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1. How do you understand mustering procedure?

Mustering procedure is a well organized and efficient mustering procedure. The procedure involves
steps to collect, verify and manage the individuals or resources as required by the situation. Especially
in emergency situation where in we can provide assurance to every passengers since we have
knowledge of proper procedure that we can see every corner. Mustering procedure is important not
for just situation but in our daily lives we should aware even in a small things that can be
knowledgeable to us that we can apply in every emergency we might encounter in the future that is
why mustering procedure is important to us.

2. What is the importance of keeping order during emergency?

The importance of keeping order during emergency situation is to well organized by keeping the order
and coordinate to the higher ups or to someone who knows really well to handle during emergency
situation to ensure the safety of every individual involves in that situation that we cannot control the
natural disasters.

3. What is passenger’s list? Give its uses.

Passengers list is a document of the important details of every passengers or the cabin crew for its
emergency uses to help track them. For examples are names so we can identify who they are, age we
can be important also and gender we can know more about them lastly is emergency contact person
so we can immediately contact to someone if there is emergency or happen to that person.

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