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Textile Research Journal

Accessibility of Cellulose by Formic Acid Esterification

R.F. Nickerson
Textile Research Journal 1951; 21; 195
DOI: 10.1177/004051755102100402

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© 1951 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.

Accessibility of Cellulose by Formic Acid

R. F. Nickerson
Textile Research Laboratory, Monsanto Chemical Co., Everett, Massachusetts

UNSUBSTITUTED CELLULOSES, such as x-ray and hydrolysis estimates of crystallinity. It

cotton and viscose rayon, are generally believed to is apparent that the cellulose is in an aqueous medium
have network structures in which submicroscopic throughout the hydrolysis and that aqueous swelling
crystallites are linked together by somewhat dis- effects should oppose crystallization. For example,
ordered segments of cellulose molecules. The pro- it is well known that newly formed cellulosic fibers
portions of crystalline and noncrystalline cellulose in are but little crystallized prior to their first real
a material have logically been expected to influence drying-out.
the properties and behavior of the material. Many Hermans and Weidinger [9],who recently re-
independent investigations have therefore been di- ported some x-ray studies, have been especially criti-
rected to the determination of degree of crystallinity cal of the acid-hydrolysis method. They expressed
of various celluloses [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16~ . the opinion that chemical methods for determining
These investigations have yielded widely divergent degree of crystallinity are, a priori, likely to give
results and conclusions. In general, estimates of results of dubious physical significance; their x-ray
degree of crystallinity obtained by physical methods methods demonstrate that acid hydrolysis is par-
are considerably lower than those obtained by chemi- ticularly bad in this respect because the degree of
cal methods. This is true particularly of x-ray dif- crystallinity may be altered by the reaction itself.
fraction as contrasted with acid-hydrolysis methods. It is probably unwarranted to assume that degree
The differences in results derived by these two meth- of crystallinity can, in the strictest sense, be deter-
ods have led some investigators to conclude that mined by chemical methods. X-ray methods are
recrystallization of cellulose may occur during acid ideal for the study of perfectly ordered, intact crys-
hydrolysis. tals, and perhaps can also be used for estimating
The recrystallization hypothesis seems reasonable degree of crystallinity, but not entirely without error.
enough. The basis of the acid-hydrolysis method is On the other hand, it is unreasonable to assume that
that the inter-crystalline chain network is chemically estimates based on chemical methods are meaning-
more reactive than inaccessible cellulose in crystal- less, particularly if part of the structure is not crystal-
lites. Consequently, the disordered chain segments line in the x-ray sense but is, nevertheless, well
are the most rapidly attacked by the acid, and the enough ordered to behave like crystalline substance.
amounts of noncrystalline cellulose can be estimated There appears to be a real need for a definition
from rates of hydrolysis. The proponents of re- of terms. In much common practice the degree of
crystallization argue that cutting of the inter-crystal- crystallinity as such is not of major importance; the
line chain segments removes restraints and allows really significant factor is the amount of reactive
the loose chain ends freedom to undergo crystalliza- cellulose. For example, the swelling of cellulose in
tion. Thus, as more and more chains are cut, more water is largely, if not wholly, the result of imbibi-
and more crystallization occurs, and the final esti- tion of water by noncrystalline cellulose. All aqueous
mate of crystallinity is considerably higher than the processes, such as dyeing, pulping, degradation, and
true value for the intact sample. certain types of resin finishing, and all moisture-
Recrystallization alone may not be extensive sensitive fibers properties, such as plasticity, strength,
enough to account for the large differences between and elongation, are dependent upon that fraction of
the structure to which water gains access. The term
Presented in part before a meeting of The Fiber Society,
Lowell, Mass., Sept. 8, 1949. &dquo;accessible&dquo; is applied to this fraction.

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It is a fair assumption that, for practical purposes, Preliminary experiments were undertaken to de-
a division of the cellulose structure into accessible termine what precautions would have to be taken in
and inaccessible fractions is more realistic than a the handling of formylated samples. A few experi-
division into crystalline and noncrystalline fractions. ments quickly established the fact that esterification
Furthermore, this division into active and inactive of cellulose at room temperature with 90% formic
fractions can undoubtedly best be made by chemical acid reagent yields reproducible saponification data.
methods, which depend upon reactivity. The heat and moisture stabilities of partially for-
The formic acid esterification method used in the mylated cellulose were then investigated. Swatches
present investigation has animportant advantage of cotton and viscose rayon fabrics were soaked to-
over hydrolysis
the method. As is shown later, little, gether for 20 hrs. in an excess of 90% formic acid
if any, cutting of primary valences takes place in at room temperature. The swatches were then re-
this method, and consequently the danger of re- moved and rinsed in cold running water for 30 min.
crystallization is ruled out. It has the further ad- This rinsing was continued somewhat longer than
vantage of being a chemical method. was necessary to leave the samples neutral to methyl

