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Grammar & vocabulary

Present perfect 4 Read the information about Matt and Ella. Imagine it’s the
year 2014. Write Present perfect sentences with for or since.

1 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Matt met Ella in 1984, when they were children.

> girlfriend just has split up Jack with his He started going out with her when they

Jack has just split up with his girlfriend. were teenagers.

1 you stayed up ever all night have? They got married in 2007.

Have you ever stayed up all night? They bought their house in London in 2009.

2 Lily been never to London has They moved to the USA last year.

Lily has never been to London Matt started working in New York in April.

3 have met we each other already > I/know/Ella/thirty years

We have already met each other ‘I’ve known Ella for thirty years,’ says Matt.
4 still the boys haven’t a match won 1 We/be together/we/be/teenagers
The boys still haven’t won a match ‘We have been together since we were teenagers,’ says Ella.
5 their yet parents have told they ? 2 They/be married/seven years
Have their parents told they yet? They have been married for seven years
6 just my spoken Maths teacher I to have 3 We/own/our home/London/2009
I just have spoken to my Maths teacher ‘We have owned our home in London since 2009,’ says Matt.
4 They/live/the USA/last April
2 Complete the dialogue with the correct Present perfect form
They have lived in the USA since the last April.
of the verbs and ever, never, just, still, already or yet.
5 Matt/have/job/New York/six months
Louise What’s the matter, Amina?
Matt has had a job in New York since six months ago
Amina My mum has told (tell) me that she and Dad want an
arranged marriage for me.
Present perfect v Past simple
Louise I 1have never met (meet) anyone in an arranged
marriage! I thought they didn’t exist anymore.
5 Complete the dialogue with the correct Present perfect or
Amina Well, it’s normal in my culture. 2Have your parents ever Past simple form of the verbs.
try (try) to find a boyfriend for you? Ella Have you been (go) to the cinema recently?
Louise No, never! What will you do? Toby No, I 1haven't seen (not see) any films for ages.
Amina I don’t know. I’m only fifteen – I _______________ (not Ella I 2have gone (go) to the cinema last week, but I 3
leave) school _______________ , but my mum haven't enjoyed (not enjoy) the film very much.
_______________ (plan) my marriage! Toby Who 4 you gone (go) with?
Louise Is he nice? Good-looking? Ella David… why do you ask?
Amina I’ve got no idea! My parents still haven't introduced Toby Oh, no reason. How long 5_____________ you
(not introduce) me to him yet! _____________ (know) David?
Ella Since we 6_____________ (be) babies. He isn’t my
Present perfect with for and since boyfriend!
Toby Oh good!
3 Complete the phrases with for or since.

> since we were children

1 since yesterday afternoon
2 for two years
3 for a few minutes
4 since she was ten
5 since I was born
6 since about a year

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Succeed in English 3 Grammar & vocabulary revision
Grammar & vocabulary
6 Complete the text with the correct Present perfect or Past ask (someone) out introduce fancy
simple form of the verbs from the box.
have an argument go out meet
appear be become cost
get on well split up
not change get not forget spend
a ___ I asked my best friend who he was and she
____________ me to him.
When David and Victoria Beckham got married in 1999, the
have spend b ___ But last month he forgot my birthday and we
couple 1 £500,000 on their special day. At the time
____________ about it.
this 2costed a lot of money, but since 1999, incredibly
c ___ I saw this tall, good-looking boy and I really
expensive weddings 3has become fashionable in the world of
____________ him!
football. In 2009, one footballer’s wedding 4£3 million!
d 1 I met David at a party six months ago.
But we 5haven't forgotten David and Victoria’s wedding. And
e ___ On our first date we couldn’t stop talking –we
since then, the couple and their children 6 have appear regularly
____________ with each other.
in magazines all over the world. Unlike footballers’ weddings,
f ___ David phoned the next day to ____________ me .
that’s something that 7didn't change!
g ___ We started ____________ with each other
Present perfect v Present perfect continuous h ___ I decided the relationship was over and we
7 Choose the correct alternative.

> How long has he waited/been waiting for me? Extreme adjectives
1 The film hasn’t finished/been finishing yet.
2 We’ve chatted/been chatting for hours! 10 Complete the sentences with the words from the box and the
correct extreme adjective.
3 I’ve sent/been sending Sara two texts but she hasn’t replied
yet. interesting tiring angry bad

4 Matt has revised/been revising all morning and he hasn’t had a unpleasant funny good-looking

break yet. > When Alice failed her Maths exam, her parents were
5 It’s rained/been raining all day. When will it stop? angry, but when she failed English too, they were
8 Complete the text with the correct Present perfect or Present
perfect continuous form of the verbs from the box. 1 Last night I felt ___________ and this morning I feel
___________! I have to stay in bed today.
avoid be (x2) decide have feel
2 This book isn’t ___________ – I haven’t laughed once. The
know not arrive sit go out wait
last one was better. In fact, it was ___________!
3 Daniel is ___________, but Laura really fancies Ben. She
It’s nine o’clock. I've been waiting hour, but she
thinks he’s ___________!
_____________ yet. I 2_____________ to finish with her. I don’t
4 The 15 km walk was ___________, but the 30 km walk was
want to, but I 3_____________ fed up for ages now. I
_____________ Kirsty for years – since we were twelve – and
5 I like reading about English history. It’s very ___________,
we 5_____________ good friends since then. I 6_____________
especially Henry VIII and all his wives. I find them
with her for three months and most of the time it
_____________ great. But recently Kirsty and I
6 As a vegetarian I find meat quite ___________. But fish is
_____________ lots of arguments and she 9_____________ me
even worse – it’s ___________!
since last week. I like Kirsty, but I’m not an idiot. I
_____________ here for too long. I’ll finish with her tomorrow.


9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

phrases from the box. Then put the sentences in the
correct order (1–8).

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Succeed in English 3 Grammar & vocabulary revision

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