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1. How did the Mughal Dynasty of India get its name? Was the title
appropriate? Why or why not?
2. Who was empire Alamgir ? What are the major achievement of Alimgir ?
In spite of impressive achievements, how did the long reign of Aurangzeb
weaken the Mughal state?
3. How did the British trade expand in India? How did Britain affect India's
economy? Why did British trade expanded in India?
4. What was the condition of the Indians under British rule?
5. Who led the Battle of Plassey? What was the main point of the Battle of
Plassey?. Why the war was started?

1. Define the role of East India Company?

2. Discuss the factors that lead to great uprising of 1857?
3. Explain the Doctrine of Lapse?
4. Why was the battle of plassey fought ?
5. Examine the reasons for the success of the English language in the country?
6. Provide any two reasons why the British built an extensive network of
railways in India?
7. Why did the British come to India? Give at least two reasons? 8. How did
English education contributed in the rise of nationalism in India? 9. Distinguish
between Permanent Settlement and Mahalwari System 10.Briefly explain at
least two legal measures which helped improve the status of women in British
11.Why did Lord Clive introduce system of Dual or Double Government?
12.What was the main feature of the Charter Act of 1833?
13.How did the Mughals succeed in ruling the subcontinent?
14.Who founded the Mughal rule in India and how?

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