Grade 9 Long Quiz

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Direction: Read and understand carefully the following items and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided
before the number. ( 25 points)

Test I: Multiple Choice

_____1. Who was Gregor Mendel?
A. an English Physicist who carried out research with Charles Darwin
B. a little known Central European monk
C. an Early 20th Century Dutch Biologist who carried genetic research
D. A Russian Monk working his research on Genetics
_____2. Mendel’s breeding experiment using garden peas was a work in the ________ of traits from parents to offspring.
A. interaction B. transfusion C. transcription D. transmission
_____3. What’s the reason why the work of Mendel was not recognized by the science community during his days?
A. was a monk who worked alone in a scientifically isolated environment. His thesis was overlooked because it wasn't
widely circulated, and he didn't make any attempt to promote himself.
B. He’s work is limited because it is only focused on plants and did not include animals.
C. He was a monk who mainly focused on prayer and meditation and did not put all his effort on his experiment.
D. The science community is not well known by the other scientist during his time.
______4. In the year 1900’s the work of Mendel was accepted and acknowledge by the science community due to the reason that
his work laid the foundation of _________.
A. the transmission of chromosomes to the next offspring that’s why they inherit the what we called recessive genes.
B. the basic principle of genetic inheritance and still valid and remain the cornerstone of the study of genetics
C. interaction of principles that are accepted by the science community in the development of Genetics and Biology.
D. Identification of recessive and dominant genes has been passed from parents to offspring through genetic material
called chromosomes.
_____ 5. Genetics is relevant to all living organism because they are __________.
A. the source of the genes that identified to be the reasons of multiplication of dominant gene in an allele.
B. the main reason of the physical and biological composition of all humans and animals.
C. governed by the law of heredity and determines gender, physical characteristics, and potential disease.
D. mainly the source of life to all human beings including the bacteria, viruses, animals and human beings.
_____ 6. Which of the following statement is true regarding the importance of genetics in our daily lives.
A. Genetics is part of our daily lives because people consume and use products from genetic processes, cure illness using
medicines, used equations in solving physics problem related to chemistry and physics, solve agricultural problems
and did not produce more crops in the field of agriculture.
B. Genetics is a part of our daily lives because people consume and use products from genetically stratified organism,
cure illnesses, diagnose disease using genetic test and experimentation.
C. Genetics is a part of our daily lives in the 1st century where people cure illnesses using medicines, solve agricultural
problems using genetic experimentation, genetic engineering, limit the production of bacteria and crops yield in all
kinds of plants and vegetables particularly rice and corn.
D. Genetics is a part of our daily lives through problem solving using genetic experimentations, diagnose disease using
genetic engineering.
_____ 7. A branch of biology that studies Heredity information.
A. Diabetics B. Genetics C. Gemetics D. Genetecist
_____8. The study of genetics also examines and explain the ________________ and differences between or among organism.
A. differences and similarities B. differences and interferences C. interferences and differences
D.differences and references
_____ 9. Which of the following statement is TRUE about variations?
A. Organisms belonging to the same species exhibit similar characteristics and even so, each individual does possess
unique traits that differentiate him/her from others.
B. Organisms belonging to the different species exhibit similar characteristics and even so, each individual does not
possess special traits that differentiate him/her from others.
C. Organisms belonging to the same species exhibit dissimilar characteristics and even so, each individual does possess
unique traits that differentiate him/her from others.
D. Organisms belonging to the same species exhibit similar characteristics and even so, each individual does possess
unique trait that does not differentiate him/her from others.
_____ 10. It deals with the chemical nature of the gene, the mechanism of a transmission and its varied applications.
A. Mendelian Genetics B. Molecular Genetics C. Popular Genetics D. Genetics
_____ 11. This term refers to the total disappearance of all members of a certain species.
A. Extinction B. Extinction Rate C. Dispersion D. Extinct
______12. It occurs when a certain population of organisms cease to exist in a geographic area but other populations continue to
exist elsewhere.
A. Local Extinction B. Background Extinction C. Extinction D. Cretacious Extinction
_____ 13. The type of extinction where 96% species died out and life on earth descended from the four percent that survived.
A. Devonian Extinction B. Permian Extinction C. Triassic – Jurassic Extinction D. Cretacious Extinction
_____ 14. An event where three quarters of all species on earth died and sea bed become devoid of oxygen and only bacteria can
A. Devonian Extinction B. Permian Extinction C. Triassic-Jurassic Extinction D. Cretacious Extinction
_____ 15. What happened during Ordovician-Silurian Period Mass Extinction?
A. bacteria died B. 85% of sea was wiped out C. has major asteroid impact D. extinction of dinosaur
_____ 16. It is the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy.
A. Electron Transport Chain B. Light-dependent reaction C. Kelvin Cycle D. Photosynthesis
_____ 17. What are the products of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?
A. sugar and water B. sugar and oxygen C. ATP, NADPH, and O D. ATP and sugar
_____ 18. The products of photosynthesis are _________.
A. H2O and CO2 B. sugar and H2O C. sugar and O D. O and H2O
_____ 19. When a photon of light energy reaches a reaction center chlorophyll molecule, what becomes excited?
A. a molecule of water vapor B. an electron C. a carbon dioxide molecule D. an atom of O
_____ 20. Why do plants appear green?
A. They absorb green light C. They reflect green light
B. They excite electrons which emit green light in the visible spectrum D. They absorb electrons by green pigments when
exposed to sunlight.
_____21. What are the substances in the photosynthesis that needs to be broken with the use of sunlight?
A. water B. Hydrogen C. Oxygen D. Nitrogen
_____ 22. What are the reactants of Photosynthesis?
A. water and hydrogen B. water, sunlight and CO2 C. C02 and H2O D. Hydrogen
_____ 23. In photosynthesis water and carbon dioxide are used to produced what substances?
A. water and hydrogen B. sugar and hydrogen C. Oxygen and Helium D. C6H12O6 and O
_____ 24. Plants are called _______ because they are self-feeders and produce their own food.
A. heterotrophs B. Autotrophs C. Phototrops D. Tophic Level
_____ 25. Without photosynthesis plants, animals would not be able to obtain ________ to live.
A. energy B. water C. Oxygen D. helium

Test II: Identification

__________________________________1.. Photosynthesis is the basis of majority of ________.

__________________________________2. The other name for sugar.
__________________________________3. Photosynthesis is coming from a Greek word photos means _______ and synthesis means ________.
__________________________________4. It is the main organ of Photosynthesis.
__________________________________5. What is the name of an area in the leaves where photosynthesis takes place?
__________________________________6. It is the liquid part of the chlorophyll.
__________________________________7. They can be found at the underside of the leaf blade allow raw materials such as carbon
dioxide for photosynthesis to pass through.
__________________________________8. A photosynthetic cell contains many green plastids called ____________.
__________________________________9. A series of flattened, interconnected sacs that looks like pancakes stacked up on top of each
_________________________________10. Each of those flattened sac is called _________.
_________________________________11. They are the organelles specialized for photosynthesis.
_________________________________12. A root system and is responsible for absorbing water and nutrients.
_________________________________13. The two stages or sets of reactions in the photosynthesis.
_________________________________14. It is the stage where the energy from the sun is absorbed by the chlorophyll and then
converted into chemical energy.
_________________________________15. An American Chemist and Nobel laureate, famous for his experiment on chemical process of

Test III: Enumeration:

5 processes in photosynthesis depend on several factors. What are those factors?

5 Major Mass Extinction in the Earth’s History

Test IV: Essay

Direction: Limit your answer in 10 sentences.

1. What will happen to the earth if the 5 Major Extinction did not occur?

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