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Microstructural Evolution and Stress Corrosion Cracking

Behavior of Al-5083

The fine scale microstructure of Al-5083 (H-131) sensitized at 448 K (175 C) for 1, 10, 25, 50,
100, 240, 500, and 1000 hours has been investigated using transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) to study the evolution of the b phase (Al3Mg2) at grain boundaries and on pre-existing
intragranular particles. In fully sensitized Al-5083, the b phase (Al3Mg2) forms heterogeneously
both at grain boundaries and on pre-existing particles, which are enriched in manganese. TEM
observations showed that the grain boundary precipitation of the b phase initially occurs
between 0 to 1 hour of aging at 448 K (175 C), and that the b phase grows with a ribbonlike
morphology. The grain boundary planes are covered by the b phase after 240 hours of aging.
The contribution of microstructure, defects, and environment on the stress corrosion cracking
(SCC) behavior is discussed.

DOI: 10.1007/s11661-010-0262-y
 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2010

I. INTRODUCTION characterization of the SCC behavior, confirming the

resistance to SCC of the as-received specimens, and
A LUMINUM - MAGNESIUM - MANGANESE susceptibility to SCC of the annealed material. How-
alloys are important for ship structural applications, ever, this first work only encompassed the as-received
because they exhibit excellent resistance to corrosion, condition and the 10-day annealed condition, effectively
weldability, and a high strength to weight ratio. How- fully sensitized. The present study deals with the
ever, Al-Mg-Mn alloys become susceptible to intergran- evolution of the sensitization at 448 K (175 C) ranging
ular corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) if from the very early stages to heat treatments up to
exposed to temperatures above 50 C for extended 1000 hours. More specifically, the objective encom-
periods of time, which occurs on ship structures in passes investigation of the b-phase evolution both at
service, as a consequence of the formation of the b the aluminum matrix grain boundaries and on pre-
phase, Al3Mg2, at grain boundaries.[1–8] The b phase is existing particles and correlation of the stress corrosion
strongly anodic relative to the Al matrix; thus, it behavior with the microstructure.
corrodes and dissolves very quickly upon exposure to
seawater. Considerable work has been done on the SCC
behavior of Al-5083 as a function of aging at different
temperatures.[3] It was observed that the crack growth II. EXPERIMENTAL
rate increases with aging, which was linked to the TEM studies have thus been carried out here on Al-
increased volume fraction of the b phase at the grain 5083 specimens provided by ALCOA in the H-131
boundaries.[3] The rate at which sensitization occurs is a temper condition, and subsequently aged at 448 K
critical parameter in the prediction of the life cycle of (175 C) for 1, 10, 25, 50, 100, 240, 500, and 1000 hours.
Al-Mg-Mn ship structural alloys. Detailed study of the Additional TEM specimens were taken from different
evolution of the beta phase, therefore, is vital to locations across a fracture surface, in order to study
understanding the evolution of sensitization. the defects close to the fracture surface. Charac-
Extensive transmission electron microscopy (TEM) terization of the as-received microstructure was also
studies[9] were previously carried out on two types of important, for understanding the subsequent b forma-
Al-5083 specimens provided by ALCOA: as-received in tion during the aging procedure. PHILIPS* CM-30
the H-131 temper condition and subsequently annealed
at 448 K (175 C) for 10 days. Characterization of the
as-received microstructure was important for under- *PHILIPS is a trademark of FEI Company, Hillsboro, OR.
standing the subsequent formation of various phases
during the annealing procedure. ALCOA also provided
and JEOL** 2200 analytical transmission electron

R. GOSWAMI, G. SPANOS, P.S. PAO, and R.L. HOLTZ, **JEOL is a trademark of Japan Electron Optics Ltd., Tokyo.
Scientists, are with the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
20375. Contact e-mail:
Manuscript submitted December 10, 2009. microscopes operating at 300 and 200 KeV, respectively,
Article published online June 2, 2010 were used to characterize the microstructure of the

