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You work to live :

Working to live" means someone is just doing their job for money, not
because they like it.

They work hard to pay their bills and support their family, even if they
don't enjoy their job. This can make them unhappy and affect their work

Some people try to find joy in hobbies, but others feel stuck in this
routine. Even when they spend time with family, it's not a good way to
live because they spend a lot of time in an unhappy work environment.
In the other hand

Someone who works to live typically gives priority to their job to enjoy
their life outside of work , also to afford their desired lifestyle

It emphasizes the value of work as a tool for supporting a desired

lifestyle , also the importance of maintaining a balance between
professional responsiblities and personal life .

People appreciate and invest time in Relationship , hobbies, and

activities that bring personal satisfaction and happiness outside the work
space .

Overall , working to live is a mindset that places the emphasis on using

employment to enhance the quality of life rather than letting work
consume one’s entire existence .

You live to work :

People who "live to work" are highly dedicated to their careers, aiming for
success and personal fulfillment through their professional endeavors.
They find satisfaction in their job achievements and often prioritize work
over personal pursuits.

Unlike those who work solely for financial reasons, individuals who live to
work see their jobs as more than just a means to earn a living; they view
their work as a significant contribution to society and derive a sense of
meaning and purpose from it.

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