

′′ ′ (t∗ )
= e−iH (T −2t∗ )
· e−iH ·2t∗
= e−iHF T

(c3) (c4) (d) where we have H ′ = (i/2t∗ ) log U (t∗ , −t∗ ) and
H ′′ = [i/(T − 2t∗ )] log U (T − t∗ , t∗ ) with U (tf , ti ) ≡
T exp[−i tif dτ H(τ )]. Similar to the proof in Appendix
B, one can readily show that H ′ and H ′′ take the form
of Dirac Hamiltonians, i.e., H ′ = h′ · γ and H ′′ = h′′ · γ.
Therefore, the time P evolution P
operator in general is given
by U (T ; t∗ ) = uc −i i ui γi − i<j uij γi γj for certain co-
(t )
efficients uc , ui and uij . On the other hand, since HF ∗ =
(t )
Figure 3. Detecting the 2D time-reversal invariant Floquet U † (0, −t∗ )HF U (0, −t∗ ), we have [HF ∗ ]2 = |hF |2 and
topological phase. (a), (b) Quasienergy spectra in the peri- (t )
odic boundary conditions (a) and for a cylindrical geometry
U (T ; t∗ ) = cos(|hF |T ) − i sin(|hF |T )HF ∗ /|hF |. Thus
with open boundary condition in the y direction (b), where the Floquet Hamiltonian with reference time t∗ takes the
the helical gapless boundary modes on one of the edges in form of
the 0 and π quasienergy gaps are presented. (c0)-(c4) Stro-
(t ) (t ) (t )
boscopic time-averaged spin textures. Here six ring-shaped HF ∗ (k) = hF,i∗ (k)γi + ∗
hF,ij (k)iγi γj .
structures with ⟨γα ⟩ = 0 for all α emerge, identifying the 1D 0≤i≤d′ 0≤i<j≤d′
basic 3-BISs(0) with vanishing hF,0 in the 0 quasienergy gap (11)
(orange dashed line) and π quasienergy gap (purple dashed For this Hamiltonian, our dynamical characterization
lines), respectively, according to the Floquet band structure may not be directly applicable in general, since mea-
(a). Besides, the spin polarization ⟨γi ⟩ with i = 1, 2, 3, 4 also suring the stroboscopic spin polarization ⟨γi (nT )⟩ =
vanishes on the black dashed lines in (c1)-(c4), giving the cor-
Tr[ρ0 U † (nT ; t∗ )γi U (nT ; t∗ )] is equivalent to detecting
responding 3-BISs(i) with hF,i = 0. (d) Dynamical topologi-
the observable U (0, −t∗ )γi U † (0, −t∗ ) in the quantum
cal pattern. The 0D highest-order 4-BISs (red or blue dots)
quench dynamics governed by Floquet Hamiltonian HF
are constructed as the intersections of 3-BISs(0) and 3-BISs(1) . (t )
We assign a nonzero dynamical field gαij ∈ {g2 , g3 , g4 } with and with initial state ρ0 ∗ = U (0, −t∗ )ρ0 U † (0, −t∗ ),
the sign indicated by “±” to each symmetric point pair of which is quite complicated and from which the BISs are
the 4-BISs, which gives the Floquet Z2 invariant ν0 = −1 hard to be extracted.
and νπ = −1. Here we set m0 = t0 , md = 3t0 , t′0 = 0.5t0 , Nevertheless, there exist a broad range of driving
tso = 0.5t0 , and ω = 7t0 . protocols with hi [k; λ(t)] = f (t)hi (k; λ) for all i >
0 and certain periodic function f , such as the mod-
els with hopping coefficients being driven by the same
IV. FLOQUET TOPOLOGICAL SYSTEMS function, to which our dynamical characterization still
WITH GENERIC REFERENCE TIME can be applied directly. Here the quench process is
still along the axis γ0 . For P these protocols, we have
H ′ (k) = h′0 (k)γP ′
0 + χ (k)
i>0 hi (k)γi and H (k) =
In the above discussions, the periodically driven Hamil-
h′′0 (k)γ0 + χ′′ (k) i>0 hi (k)γi by using the trick shown
tonians are assumed to be symmetric about the trig-
in Appendix B, and the corresponding Floquet Hamilto-
ger time t = 0 of the quantum quench dynamics. In (t ) (t∗ )
this section, we further discuss the dynamical char- nian satisfies hF,i∗ (k) = χ(t∗ ) (k)hi (k) and hF,ij (k) = 0
acterization for Floquet topological phases H(k, t; t∗ ) for 0 < i < j, where χ’s are certain even functions.
that are symmetric about a generic reference time Although the Floquet Hamiltonian still takes a compli-
(t∗ )
t∗ , i.e., ΘH(k, t; t∗ )Θ−1 = H(−k, 2t∗ − t; t∗ ) and cated form with nonzero hF,0i , the corresponding strobo-
ΠH(k, t; t∗ )Π−1 = −H(k, 2t∗ − t; t∗ ). As before, we use scopic time-averaged spin polarization now simplifies to
(t∗ ) (t∗ )
the notation H(k, t) for the Floquet Hamiltonian with ⟨γi (k)⟩ = −hF,0 hF,i /|hF |2 , which effectively measures

