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In this video, you will learn about

the basic components of the Goal Plan. We are logged in as Manny Manager and we're
going to access our
Goal Plan from the Main menu. This is the Goal Plan. Here the employee can create
track goals throughout the year. On the left side, it is clear who's Goal Plan
we are currently viewing, and given the right permissions, Manny could navigate to
someone else's Goal Plan. We can also toggle between the different
Goal Plans that may be active. The goals are always
organized in categories. The employee can easily create goals
by selecting the "Add Goal" button. There's an option to be guided by the Smart
Goal Wizard or Copy
a Goal from another Goal Plan. When creating a new goal, we can select between a
goal and a library goal. The difference is that the library
will help us with creating our goal. So maybe I would like to create
a customer satisfaction goal. I will go to customer service and open up this
section of the library that may
contain goals that I would like to use. Here I find "Improved customer
satisfaction ratings," and I'm going to select this goal. I will choose the
category. I can edit the goal fields. And of course, I need to make sure
I fill out the required fields. Once I do this, I can save my changes. Once the
goal has been
added to my Goal Plan, I can edit and make changes
to the goal at anytime. I can also select the goal
and take more actions. I can delete the goal, or I can cascade the goal. I can also
change my preferences
to view more goal fields. So under the Display Options, I might want to see the
weight, the relative importance of the goal, and the percentage complete, and click
on update. And I will see the additional
goal fields appear. By selecting the "Align
Down" option, and update, I can see how my team is aligned. Additionally, I can
enable comments. Comments can be provided per goal. We can also view the goal
from the action column here. And what it provides us with, is
a history audit of the goals. So all changes made to
the goal are listed here. We can see what the goal looked
like when it was first created. And simply click on "View"
and it displays the goal how it was when first created. I can also see what it
was when it was modified. And also by whom, and on which date. Again, I click on
the link to view with the goal looked like
when it was modified. Select the link "Return to Goal Plan." And that will take you
back to the Goal Plan.

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