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Workflows for onboarding clients info QuickBooks Online Help clients get stared Although clients can setup their own company in QuickBooks Online. doing the job nght takes skill and experience. One mistake when setting up products and services or sales tax could spel disaster later. However, as their bookkeeper, youll set them up corecty—and add their company fo your lst of chents in QuickBooks Oniine Accountant How can you and QuickBooks Online help? (QuickBooks Online Accountant has builtin fools to help you organize and track client onboarding tasks, adjust the steps to your r cents needs, and allocate different tasks in the onboarding worktlow fo other team members. To fully enjoy the benefis of QuickBooks Online, your dents need your help setting up their company to work for them and their businesses, ‘The QuickBooks Online ecosystem is constantly evolving to meet your needs. ‘Your current experience may differ from what you see here. Client routes into your books ‘The steps youll need to take when onboarding a new alent depend on their curent situation. Some cients wil be new to QuickBooks Online, while alhers already have company fies (Clients new to QuickBooks Online [Some chents may be just starting @ business. So, youl need fo setup @ QuickBooks Online company from scraich, ready for them fo populale| ls they grow fother clients wil have established businesses and may have existing books and iss in fools such as Excel—or they might be using fauickBooks Desktop or similar accounting software. In this case, youll need to help them import andor migrate their daa into QuickBooks foniine (Clients already using QuickBooks Online fou may also take on clients who are already using QuickBooks Online if, fr example, they come to you from another bookkeeping fm. In this |stuation, youll want o revew their exsting QuickBooks Online to establish the health ofthe books and their business overall Well go into all ofthese options later. Fis, let's look at a handy too! that lists the onboarding tasks you need in any ofthese situations, the Client cnboarding template The Cllent onboarding template (QuickBooks Online Accountant has a bul a GuickStart template to help guide you through the onboarding process. fig\ 'scoteo te len beac erp, nt its reload hai fash cay hen bing a cen your tm Youcan istrze hs det sk oar yore s rbot expetence oa nets evn ba Snel and conte intone kote Cine The Client onboarding QuickStart template ist just a set of tasks to check of it also ists opportunites fo develop a great working relationship with your ckent and start to add value to their business. Select the headings to discover how fo sat up and use the Client onboarding template ‘Where can you fd the template? How do you use the template? To locate the template, you need to be in QuickBooks Online Accountant ‘Select Work from the left-hand navigation Youll need to create a new project and base it onthe template, so select Create project From the Project template dropdown, select Client onboarding Give the project a name, then choose the client from the Firm or cent dropdown \When you scrll down the panel, youll see alist of the default tasks forthe Client onboardig template. You can configure this list to suit the individual requirements ofthe cont you'te onboarding (Once youre done, select Save Onboarding clients who are new fo QuickBooks Online Now let's look at what you should do when onboarting a cent who's new to QuickBooks Ontine Select the headings to find out more. (Meat the ollant and gather information Once you and the cent have signed the contract and agreed on payment arrangements, you can provide a detailed onboarding plan and introduce the client fo the anboarng team The New Client Checklist wil help you do this. I's a handy resource for geting to know new clents and gathering the information you need to set them up withthe most appropriate QuickBooks Online soluton. By using the New Client Checklist and asking the right questions, you can more accurately scope the len’s requirements, set expectations, and build 2 stronger collaborative relationship forthe upcoming onboarding process. Getting tis night reassures the client that theyre getting expert advice, ‘You cen leam more about using New Client Checklist inthe Identifying the right QuickBooks Online subscription level training TOOLS & NEW CUENT (CHECKLIST xlsx Recommend the best QuickBooks Online solution ‘© Competing the New Client Checklist with the client ensures you gel the information you need fo recommend the best QuickBooks Online