The method is comparatively simple, requires no orange. The wet samples were then torn in half and
specialized equipment or chemicals, and yields data one part of each was dried at room temperature.

which can be interpreted in a straightforward man- The other part of each was dried in a forced-circula-
ner. Unsubstituted cellulose is merely esterified tion air oven at 300°F for 1 hr. Analysis by saponi-
under controlled conditions with strong formic acid fication yielded the data in Table I.
and the amount of combined formic acid is deter- These data clearly show that the partially formyl-
mined by saponification of the treated cellulose. ated celluloses are stable enough toward heat and
moisture to permit ordinary o.ven-drying and han-
Experimental Procedure and Results
dling without danger of formyl losses.
The esterification of cellulose with formic acid has It was next shown that little cutting of chains
occurs during partial formylation. The strength of
been reviewed briefly by Malm and Fordyce [12]
and by Heuser [ 10] . The former assert that 6 /o- cotton is highly sensitive to acid degradation and
offers a ready means of determining appreciable acid
10% of formyl groups can be introduced readily into
cellulose by treatment of the material at room tem- damage. Accordingly, a piece of bleached, pure-
finish cotton sheeting was soaked for 18 hrs. in 90%
perature with formic acid of at least 85% strength.
Heuser stated that formic acid simultaneously esteri- formic acid at room temperature. The cloth was
fies and degrades cellulose and that degradation oc- then removed, rinsed thoroughly in running water,
curs particularly where the cellulose monoformate and dried. After being conditioned at 70°F and
stage is exceeded. Both reviews indicate that cellu- 65% R.H., pieces of formylated and untreated con-
lose formates are unstable, are readily hydrolyzed by trol fabrics were tested for breaking strength by the
hot water, show a strong tendency to hydrolyze at A.S.T.M. cut-strip method. The observed data are
room temperature in the presence of moisture, and shown in Table II.
are completely stripped of formyl groups by dry heat These results indicate that the amount of cellulose
at elevated temperatures. Heuser’s review also in- degradation is inappreciable in periods up to 24 hrs.
dicates that the introduction of more than one formyl at least.
group per glucose unit is difficult and that cellulose The modified Eberstadt saponification technic [ 13 ]
triformate cannot be isolated. for determining degree of esterification is widely used


Values given are the averages of 5 determinations,

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© 1951 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.

were oven-dried for 1 hr. at 105 ° C and saponified

with excess 0.251V NaOH for 24 hrs. at room

The curves clearly show that viscose rayon esteri-
fies to greater
a extent than does mercerized cotton,
which, in turn, undergoes more esterification than
unmercerized cotton does. In all cases the esteri-
fication is initially rapid but proceeds at a decreasing
rate which ultimately tends to become constant. The
FIG. 1. Simultaneous f ormylation results for viscose
rayon, mercerized cotton, and unmercerized cotton at
shapes and pattern of the curves are strongly sug-
30 ° C. gestive of acid-hydrolysis curves.
The esterification process is visibly similar in the
three cases. Actually, ratios both of simultaneous
and is reasonably accurate and reliable. It has there-
values for viscose rayon and for mercerized cotton to
fore been assumed to be adequate for present pur-
those for unmercerized cotton vary but little over the
poses without change. 24-hr. period. The viscose rayon-unmercerized cot-
Typical formylation results for three different cel- ton ratios increase linearly from 3.1 to 3.5 in 24 hrs.,
lulosic materials are presented graphically in Fig-
while the mercerized-unmercerized cotton ratios in-
ure 1. Unmercerized, bleached cotton print cloth; crease linearly from 1.6 to 1.7 in the same period.
mercerized, bleached cotton print cloth; and an all- The effect of temperature on the esterification of
spun, all-viscose rayon were simultaneously formyl- viscose rayon with 90% formic acid is shown in
ated at 30°C for varying times. The mercerized
cotton was prepared from the unmercerized print
Figure 2. Values of combined formic acid were ob-
tained by the methods already described. The graph
cloth by immersion of the latter without tension in
indicates that the esterification process is much ac-
23 % caustic at room temperature, rinsing thoroughly, celerated by heat. However, the process is not other-
souring, and drying. All samples were in pure- ’
wise changed since the curves coincide when the
finish form.
time scales are adjusted by appropriate factors.
Swatches of each of the three types of fabric were
The relative velocities of esterification at different
tacked loosely together with cotton thread. Of seven
such sets made, six were placed in 1 1. of 90% formic temperatures were determined and the energy of ac-
tivation was calculated. Relative reaction velocities
acid at 30°C. Sets were removed periodically up to
were found by taking the reciprocals of the times
24 hrs., rinsed in cold running water for 30 min.
required for the same amount of formic acid to be
immediately after removal, and air-dried. The sets combined at the various temperatures. The activa-
were subsequently broken; the individual samples
tion energy, calculated from these relative velocities,
is approximately 14,000 cals.
Activation energy, E, is given by the equation

