Englisg Model Test

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SESSION 2022-23
Mock Paper- Half Yearly Examination
CLASS - VII Total Time: 3 Hrs
SUBJECT - English Max Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1.Read the question paper carefully.
2.The Question Paper contains Sections A, B & C.
3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

SECTION-A ( Reading)
1. Read the passage given below carefully. Marks 10X1= 10

The ancient city stood in silent grandeur, its towering structures a testament to a bygone era. As I walked through
the narrow streets, a sense of awe enveloped me. The walls whispered stories of the past, tales of triumphs and
tribulations, of the lives lived within these very walls.
The city was a melting pot of cultures, where diverse communities coexisted harmoniously. Merchants from
distant lands traded their wares in bustling marketplaces, while scholars gathered in ornate libraries, exchanging
knowledge and ideas. It was a vibrant hub of intellectual and economic activity.
Amidst the ornate architecture and bustling streets, I stumbled upon a hidden courtyard. Its serene ambiance was
a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere beyond its walls. In the center, a majestic fountain stood, its crystal-clear
waters cascading gently into a marble basin. I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and tranquility it exuded.
Sitting on a weathered bench, I closed my eyes and let my senses absorb the essence of the place. The distant
echoes of laughter and conversation blended with the soothing sound of water. A gentle breeze carried the
fragrance of blooming flowers, transporting me to a realm of serenity.
Lost in the moment, I contemplated the significance of such a place. It reminded me of the importance of finding
inner peace amidst the chaos of life. In a world driven by haste and material pursuits, this hidden courtyard
served as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and reconnect with one's inner self.
As I reluctantly left the enchanting courtyard, a newfound sense of tranquility accompanied me. The experience
etched a lasting impression, urging me to seek moments of solace and reflection in the midst of the modern
world's constant demands.
The ancient city had bestowed upon me a timeless gift, a reminder to cherish the beauty of simplicity and find
solace in the hidden corners of our bustling lives.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the following:

(i) What feeling did the ancient city evoke in the narrator? 1
a) A sense of fear b) Overwhelming sadness c) Awe and wonder d) Disinterest

(ii) What characterized the city's atmosphere? 1

a) Chaos and confusion b) A peaceful and serene ambiance
c) Loud and boisterous streets d) Empty and abandoned buildings

(iii) What was found in the hidden courtyard? 1

a) A bustling marketplace b) A majestic library c) A grand palace d) A serene fountain

(iv) What lesson did the courtyard teach the narrator? 1

a) The importance of material possessions b) The need for constant busyness
c) The value of inner peace and reflection d) The significance of fame and recognition

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(v) How did the narrator feel upon leaving the courtyard? 1
a) Relieved and glad to move on b) Frustrated and disappointed
c) Annoyed and irritated d) Carrying a sense of tranquility

(vi) Choose the word that is an antonym for "serene": 1

a) Peaceful b) Chaotic c) Tranquil d) Calm

(vii) Choose the word that is a synonym for "reflection": 1

a) Contemplation b) Distraction c) Confusion d) Disregard

(viii) Why is empathy an important value to uphold? 1

a) It promotes understanding and compassion towards others.
b) It allows for personal gain and manipulation of others.
c) It creates a sense of superiority and dominance.
d) It hinders personal growth and development.

(ix) What value is exemplified by practicing honesty and integrity? 1

a) Trustworthiness b) Deception c) Manipulation d) Indifference

(x) How does perseverance align with the value of resilience? 1

a) It encourages giving up easily in the face of challenges.
b) It promotes consistency and determination to overcome obstacles.
c) It advocates for avoiding difficult situations altogether.
d) It emphasizes the importance of taking shortcuts to achieve success.

2. Read the passage carefully. 10X1=10

The sun began its slow descent, casting a golden hue over the vast expanse of the savannah.
As the day transitioned into evening, a remarkable transformation occurred in the
ecosystem. It was the time when the nocturnal creatures emerged from their slumber, and a
different world came to life under the cover of darkness.
In this enchanting realm, the symphony of the night unfolded. A chorus of insects filled the
air, their rhythmic buzzing creating a melodic backdrop. The gentle rustling of leaves hinted
at the presence of unseen creatures moving through the undergrowth. The stars, like
diamonds, shimmered in the ink-black sky, casting a celestial glow upon the land.
The nocturnal animals, finely attuned to the darkness, embarked on their nightly quests. A
pride of lions stirred from their lair, their amber eyes gleaming with predatory focus. They
moved silently, their muscular bodies blending seamlessly with the shadows as they
embarked on the hunt.
Meanwhile, in the treetops, a family of nocturnal primates leaped gracefully from branch to
branch. Their agile forms and acute senses allowed them to navigate the intricate web of
branches and foliage with ease. Their large eyes, adapted for low light, scanned the
surroundings for signs of food and danger.
Down by the riverbank, a solitary crocodile lurked beneath the surface, its eyes and snout
barely visible above the waterline. Patiently waiting for an unsuspecting prey to approach, it
exemplified the art of stillness and ambush. In the depths of the river, fish darted through
the currents, their iridescent scales catching the moonlight.
As the night progressed, the symphony of the night continued, each species playing their
unique part. Some soared through the skies, guided by their acute hearing and nocturnal
vision, while others scurried through the underbrush, leaving barely a trace of their
In this nocturnal world, where darkness reigns, life flourishes in its own mysterious rhythm.
It is a testament to the incredible diversity and adaptability of nature, where each species
has found its niche and purpose under the moonlit sky.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the following:

