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Chodorow (1978) proposed that identity is

formed from their relationship with their
mothers, who are the primary caretaker’s who
Proponent: Miller, Brown raise their children

Central concept of the feminist therapy is the c.Giligan (1977) believed that women’s
psychological oppression of women and the
sense of self and morality is based in
constraint imposed by the sociopolitical status to
which women have been relegated issues of responsibility for and care

Most clients and psychotherapists are women, of other people

thus the need for a theory that evolves from the
d.Bem’s gender schema theory proposed that
thoughts and experiences of women seemed
children learn society’s view on gender and apply
it to themselves
e. Principles of FT
Feminists' theoretical orientations:
1.The personal is political
Liberal feminist-help individual women
2.Personal and social identities are
overcome constraint of their socialization
3.Definition of distress and mental illness are
*Goals include personal empowerment ,dignity,
self fulfillment and equality
4.Feminist therapist use an integrated analysis of
Radical Feminist-focused on oppression and
seek change through activism
5.The counseling relationship is egalitarian
*Goal is to transform gender relationships, social
institutions and increase women’s sexual and 6.Women’s perspectives are valued.
proactive determination
Cultural feminists-oppression stems from
society’s devaluation of women’s Strengths • Become aware of one’s gender-role
socialization process
*Goal is through infusion of feminine values into • Identify internalized messages and
the culture replace them with self-enhancing beliefs
Socialist Feminist- focus on multiple oppressions • Understand how sexist and oppressive
including class, race, economics, and history societal beliefs and practices influence
them in negative ways
*Goals is transformed social relationships and • Acquire skills to bring about change in
institutions the environment
*VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE • Restructure institutions to rid them of
discriminatory practices
a. Gender-fair, flexible-multicultural, • Develop a wide range of behaviors that
interactionist and life-span oriented are freely chosen
• Evaluate the impact of societal factors in *BASIC PHILOSOPHIES
one’s life
Adlerian FT (Adler, Dreikurs)- enable parents as
• Develop a sense of personal and social
leaders, promotion of effective parenting
• Recognize the power of relationships Multigenerational FT (Bowen)- differentiate the
and connectedness self; change the individual within the context of
• Trust their own experience and the system
Human Validation Process Model (Satir)-
*THE THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP promote self-growth, self-esteem and
connection; help family reach congruent
Based on empowerment and egalitarianism
communication and interaction
Counselor is relational expert striving to develop
Experiential/Symbolic FT(Whitaker) promote
a collaborative relationship with the client
spontaneity, creativity, autonomy and ability to

❑Empowerment- emphasize client’s equal Structural FT- (Minuchin) restructure family

organization; change dysfunctional transactional
participation in the relationship patterns
❑Self-disclosure-promotes equalizing and Strategic FT-(Haley & Madanes)-eliminates
normalizing women’s collective experiences presenting problems; interrupt sequence,
change dysfunctional patterns
❑Gender role analysis- explore gender role
expectations on client's well-being and distress *KEY CONCEPTS

❑ Gender-role intervention-placing the client’s ❑Focus is on communication patterns within a

issue in the context of society’s role and family, both verbal and non-verbal
❑Problems are likely to be passed from one
❑ Power analysis and power intervention- generation to the next.
similar to gender role analysis and intervention
❑The present is more important than exploring
❑ Social action-suggest volunteering at social past experiences
action centers to empower them and reinforce
the intervention used
• Help family members gain awareness of
patterns of relationship that are
Family systems perspective holds that ineffective.
individuals are best understood through • Create new ways of interacting to relieve
assessing the interactions between and among distress.
family members
Eight lenses in family systems therapy:
Therapist acts as teacher, coach, model, and
Teleological, organization, developmental,
multicultural, gender, process, sequences and
They are concerned with process of family *Techniques
interaction and patterns of communication.
• Questions-circular or relational, seeking
An integrative model of family counseling and to empower clients in new ways
therapy moves from forming a relationship, • Externalization and deconstruction-the
conducting assessment problem is the problem
• Search for unique outcomes- similar to
Hypothesizing and sharing meaning and
exception questions
facilitating change.
• Alternative stories and-re- authoring-
*TECHNIQUES today is the first day of your life
• Documenting the evidence-write letters
• Genograms
chronicling changes
• Setting boundaries
• Enacment
(de Shazer, Kim Berg)
Eschew the past in favor of the present and
(White & Epston, 1990) the future

▪ There are multiple realities and multiple truths No interest in understanding the problem
in the situation. and focused on what is possible

▪ Individuals construct the meaning of life in Little intention is given to diagnosis, history
interpretative stories taking or problem exploration

▪ Create solutions in the present and in the future *BASIC PRINCIPLES

*KEY CONCEPTS -There are advantages to a positive focus on

solutions and on the future
• Focus of Therapy
• The Role of Stories -Individuals who come to therapy have the
• Listening with an open mind capability of behaving effectively, even they
are temporarily blocked by negative
• Describe one’s experience in a new and There are exceptions to every problem.
fresh language
• Become aware of the impact of various -Everyone is unique, so too is each solution
aspects of dominant culture on human *KEY CONCEPTS
➢ Positive Orientation-People are healthy
and competent and could construct
Great importance on the qualities a therapist solutions that can enhance their lives
brings in the therapeutic relationship
➢ Looking for what is working-Therapist
Relationship is co-authoring or shared authority. assist people in paying attention to the
Clients are viewed as experts of their own life. exemptions to their problem patterns from
their stories
*GOAL OF THERAPY must happen for these exceptions to occur more
Goals are unique to each client and are
constructed by the client to create a richer Miracle Question-If a miracle happened and the
future problems was solved overnight, how would you
know it was solved? Howwould things be
1.Goals are stated in the positive in the
client’s language
Scaling question-On a scale of 1 to 10...
2.They are process or action-oriented
Formula first session task-homework
3.They are structured in the here and now
Feedback to clients-compliment-bridge, suggest
4. They are attainable, concrete and specific
5.They are controlled by the client

Concentrate on small, realistic, achievable

changes that may lead to additional positive
outcomes to signal the beginning of change


The therapist and client collaborate to

construct solutions, where therapist accept
people where they are and trust their
intention to solve their own problems.

*Three Kinds of Relationship

1.Costumer-client and therapist jointly

identify a problem and a solution to work

2.Complainant-client describes a problem

but is not able or willing to assume a role in
constructing a solution

3.Visitor-client who comes to therapy

because someone else thinks he/she has a


Pre-therapy change-what have you done before

the appointment that has made a difference in
your problem?

Exception Question-Were there times in your life

when the situation was not problematic? What

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