A Quasi-Experimental Study On Management Coaching Effectiveness

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A Quasi-experimental Study on Management

Coaching Effectiveness
Will. J. G. Evers, André Brouwers, and The Open University
Welko Tomic

Coaching has become an important managerial and more asks for personal coaches who
instrument of support. However, there is lack of support managers (Bertels, 2001).
research on its effectiveness. The authors con- Coaching is different from training or
ducted a quasi-experimental study to figure out mentoring. Grant (2001) asserts that indi-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

whether coaching really leads to presupposed

viduals who attend training must adapt
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

individual goals. Sixty managers of the federal

government were divided in two groups: one
themselves to the process and structure of
group followed a coaching program, the other training. Training is a more rigid and ex-
did not. Before the coaching program started ternally determined process than coaching.
(Time 1), self-efficacy beliefs and outcome ex- In the case of mentoring, someone with
pectancies were measured, linked to three cen- expert knowledge in a specific domain
tral domains of functioning: setting one’s own passes on this knowledge to someone with
goals, acting in a balanced way and mindful less expertise. In coaching practice, how-
living and working. Four months later (Time 2), ever, it is the coachee who sets the agenda
the same variables were measured again. Re- and determines the goals to be achieved.
sults showed that the coached group scored
The coach need not be an expert in the
significantly higher than the control group on
domain the coachee is employed in and
two variables: outcome expectancies to act in a
balanced way and self-efficacy beliefs to set consequently does not tell the coachee how
one’s own goals. Future examination might re- to perform his tasks. First and foremost, the
veal whether coaching will also be effective coach helps the coachee to maximize his
among managers who work at different manage- own performance (Whitmore, 1992). The
ment levels, whether the effects found will be relationship between a coach and a coachee
long-lasting, and whether subordinates experi- can be characterized by mutual respect, pa-
ence differences in the way their manager func- tience, and reservedness. Moreover, the
tions before and after the coaching. coach looks upon the coachee as an equal
Keywords: management coaching, quasi-exper-
whom he will stand by in an objective but
iment, outcome experiences, self-efficacy also supportive way.
A review of the literature on coaching
reveals that only few studies appear to
Coaching has become very popular have been published on its effectiveness
among managers. It is considered to be an
instrument that supports managers in times
of organizational changes. Today, manag- Will. J. G. Evers, André Brouwers, and
ers have to be effective, flexible, and com- Welko Tomic, Department of Psychology, The
Open University, Heerlen, the Netherlands.
petent in social skills. Leadership requires
The authors are indebted to E. Wissema-
reflection on one’s own emotions, values,
Verschoor, MSc., who gathered the data.
and standards. Moreover, irrespective of Correspondence concerning this article
age and seniority, managers are almost con- should be addressed to Welko Tomic, Depart-
tinually confronted with rapid successive ment of Psychology, The Open University, P.O.
innovations and reforms, often instigated Box 2960, NL-6401 DL Heerlen, The Nether-
by market forces. Modern leadership more lands. E-mail: welko.tomic@ou.nl

174 Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological Association and the Society of Consulting Psychology, 1065-9293/06/$12.00
DOI: 10.1037/1065-9293.58.3.174
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, Vol. 58, No. 3, 174 –182
(Kampa-Kokesch & Anderson, 2001). One learned new skills that were important in
category of studies is retrospective. With the day-to-day managerial activities.
only one measurement time at the end of In respect of retrospective surveys, it
the coaching period, they attempt to draw may be concluded that the answers may
conclusions about the program’s effective- suffer from hindsight bias, that is, the re-
ness. This type of study evaluates whether spondents’ memories may have influenced
the coaches’ initial goals have been the entered data. As a result of this, the
achieved (Haarst, 2002). actual facts and situations from the past
An example of a retrospective survey is may not be accurately reported. Further-
from KPGM Consulting (Talboom, 1999). more, retrospective surveys mostly relate to
Managers of eight organizations were one group only, and comparison between
asked about their experiences after they had managers that participate and that do not
attended coaching or counseling programs. participate in the coaching and counseling
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

