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Appendix 1: Income Statement

Tekalign Mekonnin Dry Coffee Supplier

Income Statement
For the Period Ended Sene 30, 2015 E.C
Total Sales 15,856,728.00
Beginning Inventory 1,679,976.56
Purchase 13,555,376.54
Goods Available for Sale 15,235,353.10
Ending Inventory Coffee 2,549,970.70
Cost of Goods Sold (12,685,382.40)
Gross Profit 3,171,345.60
Operating Expense
Wage Expense 66,810.00
Salary Expense 94,320.00
Coffee Processing Expense 111,350.00
Transport Expense 78,600.00
Licensing Expense 10,000.00
Utilities Expense 41,650.00
Commission Expense (ECX) 54,450.00
Interest Expense 258,779.30
Miscellaneous Expense 31,451.72
Total Operating Expense (747,411.02)
Profit Before Tax 2,423,934.58
Income Tax (35%) (848,377.10)
Net Income 1,575,557.48
Appendix 2: Forecasted Income Statement
Tekalign Mekonnin Dry Coffee Supplier
Forecasted Income Statement
For the Period Ended Sene 30, 2016 E.C
Total Sales 31,713,456.00
Beginning Inventory 2,549,970.70
Purchase 27,110,753.08
Goods Available for Sale 29,660,723.78
Ending Inventory Coffee 3,437,463.38
Cost of Goods Sold (26,223,260.4)
Gross Profit 5,490,195.60
Operating Expense
Wage Expense 100,215.00
Salary Expense 141,480.00
Coffee Processing Expense 167,025.00
Transport Expense 117,900.00
Licensing Expense 15,000.00
Utilities Expense 62,475.00
Commission Expense (ECX) 81,675.00
Interest Expense 388,168.95
Miscellaneous Expense 47,177.58
Total Operating Expense (1,121,116.53)
Profit Before Tax 4,369,079.07
Income Tax (35%) (1,529,177.67)
Net Income 2,839,901.40

Basic Assumptions:

1. If the sales and purchase of the promoter increases by 100% for the next year

2. If All Expenses are increases by 50% for the next fiscal year.
Appendix 3: Balance Sheet
Tekalign Mekonnin Dry Coffee Supplier
Balance Sheet
As of Sene 30, 2015 E.C
Cash in Bank 800,000.85
Cash on Hand 100,000.00
Inventory of Coffee 2,549,970.70
Total Current Asset 3,449,971.55
Fixed Asset
Equipment and Furniture 585,000.00
Vehicle 3,500,000.00
Total Fixed Asset 4,085,000.00
Total Asset 7,534,971.55
Liabilities and Capital
Finance Payable to Bank 2,700,000.00
Income Tax payable 848,377.10
Total Current Liability 3,548,377.10
Total Liability 3,548,377.10
Beginning Capital 2,411,036.97
Net Income 1,575,557.48
Total Capital 3,986,594.45
Total Liability And Capital 7,534,971.55
Appendix 4: Forecasted Balance Sheet
Tekalign Mekonnin Dry Coffee Supplier
Forecasted Balance Sheet
As of Sene 30, 2016 E.C
Current Asset
Cash in Bank and on Hand 1,600,000.00
Inventory of Coffee 3,437,463.38
Total Current Asset 5,037,463.38
Fixed Asset
Equipment and Furniture 526,500.00
Vehicle 2,800,000.00
Coffee Bags (New) 300,000.00
Total Fixed Asset 3,626,500.00
Total Asset 8,663,963.38
Finance Payable to Bank 4,000,000.00
Income Tax payable 1,529,177.67
Total Current Liability 5,529,177.67
Total Liability 5,529,177.67
Beginning Capital 294,884.31
Net Income 2,839,901.40
Total Capital 3,134,785.71
Total Liability And Capital 8,663,963.38
Basic Assumptions:

1. If cash in bank and on hand may be doubled itself

2. The promoter plan to purchase new coffee bags by 300,000.00 and fixed asset depreciated by
straight-line method or 10 and vehicle is by 20%.

3. If the business is financed 4,000,000.00 from the requested amount of loan

13. Summary and Conclusion
The promoter is planning to increase its level of sales depending on the sales of his competitors
during the previous years. He expects that its sales of businesses will increase by 100% annually
due to the demand increase and additional capital injection. As seen from the above forecasted of
income statements of our business will generate adequate and positive profit after tax at the end
of each year. Also as the sales volume increase, the profit after tax will also increase. This can
help the business to able to cover its financial obligation regularly.

As clearly shown from financial statement analysis specially, in Income and Expense analysis,
The business have sufficient amount of capital that enable me to repay the bank’s loan within a
given period of time and can expand my business. In general, the financial statement shows that
the proposed business is feasible and profitable.

14. Loan Amortization Schedule

Hence, the requested loan is Interest free banking of Murabahah financing; the flat interest
rate will be applied or 7% subjected to loan. Therefore, this loan amortization table formulated to
shows the loan amortization schedule as follows:

Therefore, this repayment schedule is presented as follows:

Loan Amount: 4,000,000.00
Interest rate: 7%
Repayment Mode: Semi-annually
Loan period: 1 Year
Appendix 6: Loan Amortization Table

Loan amount First installment Second installment

4,000,000.00 2,140,000.00 2,140,000.00

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