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Shadow Work
Workbook For
This free workbook is filled with journal prompts and
exercises to help you identify any beliefs that are not
serving you, so you can begin to transform them!

Hello & Welcome
I know firsthand that being an
entrepreneur can easily bring up any
self-doubt, fears, and limiting beliefs
you've built up since your youth.

Many of these things guide our every

move especially when it comes to the
things we want - money, impact, and
influence. It's okay to admit it! ... But
how that translates into your
marketing, can mean a multitude of
things like having a Facebook page
even though you detest it, acting not
like yourself or not using your own
words because you fear others won't
like you, or putting out an online
course, when you rather work one-on-
one with people. Get the gist?

It influences everything in our

business, and around these parts, I When you try to force things to happen
am all about soulful marketing! Using in your life, it is like trying to fit a puzzle
proven tools and strategies mixed piece into the wrong spot.
with doing the inner work so you can
make a bigger impact and income!
So, take this workbook as an
invitation to go deeper into your
entrepreneurial journey! Can't to see
what you uncover!

Elizabeth Shelton

Journal Prompts

Why did you start your business?

Who are you trying to help and why?

Take a few deep breaths and ask yourself, what are your big goals for your
business, what is it that you really want to create? Letting go of any doubts,
or thoughts that it's not possible, what would it be and look like? Notice the
feelings in your body as you write this answer. A lot of the times, we get so in
our heads that we neglect the intuitive knowledge of our body. Do you feel
yourself wanting to say have a 6-figure business when really you'd be happy
with making 3-5,000 a month? Allow yourself to be still and tune in here.

In that vision, you just felt and wrote down. What, if any, limiting beliefs do
you have around it. (I.E. It's not possible for me, I'm not certain it will work, I
can't be seen, what I fail, what if I succeed? They have it so easy, not me)
Allow yourself to get honest here! If you can't think of anything, think of the
times you got jealous or compared yourself! Then ask yourself what were
you jealous of, and why?

Now, go one by one through any of the beliefs that you identified through
this next phase.

On a scale of one to five, how triggered do you feel right now?

1 2 3 4 5
Not really Kind of

Circle what feelings or emotions are being brought up to the surface.

a. Anger e. Sadness i. Guilty m. Violated

b. Resentment f. Doubtful j. Insecure n. Unlovable
c. Fear g. Unhappy k. Unsafe o. Powerless
d. Shame h. Inferior l. Worthless p. Controlling

What thoughts are coming up?

Write down all of the times that you have felt this trigger come up (or these
feelings)? Why was that? What happened? Write at length.

Is this ultimately true? How can you reframe this situation to an outcome
that aligns with where you want to go?

Want to go deeper?
These questions will help you get started on
clearing out and dismantling any old stories
you may have about yourself and what you are
capable of.

Want to take this a step further? Book an

Akashic Records Reading! The Akashic Records
tap into your consciousness and I like to call
the the “Dictionary of Your Soul”. This tool helps
cut through the BS and uncover limiting beliefs,
provides you with blunt (yet loving) guidance,
and gives you practices and tools you can use
to start embodying your higher self. Inside
these readings, you can ask any questions
about yourself or your business like what is the
best way for you to show up on social media
and connect with your ideal clients. Plus, I
provide you with personalized journal prompts
and exercises based on the reading so that you
can easily integrate this information!

Akashic Records Readings

A 1:1 reading with personalized journal prompts and exercises
based on your soul's needs in the Akashic Records.


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