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Lesson: Master Material Record

Lesson Summary
This lesson introduces the master material record as one of the
key logistic records. The structure and update will be explained
(create, expand, modify, and display) the master record for

Aims of the lesson

At the end of this lesson you can:
· Explain the meaning of master material records
· Create and update master material records
· Recognize levels of organization that are important to the
updating master material records

Business Example
Various departments in your company access master material records
and they use them. See how you can create and extend such records

Material Master Register - Summary

The master material record is the central source of material-specific data
material of a company. It is used by all areas of Logistics.
By integrating all material data into a database object
data, the problem of data redundancy is avoided. All areas,
such as purchasing, stock management, needs planning and verification of
invoices can use the recorded data.

Figure 48: Material master data

Archived data in the master material record is required for many

uses, including:
· Purchase data is required to place orders
· Stock management data is needed to account for stock movements
goods and conduct inventories
· Accounting data is required for material valuation
· Material planning data is needed for planning
of needs

Since the different areas of expertise within a company work

with one material and each department records different information related
with it, the data in a master material record is subdivided by
the area of use. Thus, each area of expertise has its own
view of a master material record and is responsible for updating the data
treated at this hearing.

Figure 49: Data Forms in the Master Record Update


Data screens for the processing of master material records, are

they are divided into the following classes:

· Key Data
These are the images of individual areas of expertise, such as
basic data, needs planning, etc.

· Additional data
There are images that contain additional information, such as
alternative measurement units, short material names and
consumption values.
Data that is updated within a view can be valid for different
levels of organization.
Figure 50: Material Master: Organization Levels

Valid material data exists for all levels of organization and others
that are valid only for certain levels. For material data to be
can be centrally managed, without unnecessary database loads
due to redundant information, the material master is organized in a
that reflects the structure of a company.

· Data at the commander level:

General material data, valid for the entire enterprise, is recorded
at commander level

· Data at the center level:

All valid data at a site or for the relevant warehouses,
are stored at the site level.

· Warehouse-level data:
All valid data for a given store is recorded at the

Create Material Master Record

Data for a material is structured by area of use and level of

organization, and also appear in the master record update
materials. When dealing with master material records, you must negotiate several
dialog images before you can begin updating data.
Figure 51: Updated Material Master Record: Sequence

Two successive dialog windows will appear in the initial image. In the first
The dialog window must specify the views you want to render. In the second
The window should indicate the relevant organization levels. Then,
the data screens appear.
You can modify the standard image sequence with the parameterizations.
Some images are not integrated into the standard image sequence. Only
you can access these images by specifically selecting them in the
When you create a new master material record, you must select a type of
material and a branch to which the material should be assigned.

Figure 52: Type of material

Materials with the same properties are assigned to the same material type.
Some examples of types of materials are raw materials, products
semi-finished and finished products.
Among other things, the type of material controls:

· Type of number assignment (internal or external)

· The range of numbers allowed
· The images that appear and their sequence
· What area-specific data are recommended for
the log (in views)
· The kind of supply that is allowed for a material, i.e. if the
material is manufactured in-house or brought in from outside, or if permitted
both possibilities.

Together with the center, the type of material determines the need for stock management
of a material (if changes in quantity are constantly recorded in the
master material entry and/or the value is changed in the stock or
of financial management).
In addition, the material type determines which accounts are posted when
enrolls a material entry into (or exit from) a warehouse.
Various types of material are supplied as standard. If your business needs
For more material types, you can define them in Customizing according to your needs.

Figure 53: Industry

Just like the type of material, the branch also has a control function.
When you create a master material record, the branch specifies:

· The images that appear and their sequence

· The specific fields of the branch that are shown in each image

The branch assigned to a material cannot be modified later.

In Customizing, you can define new branches and update the field reference
for field selection control based on your specific needs
Most master material record data can be updated
directly to the user. However, there is also information that updates the
system automatically. When registering goods movements in the system
updates, for example, stock data and consumption data. You can
invoke statistical information, such as the date of original creation and the date of
last amended with , with the text quick info Material information.
There is information in the master material record only (e.g
example, denomination, size, and dimensions).
Other material data has a control function within an application.
The requirement planning method, for example, is controlled by
the needs planning feature and the valuation method of
material is specified by the price control flag.

Expand a master material record

When a department has created data for a material, the record exists
master of materials in the database. If later a user wants to register
data from another area of expertise, you should not create a master record of
completely new materials, but only extend the existing record by adding
information in your area of expertise. A materials teacher is also
expands when data belonging to material is recorded for more levels
of organization.

