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1. A non empty set W is a subset of vector space V(F). W is a subspace of V if and only if
a ∈F and α,β∈V ⇒ aα+β∈W.
2. Show that the system of vectors (1,3,2),(1,-7,-8),(2,1,-1) of V₃(R) is linearly dependent.
3. Show that the vectors (1,1,2),(1,2,5),(5,3,4) of R³(R) do not form a basis set of R³(R).
4. Let W₁ and W₂ be two subspaces of R⁴ given by W₁={(a,b,c,d):b-2c+d=0}, W₂={(a,b,c,d):a=d,b=2c}.
Find the basis and dimension of W₁ and W₂.
5. The mapping T:V₃(R)→V₂(R) is defined by T(x,y,z)=(x-y,x-z). Show that T is a linear
6. Define range of a linear transformation. Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces and T:U→V is a
linear transformation. Then the range set R(T) is a subspace of V(F).
7. Find eigenvalues of the matrix. 8 -6 2
-6 7 -4
2 -4 3
8. State and prove triangle inequality.


9. A) Define vector subspace. Let V(F) be a vector space. A non empty set W⊂V. The
necessary and sufficient condition for W to be a subspace of V is a, b ∈ F and α,β ∈ V ⇒
B) Define linear Independence and linear dependence of vectors. Let V(F) be a vector space
and S={α₁,α₂,….,αₙ} is a finite subset of non zero vectors of V(F). Then S is linearly
dependent if and only if some vectors 𝜶𝒌 ∈ S ,2≤k≤n, can be expressed as a linear
combination of its preceding vectors.
10. A) Define finite dimensional vector space. Let V(F) be a finite dimensional vector space and
S={α₁,α₂,….,𝛼𝑚 } a linearly independent subset of V. Then either S itself a basis of V or S
can be extended to form a basis of V.
B) Let W₁ and W₂ be two subspaces of a finite dimensional vector space V (F) . Then dim (W₁+W₂)
= dim W₁ + dim W₂ - dim (W₁ ∩ W₂ ).
11. A) Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces and S={α₁,α₂,……,αₙ} be a basis of U. Let {δ₁,δ₂,……,δₙ}
be a set of n vectors in V. Then there exist a unique linear transformation T:U→V such that
T(αᵢ)=δᵢ for i=1,2,….,n.
B) verify Rank- Nullity theorem for the linear map T:V₄→V₃ defined by T(e₁)=f₁+f₂+f₃, T(e₂)=f₁-
f₂+f₃, T(e₃)=f₁, T(e₄)=f₁+f₃ when {e₁,e₂,e₃} and {f₁,f₂,f₃} are standard basis V₄ and V₃ respectively.
12. A) State and prove cayley Hamilton theorem.
B) solve the equations. 𝑥 + 𝑦 + 2𝑧 = 4; 2𝑥 − 𝑦 + 3𝑧 = 9; 3𝑥 − 𝑦 − 𝑧 = 2.
13. A) state and prove cauchy-Schwarz's inequality.
B) Given {(2,1,3),(1,2,3),(1,1,1)} is a basis of R³, construct an orthonormal basis.


1. Let p, q, r be the fixed elements of a field F. Show that the set W of all triads (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧)
of the elements of F, such that 𝑝𝑥 + 𝑞𝑦 + 𝑟𝑧 = 0 is a subspace of 𝑽𝟑 (𝑭).
2. Let S={α₁,α₂,…..,αₙ} be a subset of the vector space V(F). If αᵢ ∈ S is a linear combination
of its preceding vectors then L(S)=L(S´) where S´={α₁,α₂,…..αᵢ₋₁,αᵢ,…..αₙ}.
3. Show that the set of vectors {(2,1,4),(1,-1,2),(3,1,-2)} form a basis of V₃(F).
4. Find T(x,y,z) where T:R³→R is defined by T(1,1,1)=3, T(0,1,-2)=1, T(0,0,1)=-2.
5. Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces and T:U→V is a linear transformation. Then null space
N(T) is a subspace of U(F).
6. Show that the equations 𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧 = 4; 2𝑥 + 5𝑦 − 2𝑧 = 3; 𝑥 + 7𝑦 − 7𝑧 =
5 are not consistent.
7. Find eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of the matrix. A= 1 4
3 2
8. If α=(2,1,1+i) is a vector in C³ with standard inner product find ||𝛼|| and the unit vector of α