The survey covered all four levels that program cannot be made.
Kirkpatrick (1987) distinguished: reaction, Quasi-experimental studies with pretest
learning, behavior, and organization. At the and posttest measurements between two
reaction level, 80% of the participants were groups—an experimental and a control
favorable to the coaching; at the level of group—were not found. We found one
learning 70 –90%; at the behavioral level study about a management-coaching pro-
over 50%; finally, at the organizational gram among 31 managers of a government
level the participants asserted they wit- agency that covered two periods (Olivero,
nessed lower rates of absence among sub- Bane, & Kopelman, 1997). However, it
ordinates, increased preparedness to attend cannot be categorized as a pretest-posttest
schooling, and more openness within the study because the scores of the participants
organization. were not compared before and after the
Another example of a retrospective sur- coaching. In period one, participants were
vey is from Manchester Inc., an American trained in management skills. In the second
organization of executive coaches that in- period participants were offered coaching,
quired into the effects of their own coach- and that for a period of eight weeks. After
ing programs. The results among 100 se- period one had ended, it appeared that pro-
nior managers showed that 70% reported a ductivity had increased with 22%, and after
growth at the behavioral level, and 50% period two, it appeared that productivity
noticed a growth at the organizational level had increased to 88% in all.
(Hooft van Huysduynen, 2002). The present study aims to fill the gap in
A survey at the reaction level (Hall, literature on research concerning the effec-
Otazo, & Hollenbeck, 1999) found that tiveness of coaching: to this end we employ
the 75 participating managers were of opin- a design in which an experimental group is
ion that coaching was effective when the compared with a control group at two mea-
coach was honest, provided them with pro- surement points.
vocative feedback, gave them valuable sug- As coaching aims to help managers ac-
gestions, and was result-oriented. quire new skills and new modes of think-
Gegner (1997) studied the effectiveness ing, it seems that Bandura’s (1986) learning
of management coaching at the learning theory may offer a plausible explanation of
level and the behavioral level. The most its effectiveness. Bandura distinguished
valuable results according to the participat- two relevant concepts: self-efficacy beliefs
ing managers were positive effects on per- and outcome expectancies. Self-efficacy
sonal life and on social interactions with beliefs refer to personal judgments about
others. Moreover, they said they had one’s capability to employ specific actions

Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 175

Summer 2006
and tasks, and outcome expectancies refer measured at the beginning and at the end of
to the consequences of one’s actions. Both the coaching.
variables have been found to play an im-
portant role in actually entering upon spe-
cific activities. Outcome expectancies and
self-efficacy beliefs are domain-specific. The Experimental Group
The three domains studied here are setting
one’s own goals, acting in a balanced way, We asked staff managers of various de-
and mindful living and working. According partments which managers were about to
to Whitworth, Kimsey-House, and Sandahl be coached. We also invited research bu-
(1998), these domains include significant reaus Intermin and Intercoach to cooperate
coaching topics. with us. These bureaus mediate between
managers and coaches. We got names of 41
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