where h1 and h2
are times required for the same

amount of formic acid to be combined at two differ-

ent temperatures, T, and T2, respectively, expressed
in °K.
The interpretation of cellulose-esterification data
presented another problem. The amounts of cellu-
lose involved in the esterification are obviously de-
FIG. 2. Effect of temperature on the formylation of pendent upon the product formed-whether the
viscose rayon. mono-, di-, or tri-ester, or mixtures of these types.

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Each glucose unit of cellulose contains a primary

and two secondary hydroxyls, which might esterify
at different rates.
A preliminary experiment was conducted to de- FIG. 3. For1nylatt&dquo;on of starch and dextrivc at 21°C.
termine whether primary and secondary hydroxyls
formylate at grossly different velocities. Normal and
secondary butyl alcohols were mixed with excess
90% formic acid. Periodic dilution of portions of
thee mixtures with water showed that insoluble
butyl formates were formed in a few minutes at room
temperature in both cases. This result indicated
that both the primary and secondary hydroxyls of
cellulose might be involved.
The next step was to investigate the esterification
behavior of a completely accessible material. Starches
are known to be practically identical to cellulose in

chemical composition and to form opalescent solu-

tions readily in 90% formic acid at room tempera-
ture. White dextrin reagent forms a water-white
solution under the same conditions. The latter was FIG. 4. E ff ect of f tei~uperat2ire on the formylation off
obviously ideal, provided its chain length was not so white dextrin.
short that end groups would introduce an interfering
factor. trin for a 72-hr. period. One formyl group per glu-
Four different starches and white dextrin were cose unit corresponds to 24.2% combined formic.
dried in vacuo at room temperature and esterified in The curve, then, suggests that one hydroxyl per glu-
parallel for 4 hrs. at 21 °C. Portions of the same cose unit is formylated rapidly. Simultaneously, but
formic acid were used for each sample. Approxi- far more slowly, esterification of one or both of the
mately 1.8 g. of the dry starches and dextrin were remaining hydroxyls apparently occurs. This is rep-
placed in flasks with 50 ml. of 90% formic acid. resented by the flattened portion of the curve and
The flasks were stoppered and rotated until disper- the dotted projection to 24.2% combined formic acid.
sion was complete. At the end of 4 hrs. the reaction The effect of temperature on the esterification of
was quenched by addition of 200 ml. of chilled white dextrin is shown by Figure’ 4. Calculation of
methanol to each flask. The precipitates which the activation energy by the method used for viscose
formed were filtered off, washed several times with rayon yields a value of 14,200 cals. This is almost
methanol, dried in vacuo, and subsequently saponified. identical to the value for viscose and is strong evi-
The data obtained are given in Table III. dence that the same process is involved in the two
The similarity in reaction behavior of starch and cases.
dextrin is also apparent in Figure 3, which depicts The information obtained in these experiments
the formylation of Brazilian tapioca and white dex- served as the basis on which white dextrin was

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ceeds, the amount of accessible cellulose increases,

FIG. 5. Simultaneous ratios of combined formic acid but at a decreasing rate. The rate finally becomes
in viscose rayon to that it. dextrin. slow and constant when about 55 ~o of the viscose has
become accessible. It is suggested, therefore, that
chosen to represent 100% accessibility. On the as- the viscose rayon examined is initially about 30 %
sumption that esterifications of dextrin and cellulose accessible to 90% formic acid, that an additional
are identical chemical processes, the simultaneous
25 % becomes accessible in 24 hrs., and that the re-
ratios of formic acid values for viscose rayon to maining 45 % is but slowly attacked and may be
those for dextrin were calculated; these are plotted inaccessible crystalline or near-crystalline material.
in Figure 5. Thus, each point on the graphs repre- It is interesting to note that both 21°C and 45 ° C
sents the amount of combined formic acid in viscose curves appear to extrapolate to about 30%.