Figure 54: Extending the Material Master Record: Example

The Create Material Master (MM01) transaction is used to expand the

master material record by adding views or organization levels that
are missing.

Attention: With the Edit Material (MM02) transaction, only

you can modify data in views and organization levels
already updated.

Any modifications you make to a master material record (using

Create or Modify transactions are recorded in an editing document.
This means that the history of modifications can be viewed and verified
at any time.
Lesson: Entry Aids

Lesson Summary

Different functions can be used to update master data

to simplify data entry. This lesson covers entry aids for
the supplier master record and the material master record. Also used
you will explain the mass upgrade with a simple example.

Aims of the lesson

At the end of this lesson you can:

· List the different entry aids for updating the registry

supplier master and material master record

· Describe the creation of a vendor master record with reference

· Create a material master record with model material

· Use collective input for warehouse data in master record


· Describe the bulk update process

Business Example

In your company, you often need to process material and master records from suppliers.
As a responsible employee, please test the entry aids provided for
these master records.

Input Aids for Master Registration


To make it easier to create a supplier master record, you can use

an existing provider for reference. The system copies the master data
of the reference. However, the system does not copy all data, such as
For example, the address.
You are prompted to update the data (for example, the address). The data
are taken from the reference, but can be overwritten.
Figure 55: Create a reference creditor master record

Transfer depends on several factors:

· The system only copies non-vendor specific data. So

Therefore, the direction and lock indicator are not copied from the reference.

· The transfer of reference data depends on the data already available

registered for your provider. It is generally true that the data
updated data is not overwritten with the reference data. That means
that the following occurs:

- If you have already created the general data (name, address and number
phone number), only company data is taken when it indicates
the data of society. You must also specify the
reference. When data is created for the purchasing organization,
the system only takes the corresponding data from the reference.

- If you have not yet created the general data, the system only takes the
language and country based on reference address data.

· You must also specify the areas to be taken from the reference. By
for example, if you do not specify a purchasing organization, the system does not take
purchase data.

Input Aids for Material Master Registration

When updating master material records, you have different

features to simplify and speed up your work.
Figure 56: Input Aids to Material Master Upgrade

The following input aids make it easy to update the



Many previous parameterizations can be used to avoid entering

or select the same data more than once. You can perform a
pre-parameterizing the views for which you are responsible in the window
dialog box Select Views. You can also decide whether the
dialog box is displayed only if you specifically request it. They are also possible
previous similar parameterizations for the Organizational Levels.
In the Create Material MM01 transaction, you can select Fixed Values →
Bouquet to specify the bouquet, and then hide this field.

Note: Fixed values specified like this are specific to

and can be overwritten or overridden at any time.

Model Material

When you create a master material record, you can also take the
data from an existing master record. In the initial image, please indicate
the number of the model material in the appropriate field. In the
dialog box to record organization levels, you will receive fields
to specify the organization levels of the model material.
To copy purchase data for a material, specify the following:

· If only purchase data that is

valid in all constituents. In this case, please do not specify a site
for the reference.
· Whether site-specific data from a particular site are also
must be copied from the reference. In this case, please specify a venue (for the
the one that creates the model stock).


Whether a material should be planned or forecast automatically,

you must create data in the master material record. To simplify the
input of this data, you can use needs planning and
the forecast profiles. A profile is a key that you can use
to record forecast or need planning parameters
independently of the master material record. This means that a
profile is a collection of information for log configuration
materials masters. Information recorded in a profile is information
standard required to update different materials multiple times
with the same or similar constellation.
If you create needs planning or forecast data for a
material, you can specify the profiles in the Levels of

Collective input of warehouse data

A material can be recorded in different stores. To record data

warehouse-specific for a master material record, you must create
o expand the master material record for each affected warehouse.
If the master material record already exists, you can expand it in a
manual or automatic with warehouse-specific data:

· Manual: Warehouses are indicated for a master record of

materials through collective entry. This is much faster
data must be entered individually for each warehouse.
In the Material Master menu, the function is within Other →
Warehouse entry (MMSC transaction).

· Automatic: The system automatically extends the registration

material master with warehouse data after first
entry booking of goods. All data that is
refer to the affected warehouse and are updated in the master record of
materials. The system must be configured accordingly
in the Customizing for Inventory and Stock Management within Create
store automatically.

