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Trust – David Horsager

- Is a confident belief ina preson, product or an organization

The case for trust

When a trust increase onput, morale retention productivity innocation loyalty revenue.

#1 reason people want to work for an organization? Trusted relationship. Transfarent of their mistakes.

What is a lack of trust costing your team?

8 Pillars of trust

1. Clarity = people trust the clear

2. Compassion – we trust the people who care.
3. Character = people trust people who have character
4. Competency – you must be relevant and capable
5. Commitment – we trust who stays commitment even in adversity
6. Connection – who are willing to connect and collaborate with other
7. Contribution – gotta contribute results
8. Consistency – must be consistent to all the work that you are doing


People trust the clear, but distrust the ambiguous.

3 questions to clarity drives strategic clarity

1. How? Always ask how until you can do something today and tomorrow
2. How?
3. How?

Commitment pillar

# 1 action that would increase retenetion: keep promises

Only way To rebuild trust you should make and keep a new commitment


- It is the little things done consistently that makes the biggest differences
- Consistency is where the power is.
- Atrophy is guaranteed without intentional action.


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