9. A) Let V(F) be a vector space and let W⊂V. The necessary and sufficient conditions for W
to be a subspace of V are
1) α∈ W, β∈ W ⇒ α-β ∈ W 2) a ∈ F , α ∈ W ⇒ aα ∈ W.
B) If S,T are the subsets of a vector space V(F), then
1) S⊂=T⇒L(S)⊂=L(T) 2) L(S∪T)=L(S)+L(T)
10. A) Let V(F) be a finite dimensional vector space of dimension n and W be the subspace of V.
Then W is a finite dimensional vector space with dim W ≤ n
B) Let W be the subspace of a finite dimensional vector space V(F). Then prove that
𝒅𝒊𝒎 (𝒘) = 𝐝𝐢 𝐦 𝒗 − 𝐝𝐢 𝐦 𝒘.

11. A) Let L(U,V) be the set of all linear transformations from a vector space U(F) into a vector space
V(F). Then L(U,V) be a vector space relative to the operations of vector addition and scalar
multiplication defined as i) (T+H)(α)=T(α)+H(α) ii) (aT)(α)=aT(α) for all α∈U,a∈F and T,H∈
B) State and prove Rank- Nullity theorem.
12. A) find the characteristic roots and the corresponding characteristic vectors of the matrix
8 -6 2
A= -6 7 -4
2 -4 3
B). 2 1 2
If A= 5 3 3 verify cayley Hamilton theorem. Hence find A⁻¹.
-1 0 -2
13. A) If u,v are two vectors in a complex inner product space with standard inner product then
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐 𝟐
prove that 𝟒(𝒖, 𝒗) = ||𝐮 + 𝐯|| − ||𝐮 − 𝐯|| + 𝐢||𝐮 + 𝐢𝐯|| − 𝐢||𝐮 − 𝐢𝐯||
B) state and prove bessel’s inequality.


1. If w₁ and w₂ are any two subspaces of a vector space V(F) then

a)W₁+W₂ is a subspace of V(F). b)W₁⊂=W₁+W₂ and W₂⊂=W₁+W₂.
2. Express the vector α=(1,-2,5) as a linear combination of the vectors e₁=(1,1,1) , e₂=(1,2,3) ,
3. Show that the set of vectors {(1,2,1),(2,1,0),(1,-1,2)} form a basis of V₃(F).
4. Let V(F) be a finite dimensional vector space. Then any two basis of V have the same number of
5. Find a linear transformation T:R²→R² such that T(1,2)=(3,0) and T(2,1)=(1,2).
6. If T:R³→R³ is invertible operator defined by T(x,y,z)=(2x,4x-y,2x+3y-z). Find T⁻¹.
0 1 2
7. Find the eigenvalues of the matrix. 1 0 -1
2 -1 0
8. If V(R) is a vector space of polynomials with inner product defined by (f,g)=₀∫¹f(t) g(t) dt ∀ f,g∈V
and t∈[0,1]. Find (f,g) and ||g|| for f(x)=x²+x-4, g(x)=x-1 ∀ x∈[0,1].


9. A) Define vector subspace. The union of two subspaces is a subspace if and only if one is
contained in the other.
B) Let V(F) be a vector space and S={α₁,α₂,….,αₙ} is a finite subset of non zero vectors of
V(F). Then S is linearly dependent if and only if some vectors 𝜶𝒌 ∈ S ,2≤k≤n, can be
expressed as a linear combination of its preceding vectors.
10. A) Let W₁ and W₂ be two subspaces of R⁴ given by W₁={(a,b,c,d):b-2c+d=0},
W₂={(a,b,c,d):a=d,b=2c}. Find the basis and dimension of i) W₁ ii) W₂. iii) W₁∩W₂ and hence find
B) Let W be the subspace of a finite dimensional vector space V(F). Then prove that
𝒅𝒊𝒎 (𝒘) = 𝐝𝐢 𝐦 𝒗 − 𝐝𝐢 𝐦 𝒘.
11. A) Find a linear transformation. T:R²→R² such that T(0,1)=(1,1) and T(0,1)=(-1,2) prove that T
maps the square with vertices (0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1) into a parallelogram.
B) state and prove rank nullity theorem.
12. A) find the characteristic roots and the corresponding characteristic vectors half the.
6 -2 2
matrix A= -2 3 -1
2 -1 3
B) state and prove cayley-Hamilton theorem.
13. A) If α=(4,1,8), β=(1,0,-3) are two vectors in R³ find the angle between α and β . Also verify
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.
B) Apply gram schmidt orthogonalisation process obtain an orthonormal basis of
{(1,0,1),(1,0,-1),(0,3,4)} .


