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For a possible action or situation: If'+ the simple present + will/won't

If Leeds United win 1-0, the fans will be happy.

For an improbable or hypothetical action or situation: If + the simple past + would/wouldn't

If Leeds United won 7-0, the fans would be very happy.

1. The Wright family are talking about a possible holiday in the south of Spain. Complete

the text using the correct tense of the verbs (present simple or future).

Mark : If we (1 go) _____________ in the summer, there (2 be) _____________ more

tourists and it (3 be) _____________ very hot. If we (4 go) _____________ at

Christmas, there (5 not be)_____________ as many tourists and the weather (6 be)

_____________ cooler.

Carol : If we (7 take) _____________ the car, it (8 take) _____________ much longer to

get there, but we (9 be able to) _____________ take more luggage with us.

Anna : If we go by plane, it (10 be) _____________ quicker, but it (11 cost) _____________

more too, and we (12 not see) _____________ anything of France.


2. Oliver is depressed at the moment. He is talking about things he has not got and things

he cannot do. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb (past simple or


1. If I (have) _____________ more money, I (be able to) _____________ get a flat.

2. I (find) _____________ a better job if there (be) _____________more jobs available.

3. I (be) _____________ happier if I (have) _____________ more friends.

4. If I (be) _____________more adventurous, I (go) _____________ abroad.

5. My parents (not be) _____________so critical if they (understand) _____________ me


3. Complete the dialogue, putting the verbs into the correct tense.

'If you (1 want) _____________ to learn Spanish, you must go to Spain. If I (2 be)

_____________ you, I (3 spend) _____________ a month in Spain.' 'No, I couldn't afford it. If I (4

go) _____________ to Spain, I (5 have to) _____________ pay for my lessons and my

accommodation.' 'Well, (6 you go) _____________ if you (7 not have to) _____________ pay for

your accommodation? You see, I've got some Spanish friends in Cordoba. You (8 be able to)

_____________ stay with them. I (9 write) _____________ to them if you (10 like)

_____________ 'But if I (11 stay) _____________ with your friends, I (12 have to)

_____________ pay them.' 'No, it (13 not be) _____________ necessary. They want to learn

English, so if you (14 give) _____________ them English lessons, you (15 be able to)

_____________ stay there free.'




1. go III.
2. will be
3. will be 1. want
4. go 2. were/ was
5. won't be 3. would spend
6. will be 4. went
7. take 5. would have to
8. will take 6. would you go
9. will be able 7. didn't have to
10. will be 8. would be able to
11. will cost 9. will write
12. won't see 10. like
11. stayed

II. 12. would have to

13. wouldn't be

1. had… I'd be able 14. gave

2. I'd find… were 15. would be able to

3. I'd be… had

4. I was/were… I'd go
5. wouldn't be… understood

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