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(Of the Nigerian Baptist Convention)



Physics is a natural science that deals and explains the physical nature of the universe. It deals
with the properties and interactions of matters and radiations, which are the fundamental
characteristics of our physical environment.

It treats physical objects whose dimensions ranges from sub-atomic scale to enormous large
objects of dimension Larger than the sun. Physics is the fundamental of any science, engineering
and technology. Therefore, the development of any nation depends on this subject called Physics.

It is very important for students learning Physics to be able to solve physics problems, which
illustrate the applications of the subject accurately. It is because that is the only way to guarantee
the understanding of the basis physical phenomenon of the subject.

The table below illustrates the guide for problem solving physics.

Read Problem

Draw Diagram

Visualize what Happens

Identify Physics Principle, List data

Choose Applicable Equation(s)

Solve Equations(s)

Evaluate and Check Answer

Physical Quantity, Units and Measurement

A quantity refers to any measurable property of a substance. For clear indication of property
measured, measurements of quantity are specified by units, which are often written in their
symbols. The international system of unit abbreviation SI unit after the French system international
is a modernized version of quantity measurements. The SI unit was established by international
agreement in 1960.

Base Units and Derivation Units

The units for length, mass and time, along with few others listed in the table below are regarded
as base SI units. The word “base” refers to the fact that these units will be used along with various
laws to define additional units for other important physical quantities, such as force and energy.
The units for these other physical quantities are referred to as derived units, since they are
combinations of the base units.

A base unit (also referred to as a fundamental unit) is a unit adopted for the measurement
of a base quantity. A base quantity is one of a conventionally chosen subset of physical
quantities, where no quantity in the subset can be expressed in terms of the others. The SI
base units, or Systeme International d'unites, consists of the metre, kilogram, second, ampere,
Kelvin, mole and candela.

A derived unit is a SI unit of measurement comprised of a combination of the seven base

units. derived units are units of measurement derived from the seven base units specified by
the International System of Units (SI). They can be expressed as a product (or ratio) of one
or more of the base units, possibly scaled by an appropriate power of
exponentiation (see: Buckingham π theorem). Some are dimensionless, as when the units
cancel out in ratios of like quantities.

Standard Prefixes

Most often than not, it is necessary to work with smaller or larger units for conveniences sake, so
it is convenient to introduce larger or smaller units that are related to the normal units by multiples
of ten.

From the SI which is also known as the modernized MKS (metre, kilogram, second) system of
unit; other system CGS (centimetre, grams, second) or Gaussian and the British system are
commonly used in scientific work. There exist relationship between these systems of unit. For

1 centimetre (cm) in CGS = 10−2 meter (m) in MKS (or SI)

1 slug (= 32.17 pound) in British system = 1459 kg in MKS
Bearing the relationship in mind, one can therefore convert measurement from one system of units
to another.

NOTE: When converting between units, it is useful to write down the units explicitly. The units
are treated like any algebraic quantity. If the units do not combine algebraically to give the desired
result, the conversion has not carried out properly.

Example 1
Convert the speed of a car moving at 50 mile per hour in km/h and m/s

Since 1 mi = 1.609 km
50 1.60 80.45km
50 mi/h = (hr) ( km) = Also, 1 km = 1000 m and 1 h = 3600s
1 h

80.45 1000m 1h
∴ 80.45 km/h = ( )( ) (3600 s) = 22.35 m/s
h 1 km

The dimensions of three basic quantities length, mass and time are (length) = L, (mass) = M, (time)
= T respective. Examples of dimensionless quantities are π, integer (0.1, 1, 2.0 etc.), and angle in
degree e.g. 60° etc. For example, a quantity expressed as [L]2 can be interpreted as length x length,
referring to the quantity area. Similarly, speed, which has units of length/time, will have
dimensions L/T or LT −1 .

Dimensional analysis refers to the expression of physical quantities in their dimensions in order
to test the validity (correctness) of the physical equations. The method is also used to derive
physical expression.

