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Lund university

Faculties of Humanities and Theology

HASPV, Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics,

120 credits
Masterprogram i språk och språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng

Second cycle degree programme requiring previous university study / Program

med akademiska förkunskapskrav och med slutlig examen på avancerad nivå

The programme syllabus is established by The pro-dean for First-Cycle Studies at the
Faculties of Humanities and Theology 20-10-2017 (U 2016/557) and most recently
amended 05-10-2022 (U 2022/543). The amended syllabus is valid from 05-10-2022,
autumn semester 2023.

Code Swedish name English name Credits
KLAS Classical Languages Klassiska språk 120 credits
KOSE Cognitive Semiotics Kognitiv semiotik 120 credits
ENGE English Engelska 120 credits
LING Linguistics Lingvistik 120 credits
MODE Modern Languages Moderna språk 120 credits
RETO Rhetoric Retorik 120 credits
SVNO Swedish/Scandinavian Svenska/Nordiska språk 120 credits
SVAN Swedish as a Second Svenska som andraspråk 120 credits

Programme description
The Master of Arts programme in Language and Linguistics is intended for students
who are interested in expanding their knowledge in the field of language and

(HASPV) Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, 120 credits / Masterprogram i språk och
språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng

linguistics. Students can choose between several different specializations and subject
areas which focus on specific languages or on more overarching linguistic topics. The
specialization Modern Languages includes the subjects Arabic/Semitic Languages,
French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Modern Greek, Romanian, Russian, Spanish
and German. The specialization Classical Language includes Greek and Latin and the
specialization Linguistics the subjects General Linguistics and Phonetics. Not all
specializations and subjects areas are offered every year. The current options are
published on the University’s websites.
The objective of the programme is to increase the student’s knowledge of language in
a broad sense and theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language
specific specializations, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language
proficiency and knowledge of the language.
The programme consists of compulsory courses common to all specializations,
compulsory courses for each specialization and elective courses. Elective courses are
chosen in consultation with the programme coordinator. The languages of instruction
are English and other languages depending to the area of specialization. The final
degree project consists of a thesis in language and linguistics that constitutes in-depth
study in one of the areas of specialization. The programme prepares students for
further academic studies or for a future career where competency in language is
Students are also offered the opportunity of an intermediate exit point and those who
wish to may obtain a Master’s degree (60 credits). See appendix, “Master’s degree
(60 credits)” for specific information.

Second-cycle study programmes shall involve the acquisition of specialist knowledge,
competence and skills in relation to first-cycle courses and study programmes, and in
addition to the requirements for first-cycle courses and study programmes shall:
• further develop the ability of students to integrate and make autonomous use of
their knowledge,
• develop the students' ability to deal with complex phenomena, issues and
situations, and
• develop the students' potential for professional activities that demand
considerable autonomy, or for research and development work.

The Masters' Programme builds on first-cycle studies in languages or linguistics. For a

Master's degree (120 credits) the student shall:

Knowledge and understanding

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of language and linguistics,
including both broad knowledge of linguistics and a considerable degree of
specialized knowledge in the selected area of specialization,
• demonstrate deep insights into current linguistic research and development

Competence and skills

(HASPV) Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, 120 credits / Masterprogram i språk och
språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng

• demonstrate an advanced ability to apply linguistic methodology,

• demonstrate the ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge and
analyse, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, even
with limited information,
• demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate research issues critically,
autonomously and creatively as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods,
undertake advanced tasks within predetermined time frames and using
theoretical concepts, and so contribute to the formation of knowledge, as well as
the ability to evaluate this work,
• demonstrate the ability in speech and writing in a national and international
context to report clearly and discuss their development work and research, as
well as the knowledge and arguments on which they are based in dialogue with
different audiences, using the language of the selected specialization,
• demonstrate the knowledge and skills required for participation in research and
development work or autonomous employment in an advanced capacity
concerned with language, the teaching of language and international relations,
• demonstrate the skills required to work autonomously in the area covered by the

Judgement and approach

• demonstrate the ability to make assessments in linguistics informed by relevant
disciplinary, societal and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of
ethical aspects of research and developmental work,
• demonstrate the ability to assess, compile and evaluate information from various
sources, within the chosen area of specialisation for the degree project,
• demonstrate knowledge of the place of linguistics in the context of other
• demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in
society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used,
• demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and
take responsibility for their ongoing learning.