solution for their business, © You can then work out '* Which product they need such as QuickBooks Self-Employed or QuickBooks Online) Which QuickBooks Online subscription level is best for them Whether they'd benefit from adding QuickBooks Online Payroll andior QuickBooks Time, andi so, which subscription level uickBooks Online Payrol ‘Sign up the ellent to QuickBooks Online Once you've worked with the client to identify the appropriate QuickBooks Online subscription level—and any other products—that meet their requirements, you can sign them up to QuickBooks Online The procedure for doing this is explained in detail in the lesson on adding clients to QuickBooks Online Accountant. The essential stops are below: ‘* From your Giant List in QuickBooks Online Accountant, select Add Client ‘+ Follow the prompis and enter the client details. The completed Client Profile section ofthe New Client Checkist provides the information you need to complete the clients account setings for them. You can even request a copy of your aliens logo to surprise your client with @ customized homepage and sales template ‘+ Choose the appropiate billing method (that is, who will pay the subscrition fees, and how), The billing options lesson explains the various biling methods and associated benefits ‘+ Select the appropriate QuickBooks Online subscription level. The identifying the right QuickBooks Online subscription level for a client lesson explans the diferent subsonption optons ‘+ Adda QuickBooks Online Payroll subscription, required. You can see how to do ths in the Adding QuickBooks Time and QuickBooks Online Payroll lesson ‘* When youre ready, select Save ‘The new QuickBooks Online company will now be added to your Client List ‘You cen now work wih your Gent to set up and configure their company Configure and customize the product No two clients are the seme—and neither are their QuickEcoks Ontine company setups. You'll need to work closely withthe client to configure their company in a way that delivers the features and functions they need for ther business to succeed Whether you're advising on a custom payroll setup, adding logos, oF improving sales form templates, you can demonstrate your value to clients by helping them to build the best worktlows fr their unique business. When you're setting up ists for businesses new to QuickBooks Online, review their curent customerivendor lists to determine f you can utlize the current data to impart ito QuickBooks Online orf you can tailor ito ther needs with some adjustments tothe lists and categorization options, ‘See our training brary for extensive training on the various aspects of setting up and configuring @ QuickBooks Online company. Provide training and mentoring As a sled bookkeeper i's @ great idea fr you to help cSen's help you by training them in best-practice methods, Training and mentoring also allow you as a ProAdvisor to highlight your value as a subject-matter expert, not just in accounting best practices and requirements but also in how your clents should workin QuickBooks Online to get the best results, Its also a great ime to remind them to download the QuickBooks Online app to keep track oftheir finances on the go. ‘The sooner the client is confident in recording their day-to-day transactions, the sooner theyIl see the value and time-saving benefits of QuickBooks Online and their rusted advisor—you! Clients who are using other bookkeeping tools Cents with established businesses will undoubtedly use some other bookkeeping tool (Excel or mote comprehensive aocountancy software). They could be using QuickBooks Desktop for instance. Onboarding these clients ull involve importing andlor migrating ther data ino QuickBooks Online Importing ists into QuickBooks Online is explained in the Importing Produets and Services, Customers and Vendors losson Converting fe from QuickBooks Desktop is a complex procedure that should only be carried out by experienced ProAdvisor’. You can find out more in our comprehensive traning on QuickBooks Desktop Migration Remember to use the Client onboarding template to help you dafine the correct workfiow for seting up these clants and adding them to your books. Gaining new clients already using QuickBooks Online It you're taking on a cent who's aleady using QuickBooks Ontne, theyll need to invite you to the company as an accounting fim. When you accept their invitation, they'l be added to your Chent List ‘You should first review the client's existing books, as they may need cleaning up. It would take a Jang time to do this manually, and any ertors you miss