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Performance Enhancement of Microstrip Patch

Antenna by Incorporating Exponential-Square Patch

Y. S. Amrullah, A. A. Fathnan, F. Oktafiani, Y. Taryana, Y. Wahyu
Research Center for Electronics and Telecommunication of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCET-LIPI)
Jl. Sangkuriang, Cisitu, Bandung 40135 INDONESIA

Abstract— A microstrip exponential-square patch antenna have antennas with unequal resonance arms for producing different
been proposed and simulated in this paper. It consists of an resonances have also been introduced [6].
exponential-square patch, a substrate, a square ground plane and In this paper, we proposed a new type of microstrip patch
probe feed. The exponential-square patch shape is modified from antenna with specific modification on the patch shape model.
conventional square geometry with two parallel side replaced by
Rather than using conventional shape model such as
two exponential curve. From simulation results, it is shown that
microstrip exponential-square patch antenna has wider rectangular, square, or its derivation like E-shape, we use an
bandwidth, lower return loss, higher gain, within same radiation exponential-square patch model to enhance basic antenna
pattern and same beam width compared to conventional parameters such as bandwidth and efficiency. The exponential-
microstrip square patch antenna. The proposed antenna is square shape is made by modifying two parallel side of square
designed and simulated at 3 GHz frequency operation suitable for shape with two exponential curves.
S-Band radar application. The proposed antenna structure shows better antenna
parameters performance compared to conventional square
Keywords—Exponential-square; square; microstrip antenna
microstrip patch antenna. With center frequency of 3 GHz and
I. INTRODUCTION bandwidth of more than 100 MHz, fabricated in low cost
substrate material of FR-4, the proposed antenna will be an
With the rapid development of wireless communication interesting choice for S-Band radar application. The
system, microstrip patch antennas are widely used in many configuration of our proposed antenna will be described in
applications such as radar, satellite and mobile communication. section II and the discussion to simulation results and
Microstrip antenna technology began its development in the enhancement methods will be provided in section III. The
late 1970s and has been largely studied due to their advantages paper is then concluded in section IV.
over the radiating system, which include: light weightiness,
reduced size, low cost, conformability and the ease of II. STRUCTURE OF ANTENNA
integration with active device [1]. A microstrip patch antenna
The proposed microstrip exponential-square patch antenna
consists of a radiating patch on one side of a dielectric
structure is shown in Fig. 1. Main components of microstrip
substrate which has a ground plane on the other side. The patch
exponential-square patch antenna are exponential-square patch,
is generally made of conducting material such as copper or square substrate, and square ground plane. Construction
gold [2] and can be made by some shape such as rectangular, components of this antenna follows microstrip square patch
square, circular or triangular. antenna’s formula. In the formation of exponential-square
One of the challenges in designing microstrip patch patch we need two exponential curves, which is obtained by
antenna is their relatively narrow bandwidth, which further exponential equation as follows:
limit their use in specific systems [3]. In order to enhance the
bandwidth of microstrip patch antennas some technique can be
𝑦 = 𝑐! 𝑒 !" + 𝑐! (1)
used [1] such as by increasing the substrate thickness,
optimizing the impedance matching, reducing the substrate
effective permittivity, or incorporating multiple resonances.
Furthermore, other approach related to the antenna geometry !! !!!
modification can be used such as by using shorting posts or 𝑐! = (2)
! !"! !! !"!
shorting pins or modifying the basic patch shape [4].
!! ! !"! !!! ! !"!
Recently, improving impedance bandwidth of microstrip 𝑐! = (3)
! !"! !! !!!
antenna using novel patch shape such as E-shaped has been
explored in some studies. In [5], an E-shaped patch antenna
feed by a folded L-shaped probe with unequal arms provides
an impedance bandwidth of 19.8%. A modified E-shaped patch

978-1-4673-9424-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

Parameters Value
𝐿!" 24 mm
𝑊!" 24 mm
𝐿 33.6 mm
𝑊 33.6 mm
ℎ 1.6 mm
𝜀! 4.3
𝑓 3 GHz
𝑥!! , 𝑥!! -12 mm
𝑥!! , 𝑥!! 12 mm
𝑦!! , 𝑦!! 12 mm
𝑦!! , 𝑦!! -12 mm
𝑅! 7
𝑅! -7
𝑥!"# 6 mm
𝑦!"# 6 mm
Fig. 1. Structure of microstrip exponential-square patch antenna
To see microstrip exponential-square antenna performance
𝑐! , 𝑐! are constants and 𝑅 is the bend former factor [7]. Points at its frequency operation, we use microstrip square antenna
(𝑥! , 𝑦! ) and (𝑥! , 𝑦! ) are defined by its length (𝐿!" ) and width that operate in the same frequency. Parameters design for
(𝑊!" ) of patch in which microstrip square patch follows formula that mentioned above.
For defining width of square patch (𝑊! ) and length of square
𝐿!" = 𝑥! − 𝑥! (4) patch (𝐿! ) value, we use (6), where 𝐿! = 𝑊! . For substrate and
ground plane has same dimension on length (𝐿) and width
and (𝑊), where 𝐿 = 𝑊. To define value of 𝐿, we use (7). Material
of patch and ground plane of microstrip square patch antenna
𝑊!" = 𝑦! − 𝑦! (5) is copper with 0.036 mm in thickness. While substrate material
uses FR-4 with 1.6 mm in thickness and 4.3 is its relative
For defining 𝑊!" and 𝐿!" value, we use the following permittivity. For feeding, we use probe feed that located at
formula [2] (𝑥!" , 𝑦!" ) from center shape of antenna patch. Point (𝑥!" , 𝑦!" )
was determined by (8) and (9). Structure of microstrip square
!! !!
< 𝐿!" < (6) patch antenna is shown in Fig. 2. Table II shows the detail of
! !
microstrip square patch antenna parameters design.
where 𝐿!" = 𝑊!" , 𝜆! is free space wavelength. For substrate
and ground plane, they have same dimensions on length (𝐿)
and width (𝑊), where 𝐿 = 𝑊. To define value of 𝐿, we use the
formula of