managers who were about to register for

Method coaching; 30 managers agreed to partici-
Coaching pate in our quasi-experiment, 19 men
(63.3%) and 11 women (36.7%). Their age
In this study, coaching was meant to ranged between 27 and 53 years (M ⫽ 38.8;
improve outcome expectancies and self-ef- SD ⫽ 8.20). The mean number of years as
ficacy beliefs in three specific domains (see a manager was 5.34 years (SD ⫽ 5.66), and
before) of the participating managers (ex- the mean number of years in the present
perimental group). The coaches’ point of position was 1.76 years (SD ⫽ 2.52).
departure was Whitmore’s GROW model
(2003). In this model, “G” stands for goal
The Control Group
setting: the coach helps clarify and concret-
ize the manager’s goals; “R” stands for We asked 77 managers of the Depart-
reality: the coach helps the manager focus ment of Housing and Urban Development
on setting individual goals that can be ma- to fill up our questionnaires: of this
terialized; “O” stands for options: the coach Group 22 did not respond, whereas 48 of
helps the manager to try and find the best them answered the questionnaires both at
possibilities to achieve his individual goals; the beginning and the end of our quasi-
finally, “W” stands for will power: the experiment. We matched the groups with
coach helps the manager to actually imple- the help of salary scales, for these scales of
ment the best opportunities. It means that the federal government are indicative of the
coaching was focused on individual needs weight of a position. We also matched the
and not on prearranged general objectives. groups as much as possible according to
As coaching is different from mentoring or sex and age, which ultimately resulted in a
training, the agenda was set by the coachee, control group of 30 managers, 20 (66.7%)
which also applied to the methods em- were male, and 10 (33.3%) were female.
ployed by coaches during the contacts. The Their age ranged from 26 to 56 years, with
coachee was free to opt for one or more of a Mean of 43.6 (SD ⫽ 8.31), which means
the following methods: role playing, dis- that the mean age of the control group is 4.8
closing his deepest motives, rational emo- years older. The mean number of years as a
tive training, brainstorming, goal formulat- manager was 8.64 years (SD ⫽ 7.55),
ing and planning, or entering into an agree- which means that they worked 3.3 years
ment to display the behavior desired. longer in this position than members of the
Outcome expectancies and self-efficacy be- experimental group did. The members of
liefs of the domains mentioned before were the control group had been working in the

176 Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research

Summer 2006
present position for a Mean of 2.76 years experimental and the control group were
(SD ⫽ 2.39), which is 1 year more than the sent questionnaires by internal mail or by
members of the experimental group. e-mail. Time 1 measurement took place
The experimental and the control group before the coaching started, and Time 2
(see Table 1) were equal on sex [␹2(1) ⫽ measurement four months later, after the
.14, p ⫽ .71], the number of years as a coaching had ended. The number of meet-
manager [t(58) ⫽ 1.91, p ⫽ .06], and the ings for the experimental group varied
total number of years in the present posi- from 1 to 8 meetings (M ⫽ 3.67,
tion [t(58) ⫽ 1.58, p ⫽ .12], but not on age SD ⫽ 1.45) with the coach.
[t(58) ⫽ 2.25, p ⫽ .03].

Instruments Results
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

We constructed a questionnaire that Table 2 shows that the reliability of our

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

measured outcome expectations and self- questionnaire was .79 or higher, which is
efficacy beliefs of the experimental and the adequate according to the criterion sug-
control group. According to the literature gested by Nunnally and Bernstein (1994).
(Bandura, 1986; Pajares, 1996), both out- In the present paper, we measured out-
come expectations and self-efficacy beliefs, come expectations and self-efficacy beliefs
which are reliable predictors of behavior, with respect to three behavioral domains
are domain-specific. We used Whitworth’s both at Time 1 and at Time 2. The results of
et al. (1998) coactive coaching model that the analysis of variance (see Table 3) show
described three domains of behavior which that the experimental group scored signifi-
fitted our coaching purposes very well, cantly higher on the variable “outcome ex-
namely setting one’s own goals, acting in a pectations with respect to acting in a bal-
balanced way, and mindful living and anced way” and the variable “self-efficacy
working. The 35 items were scored two beliefs with respect to setting one’s own
times on a 10-point scale, ranging from goals.” We did not find significant differ-
“Completely significant” to “Completely
ences between the two groups with respect
insignificant” for outcome expectations,
to the other variables measured.
and from “Quite uncertain” to “Quite cer-
Figure 1 graphically shows the differ-
tain” for self-efficacy beliefs. Table 2
ences between the experimental and the
shows the reliability of the three domains
of our questionnaire at Time 1 and Time 2. control group concerning outcome expec-
tations on acting in a balanced way. The
Procedure control group scored a mean of 7.53 at
Time 1, and 7.59 at Time 2, whereas the
Depending on the organization they experimental group scored 7.43 at Time 1,
worked for, the participants of both the and 8.0 at Time 2.