Learning outcomes for a Master’s degree (60 credits)

Se appendix Master’s degree (60 credits)

Course information
The Master of Arts (120 credits) programme in Language and Linguistics consists of:
• Compulsory courses common to all specializations (45 credits)
• Compulsory courses for each subject area (30 credits)
• Elective courses within the programme (45 credits)

Compulsory courses common to all specializations for the entire Master of

Arts programme (45 credits)
• Language and Linguistics: Philosophy of Science for Linguists, 7.5 credits
• Language and Linguistics: Methods in Linguistics, 7.5 credits
• Language and Linguistics: Degree Project – Master's (Two Years) Thesis, 30

(HASPV) Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, 120 credits / Masterprogram i språk och
språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng

Compulsory courses for each subject area (30 credits)

Second-cycle courses in the subject area of the specialization. The department
provides information about the courses available. Course choice must be approved by
the programme coordinator.

Elective courses within the programme (45 credits)

The department provides information about the courses available. A total of 30
credits may be taken in other subjects within the faculty or at another faculty in Lund
University or another Swedish university; students may even include studies abroad in
these 30 credits. Students may choose first-cycle courses of a maximum total of 30
credits. Course choice must be approved by the programme coordinator.

Programme structure
The academic year is split into two semesters. Each semester is divided into (usually
two or four) courses which are all examined separately. Subject area courses and
elective courses are offered on a rolling basis.
Semester 1: Philosophy of Science for Linguists 7.5 credits, compulsory subject area
courses or elective courses 22.5 credits
Semester 2: Methods in Linguistics 7.5 credits, compulsory subject area courses or
elective courses 22.5 credits
Semester 3: Compulsory subject area courses or elective courses 30 credits
Semester 4: Degree Project – Master's (Two Years) Thesis, 30 credits
For admission to semester two, the student must have completed and passed the
introductory course Philosophy of Science for Linguists. For admission to the Degree
Project – Master's (Two Years) Thesis course, the student must have completed
courses comprising at least 60 credits, including all compulsory courses.

Course details for the Master’s degree (60 credits)

See appendix, “Master’s degree (60 credits)”.
Additional information in appendix Master's Degree 60 credits.

Degree titles
Degree of Master of Arts (120 credits)
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Arabic
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Chinese
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Cognitive Semiotics
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in English
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in French
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in General Linguistics
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in German
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Greek

(HASPV) Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, 120 credits / Masterprogram i språk och
språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng

Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Italian

Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Japanese
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Latin
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Modern Greek
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Phonetics
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Rhetoric
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Romanian
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Russian
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Spanish
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Swedish/Scandinavian
Major: Language and Linguistics with specialization in Swedish as a Second
Filosofie masterexamen
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i allmän
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i arabiska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i engelska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i fonetik
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i franska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i grekiska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i italienska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i japanska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i kinesiska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i kognitiv semiotik
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i latin
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i nygrekiska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i retorik
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i rumänska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i ryska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i spanska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i svenska/nordiska
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i svenska som
Huvudområde: Språk och språkvetenskap med specialisering i tyska

Degree titles for a Master's degree (60 credits) are:

Degree of Master of Arts (60 credits), majors as above
Filosofie magisterexamen, huvudområden som ovan

Requirements and Selection method

Classical Languages
• Bachelor’s degree specializing in the subject chosen for the Master’s programme
• Completed at least 90 credits in the chosen language

(HASPV) Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, 120 credits / Masterprogram i språk och
språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng

• Bachelor’s thesis, or other equivalent academic work, relevant to the

chosen subject
• Knowledge and skills in English equivalent to at least English 6 from
Swedish upper secondary school. Equivalence is assessed in accordance with
national guidelines.

Selection method
A major criterion in the admission process is the applicant's estimated ability to
complete the programme successfully. The applicants are ranked based on their
previous academic merits (grades for courses and the quality of their BA thesis or
equivalent academic papers), their statement of purpose, and their proficiency in
English. Admissions interviews may also be used to rank the applicants.

Cognitive Semiotics
• Bachelor’s degree in a language subject or linguistics as the main field of study,
or a Bachelor’s degree with semiotics or cognitive science as the main field of
study and courses in basic linguistics of at least 15 credits
• Bachelor’s thesis, or other equivalent academic work, relevant to the chosen
• Knowledge and skills in English equivalent to at least English 6 from Swedish
upper secondary school. Equivalence is assessed in accordance with national

Selection method
A major criterion in the admission process is the applicant's estimated ability to
complete the programme successfully. The applicants are ranked based on their
previous academic merits (grades for courses and the quality of their BA thesis or
equivalent academic papers), their statement of purpose, and their proficiency in
English. Admissions interviews may also be used to rank the applicants.