(a0) (a1) (a2) (a0) (a1) (a2)

(a3) (a4) (b) (a3) (a4) (b)

Figure 4. Direct measurement of the 2D time-reversal in- Figure 5. Characterizing the 2D time-reversal invariant Flo-
variant Floquet topological phase with reference time t∗ = quet topological phase with reference time t∗ = 0.45T via
0.45T . (a0)-(a4) Stroboscopic time-averaged spin textures, modified stroboscopic time averages. (a0-a4) The modified
(t∗ ) stroboscopic time-averaged spin textures. Here the gray
from which the 1D 3-BISs(0) with vanishing hF,0 in the 0
quasienergy gap (orange dashed line) and π quasienergy gap dashed lines represent the dBISs, on which the spin polar-
(t )
(purple dashed line) as well as the 3-BISs(i) with hF,i∗ = 0 izations ⟨γα (k; t∗ )⟩ vanish for all α. In each spin texture
for i > 0 (black dashed lines) can be identified. (b) The 0D ⟨γi (k; t∗ )⟩ for i = 0, 1, . . . , 4, other dashed lines (orange, pur-
4-BISs (red and blue dots) constructed from 3-BISs(0) and ple, or black) represent the 3-BISs(i) with hF,i = 0. (b) Topo-
3-BISs(1) and the corresponding dynamical field gαij . The logical pattern. Here the highest-order 4-BISs (red or blue
resulting Floquet Z2 invariants are given by ν0 = −1 and dots) are constructed from the 3-BISs(0) in 0 (orange) or π
νπ = −1. The parameters are the same as in Fig. 3. (purple) quasienergy gaps and the 3-BISs(4) . The correspond-
ing dynamical field g3 and g2 give us the Floquet Z2 invariants
ν0 = −1 and νπ = −1. The parameters are the same as in
the Z2 topology of the Floquet Hamiltonian Fig. 3.

(t ) (t∗ ) (t )
H̃F ∗ (k) = hF,0 (k)γ0 + hF,i∗ (k)γi . (12) the zero momentum, only the positions are slightly de-
(t )
i>0 formed. We note that H̃F ∗ is the exact Floquet Hamil-
∗ (t ) tonian when t∗ = 0 or T /2. When increasing t∗ from zero
This Floquet phase may be gapless when both hF,0 and
(t∗ ) to T /2, the 3-BISs(0) evolve from the one at t∗ = 0 into
χ vanish at certain momenta for certain t∗ . However,
(t ) those at t∗ = T /2, during which the relative positions of
we can prove that the effective Hamiltonian H̃F ∗ has BISs in the 0 and π gaps in general do not change.
the same Floquet Z2 invariant as H(k, t) whenever it is (t )
The 3-BISs(i) with vanishing hF,i∗ for i > 0 can also
gapped; see Appendix C. Therefore, the dynamical topo-
be identified from the spin textures. Now the momenta
logical patterns emerging in the spin texture ⟨γi (k)⟩ still
with χ(t∗ ) = 0 (black dashed circles in Fig. 4) have moved
characterize the desired Z2 Floquet topology. Note that (0)
the 1D Floquet topological phases of class D are very spe- from the region between 3-BIS0 and 3-BIS(0) π (cf. Fig. 3)
cial, for which the Floquet Hamiltonian always takes the to the outside region, manifesting that there exists refer-
(t′∗ ) ′
form of Dirac Hamiltonian and the above requirement for ence time 0 < t′∗ < t∗ such that hF,0 = χ(t∗ ) = 0 for the
the periodic driving is not necessary. considered model and the corresponding effective Hamil-
(t′ ) (t )
As an example, we consider the 2D time-reversal in- tonian H̃F ∗ becomes gapless [note that H̃F ∗ is gapped].
variant Floquet topological phase studied in Sec. III C ′
The range for these t∗ is quite small from the numerical
but now with reference time t∗ = 0.45T . It is clear that calculations, which does not affect most of the dynami-
the above requirement for the driving protocol is satis- cal characterizations. Indeed, the dynamical topological
fied. The directly measured stroboscopic time-averaged pattern shown in Fig. 4(b) characterizes the desired Z2
spin textures are shown in Figs. 4(a0)-4(a4). Compared Floquet topology.
with the results for t∗ = 0 (cf. Fig. 3), the 1D 3-BISs(0)
with hF,0 = 0 in the π quasienergy gap and across the
boundaries of Brillouin zone now disappear. As these B. Modified stroboscopic time averages
BISs does not encircle any topological charge momentum
with hF,i = 0 for all i > 0, this change does not close the For more general Floquet topological systems with ref-
quasienergy gaps, and the Z2 Floquet topology is unaf- erence time t∗ , although the direct measurements are no
fected. On the other hand, for the 3-BISs(0) encircling longer applicable, our dynamical characterization scheme