Al-5083. Final thinning of the TEM foils was carried out recorded for the as-received samples. The threshold
in an ion mill with a gun voltage of 5 kV, a current of value of the stress intensity factor (KISCC) turned out to
5 mA, and a sputtering angle of 10 deg. Fine probe be 2 MPam after aging for 240 hours at 448 K
energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was em- (175 C) (Figure 1(b)). Note that there was a sudden
ployed to determine the distribution of Mg, Mn, and Cr jump of the crack length at around 525 hours
at the grain boundaries, as well as within the matrix (Figure 1(a)). This was most likely due to accumulation
grains and precipitates. Further compositional informa- of the corrosion product, which generated stress and
tion was obtained with Z-contrast imaging, also termed moved the crack rapidly. The crack length has increased
high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) imaging. In from 1.8 to 2.2 inches between 25 and 525 hours. Thus,
this imaging mode, the brighter regions correspond to the average crack velocity was 5 9 10 9 ms 1 in that
heavier atoms, as the scattering cross section is propor- time frame for the sample aged at 448 K (175 C) for
tional to Z2.[10] 240 hours, and for the as-received sample, the velocity
was 4 9 10 11 ms 1. The crack growth rate, therefore,
has increased by almost two orders of magnitude upon
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION aging the as-received sample at 448 K (175 C) for
240 hours, as compared to that of the as-received
SCC characterization of both the as-received Al-5083 sample. The fracture surface (Figure 1(c)) for the aged
(H-131) and the annealed samples was provided to the sample showed predominantly intergranular fracture.
Naval Research Laboratory by ALCOA and shown in The corresponding elongated grain structure in this
Figure 1. These were measured for a constant crack orientation is shown in the optical micrograph presented
opening displacement on precracked double cantilever in Figure 1(d).
beam specimens in the short-longitudinal (S-L) orienta- Details of the microstructure of the as-received
tion. A 3 pct brine solution was added dropwise Al-5083 (H-131), particularly the composition and
throughout the experiment. Experimental details were structure of several precipitates, were reported in an
given elsewhere.[1] Figure 1(a) shows a substantial earlier study.[9] These results indicated that both
increase, 300 pct, of the initial crack length for samples equiaxed particles (50 to 100 nm in size) and rodlike
aged for 240 hours at 448 K (175 C), while a small particles (with lengths ranging from 100 to 800 nm)
increase in crack length, 100 lm (<0.2 pct), was were present. Most of the particles (Figure 2) were

Fig. 1—(a) Plot showing crack length with time for as-received and sensitized (448 K (175 C) for 240 h) Al-5083 samples in S-L orientation.
(b) Plot showing the decrease in stress intensity factor (K) as the crack length increases. (c) Fracture surface showing predominantly intergranu-
lar fracture. (d) Optical micrograph in S-L orientation showing the elongated grains.


Fig. 3—(a) Portion of grain boundary in as-received sample showing
no precipitates at the boundary. (b) Grain boundary in as-received
sample showing the Al-Mn-Cr type of precipitates. (c) Bright-field
micrograph showing that a number of dislocations are pinned by the
Al-Mn-Cr type particles.

Fig. 2—(a) HAADF image showing the Al-Mn-Cr type of particles

(appeared bright) in Al-matrix in the as-received Al-5083 sample. (b)
through (e) Fine probe EDS map obtained with spot size of 0.5 nm
showing the distribution of Mg, Al, Mn, and Cr, respectively.