Table 1
A Survey of the Experimental and the Control Group
Experimental group (N ⫽ 30) Control group (N ⫽ 30)
Variables M SD % M SD %
Men 19 63.3 20 66.7
Women 11 36.7 10 33.3
Age 38.8 8.2 43.6 8.3
Mean number of years as manager 5.3 5.7 8.6 7.5
Mean number of years in present position 1.8 2.5 2.8 2.4

Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 177

Summer 2006
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Table 2
Internal Consistencies (Cronbach’s alpha) and Correlations of the Scales (N ⫽ 60)
Correlation coefficients
Variables ␣ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time 1
1. Outcome experience setting
one’s own goals .91 —
2. Outcome experiences acting
in a balanced way .89 .64** —
3. Outcome experiences
mindful living and working .90 .45** .67** —
4. Self-efficacy beliefs setting
one’s own goals .91 .32* .15 .13 —
5. Self-efficacy belief acting in
a balanced way .84 .22 ⫺.09 ⫺.04 .53** —
6. Self-efficacy beliefs mindful
living and working .84 .03 ⫺.06 .05 .30** .57** —
Time 2
7. Outcome experiences
setting one’s own goals .92 .73** .41** .21 .44** .20 .01 —
8. Outcome experiences acting
in a balanced way .91 .52** .61** .31* .20 ⫺.08 ⫺.25 .66** —
9. Outcome experiences
mindful living and working .88 .55** .44** .59** .24 .07 ⫺.03 .58** .61** —
10. Self-efficacy beliefs setting
one’s own goals .92 .27* .30** .27* .76** .32* .18 .47** .43** .39** —
11. Self-efficacy beliefs acting
in a balanced way .79 .17 .11 .17 .52** .50** .35** .25 ⫺.00 .18** .47** —
12. Self-efficacy beliefs mindful
living and working .89 .08 .02 .17 .38** .39** .68** .01 ⫺.23 .03 .36** .59** —
* p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01.

Summer 2006
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research
Table 3
A Survey of the Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for Experimental and Control Group at Time 1
(T1) and Time 2 (T2) and F-values
Experimental group Control group
N ⫽ 30 N ⫽ 30
T1 T1 T2 T2 T1 T1 T2 T2
Variables M SD M SD M SD M SD F
1. Outcome experiences setting one’s own goals 7.41 1.73 7.81 1.22 7.17 1.18 7.61 .95 .13
2. Outcome experiences acting in a balanced way 7.43 1.56 8.00 1.10 7.53 0.84 7.59 .87 5.05*
3. Outcome experiences mindful living and working 6.95 1.68 7.42 1.21 7.04 1.02 7.21 .60 1.59
4. Self-efficacy beliefs setting one’s own goals 7.28 1.24 7.67 1.13 6.96 1.27 7.09 .99 4.18*
5. Self-efficacy beliefs acting in a balanced way 6.62 1.12 6.85 .92 6.32 1.06 6.41 .76 2.88
6. Self-efficacy beliefs mindful living and working 6.20 1.17 6.59 1.04 6.43 1.00 6.50 1.18 1.41
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