rayon relative to that in white dextrin for the same Similar handling of unmercerized cotton and mer-
time-temperature conditions of formylation for each. cerized cotton data gave the initial accessibilities
The series of ratios for 21°C indicate that the shown in Table IV. The value for viscose rayon
esterification of viscose rayon differs progressively in is included.
time from that of dextrin.* In other words, at the It is emphasized that these values are estimates of
start of the process about 0.3 as much formic acid cellulose initially accessible to 90% formic acid.
combines with viscose as combines with dextrin. Formic acid of this strength is a more powerful
This ratio increases relatively rapidly with time at a swelling agent than is water. The percentages of
decreasing rate and finally settles to a slow, steady these celluloses immediately accessible to water would
rise after about 24 hrs. In the 45 ° C series, the therefore be somewhat lower than the values given.
initial ratio is again in the vicinity of 0.3, but rises If the above concept is correct, then a considerable
more rapidly and approaches a slow rate of change part of each of these structures is not immediately
in 4 hrs. The 24-hr. value at 21°C and the 4-hr. accessible to water but nevertheless does not act as
value at 45 ° C are almost identical. if it were crystalline. Furthermore, water cannot
The curves can be given at least one simple inter- increase the accessibility of this intermediate struc-
pretation-that viscose rayon is initially about 30 % ture by chemically reacting with it as formic acid can.
accessible to 90% formic acid. As esterification pro- However, it is a distinct possibility that at least some
of this intermediate structure may be made accessible
The simultaneous ratios of percentages of combined formic to water by mechanical action, such as the beating of
acid in cellulose to those for dextrin are only approximations
of the amounts of cellulose actually esterified. The relative a pulp, or by chemical action, such as by dilute alkali,

amounts of cellulose esterified are given more accurately by aqueous urea, and dicyandiamide solutions.
simultaneous ratios of moles of combined formic acid per That a part of the viscose rayon structure may
mole of anhydroglucose in cellulose and in dextrin. Thus,
where the simultaneous percentages of combined formic gradually become accessible to formic acid as esteri-
acid in cellulose and in dextrin are Ac and AD, respectively, fication takes place can be inferred from Figure 6.
the approximate amounts of cellulose esterified are given
This graph shows the esterification of viscose rayon
by the ratio

―― .
based on
More accurate estimates of cellulose
moles of combined formic, are given by
fabric by formic acid reagent over a period of a week.
Except for the first 24 hrs., the reaction proceeds
at a slow, steady pace. However, after about 40 hrs.
A Ð C 4600-28A D ~ .
AD 4600-28AC c
However, the correction factor
sented by the quantity in the brackets is neglected
as an
the fabric obviously begins to disintegrate. The dis-
unnecessary complication of the present discussion. integration is unquestionably the result of partial

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© 1951 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.

solution of the viscose rayon since dilution of the

clear supernatant formic acid with methanol pro- AND CRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE
duced a precipitate in the form of a distinct turbidity.
This indicates that 90% formic acid is a solvent for
formylated cellulose. Thus, the solvent action of
90% formic acid on formylated chain segments of
accessible cellulose could presumably expose addi-
tional cellulose to the esterifying agent. This effect
would explain the slow erosion of crystalline cellu-
* Combined formic ratio, material/dextrin, after 2 hrs.
lose as well as the relatively rapid change of accessi- at 30°C.
bility with time in the early stages of the process. j’ Combined formic ratio, material/dextrin, after 12 hrs.
at 30°C.
Direct evidence that formic acid does not enter
I By difference.
cellulose crystallites was obtained from x-ray dif-
fraction analysis of partially formylated cotton and
region. A sample-dextrin ratio at any early stage
viscose rayon. Samples of these materials as fabrics
in the reaction would indicate the initial accessibility
were treated with 90% formic acid for 40 hrs. at
only approximately for two reasons: First, if the
21 °~C, rinsed thoroughly, and dried. As can be seen time of formylation were too short, the ratio would
by reference to Figure 6, this time of treatment was not be reliable because the degrees of formylation
not quite long enough to produce incipient disinte-
might be too small for accurate measurement, and
gration of the viscose rayon. Combined formic acid diffusion of reagent into fibers might be a retarding
in the viscose rayon and cotton was 18.7% and 5.0%,
factor. Secondly, if the ratio is taken longer and
respectively. longer after the outset of reaction, it is increased
Threads taken from untreated and formylated sam-
more and more by cellulose which becomes accessible
ples were examined with Cu Ka radiation. Neither as the reaction proceeds. Nevertheless, it should be
optical nor photometric measurements of the diffrac- possible by this method to obtain comparable figures
tion patterns indicated that any change in the crystal
on a variety of materials with little expenditure of
lattice spacing had occurred as a result of the formyl- &dquo;