observed to be associated with Mn and Cr and small

amounts of Fe. EDS analysis showed that the majority
of the Mn-rich particles had an average composition of
5.74 at. pct Mn, 0.97at. pct Cr, 0.3 at. pct Fe, and
balance Al. A few particles, however, were identified as
Al6(Mn-Cr). In the as-received condition, no other
solute (Mn, Fe, Cr, or Si) was detected in the a-Al
matrix. It was observed that the a-Al matrix contains
mostly Mg as a solute, ranging from 3.5 to 4 wt pct.
While most of the precipitates are located inside the Fig. 4—Plot showing Vickers hardness as a function of aging.
a-Al grains, the a-Al grain boundaries are mostly free of
Mn-rich precipitates. Figure 3(a) shows a typical grain
boundary with no precipitates in the as-received condi- on existing Al-Mn-Cr type particles, and on dislocations
tion. A few grain boundaries (Figure 3(b)), how- in the as-received condition.
ever, were observed to contain Mn-rich precipitates. The formation of b phase from the supersaturated
Figure 3(c) shows a high density of dislocations in the solid solution has been reported by several authors.[11–13]
as-received sample, and some of the dislocations appear At a higher supersaturation (>10 wt pct Mg), GP zones
to be pinned by the existing Al-Mn-Cr type particles. can form at low temperatures (<50 C), and then can
Dislocations are mostly tangled, and no dislocation transform to b¢¢ and b¢ at 100 C, and finally to
substructures were observed in the as-received condi- equilibrium b phase at around 250 C.[11–13] The trans-
tion. The yield strength is attributable to a combination formation has been found to be extremely sluggish. The
of solid solution strengthening, a relatively high density aging response of the as-received sample was studied by
of dislocations, and Mn-rich particles. No precipitation hardness as a function of aging at 448 K (175 C).
of the beta phase was observed at grain boundaries, Figure 4 is the Vickers hardness plot showing a decrease


of hardness with aging, which is consistent with previous higher Mg. The EDS line scan (Figure 6(e)) across the b
observations.[14] The mean hardness was decreased by phase showed the enrichment of Mg and depletion of Al
almost 10 pct within an hour of aging and by 15 pct for at the grain boundary. No appreciable depression of Mg
1000 hours of aging. Such a decrease in hardness concentration could be detected just adjacent (100 nm
suggests that the matrix supersaturation (particularly from the grain boundary) to either side of grain
Mg) decreases as a function of aging, since in Al-Mg boundary beta phase (Figure 6(e)), although the fact
alloys, the solid solution strengthening plays a major that the grain boundary may not perfectly edge-on could
part. TEM observations indeed showed that grain obscure detection of any very small depression in Mg
boundary precipitation of the Mg-rich b phase occurs concentration adjacent to the b phase. With continued
between 0 to 1 hour of aging at 448 K (175 C). aging, for example, 240 hours at 448 K (175 C), again
Selected area electron diffraction patterns (SADPs) no depleted region of Mg in the matrix adjacent to the
and fine probe EDS were used to detect the grain grain boundary b phase could be observed, as reported
boundary b phase. Figure 5(a) shows the beta precipi- in an earlier study,[9] while the sample becomes highly
tates along the grain boundary for this 1-hour aging susceptible to SCC (Figure 1(a)). Although these obser-
condition. They appear to form as individual grain vations suggest that the susceptibility to SCC is not
boundary allotriomorphs at different locations along the associated with a significant depletion of Mg in the
grain boundary. The corresponding dark-field image matrix region close to the grain boundary b phase, very
from the grain boundary allotriomorph indicated as b small depletions may have gone undetected by the
phase (1) in Figure 5(a) is shown as an inset (obtained techniques employed here.
using a (777) b-phase reflection). The fine probe EDS Although the b phase forms readily on grain bound-
obtained from the b-phase (1) precipitate (Figure 5(b)) aries with 1 hour of aging at 448 K (175 C), the
showed the Mg content is 33 wt pct. formation of this phase was observed to occur atop
The corresponding Mg content at the grain boundary pre-existing Al-Mn-Cr type particles after 25 hours of
in the Al matrix between two such allotriomorphs was aging treatment. Figure 7(a) is a bright-field micrograph
3.3 wt pct. Such b allotriomorphs were observed to showing the formation of the b phase on a facet of an
grow considerably along the grain boundary after Al-Mn-Cr containing particle. The corresponding dark-
10 hours of aging (Figure 6(a)). The b phase was verified field image obtained using a b reflection is shown in
by SADP and EDS. Figure 6(b) is an HAADF image of Figure 7(b). With further aging, more of the b phase
the grain boundary b phase showing relatively dark nucleates and grows, with an elongated (plate- or
contrast associated with the lighter element, Mg. The rodlike) morphology (Figure 7(c)). At 240 hours, the
fine probe EDS map obtained with a spot size of 0.5 nm length of the b rods or plates varies from 100 to 300 nm,
from this area (Figures 6(c) and (d)) showed that the and most of these particles form in association with
dark contrast in Figure 6(b) is indeed associated with Al-Mn-Cr containing particles.