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(i) Which of the following best describes the ambiance of the nocturnal world in the passage? 1
a) Chaotic and unsettling b) Serene and tranquil c) Loud and boisterous d) Dull and

(ii) What characteristic enables nocturnal primates to navigate through the treetops? 1
a) Keen sense of smell b) Acute hearing c) Exceptional eyesight d) Strong sense of taste

(iii) What is the primary purpose of the crocodile's stillness beneath the water? 1
a) To rest and relax b) To bask in the moonlight
c) To camouflage and ambush prey d) To seek companionship

(iv) Which sense is particularly important for nocturnal animals to thrive in the darkness? 1
a) Sense of taste b) Sense of touch c) Sense of smell d) Sense of sight

(v) What does the passage imply about the diversity of species in the nocturnal world? 1
a) All species are active and hunting during the night.
b) Nocturnal animals are limited in number and variety.
c) Each species has adapted uniquely to the nocturnal environment.
d) Nocturnal creatures are entirely reliant on artificial sources of light.

Which word is a synonym for "nocturnal"? 1

(vi) a) Daytime b) Diurnal c) Luminous d) Radiant

(vii) What is a suitable synonym for "lurked"? 1

a) Soared b) Prowled c) Scuttled d) Exposed

(viii) Choose the antonym for "emerged": 1

a) Concealed b) Descended c) Conceited d) Immersed

(ix) Which word is the opposite of "stillness"? 1

a) Silence b) Serenity c) Movement d) Tranquility

(x) “ The stars, like diamonds, shimmered in the ink-black sky…” mention the literary device 1

Section B (Writing & Grammar)

3. Compose a paragraph discussing the impact of technology on modern communication. 1X5=5

Include both positive and negative effects, as well as your thoughts on how people can strike
a balance between digital interactions and face-to-face communication. (in 100-120

4. Compose a letter to the editor commending the local government's efforts to promote 1X5=5
renewable energy sources in your region. Share your thoughts on the positive impact these
initiatives have had and encourage further steps towards a sustainable future.(in 80-100

5. Complete the sentence using the appropriate preposition: 4X1=4

(i) I'm completely __________ the dark about the surprise party they are planning.
(ii) "I'm still —------- the fence about which college to attend."
(iii) She couldn't come to the party as she was feeling —-------- the weather.
(iv) To explain it —-- a nutshell, the project was a great success.

6. Identify the adverb in the sentence and write the correct answer. 4X1=4

(i) What is the adverbial form of the word "graceful"? 1

a) grace b) graceless c) gracelessly d) gracefully

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(ii) Select the adverb in the sentence: "They arrived early for the meeting." 1
a) arrived b) early c) meeting d) they

(iii) Complete the sentence with the correct adverb: "The magician performed the trick ______." 1
a) perfect b) perfectness c) perfectly d) perfecting

(iv) What is the adverbial form of the word "happy"? 1

a) happiness b) happily c) happinesses d) happify

7. Identify the tense and change as directed: 2X1=2

(i) I went to the beach yesterday. ( change to past perfect tense) 1

(ii) He has been studying for the exam all day. (change to simple past tense) 1

SECTION-C (Literature)

8. Read the extract and answer the questions. 5X1=5

“You have already been answered, I know for certain!”

(a) Who said these words?
(b) To whom were these words spoken?
(c) Was the speaker right in saying so?
(d) Was the person spoken to satisfied with this reply?
(e) What is the synonym of ‘certain’.

9. Read the extract and answer the questions. 5X1=5

My brother says there’s a ghost in the shed
Who hides under the rotten floorboards,
And if I ever dare to set foot inside
He’ll jump out and chop off my head,
But I’ll take a peek one day.

(a)According to the brother, what does he believe is in the shed?

(b)Where does the brother claim the ghost hides?
(c)What does the brother say will happen if the speaker dares to enter the shed?
(d)How does the speaker feel about the brother's claim?
(e)What does the speaker plan to do despite the brother's warning?

10. Answer the following questions: 4X3=12

(i) What rewards did the Daimio give the old man?

(ii) Why did the narrator's father prefer buying shoes from Mr. Gessler despite the availability of 3
cheaper alternatives?

(iii) What is the underlying theme or message conveyed through the rebel's actions in the 3

(iv) Why does the speaker's brother claim there is a ghost in the shed, and how does the speaker 3
feel about it?

11. Answer the following questions: 3X2=6

(i) What are some characteristics of the "Tiny Teacher" that you admire and want to emulate in 2
the pursuit of knowledge?

(ii) What are some of the challenges faced by the narrator and the family in raising Kari, and 2
how do they overcome these challenges with time?

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(iii) How do the smaller desert animals survive in a desert? 2

12. Answer the following question: 1X6=6

(i) In "The Cop and the Anthem," what is the significance of the story's setting during the 6
Thanksgiving season, and how does it impact the decisions made by the main character,

13. Answer the following question: 1X6=6

(i) Describe the incidents and events that led to Golu's nose growing longer, and what lessons 6
does the story convey through this transformation?

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