1. The set W of ordered triads (x,y,0) where x,y∈F is a subspace of V₃(F).

2. Determine whether the set of vectors {(4,3,-2),(2,-6,7)} are L.D. or L.I.
3. Show that (2,2,1),(2,1,1),(2,1,0) form a basis of (1,2,1) in V₃(F).
4. Let V(F) be a finite dimensional vector space. Then any two basis of V have the same number of
5. The mapping T:V₃(R)→V₁(R) is defined by T(a,b,c)=a²+b²+c²; can T be a linear transformation.
6. Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces and T:U→V is a linear transformation. Then null space
N(T) is a subspace of U(F).
7. Show that the equations x+y+z=4, 2x+5y-2z=3, x+7y-7z=5 are not consistent.
8. State and prove Parseval’s Identity.


9. A) Define vector subspace. Let V(F) be a vector space. A non empty set W⊂V. The
necessary and sufficient condition for W to be a subspace of V is a, b ∈ F and α,β ∈ V ⇒
B) If W₁ and W₂ are two subspaces of a vector space V(F) then L(W₁∪W₂)=W₁+W₂.
10. A) Let W₁ and W₂ be two subspaces of a finite dimensional vector space V (F) . Then dim
(W₁+W₂) = dim W₁ + dim W₂ - dim (W₁ ∩ W₂ )
B) Let W be the subspace of a finite dimensional vector space V(F). Then prove that
𝒅𝒊𝒎 (𝒘) = 𝐝𝐢 𝐦 𝒗 − 𝐝𝐢 𝐦 𝒘.

11. A) Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces and S={α₁,α₂,……,αₙ} be a basis of U. Let {δ₁,δ₂,……,δₙ}
be a set of n vectors in V. Then there exist a unique linear transformation T:U→V such that
T(αᵢ)=δᵢ for i=1,2,….,n.
B) If T:V₄(R)→V₃(R) is a linear transformation defined by T(a,b,c,d)=(a-b+c+d,a+2c-d,a+b+3c-3d)
for a,b,c,d ∈ R, then verify Rank- Nullity theorem.
12. A) find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors The matrix
3 1 1
A=. 2 4 2
1 1 3
B) find the characteristic polynomial of the matrix A , verify cayley Hamilton theorem and find
A⁻¹ 3 1 1
A=. -1 5 -1
1 -1 5
13. A) If α,β are two vectors in an inner product space, then α,β are linearly dependent if and only if
|(α,β)| = ||α|| ||β||.
B) State and prove Bessel’s inequality.

