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Zero Sequence Current

Definition: The unbalanced current flows in the circuit during the earth fault is known as the zero sequence
current or the DC component of the fault current. The zero phase sequence means the magnitude of three
phases has zero phase displacement. The three vector lines represent the zero sequence current and it is
detected by adding the vector of three phases current. The equation below express the zero-phase sequence

Delta-Connected Winding
The delta connected winding is shown in the figure below. The zero sequence current of phases a, b and c are
equal in magnitude and in phase with each other. It is circulated in the phase windings of the delta connection
as shown in the figure below.The zero sequence currents are produced due to the existence of zero sequence

By KCL at node a, we get

Similarly, by applying KCL at nodes B and C, we have

The above equation shows that there is no zero sequence current present in the delta connection, because of the
absence of the return paths of these current.

Since there is no return path for the zero sequence current in the line, thus the impedance of the circuit
becomes infinite.This infinite impedance is shown by the open circuit at point P in the single phase equivalent
zero sequence network for a delta connected circuit with zero sequence impedance Z0.

But for the zero sequence current, there is the closed path within the delta circuit.This is indicated by
connecting the zero sequence impedance Z0 to the zero sequence current.

Star Connected Winding with Neutral Isolated from

Consider a star connected winding without a neutral return as shown in the figure below.
In this case,

The above equation shows that the zero sequence current is zero in the three phase three wire system without
neutral returns.

Star Connected Without Neutral Return

The figure below shows the star connected winding with neutral grounded.


The above equation shows that for a three-phase grounded system the zero sequence current will flow from
phase winding as well as in the lines.

Related Terms:
1. Phase Shift in Star Delta Transformer
2. Grounding Transformer
3. Three Phase System
4. Sequence Networks
5. Phase Sequence
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Basic Power Systems - Solidly Grounded
Solidly grounded systems have a power source in which the neutral or X0 point of
the transformer or generator is connected to ground through a solid bonding
jumper. This jumper has minimal resistance or impedance to ground - it does not
appreciably limit ground-fault current.
ប្រព័ន្ធថាមពលមូលដ្ឋា ន - មូលដ្ឋា នរឹងមាំ

ប្រព័ន្ធដីរឹងមានប្រភពថាមពលដែលចំនុចអព្យាក្រឹត ឬ X0 នៃប្លែង ឬម៉ា ស៊ីនភ្លើងត្រូវបានភ្ជា ប់ទៅដី

តាមរយៈឧបករណ៍ ភ្ជា ប់រឹង។ jumper នេះមានភាពធន់ទ្រាំតិចតួចបំផុតឬ impedance ទៅនឹងដី - វាមិនគួរឱ្យ

កត់សម្គា ល់កំណត់ចរន្តនៃកំហុសដី។

Basic Power Systems - Solidly Grounded

ប្រព័ន្ធថាមពលមូលដ្ឋា ន - មូលដ្ឋា នរឹងមាំ

ប្រព័ន្ធដីរឹងមានប្រភពថាមពលដែលចំនុចអព្យាក្រឹត ឬ X0 នៃប្លែង ឬ

ម៉ា ស៊ីនភ្លើងត្រូវបានភ្ជា ប់ទៅនឹងដីតាមរយៈ jumper ភ្ជា ប់រឹង។ jumper នេះមានភាពធន់ទ្រាំតិចតួចឬ

impedance ទៅនឹងដី - វាមិនគួរឱ្យកត់សម្គា ល់កំណត់ចរន្តនៃកំហុសដីទេ។ ឧទាហរណ៍ ទូទៅគឺ 3

ដំណាក់កាល 208/120-V Wye ឬ 480/277-V Wye ការកំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ ក៏ដូចជាការបំលែងតែមួយដំណាក់កាល


អព្យាក្រឹតបន្ទា ប់បន្សំដែលភ្ជា ប់ទៅនឹងដី (ក្នុងករណី ដ៏កម្រ ដីសណ្ត ជ្រុងជ្រុង)។ ជនជាតិអាមេរិក


ស៊ាំជាមួយប្រព័ន្ធដែលមានមូលដ្ឋា នរឹងមាំជាថាមពលគ្រួសារ ជាធម្មតាប្រព័ន្ធបំបែកដំណាក់កាល


ជាមួយនឹងអព្យាក្រឹតរបស់វា ភ្ជា ប់យ៉ា ងរឹងមាំទៅនឹងដី។ ម៉ា ស៊ីនកណ្តា លត្រូវបានភ្ជា ប់យ៉ា ងរឹងមាំទៅ


There are advantages and disadvantages to this grounding method. One disadvantage is the large
prospective ground-fault current. Fire, electrical-component damage, or personnel injury can occur.
Nevertheless, a tripped overcurrent device (circuit breaker or fuse) or ground-fault circuit-interrupter
(GFCI) enables the electrictian to quickly locate the faulted circuit. Corrective action will often take place
after the fault has occured and the damage is done. Preventative maintenance is not necessarily
associated with the solidly grounded system.

មានគុណសម្បត្តិ និងគុណវិបត្តិចំពោះវិធីសាស្ត្រចាក់ដីនេះ។ គុណវិបត្តិមួយគឺទំហំធំ

ចរន្តនៃកំហុសដីនាពេលអនាគត។ អគ្គីភ័យ ការខូចខាតផ្នែកអគ្គិសនី ឬរបួសបុគ្គលិកអាចកើតឡើង។

យ៉ា ងណាក៏ដោយ ឧបករណ៍ ដែលមានចរន្តលើសកំណត់ (ឧបករណ៍ បំបែកសៀគ្វី ឬហ្វុយស៊ីប) ឬ

ឧបករណ៍ រំខានសៀគ្វីដី

(GFCI) អាចឱ្យអ្នកអគ្គិសនីកំណត់ទីតាំងសៀគ្វីដែលមានបញ្ហា បានយ៉ា ងឆាប់រហ័ស។ សកម្មភាពកែតម្រូវ


កន្លែងបន្ទា ប់ពីកំហុសបានកើតឡើងហើយការខូចខាតត្រូវបានធ្វើ។ ការថែទាំបង្កា រគឺមិនចាំបាច់ទេ។

ភ្ជា ប់ជាមួយប្រព័ន្ធមូលដ្ឋា នរឹងមាំ។

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