* p ⬍ .05.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Figure 2 is a graphical representation of goals, and mindful living and working. Our
the significant differences between the con- expectations were confirmed with regard to
trol group and the experimental group con- outcome expectations of the domain “to act
cerning self-efficacy beliefs on setting in a balanced way” and self-efficacy beliefs
one’s own goals. The scores of the control of the domain “to set one’s own goals.”
group were 6.96 and 7.09, and of the ex- The conspicuous finding that we found a
perimental Group 7.28 and 7.67, at Time 1 significant difference between the experimen-
and Time 2, respectively. tal and the control group on only outcome
expectations and not on self-efficacy beliefs
Discussion regarding the domain “acting in a balanced
In the present paper, we examined the way,” may be explained by the fact that
question whether management coaching coaching attempts to both increase someone’s
might be effective. To this end, we con- understanding and to achieve behavioral
ducted a quasi-experiment in which we changes. Dotlich and Cairo (1999) distin-
compared an experimental group of man- guish four objectives of coaching. The first
agers with a control group at Time 1 and one is to increase the manager’s conscious-
Time 2. We measured hypothesized out- ness with respect to a better understanding of
come expectations and self-efficacy beliefs his own behavior and to an increased aware-
on three domains of behavior, for example, ness of his weak and strong points. The sec-
acting in a balanced way, setting one’s own ond objective is the improvement of the man-

Figure 1. Difference between the experimental group and the control

group on outcome experiences with respect to acting in a balanced way. T1
⫽ Time 1; T2 ⫽ Time 2.

Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 179

Summer 2006
setting one's own gopals
Self-efficacy beliefs
6,6 Control group
T1 T2
Figure 2. Difference between the experimental group and the control
group on self-efficacy beliefs with respect to setting one’s own goals. T1 ⫽
Time 1; T2 ⫽ Time 2.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ager’s achievements, both in quality and in reach one’s goals, followed by new success
quantity. The third objective is to help the experiences that are likely to enhance self-
manager achieve a performance break- efficacy feelings (Bandura, 1997).
through, enabling him to perform at a higher We did not find any differences between
level and differently assess possibilities and the two participating groups of managers
potentialities of others. The fourth objective with respect to outcome experiences and
is the achievement of a fundamental transfor- self-efficacy beliefs regarding the domain
mation implying an essential change in the “to live and work in a mindful way.” The
manager’s attitudes and behavior. These ob- reason may be that coaching in general
jectives clearly show that improving existing mainly focuses on goal setting and acting in
skills and developing new ones precede new a stable way. In support of this, we would
beliefs, convictions, and judgments, which like to refer to the results of a Leadership
may explain the nonsignificance of differ- inquiry (Danko, 2002) suggesting that man-
ences between the experimental and the con- agers are of opinion that achieving results
trol group with respect to the variable “to act
is more important than being social-minded
in a balanced way.” In the short time between
or emphatic. The participants of our quasi-
measuring the variable at Time 1 and Time 2
experiment may have had similar
self-efficacy beliefs with respect “to act in a
balanced way” may not have developed yet.
As for the practical value of our results,
It may also be that the manager has come to
we believe to have shown that coaching is
the conviction that some specific type of be-
havior will be advantageous, but that he still not an expensive fad: for the first time
experiences some inner feelings of resistance empirical facts suggest that coaching is ef-
to get rid of his old behavior (Van den Nieu- fective. Moreover, added comments of the
wenhof, 2002). participants of our quasi-experiment gave
As for outcome experiences and self- evidence of satisfaction with the possibili-
efficacy beliefs regarding the domain “to ties they had been offered to not only re-
state one’s own goals,” we only found sig- flect on their skills, but also to improve the
nificant differences between the two groups effectiveness of their functionating, in par-
with respect to self-efficacy beliefs. As the ticular in the domain of acting in a balanced
coaching intended to stimulate the manager way and goal setting. In compliance with
to clearly state his own goals, he may have respect for the individual characteristics of
become closely associated with these goals. the coachee, consultants seem to have fairly
Close relationships between manager and good chances to reveal the potentialities of
goal setting will lead to increased efforts to the coachee, who in turn will have to face