• Bachelor’s degree with English language and linguistics as the main field of study
• Completed at least 90 credits in the language. Beginner level courses cannot be
included in these.
• Bachelor’s thesis, or other equivalent academic work, with a specialization in
English language and linguistics
• English language skills demonstrated by one of the following tests:
● IELTS (Academic) with an average of 7.5 and normally no one component

under 7.0,
● TOEFL iBT Test/TOEFL iBT Home Edition/TOEFL iBT Paper Edition, with a

result of 102 or above, as well as results in the individual components as

follows: reading 24–30; listening 22–30; speaking 25–30; writing 24–30
(equivalent to Advanced)
● Pearson PTE Academic/Pearson PTE Academic Online, with a result of 76 or

(HASPV) Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, 120 credits / Masterprogram i språk och
språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng

● Cambridge English Qualifications, level C2 (with a result of 200 or above)

Applicants who are native speakers of English and have also a completed high-school
diploma or an Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination diploma from the UK,
lreland, USA, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand are exempted from the above
requirement. A copy of the diploma must be submitted with the application.
Selection method
A major criterion in the admission process is the applicant's estimated ability to
complete the programme successfully. The applicants are ranked based on their
previous academic merits (grades for courses and the quality of their BA thesis or
equivalent academic papers), their statement of purpose, and their proficiency in
English. Admissions interviews may also be used to rank the applicants.

• Bachelor’s degree with linguistics or phonetics as the main field of study, or a
language degree with at least 60 credits in general linguistics and phonetics
• Bachelor’s thesis, or other equivalent academic work, relevant to the chosen
subject (general linguistics or phonetics)
• Knowledge and skills in English equivalent to at least English 6 from Swedish
upper secondary school. Equivalence is assessed in accordance with national

Selection method
A major criterion in the admission process is the applicant's estimated ability to
complete the programme successfully. The applicants are ranked based on their
previous academic merits (grades for courses and the quality of their BA thesis or
equivalent academic papers), their statement of purpose, and their proficiency in
English. Admissions interviews may also be used to rank the applicants.

Modern Languages
• Bachelor’s degree specializing in the subject chosen for the Master’s programme
• Completed at least 90 credits in the chosen language. Beginner level courses
cannot be included in these.
• Bachelor’s thesis, or other equivalent academic work, relevant to the
chosen subject
• Knowledge and skills in English equivalent to at least English 6 from
Swedish upper secondary school. Equivalence is assessed in accordance with
national guidelines.
• Good written and oral command of the language

Selection method

(HASPV) Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, 120 credits / Masterprogram i språk och
språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng

A major criterion in the admission process is the applicant's estimated ability to

complete the programme successfully. The applicants are ranked based on their
previous academic merits (grades for courses and the quality of their BA thesis or
equivalent academic papers), their statement of purpose, and their proficiency in
English. Admissions interviews may also be used to rank the applicants.

• Bachelor’s degree with rhetoric as the main field of study
• Courses in basic linguistics of at least 15 credits
• Bachelor’s thesis, or other equivalent academic work, with a specialization in
• Knowledge and skills in English equivalent to at least English 6 from Swedish
upper secondary school. Equivalence is assessed in accordance with national
• Proficiency in Swedish, Danish or Norwegian equivalent to C1 according to the

Selection method
A major criterion in the admission process is the applicant's estimated ability to
complete the programme successfully. The applicants are ranked based on their
previous academic merits (grades for courses and the quality of their BA thesis or
equivalent academic papers), their statement of purpose, and their proficiency in
English. Admissions interviews may also be used to rank the applicants.

Swedish/Scandinavian Languages
• Bachelor’s degree with Swedish or Scandinavian languages as the main field of
• Completed at least 90 credits in Swedish, Danish or Norwegian. Beginner level
courses cannot be included in these.
• Bachelor’s thesis, or other equivalent academic work, relevant to the chosen
• Knowledge and skills in English equivalent to at least English 6 from Swedish
upper secondary school. Equivalence is assessed in accordance with national
• Good written and oral command of the language, equivalent to a pass on the
TISUS or equivalent, or comparable proficiency in Danish or Norwegian.

Selection method
A major criterion in the admission process is the applicant's estimated ability to
complete the programme successfully. The applicants are ranked based on their
previous academic merits (grades for courses and the quality of their BA thesis or
equivalent academic papers), their statement of purpose, and their proficiency in
English. Admissions interviews may also be used to rank the applicants.