ation. A change in the lattice spacing would prob-
Sample-dextrin ratios determined after sufficient
ably occur if formic acid entered the crystallites. time has elapsed for the formylation rate to have
A less laborious, but also less accurate method
become slow and constant should be fairly accurate.
than that described above can be used to resolve
These ratios, of course, would indicate the amounts
formylation data. This consists simply of determin- of residual inaccessible material in the samples.
ing two sample-dextrin ratios-one near the origin The rough analysis of cotton, mercerized cotton,
of the curve in Figure 5, and one in the flattened and viscose rayon by use of two sets of ratios is
presented in Table V. The percentages of accessible
cellulose are derived from material-dextrin ratios
after 2 hrs.’ formylation of each at 30°C. Noncrys-
talline cellulose is similarly obtained from the mate-
rial-dextrin ratios after 12 hrs.’ formylation of each
at 30°C. The figures for crystalline cellulose are
simply the differences between derived percentages of
noncrystalline material and 100. The amounts of ac-
cessible cellulose in this table are considerably higher
than those estimated for the same materials by extra-
polation (Table IV). This is to be expected for
the reasons given above.

The partial formates of cellulose, prepared and
FIG. 6. Formylation of z,iscose rayon fabric at 210 C. heat-treated as described in the preliminary experi-

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© 1951 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.

ments, appear to have relatively good stability. This monoformate is probably present as the diformate on
is clearly a contradiction of the literature on cellulose relatively undegraded chains.*
formates. Nevertheless, it seems likely that the It is unlikely that appreciable error in the saponi-
monoformate is relatively stable, and it may well be fication data is caused by solvent action of the 90%
that substituent formyl groups in excess of the mono- formic acid during the esterification process. Such
formate are relatively unstable, as well as being dif- errors would arise if formyl-rich cellulose chain frag-
ficult to introduce [10]. In such a case, the idea ments were carried off in the excess of formic acid.
could readily have developed that cellulose formates However, has already been mentioned, only a
are completely unstable. of such extraction was observed when
slight amount
Whether or not there is appreciable acid degrada- viscose rayon was formylated for 40 hrs. Thus,
tion of cellulose during esterification is doubly im-
only a negligible amount of extraction from viscose
portant. In addition to its bearing on recrystalliza- rayon could have occurred in experiments run for
tion of cellulose, chain-cutting would increase the far shorter times.
number of hydroxyls available for esterification and, In the case of cotton which was formylated for a
accordingly, would have to be considered in the week there was no evidence whatever of any extrac-
interpretation of data. The fact that cotton fabric tion. Not only does this exclude the likelihood of
retains its strength through esterification is strong error from extraction, but it also indicates that ex-
evidence that chain-cutting is inappreciable. Cotton- tractable chain fragments are not formed by degrada-
fabric strength apparently is fully as sensitive a meas- tion during the long time of treatment. The absence
ure of chemical degradation as is cuprammonium
of appreciable extraction, especially in the case of
fluidity [4], which depends upon chain length. viscose rayon, may stem from the fact that formic
The absence of acid degradation in the process is acid is not a strong intra-crystalline swelling agent.
also indicated by the behavior of dextrin after pro- The factual data and the inferences drawn from
longed esterification. The partial formates of dex- them in the above presentation emphasize the need
trin on being saponified in dilute caustic yield opales- for precise definition of terms in this field. &dquo;Accessi-
cent solutions which are indistinguishable from solu-
bility,&dquo; for example, cannot be used alone except for
tions of untreated dextrin. Formylated starches also
generalization. Where measurements are involved,
give opalescent dispersions after saponification. the term must be limited and defined before any
These observations suggest that acid degradation
occurs at the most only very slowly since neither
significance can be attached to the data. Thus, ac-
starch nor dextrin hydrolyzes to completely water-
cessibility to 90% formic acid and accessibility to
helium are probably very different values. &dquo;Accessi-
soluble, low-molecular-weight fragments in periods bility&dquo; obviously cannot be a specific term until the
up to 3 days. conditions are described.
Being considerably lower in molecular weight than
The accessibility of a cellulose to water is actually
the starches, dextrin should have shorter chains and
of the widest and most practical interest. In fact,
hence more terminal (position 4) hydroxyls per unit
the relative crystallinity is clearly secondary to rela-
weight than the starches. If such terminal hydroxyls tive accessibility in real significance.
were preferentially esterified, dextrin should accept
The possible existence of a stratum or strata of
more combined formic acid than the starches. How-
potentially accessible cellulose between the immedi-
ever, in parallel esterifications the starches and dex-
trin do not differ significantly (Table III and Fig-
ately accessible and the inaccessible fractions is also
of prime, practical importance. It may offer an
ure 3). Furthermore, if all formyl above that neces-
explanation of some of the large discrepancies in
sary to produce the monoformate were on position-4 measurement of degrees of crystallinity. Its possible
hydroxyls, the degree of polymerization of starches role in the beating of paper pulp, for example, has
and dextrin after 24 hrs. (Figure 3) would have to be
been mentioned above.
4, and after 72 hrs. slightly more than 2. In view The initial accessibilities of unmercerized and
of the opalescence of the regenerated starches and
mercerized cottons and of viscose rayon to 90%
dextrin (discussed above), such low degrees of poly-
merization are improbable. It follows, therefore, that * An independent investigation [17] by a different method
formyl in excess of that required to produce the apparently has led to different conclusions.

