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30 Shadow Work

Journal Prompts

Shadow work is a practice of healing and self-growth,

which means that it requires surrender and acceptance.

Instead of attacking everything that you don't want to

think, feel, or address, go into this process with an
attitude of compassion for yourself and your experiences.
Shadow Work Journal Prompts

When did I lose my innocence as a child and how have I treated myseld since?

Who has hurt me the most in my life, and how can I forgive them?
Shadow Work Journal Prompts

Ask your inner child if there are any feelings they wish to share and write them here:

What is my own definition of Love?

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

What are my toxic or unhealthy habits/addictions and how can I make them healthy?

What do I struggle with the most, and how can I fix this?
Shadow Work Journal Prompts

When I think about my future I am most afraid of...

How do I handle anger or frustration and is it the most healthy way to cope?
Shadow Work Journal Prompts

What are my negative traits that I don't like about myself? Should I fix them? Why or
why not?

What are things that easily trigger me and why do they trigger me?
Shadow Work Journal Prompts

Am I okay with the fact that not everyone will like me? Why or why not? How does this
make me feel?

What do you want people to feel around you?

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

Write about a time you felt you treated some one in a way your regretted:

What is my love language?

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

How would I describe my childhood? Happy or not? Why?

What is something your parents did that broke your heart?

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

Have I forgiven myself for my past?

Do I project certain aspects of myself onto other people? Is that positive or negative?
Shadow Work Journal Prompts

What are you grateful for?

What is my biggest dream in life? and am I currently working towards that?

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

If money didn't exist would I still be doing what I am doing now? why?

What imprint do I want to leave on the world and what am I doing to fulfil that?
Shadow Work Journal Prompts

What makes me feel like my most authentic self?

What am I passionate about?

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

What keeps me awake at night?

When do I feel most grounded?

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

What emotion visits me the most and why?

Write 10 positive affirmations to read every morning:

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

What are my goals for the next 3 months in order to create the life I deserve?

Vividly describe your vision of the life you deserve and what it would look and feel like
when you get there:

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