during your review could lsad you to underestimate the amount of work and Underprie your services. The Client overview screen in QuickBooks Online is designed to give you a snapshot ofa client's books and helps you price your services with confidence and win the client's business. Youll find the Client overview screen by signing in via QuickBooks Online Accountant and selecting Overview on the lefthand navigation. There are four sections for you to review, as you can see here Select each section heading to explore it in more detal Company setup ‘The Company Setup section indicates the complenty ofthe clients QuickBooks Online company It shows the clent’s subscription level, whether they subscnbe to a payall product, and whether they have Sales tax enabled This section also shows how many apps the cient has connected to their QuickBooks Online company. You need to know which apps the cient uses to fully understand thei worktiows. Youll want to review this regularly. ee 8 a Om a Banking activity ‘The Banking Activity section displays the client's cash on hand, checking, merchanl, and payrall checking accounts ‘The Bank balance comes from te Banking center and shows the balance reported the last time the bank connected to QuickBooks. By selecting the ‘count name, you can view he transactions nthe bank register. The In QuickBooks figure is the QuickBooks balance from the end date of he register, which could include transactions dated inthe future The Unreconciled and Reconciled through columns give details about the account's reconciliation status. Using the Reconcile tool in QuickBooks Online, you can see the number of unreconciled transactions and the date the books were reconciled. ‘Common is 2 The Common Issues secon is where youl see some diagnostic infrmalio about the condition of the cent’ dla in QuickBooks nine Here, you can check The number of unceared transactions inthe Undeposited Funds (or Payments fo depos account Register The balance inthe Opening Balance Equity account should away’ be zero ‘Any transactions that QuickBooks Online hes automatically categorized info the Uncategorized Asset accounts What should you look out for inthis section? It there's a balance in Undeposited Funds (Payments to deposi), you can view the associated acivly by selecting the balance amount. This opens the Undeposited funds (or Payments to depost) account Register ‘+ Seloct the Uncategorized Asset aocountto view ransactons that have been categorized this account nis case, ook ike two sales receipts have been deposited tothe Uncategorized asset acooutistea of to Undeposited funds Payments to deposi) ‘+ Adding deposits without assigning an income accounts @ common issue among new users of CuickBooks Online. Such transactons appear in the Uncategorized income account ‘+ Transactions under the Uncategorized Expanse socount have likely been added fom the Banking center without being assigned an expanse acount ‘+ The Opening Balance Equity aecount should ahvays be zero QuickBooks Online Ifyou see a balance here is most key because an amount was entered inthe opering balence field dung the creation of new customer, vender, balance sheet account, or inventory product ‘+ The Negative Asset and Liability counts section displays the numberof accounts that have a balance contayt their normal acount balance for example, a negative bank balance) It you're taking on a cent who's already using QuickBooks Online, theyll need to invite you to the company as an aeoounting frm. When you accept their invitation, they I be added to your Client List You should first review the client's existing books, as they may need cleaning up. It would take a lang time to do this manually. and any erors you miss during your review could lead you to underestimate the amount of work and Underprice your services. The Client overview screen in QuiokBcoks Online is designed to give you a snapshot ofa cient’s books and helps you price your services with confidence and win the client's business. Youll find the Ctient overview screen by signing in via QuickBooks Online Accountant and selecting Overview on the left-hand navigation. There are four sections for you to review, as you can see here: The Transaction Volume section shows a grouped overview ofthe number of ransactions for the client forthe last 30 days. However, you can change the date range to view the volume of transactions for periods longer than 30 days, This tab offers you a clear view ofthe clent’s workload. denying the right QuickBooks Online subscription fora clients needs Different clients, different needs Clients will