1. Define Linear Transformation. The mapping T:V₃(R)→V₂(R) is defined by T(x,y,z)=(x-y, x-z).

Show that T is a linear transformation.
2. Find T(x,y,z) where T:R³→R is defined by T(1,1,1)=3, T(0,1,-2)=1, T(0,0,1)=-2.
3. Define Range. Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces and T:U→V is a linear transformation.
Then the range set R(T) is a subspace of V(F).
4. Show that the equation 𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧 = 4, 2𝑥 + 5𝑦 − 2𝑧 = 3, 𝑥 + 7𝑦 − 7𝑧 =
5. are not consistent.
5. Solve the system 2𝑥 − 𝑦 + 3𝑧 = 0, 3𝑥 + 2𝑦 + 𝑧 = 0, 𝑥 − 4𝑦 + 5𝑧 = 0.
6. Define Inner product space, Euclidean space , Unitary space.
7. Define Norm of a Vector. State and prove Triangle Inequality.
8. Write working methods for finding Orthogonal Basis and Orthonormal Basis.
9. Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces and S={α₁,α₂,……,αₙ} be a basis of U. Let {δ₁,δ₂,……,δₙ}
be a set of n vectors in V. Then there exist a unique linear transformation T:U→V such that
T(αᵢ)=δᵢ for i=1,2,….,n.
Let T:U→V is a linear transformation.{(1,2,1),(2,1,0),(1,-1,-2)} and {(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(1,1,1)} are
the basis of U and V. Find T for the transformation of the basis of U to the basis of V.
10. State and prove Rank-Nullity theorem.
verify Rank- Nullity theorem for the linear map T:V₄→V₃ defined by T(e₁)=f₁+f₂+f₃, T(e₂)=f₁-
f₂+f₃, T(e₃)=f₁, T(e₄)=f₁+f₃ when {e₁,e₂,e₃} and {f₁,f₂,f₃} are standard basis V₄ and V₃
11. State and prove Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
1 -1 0
Find the inverse of the matrix 0 1 1 using Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
2 1 2
12. State and prove Cauchy- Schwarz's inequality.
If u,v are two vectors in a complex inner product space with standard inner product then
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐 𝟐
prove that 𝟒(𝒖, 𝒗) = ||𝐮 + 𝐯|| − ||𝐮 − 𝐯|| + 𝐢||𝐮 + 𝐢𝐯|| − 𝐢||𝐮 − 𝐢𝐯|| .
13. State and prove Bessel's inequality.
Apply Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation process compute an Orthonormal Basis of R³(R) from
the basis {(2,0,1),(3,-1,5),(0,4,2)}.

Internal Exam 2021-22


Answer Any FIVE of the following :

1. If w₁ and w₂ are any two subspaces of a vector space V(F) then

a)W₁+W₂ is a subspace of V(F) . b)W₁⊂=W₁+W₂ and W₂⊂=W₁+W₂.

2. Show that the system of vectors {(1,-2,1),(2,1,-1),(7,-4,1)} are linearly dependent.

3. Let V(F) be a finite dimensional vector space. Then any two basis of V have the same number of
4. Show that the set {(1,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,1,1)} is a basis of C³(C) . Hence find the coordinates of the
vector ( 3+4i, 6i , 3+7i ) in C³(C).
5. Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces and T:U→V is a linear transformation. Then the range set
R(T) is a subspace of V(F).
0 1 2
6. Find the Eigen values of the matrix. 1 0 -1
2 -1 0
7. State and prove Bessel’s inequality.
8. If u, v are two vectors in a complex inner product space with standard inner product then prove
that 4(u, v)=||u+v||²-||u-v||²+i||u+iv||²-i||u-iv||² .
9. Define vector subspace. Let V(F) be a vector space. A non empty set W⊂V. The
necessary and sufficient condition for W to be a subspace of V is a, b ∈ F and α,β ∈ V ⇒
Let V(F) be a vector space and S={α₁,α₂,….,αₙ} is a finite subset of non zero vectors of
V(F). Then S is linearly dependent if and only if some vectors 𝜶𝒌 ∈ S ,2≤k≤n, can be
expressed as a linear combination of its preceding vectors.
10. Let W₁ and W₂ be two subspaces of a finite dimensional vector space V (F) . Then dim (W₁+W₂) =
dim W₁ + dim W₂ - dim (W₁ ∩ W₂ ).
1) Let V(F) be a finite dimensional vector space and S={α₁,α₂,….,𝛼𝑚 } a linearly independent
subset of V. Then either S itself a basis of V or S can be extended to form a basis of V.
2) Let V(F) be a finite dimensional vector space. Then any two bases of V have the same number
of elements.
11. 1) Show that the transformation T: R³→R³ defined by T(x,y,z) = (x-y, 0 , y+z) is a linear
2) Find T(x,y,z) where T:R³→R is defined by T(1,1,1)=3, T(0,1,-2)=1, T(0,0,1)= –2.
Define Range and Null space of a linear transformation. State and prove Rank-Nullity theorem.
12. State and prove cayley Hamilton theorem.
Find the characteristic polynomial of the matrix
3 1 1
A= -1 5 -1
1 -1 5
Verify Cayley Hamilton theorem and hence find A⁻¹.
13. Applying Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation process obtain Orthonormal basis of R³(R) from the
basis {(2,0,1),(3,-1,5),(0,4,2)}.
Let α=(2,1+i,i) , β=(2-i,2,1+2i) be two vectors in C³. Compute (α,β) , ||α|| ,||β||,||α+β|| . Also
verify Cauchy- Schwartz's inequality, Triangle inequality and Parallogram law.

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