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MARKS: 100
TIME:3 Hrs

following in about 100 words each. 2x4-8

1. Annotate any two of the

head. much it is what a person

person is able to hold in his
so as
a. Education is not what a

is able to find.
b. Yes. my first rank slipped to the secon.
several of rupees today, her life has no
grown by her are worth
c. Thought the trees
respite from poverty.

2. Annotate any two of the following in about 106 words each. 2x4-8

a asked the professors who teach the meaning of life to tell me what happiness is.
b. O my Luve's like a red, red rose

That's newiy sprung in June.

c. A food giver he is.

With ability to mitigate the sky's hunger.

3. Answer any two of the following in about 10 words each. 2x4-8

a. How do the two types of persons react to an overcast morning?

b What does the grandparents in his letter?
boy think of his
c. Why did Thimmakka and her husband decide to piant trees? Describe how hard they
tried to succeed in their mission.

4. Answer any two of the following in about i00 words each. 2x4-8

a. Explain the narrator's experience in finding out what nappiness is.

b. How is feeling of love expressed in A Red Red Rose?
c. How does the poem The Beggar describe the farmers pathetie physical

5. Answer the following in about 100 words each. 2x4-8

chosen to play
how Alan and his parents felt excited when he
a. . Write a paragraph on

for the school cricket match.

b. Helping the old is as good as playing the gane. Elucidate with reference to the stOry

6. Read the following passage carefully and the 5x1=5

answer questions.
And in the classroom next morning the boys gave Alan three loud cheers, as only schoolboys

can. for in some mysterious fashion they too had learned all about his kind act.
i From which story is this passage taken?

ii. Who is the writer of the story from which this passage is taken?

iii. Where and when did the schoolboys meet?

iv. What did they do?

Pick out the word from the passage which means 'strange'?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. 5x1=5

about six of the wealthiest men in Engiand in a book of

I notice the method applied to

interviews published by an able and well-known journalist.

(This is a single sentence with twenty-six words. It is taken from GK Chesterton's The

Worship of the Wealthy)

i. Who does the word 1' refer to in the passage?

ii. What did the narrator notice?

iii. Where did the narrator notice it?

iv. To whom was the method applied?

N. Which is the book mentioned here?


10 x 1 = 10
8. Match the following
a) unyielding, intlexible

b) willing to obey, dutitul

c) travel across
d) secondary, additional
V. Lopsy-turvy
cross e)great mental pain

V1. prattle ) telling a trivial lie

vii. traverse g)annoyed, angry

vii. obedient h) upside down

adamant i) reflect, think over


anguish j) repeat meaninglessly

9. Identify the 'parts of speech' of the following underlined words. 10x = 5
His (1) father opened (2) the door (3).
"Bravo!(4), Alan," he said, patting his little (5) son on (6) the back.
"But, Daddy," began Alan. But (7) his father interrupted (8) him.
It 9)'s alright, old (10) man," he said.
10. Fill in the following blanks with a, an or the. 10 x = 5
G) Oh father, it matters not to me
why () apple does not fallupwards, nor do I care what
Archimedes did. What matiers to me is that my rose plants remain
healthy; when there is
(2) fuse in my house. I should know do
something about it: i shouldknow to make
(3) desk for myself from my carpenters.
(ii) Can you bring me all
(4) empty coffee cups, please?
(iii) Abdul Kalam is (5) extraordinanary man.
(iv) Madhu is (6) cleverest boy in (7)class.
(v) Raghu wore (8) uniform which was crumpled.
(vi) People usually go for_ (9) walk in
11. Fill in the
(10) morning.
following blanks with suitable
'prepositions. 10 x %= 5
i) He has been absent () the elasses (2) last Friday.
ii) I
congratulated her (3) her success.
ii Yoga is good (4) heaith.
iv) Very few people can swim (5) the river Ganga.
) The five thieves shared the
stolen money (6) themselves.
vi) India got Independence
(7) 1947.
vii) Suresh goes to coliege (8) foot.
vi) Abraham Lincoln came (9) a
poor family.
ix) We cut the fruit
_(10) a knife.
12. Identify the 'silentconsonant' letters
i) 10 x % 5 =

Bright ii) doubt iii) hour iv)

neighbour v) wrong vi) handsome vii) knee
ix) Listen x) dawn vii) calm
13. Rewrite the
following, correcting the underlined errors.
i) Suma is an 5 x 1 = 5
popular anchor.
ii) I waited for a hour.
14. Supply the "nnissing letters' ihe
to tolie ing words. 0 =5
Sch i en ince iv) exe nt v)sp
vi) a enion vi pie
ge ix di inline

15. Circie any five of the words af the f}oying ittat sound different from ihc tner worgs ia tnai set
with regsrd to the sonds of the bold 'etters. 5x1-5
Sing iind
ii) Area great ide
iii) Strange energy get
iv Near bear fear
v Since easy SO'ry
vi Phone do
16. Write any five of the
feilowing transcriptions tsing ordinary English
spe!ling. 5x1-5
(P3:pas/ /fia i(edzo'keign
hazband pla.
plast i)stvet

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