come to you with different business types and structures—and with diferent bookkeeping needs. With the meny diferent levels of subscriptions avaiable to them, cents might find selecting an option confusing How can you and QuickBooks Online help? (QuickBooks Online offers a range of subscription levels to meet the needs ofall lenis. To identify the solution that's right for ceech dient, youneed to understand their unique business stuaion and requiremenis, One ofthe fist things youll do for your new cients isto help them choose the right QuickBooks Online solution for their business As part of your ngeing QuickBooks Oniine training and support, youl ind many rescurces and checkiss top you do this. One of these is the New Client Checklist, which allows you to build up a detailed picture of a cients noeds The QuickBooks Online ecosystem is constantly evolving to meet your needs. Your current experience may difr from whal you see here In this lesson, we'll ever. Exploring a clent’s needs and recommending the right QuickBooks solution Topics ‘Subscription options and levels Gatnenng requirements New Client Checklist Asking the ight questions: the Needs Assessment tab Usage limits ‘Subscription options and levels ‘QuickBooks Onine offers four ferent subscription plans, pus the addon of QuickBooks SeltEmpoyed. ‘+ Heres a summary of each CuickBooks solution and who they e aimed at |Simple Start a ms i res cr print jand other types of small businesses. This |subscription level Is the best fit for solopreneurs| land small business owners with basle accounting, Ineeds. Simple Start lEssontials [Has all the features of Simple Start but with extra liunctionality for businesses with more compl Ineeds. However, it's not designed for clients wino| Essentials joreate purchase orders and budgets. For that, thoy rae |earrying out functions such as budgeting, managin, lpopular subscription level for clients with small lbusinesses. ID _— lour flagship subscription, aimed at growin Advanced [businesses that are approaching mid-market size. Follow the link for further informafion on QuickBooks Online Plans and Pricing To identity the most suitable subscription for your client, youll need to explore ther current anc future business needs. We'll lok at this next 4 Gathering requirements You need to get o know your dint and their business, That way, you can alr your advice to their needs —and make a ute they get the most out of QuickBooks Online Discover and target your cients needs by using the New Client Checkst to help you gather the righ infrmatin, focusing 1 ‘onthe Who, What, When, and How. Who? ‘You need to find out the client's: Get to know who your cents, what they re eiming for, and where Legal Tax entity type they coming fom, ‘Accounting year end sect nebo ot or or) Business owner(s) CR) Business isioy Business prof Unique industry Growing enterprise Mission, vision, values, and business goals What? ‘You need to find out the client's: Understand the stucture of the dlents business to best discuss ¥°Poringrequrements ‘QuckBooks Online features and benefits with them Daly operations Fo) ‘Sales/Customer workflows Og a Expense/Vendor workfiows EmployeelContractor worktions ‘Administrative tasks ‘Accounting software and processes (Other business applications and processes You need to find out the lient’s: When? Compliance and fling deadines Find out information such 2s haw often the client runs reports, and their intemal and extemal deadlines. All your cients will have compliance income tex needs requirements for their business, even if they don't run payrol or pay ‘sales tax Estimated tax needs Payrollpaytol tax requirements Slate tax requirements, Industry-related compliance requirements How? Activities you can carry out include: ‘Consider how you can help the client. You can dive deeper using the New Client Running a discovery session using the New Client Checkiist ‘Checklist, follow the onboarding process, and begin to plan deliverables and tasks with your cents Following a structured onboarding process Planning 15,20. 