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Finally, I think Apple has certain political issues as well.

For tax avoidance techniques, Apple

received a poor grade from Ethical Consumer in July 2019. This was since Apple Inc.'s family
tree on revealed the business had subsidiaries in Singapore, the Netherlands, and
Ireland. These were countries that Ethical Consumers regarded as tax havens, meaning there was
a significant chance they would be exploited for tax evasion. After conducting additional
research, Ethical Consumer discovered an official statement from Apple that offered a detailed
justification for the company's Irish subsidiaries. This wasn't strong enough to affect their
decision to give Apple the worst rating for tax avoidance, especially given that they found no
country-by-country financial information or reporting (CBCR), nor a clear public tax statement
confirming that it was this company’s policy not to engage in tax avoidance activity or to use tax
havens for tax avoidance purposes. Apple is one of the Silicon Six, which has been revealed to
have a tax gap of $100 billion so far this decade. As a result, Apple Inc. lost a whole mark in
their tax avoidance category.
So, the question is why Apple has so many unethical activities, but people still use it wisely. I
believe this is because Apple also contains various benefits that attract customers.
It's possible that the 1998 removal of the floppy drive from Macs contributed to the widespread
adoption of flash drives and CDs, and over ten years later, Apple was a major factor in the
mainstreaming of smartphones and tablets. Apple has benefited from its emphasis on proprietary
technology and its continued dominance over the accessory and add-on industry. Although its
products don't always work well with non-Apple devices, they do work well with one another.
Additionally, Apple has consistently provided its users with slick, seamless experiences, which
has helped them have a lower entry barrier than many rival devices. Additionally, Apple has a
practice of providing updates regularly for all of its active product lines. This allows Apple to
iron out any outstanding design problems with previous iterations and add new features to the
product. Apple users are also handily kept up to date.

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