180 Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research

Summer 2006
the task to develop and internalize his new subjective judgments, which is necessary in
skills in his daily routine. order to obtain unquestionable results.
In short, empirical results of this quasi-
experiment suggest that management
coaching is effective regarding outcome References
expectations with respect to acting stably,
and on self-efficacy beliefs with respect to Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of
thought and action: A social cognitive the-
setting one’s own goals. We would recom-
ory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
mend future examination in which mea- Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise
surement at Time 2 would be followed by of control. New York: Freeman.
measurement at Time 3, some four months Bertels, H. (2001). Meer zelfkennis en minder
later, in order to examine the long term ziekteverzuim: Coachingservaringen van
effects of coaching. It would furthermore managers [More self-knowledge and less
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

sickness absence: Coaching experiences of

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

be advisable to conduct future examina-

managers]. HRD magazine, 10, 18 –21.
tions among larger groups of managers Danko, Q. (2002). Intuı̈tie ? Coachen? Empha-
than we did, which may be conducive to the tie?: Intermediair leiderschapsenquête 2002
generalization of the results. And finally, [Intuition? Coaching? Empathy?: Intermedi-
we recommend follow-up examinations ary leadership inquiry 2002]. Intermedi-
among managers working in different po- air, 46, 12–15.
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Our paper probably suffers from some Gegner, C. (1997). Coaching: Theory and prac-
limitations. First, the participating members tice. San Francisco: University of San Fran-
of the control group were all managers from cisco.
only one institution, for example, the Depart- Grant, A. (2001). Towards a psychology of
coaching: The impact of coaching on meta-
ment of Housing, which fact may have influ- cognition, mental health and goal attain-
enced the results. Moreover, the mean age of ment. Sydney: Macquarie University.
the control group was significantly higher Haarst, L., & Molhuizen, D. (2002). Resultaten
than of the experimental group. Younger van coaching: Coachingwijzer [Results of
managers may be more open to new experi- coaching: Coaching indicator]. Noordwijk
ences and ideas, so that the results of the (NL): De Baak.
Hall, D. T., Otazo, K. L., & Hollenbeck, G. P.
effectiveness of coaching of our experimental (1999). Behind closed doors: What really
group may not quite accurately reflect the happens in executive coaching. Organiza-
differences between the two groups. Second, tional Dynamics, 27, 39 –52.
we believe that MANOVA may have led to Hooft van Huysduynen, M. (2002). Tranen aan
results without the high inter correlations we de top: Menig topman huilt tegenwoordig uit
found in our ANOVA. Although the F values bij zijn persoonlijke coach. Zijn managers
soft geworden? [Tears at the top: Many a
go in the direction expected, and suggest that senior executive cries on the shoulder of his
the coaching program has been effective, we personal coach. Have managers become soft-
must take chance capitalization into consid- ies?]. Intermediair, 46, 17–19.
eration. Third, we used self-report question- Kampa-Kokesch, S., & Anderson, M. Z. (2001).
naires, which are known for response bias. Executive coaching: A comprehensive review
On the other hand, it was impossible for us to of the literature. Consulting Psychology Jour-
nal: Practice and Research, 54, 205–228.
conduct a 360-feedback method because we
Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1987). Evaluation. In R. L.
did not examine environmental influences, Craig (Ed.), Training and development hand-
for example, personality characteristics of book: A guide to human resource development
coaches and participants and inconsistent or (pp. 301–319). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 181

Summer 2006
Nunnally, J. C., & Bernstein, I. H. (1994). Psy- Exploratory research after the role of coach-
chometric theory. (3rd Ed.). New York: ing and counseling within organizations].
McGraw-Hill. Nijmegen: Business school.
Olivero, G., Bane, K. D., & Kopelman, R. E. Van den Nieuwenhof, R. (2002). Coaching in
(1997). Executive training as a transfer of professionele organisaties: Een psycholo-
training tool: Effects on productivity in a gisch instrumentarium voor coachende man-
public agency. Public Personnel Manage- agers [Coaching in professional organiza-
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Talboom, A. D. A. M. (1999). De “zachte kant” Whitworth, L., Kimsey-House, H., & Sandahl,
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de rol van coaching en counselling binnen for coaching people toward success in work
organisaties [The “welfare sector” hits hard: and life. Palo Alto: Davies-Black Publishing.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

182 Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research

Summer 2006

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