60- and 90-day deliverables Designing workflows and choosing tools that allow you to colaborate with your cient ‘Assigning tasks to yoursel, your staff, and the client based on Indiv strengths ProAdvisor tp For 2 deeper dive into best practices for onboarding new clients reed this useful article on effective and efficient client onboarding. ‘New Client Checklist a = MBE Tre New Cient Checks! isa handy resource for geting to know new chen, gathering the infomation you need to st them up Y Fr -with QuickBooks Online, and discovering their business needs to best match them to a subscription level ‘The checklist is an Excel spreadsheet with si tabs, each focusing on a diferent aspect of the client's requirements and the conboarding process Follow the link to downloadiopen a copy ofthe New Client Checklist and use it asa reference while you explore each tab in more detail here Solect the headings to find out more. Client Profile ‘The Client Profile tab ofthe New Client Checklist covers the basics you need to setup your clent’s QuickBooks Online subscription 5 tiaecsremsee deco teatonyor ocr icine ete nae needed Rr eh yt nr ho i ben ‘Siidoatrscery Aomori conan a gerne yr one sever penn etn me Or cee Sthacas as Soptpane Coster cans ame poeta Needs Assessment ‘The Needs Assessment tab lists the functionality your cent may need from QuickBooks Online and helps you to understand their business better. You can use the links in the Help resourees colurmn to explain certain relevant Gicktiooks Online workflows to the chent Each item listed in the Needs Assessment tab has a YesiNo column that you can use to specly whether the client requires this function. These responses carry over tothe associaled QuickBooks Online feature in the QuickBooks Features and Solutions tab ‘Well look at this tab in greater detail later in the lesson QuickBooks Features and Solutions ‘The QuickBooks Features and Solutions tab 's designed to help you and your cent identiy the subscription that best suits them, ‘The worflows and functions that you selected with a“Yes" inthe Needs Assessment tab are automatically marked witha Yes" the Recommended {features from Needs Assessment column onthistab too. Youcan use the dropdowns in his column to change any selections —and to mark additonal features witha "Yes" or No” a required. You can also use the Additional features required column to note any extra functonalily the client may requee. They kely want to include or «discard certain features at this point too, Mileage It your client needs fo track mileage, use ths tab to cofect the profle information of ther vehicles. Gathering ths information wil help you complete the QuickBooks Online setup for the client, who can then setup the QuickBooks Online mobile enp to track mleage for business trips eas, This app is explained in he QuickBooks Online mobile app lesson. QuickBooks Bookkeeping Onboarding Checklist Use the QuickBooks Bookkeeping Onboarding Checklist tab to gather any final additional requirements from your chen. You should use this checks! with the Cent onboarding tempat inside the QuickBooks Online Accountant Work center Here, you can set up an conboarding project with tasks and sublasks you can assign to your team members. The Client onboarding template is explained in the lesson on workflows for onboarding clients. QuickBooks Self-Employed Profile 1 cient needs the QuickBooks Self-Employed subscription. use this tab fo gather the additional information you need to set up the subscription. ‘Asking the right questions: the Needs Assessment tab To ensure you have all the information fo identify the right QuickBooks Oniine solution for your ckent, use the Needs Assessment tab ofthe New Client Checklist to dig deeper and ask the clent questions about how thei business operates, Select each section of the Needs Assessment tab for more detailed guidance. “Taso you tet aoa mer puness proces erty whch oes ey se ra Ra a Yeo cole 8 ‘Ti Reb renarcen one hme ganar ontam Gucoos ppt weve beens pecans Seeman heats nom dorsown singe musts in atone bat) “chun hemor Sito moves accor area tae ‘soe rom soe ‘Soenreceeme ‘Gheoe Rom anon ‘Seon eons hom sonsomn (ecnmenne oman pyran) “chon tom sopsown Aewrovan “Groote hem spoon ecas nace mart rnd oF a ota carn Choose nom sorsom mst ear enemies hence hom tonsa ‘Stitone onan ‘Chaoee bem aropsoen (Econses corer “crane tom toeonn ‘Manage wea mth ei prof ne gen ‘hoe hom aon tmrertey etre FPO meno heats hom tomtom ‘tein racing cer mamods eat mato totes) (Choose hem epson eat manager Choose nom onsen atic ore ‘hose hom spon ‘Cntr noni Manager fr se tare ‘Shoe bom spon ‘Sconmarestver beset same ‘hose pom area (Eorioncrone ua montage) heoee hom sono [Reese eesatie eters “Choose hom aopsomn ‘tegen ve pert (hose hom aor ‘Serer cus oma hoove hom wore ‘Oncrer comcton banger “cnoone hem nso ros ‘heose nom dors oon recsing {heoee hom worn corecantes eso9 ‘Shoe hom aor ‘atest roma “Shoots hem oeoum ee crwesion hon prenou ccourtne son ‘Choose hom dopsown Googe ty meneame (ne nee Pore evn eet antes tte | |Get | tem |e SS ProAdvisor tp Explonn the cients industry specic needs wil help