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Each team has 4 leaders and 28 fighters.

The cards contain the following

information: name, picture, age, height, I.Q., speed, strength, stamina, agility
and a power ranking. The game is designed to practice comparative/superlative
forms (more ... than .../the most ...)

The Game:

1. Separate the students into 3 teams and give them the cards and the guide.
They should distribute all the cards amongst their team members somewhat

2. Students battle by laying one card** on the table face down. Then they play
rock-paper-scissors and the winner chooses the question:

Which (one) is older? Which (one) is taller?

Which (one) is smarter? Which (one) is faster?

Which (one) is stronger? Which (one) has more stamina?*

Which (one) has more agility? * Which (one) has more power? *

3.Higher number wins and the winner says something like

"Mine is stronger (than yours.)" and takes both cards.

Instead of mine and yours the students can use the names of the characters or
4.The students break away and go find a new partner.

The game is to be played in a War card game fashion. If there is a tie the
students lay 1 or 2 more cards down and play again. The winner of the second
round gets all the cards. Three or more students may battle at the same time.
This would allow for practicing the superlative: Which is the oldest? tallest?
strongest? etc. (Students can also play using young, short, dumb, etc. if you
want to practice the opposites, but nobody wants to win because they were the
dumbest, slowest, weakest, etc.)

·I don't allow the students to look at the cards before asking the question. It
makes it a little more random (exciting and disappointing.)

·Instead of mine and yours the students can use the names of the characters or
he-him after winning.

*Stamina, Agility, and Power Ranking may be ignored if the grammar is too

** for small classes (less than 6 people) have them lay 3-4 cards on the table
and use the same question 3-4 times. This will help to move the cards around
quickly, advancing the game.

The goal of the game:

A Type: Let the students battle each other and before the game gets stale sit
them down and count their cards. Fighters are worth one point and leaders are
worth three. This is the fast and easy way.
B Type: There are 4 leaders on each team. If one team can capture another
team's leaders, the team is destroyed and forced to fight with the victor. The
game continues until one team controls the universe.

I usually allow them to battle for 5-10 minutes and then sit them down in their
teams and give them some strategy time. (This is when I explain that they want
to capture the other teams leaders. It's easier to explain longer versions as you
go along.) Once they're back in their teams I explain they may trade cards with
other teams if they wish; one leader equals five fighters or leader for leader.>
They may trade to get their leader back or ally with one team and trade to
destroy the third swapping leaders, whatever. Then let them battle again and
repeat until one team controls the universe. This is the fun long way.

C Type: This is the complicated long version, but if you have gamers/RPG
lovers in the crowd it is a big hit. Because it's quite lengthy, I have put this at
the bottom of the page.

Printable versions of the cards: The Red Team, The Blue Team, The Green

Here are the same files but with black and white backings instead of full
color: The Red Team, The Blue Team, The Green Team

There are 32 cards for each team. The cards are laid out to be printed (A4
paper size slightly thinner, but longer than letter), cut, folded over and then
laminated. I couldn't find laminating film appropriate size, so I had to use
slightly larger sheets and trim them. They don't need to be laminated. They can
be cut and pasted onto card or folded over and taped (but the presentation and
handling are much better if they are laminated.)

Instruction Prior to playing: Blow up two cards using a copy machine if you
can. Put both on the board and explain the various parts of the card. Then ask
the questions to the class "Which is older?" and have them answer. Go through
all the parts and then write the questions (and answers) on the board. Model
the questions and answers enough times that the students will be able to use
the language correctly. (We want to prevent "Which is the speeder?" or just
"Speed!") Obviously, you'll need 3 large cards if you're practicing the


Conversation/Debate: Once your students have got the grammar down, try
having them battle using conversation. The students choose one warrior to fight
and they have to explain why their fighter would hypothetically win against the
other in a real battle.

Student1: Das is faster and smarter than your fighter. So, I think Das will win.

Student2: Well, I disagree. Saber is stronger and just as fast as Das. Saber will
catch Das and destroy him with greater power.
Student1: You're wrong. Das is more agile ....

At the end have the other students chose a winner. I have them offer up 5
cards of my choice as bait to lure them into trying harder. If they win they get
the other teams fighter and the 5 cards I chose.

The kids love this game and will do anything to play it. So, I insert whatever
target language I want them to practice between steps one and two. Example: I
want them to practice "want to ~" I have them make a sentence or ask the
question before playing rock-paper-scissors.

A: Hi, Kenta. What do you want to be?

B: I want to be a doctor. What do you want to be, Mark?

A: I want to be an astronaut. OK let's play.


A: Which one is stronger?...

The goal of the game cont':

C Type:There are 4 leaders, 4 places, and one power source for each team
(see The Guide.) Each team chooses in secret one ultimate leader and one
location in which they hide their power source. This information is relayed in
secret to the teacher. The game is played as described above. I usually allow
them to battle for 5-10 minutes and then sit them down in their teams and give
them some strategy time. Once they're back in their teams I explain they may
trade cards with other teams for information.

5 fighters = one piece of information - The team receiving their cards back must
offer up some information, but they don't need to divulge their secret, for
example: "Our leader is not Das." or "Our power source is not on Planet X.
"They may also give information they know about the third team.

1 leader = one yes/no question - The team returning a captured leader may ask
one yes/no question, for example: "Is your leader Das?" or "Is your power
source on Planet X?

They continue play and once they believe they know a team's leader and
location of their power source, they may try to destroy them by confirming the
information with the teacher. If the information both are correct the team is
destroy and will be forced to fight with the victor until one team controls the
universe. If they are wrong about either piece of information they are punished
and must divulge either their leader or location of their source of power to the
team they attacked. Then play continues. This is the complicated long
version.However you'll be surprised how quickly they catch on to the rules.

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