(HASPV) Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, 120 credits / Masterprogram i språk och
språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng

Swedish as a Second Language

• Bachelor’s degree with Swedish as a second language, or Swedish/Scandinavian
languages, or another language subject with a specialization in linguistics, or
linguistics as the main field of study
• Bachelor’s thesis, or other equivalent academic work, relevant to the chosen
• Knowledge and skills in English equivalent to at least English 6 from Swedish
upper secondary school. Equivalence is assessed in accordance with national
• Proficiency in Swedish equivalent to a pass on the TISUS or Swedish 3 or (foreign)
Bachelor’s degree with Swedish as the main field of study

Selection method
A major criterion in the admission process is the applicant's estimated ability to
complete the programme successfully. The applicants are ranked based on their
previous academic merits (grades for courses and the quality of their BA thesis or
equivalent academic papers), their statement of purpose, and their proficiency in
English. Admissions interviews may also be used to rank the applicants.

Intakes for applicants

For some of the specializations the applicant must choose one track at intake:
• Modern languages intake: Arabic/Semitic Languages, French, Italian, Japanese,
Chinese, Modern Greek, Romanian, Russian, Spanish or German
• Classical Languages intake: Greek or Latin
• Linguistics intake: General Linguistics or Phonetics

Not all specializations and tracks are offered every year. The current options are
published on the University’s websites.

Other information
Information about teaching and examination is given in the syllabus for each course
included in the programme.
The languages of instruction are English and other languages depending on the area
of specialization.
The programme is offered by the Centre for Languages and Literature.
For information about the intermediate exit point for a Master’s degree (60 credits),
see appendix, “Master’s degree (60 credits)”.
Additional information in appendix Master's Degree 60 credits.

(HASPV) Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, 120 credits / Masterprogram i språk och
språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng
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HASPV, Master’s Programme in Language and Linguistics, 60 credits

Appendix: Master’s degree (60 credits)

The Master of Arts in Language and Linguistics is a two-year programme, but those students
who wish to obtain a Master's degree (60 credits) are offered an opportunity to leave the
programme after one year.

Learning outcomes for a Master’s degree (60 credits)

Second-cycle courses and study programmes shall involve the acquisition of specialist
knowledge, competence and skills in relation to first-cycle courses and study programmes, and
in addition to the requirements for first-cycle courses and study programmes shall:

• further develop the ability of students to integrate and make autonomous use of their
• develop students’ ability to deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, and
• develop students’ potential for professional careers that demand considerable
autonomy, or for research and development work.

The Master of Arts programme builds on previous first-cycle studies in language or linguistics.
In order to obtain a Master’s degree (60 credits) the student shall:

Knowledge and understanding

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of language and linguistics, including both
broad knowledge of linguistics and a degree of specialized knowledge in the selected
area of specialization
• demonstrate insights into current linguistic research and development work

Competence and skills

• demonstrate an ability to apply linguistic methodology appropriately
• demonstrate the ability to systematically integrate knowledge and analyse, assess and
deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, even with limited information
• demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate research issues critically and
autonomously as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake advanced
tasks within predetermined time frames
• demonstrate the ability in speech and writing to report clearly and discuss their
development work and research, as well as the knowledge and arguments on which
they are based in dialogue with different audiences, using the language of the selected
• demonstrate the knowledge and skills required for participation in research and
development work or autonomous employment in an advanced capacity concerned
with language, the teaching of language and international relations
• demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to work autonomously in the area
covered by the programme

HASPV Master’s Programme in Language and Linguistics, Appendix Master’s degree (60 credits)
This is a translation of the appendix approved in Swedish 2009-10-15, revised 2022-09-14
2/ 2

Judgement and approach

• demonstrate the ability to make assessments in linguistics informed by relevant
disciplinary, societal and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical
aspects of research and developmental work,
• demonstrate the ability to assess, compile and evaluate information from various
sources, within the chosen area of specialization for the degree project,
• demonstrate knowledge of the place of linguistics in the context of other sciences,
• demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society
and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used,
• demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take
responsibility for their ongoing learning.

Course details for the Master’s degree (60 credits)

Compulsory courses common to all specializations for the entire programme
(22.5 credits)
• Language and Linguistics: Philosophy of Science for Linguists, 7.5 credits
• Language and Linguistics: Degree Project: Master's (One Year) Thesis, 15 credits

Compulsory courses for each subject area (15 credits)

Second-cycle courses in the subject area of the specialization. The department provides
information about the courses available. Course choice must be approved by the programme

Elective courses within the programme (22.5 credits)

Courses for 22.5 credits. The department provides information about the courses available. A
total of 15 credits may be taken in other subjects within the faculty or at another faculty in
Lund University or another Swedish university; students may even include studies abroad in
these 15 credits. Students may choose first-cycle courses of a maximum total of 15 credits.
Course choice must be approved by the programme coordinator.

Programme structure
The academic year is split into two semesters. Each semester is divided into (usually two or
four) courses which are all examined separately. Subject specialization courses and elective
courses are given on a rolling basis.

