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Exceptional university student achieves academic

milestones: a trailblazer in curriculum success!

By: Prisshan Nathan & Pun Mei Chee

Muhammad Nazmi Hakimi Bin Mohd Eirman, a student of the School of Communication at

the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), has set a remarkable example for his peers and

educators alike. Despite the challenges of balancing his academic workload and

extracurricular activities, he has managed to excel in all aspects of his university life.

Through his unwavering commitment to his studies and his relentless pursuit of knowledge,

he has achieved academic milestones that are truly exceptional.

Nazmi is a dedicated and passionate student who holds the chairman position of

Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) (USM) and Parlimen Antarabangsa Belia Malaysia

(PABM) 2023/2024. As a representative of his peers, he carries the heavy responsibility of

voicing the concerns and needs of the student body, both within the university and on an

international level.

“The activities of PABM is a platform for young leaders to engage in international

diplomacy and policy making. This role has opened Nazmi's eyes to global issues, which he

then brings back to his local community to drive change and progress,” he said.

Nazmi said that before he entered USM, he had the incredible opportunity to become

the President of the MPP while studying for his Diploma at Politeknik Tuanku Syed
Sirajuddin in Perlis. His journey to becoming a leader in the student body at his previous

institution shaped him into the dedicated and passionate individual he is today.

However, Nazmi expressed that he is fascinated by the two specific areas of

leadership and public speaking. These two aspects of his life shaped his values and ambitions,

which in turn influenced his personal and professional development.

Nazmi’s story goes beyond the domain of academic honours to the domains of

hosting and advocacy. As the USM official event host, he takes on the role of sparking

conversation and participation among the community through his eloquence. His ability to

connect disparate arenas with his captivating narrative is demonstrated by the fact that he is

frequently invited to host events outside of university walls, where his voice reverberates in

corporate corridors and government chambers.

In addition to having a high sense of discipline and curiosity, Nazmi as MPP and

PABM is also very smart in managing his time between studies and curriculum.“I manage

my time by creating a schedule that lists due dates for each task. This way I can plan my time

and curriculum ahead of time. Although MPP and PABM are busy, my main responsibility is

as a student. So, I still have to prioritise my studies,” he said.

The journey of Nazmi is not limited to him; it is an open invitation to everyone to

embrace empathy, fortitude, and a resolute commitment to creating a world in which each

person's voice is heard and their worth is recognized. His name rings out in the history of

tomorrow's leaders, serving as a constant reminder that empathy is the orchestrator of the

most significant changes in the progression symphony.

Muhammad Nazmi Hakimi reflects his win on the Pilihan Raya Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar

( Source Prisshan Nathan)

Muhammad Nazmi giving his interview and explaining his manifesto to the interviewer
( Source Prisshan Nathan)

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