you Wnty any adttonalunctonalty they may requre. For example, they may need third-party apps to track e-commerce sales or mange thei logistics, manufacturing, shipping, point of sale, or personal ilable tine Check out this resource for more information on which QuickBooks Online subscription can help with indusry trends Try It out: Example t It's time fo put your knowledge tothe test. ‘You've ust completed a mesting with a new ckent and have established that they need the folowing capabiles: « Plus Advanced Check Answer QuickBooks Online Plus would be the minimum subscription. QuickBooks Online Advanced has all the capabilities of Plus and more. USAGE LIMITS Now let look at another factor you need to consider when recommending a subscription level toa client, Each subscription level in QuickBooks Online is designed for awide range of users, whether they te busy e-alers,archlecis, or contractors. However, each subscription level aso has limils. Usage limits are the maximum number of things (such as accounts or users) that a client can have in (QuickBooks. The more ofthese they requre, the higher the QuickBooks Online subsenpton level they'll need. Usage limits vary aocording to the level of subscription. Forinstance, with Simple Start, cents can only have one user and a maximum of 250 eecounts in their chart of accounts. With Advanced, however, they can have up to 25 users and unlimited accounts, Follow this link fr a comprehensive explanation of usage limits in QuickBooks Online Try itout: Example 2 Now try another example. Here's the Features and Solutions tab of the New Client Checklist that you completed for a new cit Based on the information in the first two columns about the QuickBooks Online features that the client will need, which subscription level would you recommend? — cuicktooks Se Employed —cuickooks Simple Start Quick#ooks Essentials Quickooks Online Plus c Quickooks Online Advanced This ckent requires Location racking, Budgets, end Purchase ordets, ich areal features of QuickBooks Online Plus. Try itout: Example 3 Try one last exemple. Hete are the results ofan intial needs assessment you did with a potential cent: |The cient runs a hauiage and warehouse business [The business isa large SMB with more than 10 users [Their HAs in Idaho, but the business also has distribution centers in Maine and New Mexico [They manage a team of around 50, made up ofa mixture of employees and contractors. The truck drivers dont need access] fo QuickBooks Online, but the finance team, the separale sales team, and purchasing department all need access to differen iets of data [They/d benefit rom giving the seles and purchasing teams custom acoess to financial data [There wl ikely be complex tracking and categorization requirements Which QuickBooks Online subscription level would you recommend? — uickscoks Sel Employed ° QuickBooks Simple Start QuickBooks Essentials QuickBooks Online Plus CQuickzooks Online Advanced heck Answer The cltenthas many complex bookkeeping requlrements that QuekBooks Online Advanced is desgned to solve. BILLING OPTIONS Flexblly from the cust Whichever QuickBooks Online solution and subscripbon your ckent chooses, they'l want value for money and flexibity in how they pay for their subscriptions, They also wont want fo miss out on any discounts that you can offer as a ProAdvisor. How can you and QuickBooks Online help? When you sign up a client via QuickBooks Online Accountant, you can offer them a choice of bing options. Clients may want to pay for their subsctption dtecly, or fr you to add the cost fo your fees. Whichever method the client chooses, cur ProAdvisor Preferred Pricing program offers Find apps from the left-hand navigation, or go fo Inthe Apps center, search for QuickBooks Time L (Choose QuickBooks Time from the search results list, then selact Get app now — Choose either QuickBooks Time Premium or Elite and select Try it free. This gives the client a 30-day free trial of the product The client then sees the QuickBooks Time setup screen, where they can start configuring the product for use. You can see how to do this In our QuickBooks Time training. —— gy ao How can you add the QuickBooks Time app for clients? You can also instal the QuickBooks Time app forthe client as follows: In QuickBooks Oniine Accountant, go to the Apps center and find QuickBooks Time \When you select Gat app now, youll get an option of which company to install the app on—including your awn bookkeeping fm ‘Select the correct lent rom the dropdown, then select Install = Next, choose the appropriate subscription level, in the same