Semester 1: Philosophy of Science for Linguists 7.5 credits, compulsory subject courses or
elective courses 22.5 credits

Semester 2: Compulsory subject courses or elective courses 15 credits, Degree Project:

Master's (One Year) Thesis 15 credits

For admission to semester two, the student must have completed and passed the introductory
course Philosophy of Science for Linguists. For admission to the Degree Project: Master's (One
Year) Thesis course the student must have completed courses comprising at least 22.5 credits,
including all compulsory courses.

HASPV Master’s Programme in Language and Linguistics, Appendix Master’s degree (60 credits)
This is a translation of the appendix approved in Swedish 2009-10-15, revised 2022-09-14
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HASPV, Master’s Programme in Language and Linguistics, 60 credits

Appendix: Master’s degree (60 credits)

The Master of Arts in Language and Linguistics is a two-year programme, but those students
who wish to obtain a Master's degree (60 credits) are offered an opportunity to leave the
programme after one year.

Learning outcomes for a Master’s degree (60 credits)

Second-cycle courses and study programmes shall involve the acquisition of specialist
knowledge, competence and skills in relation to first-cycle courses and study programmes, and
in addition to the requirements for first-cycle courses and study programmes shall:

• further develop the ability of students to integrate and make autonomous use of their
• develop students’ ability to deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, and
• develop students’ potential for professional careers that demand considerable
autonomy, or for research and development work.

The Master of Arts programme builds on previous first-cycle studies in language or linguistics.
In order to obtain a Master’s degree (60 credits) the student shall:
Knowledge and understanding
• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of language and linguistics, including both
broad knowledge of linguistics and a degree of specialized knowledge in the selected
area of specialization
• demonstrate insights into current linguistic research and development work
Competence and skills
• demonstrate an ability to apply linguistic methodology appropriately
• demonstrate the ability to systematically integrate knowledge and analyse, assess and
deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, even with limited information
• demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate research issues critically and
autonomously as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake advanced
tasks within predetermined time frames
• demonstrate the ability in speech and writing to report clearly and discuss their
development work and research, as well as the knowledge and arguments on which
they are based in dialogue with different audiences, using the language of the selected
• demonstrate the knowledge and skills required for participation in research and
development work or autonomous employment in an advanced capacity concerned
with language, the teaching of language and international relations
• demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to work autonomously in the area
covered by the programme
Judgement and approach
• demonstrate the ability to make assessments in linguistics informed by relevant

HASPV Master’s Programme in Language and Linguistics, Appendix Master’s degree (60 credits)
This is a translation of the appendix approved in Swedish 2009-10-15, revised 2022-09-14
2/ 2

disciplinary, societal and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical
aspects of research and developmental work,
• demonstrate the ability to assess, compile and evaluate information from various
sources, within the chosen area of specialization for the degree project,
• demonstrate knowledge of the place of linguistics in the context of other sciences,
• demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society
and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used,
• demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take
responsibility for their ongoing learning.

Course details for the Master’s degree (60 credits)

Compulsory courses common to all specializations for the entire programme
(22.5 credits)
• Language and Linguistics: Philosophy of Science for Linguists, 7.5 credits
• Language and Linguistics: Degree Project: Master's (One Year) Thesis, 15 credits
Compulsory courses for each subject area (15 credits)
Second-cycle courses in the subject area of the specialization. The department provides
information about the courses available. Course choice must be approved by the programme
Elective courses within the programme (22.5 credits)
Courses for 22.5 credits. The department provides information about the courses available. A
total of 15 credits may be taken in other subjects within the faculty or at another faculty in
Lund University or another Swedish university; students may even include studies abroad in
these 15 credits. Students may choose first-cycle courses of a maximum total of 15 credits.
Course choice must be approved by the programme coordinator.
Programme structure
The academic year is split into two semesters. Each semester is divided into (usually two or
four) courses which are all examined separately. Subject specialization courses and elective
courses are given on a rolling basis.

Semester 1: Philosophy of Science for Linguists 7.5 credits, compulsory subject courses or
elective courses 22.5 credits

Semester 2: Compulsory subject courses or elective courses 15 credits, Degree Project:

Master's (One Year) Thesis 15 credits

For admission to semester two, the student must have completed and passed the introductory
course Philosophy of Science for Linguists. For admission to the Degree Project: Master's (One
Year) Thesis course the student must have completed courses comprising at least 22.5 credits,
including all compulsory courses.

HASPV Master’s Programme in Language and Linguistics, Appendix Master’s degree (60 credits)
This is a translation of the appendix approved in Swedish 2009-10-15, revised 2022-09-14

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