NOTE: Summing (adding or subtracting) quantities together implies that the quantities have the
same dimension. Similarly, irrespective of the system of units used, all mathematical expression
and equation must be dimensionally correct. That is, quantities on both sides of an equation must
have the same dimensions.

Example 2
The equation of motion governing an object’s total distance is given by:

x = ut + 1⁄2 at 2

Where x = distance, u = initial velocity, v = final velocity and t = time. Show that the expression
is dimensionally correct.

L Distance
Dimensionally [x] = L (length); [u] = T (Velocity ⇒ )

L Velovity Distance
[a] = T2 ( ⇒ Time⁄ ); [t] = T
Time Time

Hence the expression becomes

[L] [L]
L = [L] T + 1⁄2 [L]2 T 2

⇒ L = L + 1⁄2L = 2L

Since both side of the equation have the same dimensions, and 3/2 is a constant factor, therefore,
the equation is dimensionally correct.

Example 3
The speed c of ocean wave is proportional to the acceleration due to gravity g, wavelength λ, and
density ρ of the wave such that c = kg x λy ρz , where k is a dimensionless constant. What is the
correct equation for the speed of the ocean?


c = kg x λy ρz

Write down the dimensions of the quantities at the right hand side (RHS) and left hand side
(LHS) of the expression given i.e.
LT −1 = (k)(LT −2 )x (L)Y (ML−3 )z
LT −1 = (k)Lx T −2x Ly M z L−3z
LT −2 = (k)Lx+y−3z T −2 MZ
Comparing the index of the like terms in the RHS and LHS implies that
x + y -3z = 1; -2x = -1 → x = 1⁄ z = 0
Sine x = 1⁄2, and z = 0 this implies that, y = 1⁄2,
Therefore, c = k√gλ

Example 4

The specific heat capacity of a particular solid material at temperature close to 0K is given by c =
aT 2 . What is the S. I. unit of the constant where T = temperature?

Write down the dimension C

[C] = Jkg −1 K −1 = kgms −2 × m × kg −1 × K −1 = L2 T −2 K −1

[T] = K or θ. Therefore, L2 T −2 K −1 = [a] × K 3

L2 T −2 K −1
→ [a] = ∴ [a] = L2 T −2 K −4
Therefore the S. I unit of a = m2 s −2 K −4


Physics quantities are either scalar or vector. Scalar quantities such as mass, time and
temperature have magnitude only. There is no other parameter associated with them. Vector
quantities on the other hand are represented by magnitude and direction. The sense of
propagation is also important in specify vector quantities. Examples of such quantities are force,
pressure and velocity.

In this chapter, vectors are represented by boldface type; e.g., A, which is represented by the same
symbol in plain type. Thus A is the magnitude of vector A. Geometrically, a vector is represented
by diagram. This method is tedious, especially when the diagram is to be drawn to scale. It is most
often no accurate, when more than two vectors are concerned. A more reliable method of
representing vectors is the analytical approach. In this way, the method of representing vectors is
the analytical approach. In this way, the vectors are expressed by their components along the axes

of interest. In 2-dimension, vector A at any angle θ to the horizontal is:
𝐀 = (A cos θ) î + (A sin θ)ĵ

Where î and ĵ are the respective unit vectors in x and y axes. Thus referring to the diagram
earlier, vector A can be expressed as: 𝐀 = AX î + Ay ĵ

For a vector in a space, that is 3 – dimension: 𝐀 = AX î + Ay ĵ + Az k̂

Example 5

An insect is displaced on a straight track joining the base and the apex of two vertical poles each
2 cm high, and are 3 m apart. Calculate: (1) the straight track covered by the insect; (2) the angle
above the horizontal; and (3) express the information analytically.