Bulk Update

With a special bulk modification feature, you can modify various

master material records at the same time (for example, if the data
have to be modified due to new circumstances). No
However, this role should only be performed by experienced users.
For more information about running the bulk update,
see the next section.

Bulk Update

Bulk updating is a generic tool (for all applications)

that can be used to modify large amounts of data or to create
new data.

Attention: With mass update, you can modify many objects

at the same time. Therefore, this tool should only be used by
users with the appropriate experience. These users also
they must know the names of the fields and tables used in the
SAP system.

Figure 57: Bulk Update for Data Objects

This tool can be used by, among others, the applications listed in the
Chart “Bulk refresh for data objects.”
You can modify the master material record data quickly and
easily in one simple step. You have the option to modify the purchasing group or
adjust the time of MS treatment in selected materials.
Bulk upgrade can be performed in interactive mode or in process of
background. If you want to modify many objects at once, select the process
to prevent the system from being affected. In this case, the system sends
a log of the modifications executed and any errors that occurred.
The system runs a consistency check for the changed data.
The system does not execute modifications that would cause data inconsistencies
It's written down in the log.
The bulk update tool is located in Logistics → Functions
centers. Use the object type to decide which application you want
use it. If you access the update en masse from an application menu,
the object type (for example, Logistics →
materials → Material Master → Material → Mass Update).
Figure 58: Mass update (1)

When you have selected the object type, the system displays the tables and
fields. Select the tables in which you want to modify data.
Select multiple tables only if you want to make modifications to all tables when
same time to maintain data consistency. Otherwise, treat the
tables one at a time to avoid insufficient system performance.
You can select the fields with values that you want to modify directly in the
initial image or one of the images below.

Figure 59: Mass update (2)

To limit the number of objects you want to modify, specify the criteria for
selection. Using Select check boxes, you can
mark more fields. With , the text quick info Run, you can start
selecting data records. Based on the number of data records
selected, the system prompts you to run the edits online
or in the background process.

Figure 60: Mass update (3)

Then select the fields you want to modify using the

text quick info Select fields, and enter the new values in the columns
corresponding. Select the column header and data records that
you want to modify and select , with the text quick info Make modification
en masse.
You also have the option to modify a field entry only when you have a
value in particular. To do this, select Constraints and enter the new
value on the first line and the value to be replaced on the second line.
Finally, save the modifications. The system then runs the
consistency check.
Lesson: Vendor Master Registration

Lesson Summary
This lesson introduces the vendor master record, which is important in
the procurement and processing phases of invoices and management
of orders. Discusses structure and updating (creating, modifying, and
display) from the vendor master record.

Aims of the lesson

At the end of this lesson you can:
· Explain the meaning of vendor master records
· Create and update vendor master records
· Name the levels of organization that are important to the organization
updating vendor master records

Business Example
The company has entered into a business relationship with a new supplier. Position
that you intend to order frequently with this supplier on the
in the future, you will create a new master record for the provider.

Master data in the provisioning process

Master data comprises data records recorded in the database
for long periods. These data records are centrally recorded, and
are used and processed for all applications. This avoids a
multiple data recording (redundancy).
The supplier master record, the material master record, and the record
purchase info belong to the most important master data in the process
of provisioning.

Figure 42: Master Data in the Provisioning Process

When purchasing documents are created, proposal data is transferred to

purchase documents from existing master records. This will
reduces the work required to enter data.
The new document also takes other data from the master record
materials, such as units of measure, short material text, and text
of the purchase order Vendor master record data includes the
address and payment details. Purchase info records can be recorded
vendor-specific data for a given material (e.g. lead time)
delivery and purchase price).

Vendor Master Data

The vendor master record contains information about the vendors
of a company. This information is recorded in individual master records of
providers. In addition to the supplier name and address, a master record
Provider Directory contains data such as the following:
· Currency used in transactions with the supplier
· Payment Terms
· Important contact names (e.g. salespeople)
Since, for accounting purposes, the supplier is also a creditor of
in the enterprise, the master supplier record also contains accounting data
as the general ledger account.
Therefore, both accounting and purchasing update the master record for
providers. This is also the reason for the subdivision of the data in the registry
provider master in different categories.

Figure 43: Vendor Master Data

Supplier master record data is subdivided into three categories:

· General data:
This data is valid for the entire sender. They include, for example, the
address and bank details of the supplier.

· Accounting data:
This data is updated at the societal level. Comprising data
such as the associated account number and payment methods for transactions
of automatic payment.