Fig. 5—(a) Bright-field TEM image for sample aged for 1 h at 448 K (175 C) showing the formation of b phase, shown by arrows, at the grain
boundary. A dark-field TEM image obtained using (777) reflection of the b phase from region (1) is shown as an inset. (b) The fine probe EDS
from the b phase. (c) The fine probe EDS from the grain boundary between two beta-particles.


Fig. 7—(a) Bright-field TEM image showing the b-phase formation
on the Al-Mn-Cr type particle for samples aged for 25 h. (b) The
dark-field image showing the b phase. (c) An elongated b phase
formed on Al-Mn-Cr type particle for sample aged for 240 h.

show the evolution of the grain boundary b phase as a

function of aging time. A number of the grain bound-
aries observed over a wide range of tilt conditions were
observed to be fully covered by the b phase for the
sample aged for ‡240 hours. Also, as the matrix
Fig. 6—(a) Bright-field TEM image showing the b phase at the grain supersaturation decreases with aging, the continued
boundary for sample aged for 10 h at 448 K (175 C). (b) A HA- growth of the grain boundary b phase was found to
ADF image showing the grain boundary b phase (appeared dark). decrease to a considerable extent beyond 240 hours of
(c) and (d) The distribution of Mg and Al from this region, respec- aging. At 1000 hours of aging, for instance, the thick-
tively. (e) The EDS line across the grain boundary b phase obtained
from the region (thick arrow), as shown in ‘‘b.’’ The grain boundary
ness of the grain boundary b phase ranges from 50 to
position is shown by the dashed line. 200 nm, which is similar to what was observed around
240 hours of aging. Figures 10(a) and (b) show a typical
grain boundary and a triple point, respectively, after
1000 hours of aging.
In order to gain further insight into the mechanism of To study the dissolution behavior of the b phase, the
the coverage of b phase on the grain boundaries, a TEM samples were immersed into a brine solution
number of grain boundaries from samples that were containing 5 pct NaCl at room temperature, and TEM
aged for different times at 448 K (175 C) will now be observations were carried out after immersing the
considered in more detail. Figures 8(a) through (f) show sample for 120, 180, and 300 seconds. It was observed
the b phase on a grain boundary tilted through a large that grain boundaries were completely eaten away
angular range (±42 deg), for the sample aged for for samples where the grain boundary b phase was
50 hours. It is evident that the b phase grew in the continuous. For example, the TEM micrographs in
form of a ‘‘ribbon’’ morphology, and multiple nucle- Figures 11(a) and (b), which show typical images of
ation events occurred along the grain boundary. grain boundaries after 120 seconds of immersion for
Although at certain tilts it can appear that the grain sample aged at 448 K (175 C) for 240 hours, indicate
boundary is essentially fully covered by b (e.g., that the b phase has been dissolved from the grain
Figure 8(d)), when viewed under a wide range of tilts, boundaries by the salt water. The Al-Mn based parti-
it becomes evident that the grain boundary plane is not cles, which are not anodic with respect to matrix, are still
fully covered by the b phase at this stage, as empty present at the boundaries. For grain boundaries where
spaces (no b phase) between the ribbons were observed the b phase has not formed continuously, the dissolution
(Figures 8(a), (b), (e), and (f)). Figures 9(a) through (d) was observed to be partial. More grain boundaries were


Fig. 8—(a) through (f) Bright-field TEM images showing the grain boundary containing the b phase at different tilt conditions for sample aged
for 50 h.

