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The Untold Story of Maleficent

Once upon a time there were a two kingdoms that were the worst of the
neighbors. So vast was the discord between them that it was said only a great
hero or a terrible villain might bring them together. In one kingdom lived folk
like you and me with a vain and greedy king to rule over them. They were
forever discontent and envious of the wealth and beauty of their neighbors. For
in the other kingdom, the Moors lived every manner of strange and wonderful
creature. And they needed neither king nor queen but trusted in one another.
In a great tree on a great cliff in the Moors lived one such spirit. You
might take her for a girl. But she was not just any girl, she was a fairy. And her
name was a Maleficent.
One day, the tree warrior caught a thief hiding in a cave. Maleficent, who
heard the news, immediately flapped her wings to head to the cave. Maleficent
also interrogates the thief, who is a boy named Stefan. Stefan is an orphan who
lives in a small barn. He has a strong desire to live in the castle. Maleficent, who
heard the story, felt a little pity because Stefan's fate was not much different
from hers.
And for a time, it seemed as if, in them at least, the old hatred between
man and fairies had been forgotten. As it will, friendship slowly turned into
something else. And on her 16th birthday, Stefan gave Maleficent a gift. He told
her it was true love’s kiss. But it was not be.

As the years passed Stefan’s ambition called him away from Maleficent
and towards the temptations of the human kingdom. While Maleficent , the
strongest of the fairies rose to become the protector of the Moors.
Stefan was seen on the moors one day, and looking for Maleficent.
Maleficent, who thought she heard a familiar voice, immediately approached the
source of the sound. And apparently, the day she had been waiting for had
arrived. The day she met Stefan again.
That night, Maleficent and Stefan exchanged stories about their life
journey while they were apart. And at the end of the story that night, Stefan gave
Maleficent a bottle of water. Maleficent, who saw this, immediately drank the
water in the bottle without hesitation. And without her realizing it, it turned out
that Stefan had mixed the water with a sleeping potion.
Who would have thought that on that day Stefan was looking for
Maleficent not to relieve his longing, but to carry out an order from the king to
kill Maleficent. The king gave the order that if he wanted to be crowned king, he
had to kill Maleficent. However, because deep in Stefan's heart he still felt pity
for Maleficent, Stefan finally just cut off both of her wings.
In the next morning, Maleficent woke up with a terrible pain in her back.
and when she looked back, she realized that her strong and beautiful wings had
been cut by Stefan. and since then, Maleficent has turned into a selfish and
vicious person. and also, she has a strong grudge against humans, especially

The years passed, and here it was there were a king and queen were
celebrating for their baby’s birth. The baby was so pretty, and her name was
Aurora. The king not only invited the people, but also the small fairies. When the
people started to fill the ballroom, getting a glance at the baby a small fairy
granted wishes. "Hello, Aurora. I'm a fairy, I have some wishes for you. I wish
for you to have the power of beauty, I wish for you to always be happy, and I
wish for you-", the little fairy's wishes were cut by a shivering black cloud of fog.
Everyone in the ballroom is frightened. Then, Maleficent comes out from the fog.
And of course, she wasn't welcome here.
"Hello, King Stefan," said Maleficent.
"Maleficent, you're not welcome here," said King.
"Why? I was so pretty upset to have an invitation to the grand
celebration. Perhaps, I should make a wish for the baby", Maleficent walked
over to the basket to look at a tiny human.
"I wish... I wish for Aurora to fall in love with whoever she meets," said
Maleficent but she didn't do it.
"And one more thing,", she pointed.
"When the sunset before Aurora's sixteenth birthday, she will prick her
finger on the needle of a spinning wheel then sleep forever like death!" shouted
"No, Maleficent! Please! Don't do this!", said King.
"Oh, well. The curse will only be broken if she meets her true love. And
nothing on earth can break it!", Maleficent walked out of the castle. In that day,
King Stefan took Aurora to a small fairy and she took care of Aurora for sixteen
years old in the forest and lived in a small beautiful cabin.

Year after year, Maleficent always spies on Aurora wherever she goes to
study this girl. One day when Aurora was fifteen years old, she turned around a
bush to see someone who hid in there.
"I know you're there. Just come out, don't be afraid. I'm just a girl," said
Aurora. Then, Maleficent came out of the bush.
"Hey, I know who you are. You're my fairy god mother. Yeah, I knew
you when I was a baby. Your shadow always follows me wherever I go."

Maleficent and Aurora have been close in every sense that day. Everyday
they always played together around the forest. One day before Aurora's
sixteenth birthday, the small fairy explained to her about Maleficent, about the
curse. Then, Aurora went to Malficent.
"Fairy god mother", she shouted.
"You didn't tell me that I was cursed. The little fairy said that I was
cursed by an evil creature. Her name was Ma.. Mal...", she forgot.
"Her name was Maleficent," said Maleficent.
"Yeah, her name was Maleficent. Is that you?" Asked Aurora.
"I'm sorry, Aurora. Initially I just wanted to revenge your father, King
Stefan. I'm so sorry," said Maleficent walked over to Aurora.
"Do not touch me!" Aurora ran off got on her horse and went to the

When she arrived in the castel, she looked at a door opened and heard a
voice called her name, "Aurora". And it repeated over and over, "Aurora". She
followed the voice that took her in a room. In that room, there is a spinning
wheel and a needle on it. Finally, Aurora pricked her finger on the needle and
fainted to the ground then slept forever.
Maleficent went to the castle took a prince who ever met Aurora. When
they arrived in the castle, The Prince kissed Aurora, but she didn't wake up.
"True love isn't real," said Maleficent. She walked over to Aurora.
"I'm sorry, Aurora. This is all my fault. You showed me how to love
someone again, and that little broken space in my heart, you filled it up. And you
were all I needed and now I lost you", said Maleficent and she leaned into
Aurora's forehead and kissed it. But wait, Aurora woke up from her bed!
Maleficent's eyes become more glossy now.
“I love you, fairy god mother.” Said Aurora.
“I love you too, beasty.”

And they returned home to the moors and lived happily ever after.

The end

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