way as the cient would wen instaling the app themselves Youll then see the QuickBooks Time setup screen in QuickBooks Online, where you can show your cent how to start using the product What about clients who sign up for QuickBooks Online Payroll Premium or Elite? jants who sign up for QuickBooks Online Payroll Premium or Elite aufomatically get QuickBooks Time included with their QuickBooks (Online Payroll subscription. They simply need to launch and activate the product from QuickBooks Online. Knowledge check Which ofthe following are benefits of using QuickBooks Time? Select all that apply. it automates the 1089 fing process r Itallows employees to manage each other's timesheets Itallows administrators to schedule the work of the business offers easy access to timesheets anywhere v offers specifi, time-related reports Check Answer QuickBooks Time's suite of tools provides clients witha range of time-management features that allow them fo record, manage, and analyze time. (CUSTOMIZING THE CHART OF ACCOUNTS ‘Your business, your needs ‘The chart of accounts is at the hear of any QuickBooks Online fle. Although you can choose a default chart of accounts when you sign up # cent, ‘ you and your cent may stil need to customize it to meet the needs of herr business, How can you and QuickBooks Online help? ‘You cen add value to your clients business by ensuring that their chart of accounts reflets the reporting requirements for their business, Thete are several ways to edit a chart of aocounts in QuickBooks Online to make it work for your client In this lesson, well lok atthe diferent customization oplions. To get the most out ofthis lesson, we recommend that you complet the one on the chart of accounts and the Products and services list st The QuickBooks Online ecosystem is constantly evolving to meet your needs. Your current experience may difr from whal you see here In this lesson, we'll cover Customizing the chart of accounts, and managing accounts in QuickBooks Online Topics The benefits of having a customized chart of accounts Examples of customized charts of accounts ‘Adding account numbers Ealing account names Merging accounts How to merge accounts Making an account inactive Account-editing limtations ProAdvisor challenge The benelits of having a customized chart of accounts Setting up a client's chart of accounts correcily in QuickBooks Oniine means paying altenion to their business's needs and business profiles. Some clients may not want fo include accounts that do not apply to their business. Sill, they may need new accounts that are specific to their industry ot Unique to ther business. ‘As & ProAdvisor, you can help your elients reflect their needs In the way you set up thelr chert of accounts (COA). Watch the video to find out more about the benefits of customizing the chart of accounts for diferent business types. HOW CAN YOU AND YOUR CLIENTS CUSTOMIZE THEIR CHART OF ACCOUNTS? AAs wall as adding accounts, edits toa default chart of accaunts can include: Ealing the names of default accounts Adding account numbers "Merging duplicate accounts ‘© Making unused or redundant accounts inactive (Note that you cant delete an avcount) ‘+ Wellexplore how to make these changes later in the lesson. ProAdvisor tip You can also view examples of—and import—industry-specific chart of accounts templates. Find out more in this article about importing chart of account fempl Examples of customized charts of accounts Lets look at to diferent business types, their chart of accounts, and how the setup reflects the accounting profile of each business. Select each of the fabs fo find out more. © Sample cient A © Sample dient 8 Client Ais a sole proprietor with no employees and isnt eligible for corporate tax. Their primary focus when it comes to data and reporting is customer profiability ‘The reports that this clients most interested in are: Proft and Loss by Customer Un.nvoived Charges Balance sheet Accounts Receivable Aging So, how should you set up the chart of accounts for ths cllent? Because the client deals with job-elated expenses in their business, they have two materials accounts on their COA’ ‘Job Materials (Purchases). used for categorizing reimbursable expenses used on billable jobs Materials and Supplies (Overhead) used for categorizing other non-customer-reated purchases Client Bis a realestate investment company with a porfalo of multiple properties So, how should you set up the chart of accounts for ths client? Their chat of accounts needs to rflect the business. So, they have individual aocounts for each of their mortgages and