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© 1951 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.

formic acid are probably somewhat higher than the Literature Cited
accessibilities of these materials to water. Neverthe- 1. Assaf, A., Haas, R., and Purves, C., J. Am. Chem.
less, the estimates obtained are in the same ranges as Soc. 66, 59 (1944).
those obtained by acid hydrolysis. 2. Brenner, F., Frilette, V., and Mark, H., J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 70, 877 (1948).
3. Conrad, C., and Scroggie, A., Ind. Eng. Chem. 37,
Summary 592 (1945).
4. Dean, J., Berard, W., and Worner, R., TEXTILE
A method of investigating the structure of un- RESEARCH JOURNAL 20, 643 (1950).
substituted celluloses by formic acid esterification is 5. Frilette, V., Hanle, J., and Mark, H., J. Am. Chem.
presented. Soc. 70, 1107 (1948).
It is proposed that the degree of accessibility of 6. Goldfinger, G., Mark, H., and Siggia, S., Ind. Eng.
Chem. 35, 1083 (1943).
a cellulose structure to water is a far more useful
7. Hermans, P., J. Text. Inst. 38, P63 (1947).
value than the degree of crystallinity. 8. Hermans, P., and Weidinger, A.,
J. Polymer Sci. 4,
Cellulose structures appear to contain three dis- 135 (1949).
tinct parts: one part is immediately accessible to a 9. Hermans, P., and Weidinger, A., J. Polymer Sci. 4,
317 (1949).
contacting medium like water; a second part is po- 10. Heuser, E., "Chemistry of Cellulose," New York,
tentially accessible; while a third part is inaccessible. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1944, pp. 284-6.
Accessibilities must be described in terms of the 11. Howsmon, J., TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL 19, 152
swelling power of the contacting medium, which may (1949).
convert varying amounts of the potentially accessible
12. Malm, C., and Fordyce, C., in Ott’s "Cellulose and
Cellulose Derivatives," 1st ed., New York, Inter-
cellulose to fully accessible cellulose.
science, 1943, p. 670.
The most practically useful data on cellulose struc- 13. Malm, C., and Fordyce, C., in Ott’s "Cellulose and
tures can probably best be determined by chemical Cellulose Derivatives," 1st ed., New York, Inter-
methods. science, 1943, p. 705.
14. Nickerson, R., Ind. Eng. Chem. 34, 1480 (1942).
15. Nickerson, R., and Habrle, J., Ind. Eng. Chem.
Acknowledgment 37, 1115 (1945) ; 39, 1507 (1947).
16 Philipp, H., Nelson, M., and Ziifle, H., TEXTILE
The author gratefully acknowledges the kindness RESEARCH JOURNAL 17, 585 (1947).
of Mr. A. H. Herzog in making the x-ray diffrac- 17. Stamm, A. J., private communication.
tion analysis. (Manuscript received December 18, 1950.)

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