still works after slight modifications. First, instead of the highest-order 4-BISs [Fig. 5(b)], which have different
measuring from time t = 0, we consider the modified positions compared with those shown in Fig. 3. Never-
stroboscopic time-averaged spin polarizations [64] theless, the dynamical Floquet Z2 invariants ν0 and νπ
remain unchanged, where the corresponding dynamical
N −1
1 X fields gαij now are chosen from the set {g1 , g2 , g3 }.
⟨γi (k; t∗ )⟩ ≡ lim ⟨γi (k, t = t∗ + nT )⟩. (13)
N →∞ N

Note that due to U (t∗ + nT ; t∗ ) = U (nT, 0) · U (0, −t∗ ), V. CONCLUSION

the spin polarization ⟨γi (t = t∗ + nT )⟩ is equivalent to
measuring the operator γi at t = nT under the time In conclusion, we have established the first full and
evolution of Floquet Hamiltonian HF with initial state unified dynamical characterization theory for Z2 Flo-
(t )
ρ0 ∗ = U (0, −t∗ )ρ0 U † (0, −t∗ ). Hence the time-averaged quet topological phases of different dimensionality and
spin textures are given by tenfold-way symmetry classes using the minimal infor-
(t )
mation about the Floquet bands. We show that the
⟨γi (k; t∗ )⟩ = hF,i (k)Tr[ρ0 ∗ (k)HF (k)]/|hF (k)|2 . (14) Floquet Z2 topology can be completely characterized by
the topological patterns emerging in the quantum dy-
This is similar to the shallow quench from an incom- namics induced by quenching the system from a trivial
pletely polarized initial state studied in Ref. [71]. and static initial state to the Floquet topological regime.
The Z2 Floquet topology can be identified by slightly Particularly, the dynamical Z2 invariants defined on the
modifying the definition of BISs and dynamical fields. 0D highest-order BISs in the 0 and π quasienergy gaps
One can see that each spin texture ⟨γi (k; t∗ )⟩ van- uniquely capture the corresponding Floquet boundary
ishes on the momentum subspace given by either modes, hence providing a full dynamical characteriza-
(t )
Tr[ρ0 ∗ (k)HF (k)] = 0 or hF,i (k) = 0. Here we define the tion for the Z2 Floquet topological phases both in the
former as the dynamical band-inversion surface (dBIS) conventional and anomalous sense.
with the following characteristic Our theory can be applied to a broad range of pe-
riodically driven systems, and the measured quantities
dBIS = {k|⟨γα (k; t∗ )⟩ = 0, ∀α}, are easily accessible in current experiments. Therefore,
our work shall advance the experimental studies of Z2
which is induced by the quantum quench dynamics for
Floquet topological phases. Especially, for the quantum
Floquet topological phases with nonzero t∗ instead of the
simulation platforms based on ultracold atoms or solid-
Floquet Hamiltonian. Obviously, the dynamical band-
state spin systems, where the boundary physics is hard
inversion surface coincides with the (d − 1)D lowest-order
to simulate and measure, our dynamical characterization
(d′ − d + 1)-BIS(0) with vanishing hF,0 for the special scheme based on the BISs is extremely useful and pro-
case t∗ = 0. However, they are different in general. The vides a highly feasible method to detect the bulk topol-
(d′ − d + 1)-BIS(i) with hF,i = 0 (i = 0, 1, . . . , d′ ) now is ogy. On the other hand, our work completes the dy-
captured by the momenta with vanishing ⟨γi (k; t∗ )⟩ while namical characterization for the full tenfold classes of
not on the dBIS. With these basic BISs, the higher-order Floquet topological phases, which shall advance this re-
n-BISs can be constructed in the same way as shown in search topic. Especially, it would be interesting to further
Eq. (7). Further, since the spin polarization ⟨γi (k; t∗ )⟩ generalize our theory into more broad Floquet topolog-
does not always vanish on the highest-order BISs, the ical systems, such as those protected by the crystalline
dynamical field can be modified as or space-time symmetries [97–99], which is a meaningful
( future direction.
−(1/Nk )∂k⊥ ⟨γi (k; t∗ )⟩ if k is also on dBIS,
gi (k) =
ζk (1/Nk )⟨γi (k; t∗ )⟩ otherwise,
for k ∈ d′ -BIS. Here k⊥ is perpendicular to the dBIS and
(t )
points to the side with negative ζk = sgn(Tr[ρ0 ∗ HF ]). We acknowledge support from: ERC AdG NO-
Given these modifications, the Z2 Floquet invariant (8) QIA; MCIN/AEI (PGC2018-0910.13039/501100011033,
remains unchanged. CEX2019-000910-S/10.13039/501100011033, Plan Na-
In Figs. 5(a0)-5(a4), we show the modified stroboscopic tional FIDEUA PID2019-106901GB-I00, Plan National
time-averaged spin textures for the example of 2D time- STAMEENA PID2022-139099NB-I00 project funded by
reversal invariant Floquet topological phase with refer- MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the “Euro-
ence time t∗ = 0.45T . Both the dBIS and 3-BISs(i) pean Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR” (PRTR-C17.I1),
with hF,i = 0 for i = 0, 1, . . . , 4 can be identified. Re- FPI); QUANTERA MAQS PCI2019-111828-2); QUAN-
call that choosing which Floquet Hamiltonian coefficient TERA DYNAMITE PCI2022-132919 (QuantERA II
to define the highest-order BISs is actually not unique. Programme co-funded by European Union’s Horizon
Here we choose the 3-BISs(0) and 3-BISs(4) to construct 2020 program under Grant Agreement No 101017733),