(1) Using Pythagoras’ theorem: D2 = 22 + 32 + 4 + 9 = 13

𝐷 = 3.61
(2) By trigonometry: tan θ = = = 0.667
Adj 3

Hence θ = tan−1 0.667 = 33.7°

(3) Analytical: D = DX î + Dy ĵ

𝐃 = (3.61 cos 33.7) î + (3.61sin33.7) ĵ

D = 3î + 2ĵ

Addition of Vector

Addition of any two vector A and B is defined as A + B = C

The negative of a vector A is define as a vector having the same magnitude as A but opposite
direction. Subtracting of any two vector A and B is defined as:

A – B = A + (-B) where –B is the negative of B

Example 6
Consider a vector of magnitude 3 units and in the direction of +X-axis. This is followed by
another vector 4 units parallel to the +Y-axis. What is the resultant (addition) of the two vectors?

Taking +X axis as the frame of reference. Vector A has magnitude 3 and direction θ = 0 (with
respect to the frame of reference); with AX (the component of A along x-axis) = 3; and Ay (the
component of A along y-axis) = 0. Therefore:

A = Ax î + Ay ĵ = (3 cos 0)î + (0 sin 0)ĵ = 3î + 0ĵ

Similarly, for vector B: Taking +X axis as a frame of reference.

Vector B has magnitude 4 and direction θ = 90° (with respect to the + X axis frame of
reference). With Bx (the component of B along x-axis) = 0; and Ay (the component of B along y-
axis) = 4

Therefore, B = Bx î + By ĵ

B = (0 cos 90)î + (4 sin 90)ĵ = 0î + 4ĵ

The resultant vector R = A + B = (3î + 0ĵ) + (0î + 4ĵ) = 3î + 4ĵ

The magnitude of the resultant vector is:

|R| = √A2 + B2 = √32 + 42 = √25 = 5

B 4
While the direction is: tanθ = = = 1.33 or θ = 53.1°
A 3

Thus, the resultant displacement is 5 units and it makes an angle of 53.1° with the +X- axis.

Considering three vector R1 , R 2 and R 3 acting on an object such that the direction of each with
respect to the reference frame is θ1 , θ2 and θ3 respectively. Their resultants can be found
following the approach below

Vector Angle X-Component Y-Component

R1 θ1 R1x = R1 Cos θ1 R1y = R1 Sin θ1

R2 θ2 R 2x = R 2 Cos θ2 R 2y = R 2 Sin θ2

R3 θ3 R 3x = R 3 Cos θ3 R 3y = R 3 Sin θ3

Vector Multiplication

 Multiplication of a vector by a scalar: Multiplication of a vector A by S, a scalar

number, results in another vector whose magnitude is the product of S and the magnitude
of A; that is SA or S |𝐴|

 Dot (or scalar) product: If A and B are any two vectors, the dot (or scalar) product is
defined as: A . B = A.B cos 𝜃

Where 𝜃 is the angle between vector A and B. The dot product of two vector is a scalar. A . B is
also equal to the projection of A and B , times B. When two vector are perpendicular, their dot
product is zero because the cosine of 90° is zero (the projection of one along the other zero).

 Cross (or vector) product: The vector cross product is defined as: A x B = C

Where C is a vector whose direction is perpendicular to both A and B and whose magnitude is
giving by: 𝐂 = AB𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝑛 where n pronounce as “n cap” or “n hat” is the unit vector that gives
the direction of A x B

The cross product of two parallel vectors is always zero because the sine of zero is zero.

Example 7

Given the vector 𝐀 = 2î + ĵ + 3k̂ (m) and 𝐁 = 3î + 2ĵ + 6k̂ (m).

Find (a) |𝐀| +|𝐁|; (b)|𝐀 + 𝐁|; (c) A – B

(a) |𝐀| = (22 + 12 + 32 ) = 3.74 m
|𝐁| = (32 + 22 + 6 ) 2
= 7.00 m
|𝐀| + |𝐁| = 3.74 + 7.00 = 10.72 m

(b) |𝐀 + 𝐁| = |(2 + 3)î + (1 + 2)ĵ + (3 + 6)k̂|

= (52 + 32 + 92 ) = 10.72 𝑚

(c) A – B = (2 − 3)î + (1 − 2)ĵ + (3 − 6)k̂ = −î − ĵ − 3k̂ (m)

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