𝐿 = 6ℎ + 𝐿!" (7)

following microstrip ground plane design in general, where ℎ

is substrate thickness [2]. Material of patch and ground plane is
copper with 0.036 mm in thickness. While substrate material
uses FR-4 with 1.6 mm in thickness and 4.3 is its relative
permittivity (𝜀! ). For feeding, we use probe feed that located at
(𝑥!"# , 𝑦!"# ) from center shape of antenna patch, where

𝑥!"# = (8)

𝑥!"# = (9)
Fig. 2. Structure of microstrip square patch antenna
Table I shows the detail of microstrip exponential-square patch
antenna parameters design.
Radiation Pattern
Parameters Value
𝐿!" 23.7 mm 4
𝑊!" 23.7 mm
𝐿 33.3 mm 2
𝑊 33.3 mm
theta (deg)
ℎ 1.6 mm 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
𝜀! 4.3
𝑓 3 GHz -2
𝑥!" 5.925 mm

Gain (dB)
𝑦!" 5.925 mm -4


From the designed parameters mentioned before, we can Radiation Pattern
obtain some results, such as s-parameter curve and radiation -8
Square Patch
pattern curve for each antenna type. Radiation Pattern
-10 Square Patch
Fig. 3 consists of two return loss curves, return loss curve of
microstrip exponential-square patch antenna and return loss
Fig. 4. Radiation pattern vs. theta of microstrip exponential-square patch
curve of microstrip square patch antenna. From that return loss antenna and microstrip square patch antenna
curve, two parameters value can be obtained, namely
bandwidth and return loss at frequency operation. From S11 From the antenna structure dimensions, it is shown that at
exponential-square patch curve, its bandwidth is 104 MHz and same frequency operation, microstrip square patch antenna
its return loss at frequency operation is -21.98 dB. While from dimension has shorter 0.3 mm in length and 0.3 mm in width
S11 exponential-square patch curve, its bandwidth is 100 MHz than microstrip exponential-square patch antenna dimension.
and its return loss at operational frequency is -16.94 dB. From patch model and size of antenna, microstrip square patch
antenna is smaller and more easily to made than microstrip
Fig. 4 consists of two radiation pattern curves, namely exponential-square patch antenna.
radiation pattern of microstrip exponential-square patch antenna
and radiation pattern of microstrip square patch antenna. Three A lower minimum return loss value is obtained from
parameters value are obtained from that radiation pattern curve, microstrip exponential-square patch antenna compared to the
namely radiation pattern type, gain and half power beam width. conventional one. That cause its bandwidth to become 4 MHz
From radiation pattern exponential-square patch curve, it is wider than microstrip square patch antenna. Furthermore, that
shown that its radiation pattern is directional, its realized gain is indicates microstrip exponential-square patch antenna has fewer
2.53 dB and its half power beam width is 100 degrees. While minimum loss than microstrip square patch antenna.
from radiation pattern square patch curve, it is shown that its From radiation pattern curves, it is shown that microstrip
radiation pattern is directional, its realized gain is 2.39 dB and exponential-square patch antenna has similar curve with
its half power beam width is 100 degrees. microstrip square patch antenna. More details at theta 0 degree,
both of them have peak gain and at theta 180 degree their
S-Parameter backlobe gain is lower than its gain at half power beam width
frequency (GHz) angle. That indicates both of them have same radiation pattern,
2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 namely directional radiation pattern. However, microstrip
exponential-square patch antenna has higher gain than
micsrostrip square patch antenna, namely 0.14 dB. For beam
-5 width parameter, both have same value, namely 100 degrees.
-10 In conclusion, we have provided a better performance of
S11 (dB)

microstrip patch antenna by incorporating exponential-square

patch model. Specifically, we have proposed exponential-
-15 square patch microstrip antenna that has wider bandwidth of 4
MHz, lower return loss of 5.04 dB at frequency operation,
higher gain of 0.14 dB, and same radiation pattern and beam
-20 width. The proposed microstrip exponential-square patch
S11 Exponential-Square
Patch antenna is a new model in microstrip antenna family, which can
S11 Square Patch be fabricated in low-cost substrate and suitable for
-25 implementation of S-band radar.

Fig. 3. S-Parameter vs. frequency of microstrip exponential-square patch

antenna and microstrip square patch antenna
ACKNOWLEDGMENT [3]. Y.J. Wang, C.K. Lee and W.J. Koh “Single-patch and single-layer square
microstrip antenna with 67.5% bandwidth” IEE Proc.-Microw Antennas
This research activity was conducted as part of the research Propag., Vol. 148, No. 6, December 2001
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Beamforming Control in Radar Application,” funded by the for Multifrequency Applications”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2010,
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia. 58, pp. 656–664
[5]. Xiong, J., Ying, Z., He, S., “A Broadband Low Profile Patch Antenna of
Compact Size With Three Resonances”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
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