Sheffield Mileage Sept 2023 Redacted (Hatziefstathiou v. Chester County)

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COUNTY OF CHESTER EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTS ‘CHECK ONE APPROPRIATE PAY GROUP ONLY: [] cai-Fuu-time CONTROLLER'S USE ONLY: (1 cer-Part-TiMe PPE: C1 ews. 123 emeRGENcY SERVICES KEYED: O_ Pai-Pocorson DEPARTMENT NAME: __Department of Emergency Services DEPT #: 251300 ane] oer accouni] PRoveoT| actuary Peuocer] +] EMPLOYEE NAME NUMBER|CODE] CODE _| NUMBER |_GRANT CODE REF AMOUNT eso Sets al asiso0 | asoi00 | ooxotte | 2et000s ise TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS: | 13362 JCONTROLLER USE ONLY: 1011/23 VERIFIED BY: PAYROLL FORM: UPDATED #240 COUNTY OF CHESTER - EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT DETAIL Period: __w2023-102023 Page 4 Department Name: Emar Services Dept a: of 4 — nines ee secon, ewe mcs ent tone nen a ae tes vonescve: Oy geet Tie a vata tothe ne — svete commute, [oe “AREA COVERED Ce PARKING! | OTHER: ee ee cescurovan usouronTae omel nama [Eomancaennae ae eee eee oes ensl a ee ae| earsl ee —— Peer [ae ae ae —_— wies{ eel ne ee eee ts ass naual —a esc soes[ nama ee ay eal SS aT ee —— lPosstown, PA 10465 +4070] 140670] _ 16.0 iv trom hare to Owen J Roberts str Town Mal ao scanner ep aan sanpemeesseaes, sapocaaas ens OM cee le —_ oer ° me tase i axces of alowable Coun exper. ease Total Due: COUNTY OF CHESTER - EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT DETAIL.

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