observed to be dissolved away as the exposure time was stress would be required to break the grain boundary
increased. With a long exposure (of almost a week) in regions between the b-phase ribbons, for the lower aging
5 pct salt water, the dissolution of the b phase was times, compared to specimens aged for 240 hours. This is
observed at the grain boundaries as well as within the consistent with the fact that the crack velocity has been
grains. Figures 11(c) and (d) are typical SEM images of observed to increase linearly with aging time.[3] Specif-
a specimen that was aged for 240 hours, before and after ically, Jones et al.[3] observed that the crack growth rate
the exposure to salt water for a week, respectively, increased from 5 9 10 11 ms 1 for no aging to 5 9
showing the dissolution at the grain boundary and 10 10 ms 1 for 100 hours of aging at 448 K (175 C),
within the grains. Fine probe EDS from the grain and the present observations showed a further increase
boundary region, which was dissolved away, in of the crack velocity to 5 9 10 9 ms 1 for 240 hours of
Figure 11(a) showed the presence of a thin layer of Al aging at 448 K (175 C) (Figure 1(a)).
oxide with a small amount of Cl. No amount of Na was To study the defects close to the fracture surface as a
detected from this region. These observations indicate result of deformation, cylinders 3 mm in diameter were
that the SCC behavior of sensitized Al-5083 in salt water cored out from different locations of the fracture surface
is mostly governed by the dissolution of the b phase of the 240-hour annealed specimens. Dislocation net-
formed continuously at the grain boundaries with long works were observed within the grains (Figure 12(a)) as
aging time (‡100 hours at 448 K (175 C)). This is also a result of interaction of the dislocation forests, glide
corroborated by the observation of predominantly dislocations, and dislocation climb.[15] Glide disloca-
intergranular fracture (Figure 1(b)) of the 240-hour aged tions are pushed by the applied shear stress against the
samples. At lower aging time (£100 hours at 448 K dislocation forests. In addition, dislocation pileups were
(175 C)), as the b phase is not continuous along the observed at grain boundaries (Figure 12(b)) as a result
grain boundaries, the dissolution along the grain bound- of deformation, that produce high stress regions on the
aries was incomplete in the immersion experiments. It grain boundary b phase. Such dislocation pileups can
might thus be expected that in SCC experiments, the significantly contribute to SCC when grain boundaries
crack growth rate would be lower, and a higher applied in Al-5083 are not fully covered by the b phase.


Fig. 9—(a) through (d) Bright-field TEM images showing the b phase at the grain boundary for samples aged for 10, 25, 240, and 1000 h.

Fig. 10—(a) Bright-field TEM image showing the b phase at the

grain boundary close to edge-on condition for sample aged for
1000 h. (b) A bright-field image showing a triple point after 1000 h
of aging.
Fig. 11—(a) and (b) Bright-field TEM images showing the dissolu-
tion of b phase at the grain boundaries after 120 s exposure to salt
IV. SUMMARY water. (c) A SEM image showing the b phase at the grain boundary
as well as on existing Al-Mn type particles within the grain after
TEM was employed to investigate the microstruc- 240 h of aging at 448 K (175 C). (d) An SEM image showing the
tural evolution in Al-5083, by analyzing a number of dissolution of b phase at the grain boundary and within the grain
specimens subjected to various aging times, including after a week of exposure to salt water.


To study the dissolution behavior of the b phase, the
TEM samples were immersed into salt water containing
5 pct NaCl at room temperature for short durations of,
120, 180, and 300 seconds, and subsequent TEM obser-
vations indicated that the grain boundaries were com-
pletely dissolved away in samples where the grain
boundary b phase was continuous along the grain
boundaries, whereas for shorter aging times where the b
phase was discontinuous, the grain boundaries were
only partially dissolved. It is thus suggested that the
SCC behavior of sensitized Al-5083 in salt water is
mostly governed by the dissolution of the b phase
formed continuously at the grain boundaries due to long
aging times (>100 hours at 448 K (175 C)). At shorter
aging times (£100 hours at 448 K (175 C)), the b phase
is not continuous along the grain boundaries, and higher
applied stress is likely required to break the grain
boundary regions between the b-phase ribbons, as
corroborated by the observation of increasing SCC
crack growth rates with increasing aging times.

The authors gratefully acknowledge that the speci-
men material and preliminary SCC characterization
were provided by Dr. F. Bovard, ALCOA. This work
was funded by the Office of Naval Research.

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