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transforma- Here Θ and Ξ are anti-unitary operators, while Π is a
tion of the Spanish Government through the QUANTUM unitary operator. Under these symmetries, the matrix γi
ENIA project call – Quantum Spain project, and by transforms as
the European Union through the Recovery, Transforma-
tion, and Resilience Plan – NextGenerationEU within the
framework of the Digital Spain 2026 Agenda; Fundació Θ : γo → −γo , γe → γe ,
Cellex; Fundació Mir-Puig; Generalitat de Catalunya Ξ : γo → γo , γe → −γe , (A2)
(European Social Fund FEDER and CERCA program, Π : γo → −γo , γe → −γe ,
AGAUR Grant No. 2021 SGR 01452, QuantumCAT
\ U16-011424, co-funded by ERDF Operational Pro-
gram of Catalonia 2014-2020); Barcelona Supercomput- which can be identified from the static Hamiltonian.
ing Center MareNostrum (FI-2023-1-0013); EU Quan- Therefore, in the Floquet regime we have
tum Flagship (PASQuanS2.1, 101113690); EU Horizon
2020 FET-OPEN OPTOlogic (Grant No 899794); EU
Horizon Europe Program (Grant Agreement 101080086 ho [k; λ(t)] = −ho [−k; λ(−t)] = ho [k; λ(−t)],
– NeQST), ICFO Internal “QuantumGaudi” project; (A3)
he [k; λ(t)] = he [−k; λ(−t)] = he [k; λ(−t)]
European Union’s Horizon 2020 program under the for the time-reversal symmetry, and
Marie-Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847648; “La
Caixa” Junior Leaders fellowships, “La Caixa” Founda-
tion (ID 100010434): CF/BQ/PR23/11980043. Views ho(e) [k; λ(t)] = ho(e) [k; λ(−t)] (A4)
and opinions expressed are, however, those of the au-
thor(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the
European Union, European Commission, European Cli- for the chiral symmetry, leading to the result
mate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
(CINEA), or any other granting authority. Neither the
European Union nor any granting authority can be held λ(t) = λ(−t). (A5)
responsible for them.