· Purchase details:
This data is updated for each purchasing organization. They include the
order currency, Incoterms and various control data belonging
to the supplier. Different data can also be updated for centers
specific or partial supplier assortments.
You can decide whether supplier master records should be updated from
centralized (i.e. all data is updated together) or decentralized
(i.e. each department concerned updates its own data).

Figure 44: Vendor Master Record: Organization Levels

If you only provide your purchasing staff with authorizations for transactions
MK01, MK02, and MK03 (Logistics → Material Management → Purchasing → Data
teachers → Supplier → Purchasing → Create/Modify/Display), you can only
update the general address and control data, and the specific data of
shopping. Accounting staff must enter transaction data
payment information and company-specific data.
However, you can also give your staff permission to update the
supplier master data located in menu access Logistics →
Material Management → Purchasing → Master Data → Supplier → Central →
Create/Modify/Display (XK01, XK02, XK03 transactions). In such a case, the
Your staff will be able to update all vendor master record data.

Tip: Before you can order anything from a supplier, you must have
previously updated purchase data. A precondition for
invoice entry is the creation of accounting data a priori.

Account Group
When you create a vendor master record, you must decide which account group
will be assigned to this provider. The account group has control functions.
When you update the vendor master record, for example, only the
images and fields required for the appropriate role of your interlocutor
and are ready to accept user input. This is
controlled by the account group.
Figure 45: Group of accounts

Among other things, the group of accounts determines:

· Type of number assignment (internal or external) and range of numbers

from which to assign the account number that the system uses
to identify the vendor

· Field selection: which fields are ready for user input,

which fields should be updated and which fields are hidden

· Which speaker schemes are valid

· Status: if the provider is a CPD provider (see below)

Note: Account groups are updated in Customizing for Logistics

- General within Trading Partner → Supplier → Control →
Define group accounts and field selection (provider).

Since external provisioning and invoice verification are not possible

without a vendor master record, there are special account groups for
what are known as CPD providers (CPD stands for "Conto Pro Diverse").
A CPD vendor master record is always used in documents
purchases and invoices when a separate master record does not exist (or must
created) for a provider. Allows you to work without a specific master record in
supplier where only one material or service needs to be supplied from
a provider once.
Unlike other master records, you can use a master record
CPD for multiple providers, which is why these records are known as
collective master records. For this reason, no specific data is recorded
Supplier ID for CPD providers, such as an address or bank details.
This data is only recorded in the corresponding document. When you create
a purchasing or accounting document with a CPD supplier, the system invokes
automatically add an additional data display. This is where they get introduced
specific data, such as supplier name, address and data
bank accounts.

Associated Account
When you create a vendor master record, you need a unique number to
the supplier (creditor). It is either assigned automatically by the system
or manually by the maintainer, depending on the group of accounts. The
vendor (creditor) number is also the subledger number
of financial management. In the sub-accounts, the sum of obligations is
constantly updates in each of the suppliers.

Figure 46: Vendor master record associated account

When you create a vendor master record, you must also update an account
associated. The associated account is a larger account in the primary ledger.
Represents a company's obligations to multiple suppliers in the
main accounting.
When you enter invoices, you indicate the vendor and the system produces the account
vendor master record partner.

Speaker Functions

The “supplier” or trading partner can assume a variety of roles in relationships

business with your company. For example, a provider is, during an operation
of supply, first the order receiver, then the supplier of the
goods and, finally, the creator of the invoice (issuer of the invoice).
Figure 47: Role of the interlocutor

Updating peer roles in the vendor master record

enables you to distribute one or more of these features in master records
different providers. Using the speaker function, you can define, for example
For example, a different creditor as carrier for a particular supplier.

Block providers

In some cases, you may want to stop sourcing goods from

a particular provider. This may be due, for example, to the supplier
has supplied you with substandard products. In this case, you have the
of blocking the provider in the vendor master record. They cannot
place more orders with suppliers while the lock indicator is
fixed. The lock is applied until you clear the indicator.

Tip: If you only want to prevent this supplier from supplying a material
in particular, block the supplier from the material order book, no
in the vendor master record.

To lock a vendor master record, select the Purchases menu,

Master Data → Suppliers → Purchasing → Lock (transaction MK05).
You can decide whether the vendor should be locked for only one organization
shopping or for all.
There is also an option to set the Lock for quality reasons. The Block
for quality reasons it is effective only for materials for which the management of
Quality is active in provisioning. The lock function used here
determines which supply function (such as a RFQ or a
order) must be blocked for quality reasons.

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