2018-8-Use of Force-Dandy

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CADELAC Security Training Center, Inc.
At the end of the 2-hours training, the participants will be
able to

Enumerate the Six Level with the Use o Force;

Enumerate the Six Elements of Justifying Circumstances of

No Criminal Liability and Civil Liability;
What is Use of Force Continuum?
It consists of several series of more forceful responses
depending upon the severity of the perceived threats.
Less lethal force is only authorize when Security
personnel reasonably believes it is necessary to control
a person under any circumstances.

1.Detaining a person reasonably suspected of criminal

2.Apprehending a suspect with the limits of citizen arrest.
3.Overcoming resistance
4.Preventing Escape
5.Protecting oneself or another
6.Maintaining Order

At the end of the day, the goals

are simple: safety and security

 Presence
◦ Open stance
◦ Ready stance

 Verbal
◦ Search Talk
◦ Light control talk
◦ Heavy control talk

 Empty Hand Control

◦ Soft Holds (escort)
◦ Hard Holds (pain compliance)
Article 11 Revised Penal Code
– Justifying Circumstances
No Criminal Liability No Civil Liability


1)Self Defense
• Unlawful Aggression
• During reasonable necessity of the means
employed to repel it (Last Resort)
• Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of a
person defending himself

1)Self Defense

2)Defense of a Stranger
- When there is an evil motive
- When there is a resentment

Under all circumstances, DELETE
the use of force, or the use of
equipment such as firearms,
baton, tear gas spray or stunned
gun, and handcuffs by a Security
Personnel is justifiable only by
virtue of the DOCTRINES OF
OF STRANGER. As stated by the
Supreme Court, nobody is above,
but subject of the law.
Article 11 Revised Penal Code
Elements – Justifying Circumstances
No Criminal Liability; No Civil Liability
1)Self Defense

2)Defense of a Stranger
Exemptions - When there is an evil motive
- When there is a resentment

3)Any person who acts in the fulfillment of a duty or in the

lawful exercise of a right or office.

4)Defense to a Relative

5)Avoidance of Greater Injury

6)Any person who acts in obedience to an order issued by

a superior for some lawful purpose.
The law generally allows
Security Personnel to make an
arrest only under Rule 113 Revised
Rules of Court (Citizen’s Arrest) and
must use reasonable force in doing
so. Reasonable force is simply not
to be excessive under the
circumstances and the arresting
security personnel must consider
the seriousness of the crime, the
risk of harm for everyone, and the
immediacy of the situation.
The use of deadly force, especially firearms shall be
applied only as a last resort when all other peaceful and
non-violent means have been exhausted.
When a security personnel
needs to take someone into
custody for a crime, he or
she must use reason and
common sense. The
preference always is to get a
law enforcement response to
effect the arrest of persons
especially those armed and
dangerous suspects
highly visible uniform security
personnel is often enough to
stop a crime in progress or
prevent future crime. Presence
includes standing, walking,
running and use of vehicle lights,
horn, or speaker. Without saying
a word, an alert security
personnel can deter crime or
direct criminals away from a
property by use of body
language and gestures. At this
level gestures should be non-
threatening and professional.
Used of combination with a
VISIBLE PRESENCE the USE The content of the message
OF VOICE can usually achieve is as important as security personnel
the desired results. Words can demeanor. It Is always best to start out
be whispered, used normally, or calm but firm and non-threatening
shouted to be effective.
Choice of words and intensity
can be increased as necessary or used
in short commands in serious

The right combination of words

in combination with officer presence
can de-escalate a tense situation and
prevent the need for physical
Certain situations may arise where words alone does not
reduce the aggression. Sometimes security personnel will need
to get involved physically. At this level, minimal force would
involve the use of bare hands to guide, hold and restrain an

This does not include offensive

moves such as punching, tackling
and choking. Pain compliance
holds could apply here but only
after ordinary holds fail to control
and aggressive suspect.
only be used at this level as a self-
defense mechanism to block blows
or temporarily restrain a suspect.

Abusive or obscene language or the

communication of a threat does not justify the use
of the baton, but does justify drawing the baton and
assuming a ready position to prevent escalation and to
prepare the guard should he/she be assaulted
subsequent to verbal altercation.