On the other hand, the particle-hole symmetry only

Appendix A: Symmetry constraints on the periodic requires ho [k; λ(t)] = −ho [−k; λ(t)] and he [k; λ(t) =
driving he [−k; λ(t)], which does not impose any constraint on the
periodic driving λ(t). Nevertheless, we also assume the
In this Appendix, we discuss the symmetry constraints above requirement for Floquet topological phases only
imposed on the periodically driven parameters λℓ (t). with the particle-hole symmetry and of dimensionality
Here we denote ho(e) (k; λ) to be one of the static Hamil- d > 3 in this work, which has covered a broad range of
tonian coefficient of parity odd (even) with respect to the topological states.
momentum k.
We consider the time-reversal symmetry Θ, the
particle-hole symmetry Ξ, and the chiral symmetry Π,

ΘH(k, t)Θ−1 = H(−k, −t), Appendix B: Floquet Hamiltonian HF

ΞH(k, t)Ξ = −H(−k, t), (A1)
ΠH(k, t)Π = −H(k, −t).
In this Appendix, we show that the Floquet Hamiltonian for the periodically driven model (5) can be written as
HF = hF · γ. The proof is straightforward. We note that the Floquet Hamiltonian is given by HF = (i/T ) log U (T )
U (T ) = e−iH(T )δτ · · · e−iH(T /2+2δτ )δτ e−iH(T /2+δτ )δτ e−iH(T /2)δτ e−iH(T /2−δτ )δτ e−iH(T /2−2δτ )δτ · · · e−iH(0)δτ ,
where δτ is an infinitesimal time interval and exp(−iHδτ ) = cos(|h|δτ ) − i sin(|h|δτ )H/|h|. After some algebra, one
can readily show that
e−iH(T /2+δτ )δτ e−iH(T /2)δτ e−iH(T /2−δτ )δτ = uc − i ui γi ≡ e−i(h̃·γ)·3δτ (B2)

for the 1D Floquet topological phases of class D or for the symmetry constrained periodic driving hi (k, t) = hi (k, −t),
where uc and ui are certain functions of the Hamiltonian coefficients hi (T /2) and hi (T /2 ± δτ ). Repeating this

procedure, i.e., calculating exp[−iH(T /2 + 2δτ )δτ ] exp[−i(h̃ · γ) · 3δτ ] exp[−iH(T /2 − 2δτ )δτ ] and so on, we can obtain
HF = hF · γ.

(t ) (t )
Appendix C: Effective Hamiltonian H̃F ∗ for direct ever χ(t∗ ) ̸= 0. The effective Hamiltonian H̃F ∗ can be
measurements gapless only when both hF,0
(t∗ )
and χ(t∗ ) vanish at certain
momenta for certain t∗ . In general, the range of these t∗
In this Appendix, we study the quasienergy gap of the (t )
is quite small, and H̃F ∗ is fully gapped for most cases.
(t ) (t∗ )
Floquet phase associated with H̃F ∗ (k) = hF,0 (k)γ0 +
Pd′ (t∗ )
i>0 hF,i (k)γi and its topological properties, where we To study the topological properties, we consider a
(t ) (t∗ ) (t∗ ) (t )
have hF,i∗ (k)
= χ (k)hi (k) for i > 0 with χ (k) be- family of Hamiltonians H̃F ∗ parameterized by t∗ . For
ing certain even function [cf. Eq. (12)]. In the following, t∗ = 0, the effective Hamiltonian gives the exact Floquet
(t∗ ) (t )
we denote h̃F ≡ (hF,0 ∗ (t )

, hF,1
(t ) ∗
, . . . , hF,d
(t )
′ ) for brevity.
Hamiltonian HF . Clearly, H̃F ∗ and HF possess the same
We note that the Floquet Hamiltonian for reference symmetries. If the 0 and π quasienergy gaps are always
(t ) (t∗ ) gapped for all t∗ , then the Floquet phase associated with
time t∗ is given by HF ∗ (k) =
0≤i≤d′ hF,i (k)γi + (t )
P (t∗ ) (t∗ ) H̃F ∗ has the same Z2 topology as the original phase
i>0 hF,0i (k)iγ0 γi . Since |h̃F | is smaller than H(k, t). This is also valid for the cases whenever H̃F ∗
(t )
(t∗ )
the quasienergy of Floquet Hamiltonian, (|h̃F |2 + is gapped, although there may be certain reference time
P (t∗ ) 2 1/2 between 0 and t∗ at which the effective Hamiltonian be-
0<i≤d′ [hF,0i ] ) < π/T , the Floquet phase associated (t∗ )
(t ) comes gapless. The point is that since both hF,0 and
with H̃F ∗ is indeed gapped in the π quasienergy gap. On (t∗ )
the other hand, for the 0 quasienergy gap, we notice that χ are even functions of k, the close and reopening of
(t∗ ) 0 quasienergy gap for each Floquet band must occur at
hF,0 equals hF,0 and is nonzero at the momenta where
(t∗ )
pairs of symmetric momentum points, which shall not
hi = 0 for all i > 0. Thus h̃F is always finite when- affect the Z2 topology [100]. This completes the proof.

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