They should only be used on

person who exhibits aggression,
poses a real threat or where
flight is a real possibility.
HANDCUFF can be used as a
restraint devise only if the security
personnel has been trained to do so.
Not every suspect needs to be

It is also important not to pile on top

or place the handcuffed suspect face
down on the ground to avoid
“positional asphyxiation”
When used by surprise, teargas
is an excellent distraction, allowing
the security personnel time to get
away, call the police, or subdue the

An assailant can still grab you,

punch you, stab you, or shoot you
and will definitely be angrier after
being sprayed. Also, teargas may
not be effective on the insane,
addicts, intoxicated or hysterics.
MACE - Provides the
Guard with a non-lethal
weapon of lesser force than
the firearm. It may be used
in all situations where force
is justified and physical
force alone is or would be
ineffective. When employing
mace, the dispenser should
be aimed at the chest. Do
not aim for the face as mace
can permanently blind.
To use force under LEVEL 5 means
that the situation was so extreme,
violent, and immediate that it was
necessary to temporarily incapacitate a
suspect prior to arrival of the police.

This includes the use of all methods and

non-deadly force beginning with the empty
hand up through and including impact tools.

At level 5, properly used defensive moves

are allowed under the right circumstance.
Stun guns
are part of level five, but
should not be used by
security personnel except
on special posts and only
by those authorized and
trained in the use and
effects of the device.
When you are in
immediate fear of death or great
bodily injury at the hands of a
perpetrator or adversary you are
authorized to use deadly force.
Deadly force can be applied by
your hands, impact tools, or with
a firearm.
A. Use of Deadly Force

1.Deadly force is the use of any force that is likely to

carry death or serious physical injury.

2.It does not include force that is not likely to cause

death or serious physical injury but unexpectedly
results in such death or injury.
3. SO/SG use deadly force only
when necessary, that is, when
the SO/SG has a reasonable
belief that the subject of force
poses an imminent danger,
death or serious physical injury
to the SG/SO or to another

4. If force other than deadly force

reasonably appears to be
sufficient to accomplish an arrest
or otherwise accomplish the
security/law enforcement
purpose, deadly force is not
B. Use of Verbal Warnings prior
to use of Deadly Force.

If feasible, and if necessary to

do so would not increase the
danger of the Security
Officer/Guard or others, a
verbal warning to submit to
the authority shall be given
prior to the use of deadly

C. Use of Warning Shots are not


A use of force
is a standard that provides
law enforcement officers
and civilians with
guidelines as to how
much force may be used
against a resisting subject
in a given situation

1. The guard on duty demands a valid ID from a visitor,

but the visitor presented an invalid / fake / expired ID.

2. The visitor refuses to present an ID and violently

insisting entry through the entrance gate.

3. A contractor attempts to bring out equipment from the

company premises without valid Gate Pass.

4. An arrogant visitor insists to enter the company

premises allegedly to discuss personal matters with the
manager without proper authority.
Always consider the use Level 1 -Officer Presence
of force as a measured
progression from no force Level 2 -Verbal Communication
to deadly force.
Level 3 -Control, Hold & Restraints
The force progression is Level 4 -Chemical Agents
broken down into
six broad levels Level 5 -Temporary Incapacitation
as follows:
Level 6 -Deadly Force
 Under all circumstances, the use of deadly force,
including firearms, is justifiable only by virtue of
the Doctrines of Self-Defense and Defense of a
Stranger. As stated by the Supreme Court, nobody,
including the police and even the military, is above,
but subject to the law.

Doctrines of Self-Defense

Interpret the picture --


Defense of a stranger
is one of the justifying
circumstances under the
law. Thus, a person who
acts in defense of a
stranger incurs no criminal
liability. ... It is likewise
important that you are not
induced by revenge,
resentment or other evil
motive in making
the defense

Interpret the picture --

 What is Use of Force Continuum?

 Enumerate the Six Level with the Use of


 Enumerate the Six Elements of Justifying

Circumstances of No Criminal Liability and
Civil Liability
Office Address:
85C Pangarap Bldg., West Avenue
corner Baler Street, Brgy. Paltok, SFDM, Quezon City

Contact Us
Tel. No. (02) 623-6334; Mobile No. 0917-820-2782
Email Address: cstci@yahoo.com.ph

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