a combined property income ‘account with expense subaccounts for each property. They even have an account to record the escrow costs related to the purchase costs to keep track of when they sella property You might want to customize e alent’ account numbering and hierarchies to create consistency across al cents or to comply with the industy or the gavemment's accounting standards. Before you can adé numbers to a client's account, you need to enable numbering. Let's see howto do that, and then ad some account numbers. Watch the video to see how It’s done. The individual steps are below for you to follow. To enable account numbers: 41. Select the Gearicon, then Account and settings 2 Select the Advanced tab from the left 3. Select anywhere inthe Chart of accounts section to enable editing Move the slider next tothe Eable account numbers option. Note that this setting will affect all users inthe client's company 5. Next, check the Show account numbers option. Ths setting allows account numbers to show onthe chart of accounts and on reports. itis not selected, account numbers will be hidden on reports—but cients wl stil be able to search for an account by number when they record transactons Select Seve Then salect Done 6 7 QuickBooks Online now allows account numbers inthe chart of aocounts. It may automatically assign account numbers, but these can be changed it needed To do this: 4. Selec! the Gear icon, then Chart of accounts Ateratively, select Accounting from the left-hand navigaton and select Chart of accounts 2. Select the Penell icon above the Action clurmn 3. Inthe Number column, enter the desired account numbers. These can be up to twenty digi long 4. When done, select Save That it. EDITING ACCOUNT NAMES Sometimes i's a good ides fo exit default account names fo make them more appropriate or easly dentifiable for cents. This can help clients avoid errors such as posting transactions fo the wrong accounts To edit an account name, you need fo be in the chart of accounts Find the account to rename and, rom the Aetion column dropdown, select Edit Rese am © owe In the Exit account panel, enter the new account name in the Aceount name fied When done, select Save = Merging accounts ering aeaounts is @ common practice when there are duplicates or tno accounts are being used forthe same thing, Note thal he meting YODERSS eminent dean beFEVESEA. Any transactions in merged aooounls ae also merged and wi appear under one category n reports What do you need to be aware of when merging accounts? To sucoessfuly merge accounls, the Account Name, Account Type, and Detail Type must all be the same What about subaccounts? You can merge subaccounls that are under the same parent aocaunt. To do this, the Aocount Name, Account Type, and Detail Type must all be the ‘same, Also, the subaccount Account Type must be identical tothe parent Account Type How to merge accounts Now ets look at the process for merging accounts in the chart of eccounts Watch the video to see how i's done, Tho individual steps are below for yout follow. Find the accout tobe merged and, inthe Aetion column dropdown, select Eat Inthe Edit account panel, copy the exact Aecount name by highightng and selecting the name, then copying it Select Cancel to close he Eli account pane Back n he Char of Accounts is, find he other account o be merged ands before—selct Edin the Action column dropdown In the Eait account panel, paste the name of the previous account nto the Aecount name fold. You need to replace the current name with the one that you copied from the fst aocount Select Save {QuickBooks Onine wil ask you to con thal you want fo merge the account To proceed, select Yes, merge accounts Finally, select Save agin These accounts are now mergedin he Char of Accounts Making an account inactive When seting up @ client fle, you may want to make some default accounts inactive. This helps keep the chart of accounts tidy and prevents cients from posting transaction tothe wrong or redundant account by mistake QuickBooks Online lst inactive accounts as deleled on reporls However, transactions in inactive accounts remain pat ofthe company data. They would appear on reports if they were posted fo the account when i was active. Select the headings to see how to make accounts inactive—and how to reactivate them. How to make an account inactive How to make an accauntacive again You can make accounts incive inddualy orin a batch To make a single account inactive: In the Chart of Aooounts sereen, select the down arrow from the Aetion colurin and choose Make inaotive e. 3 cee Inthe popup, select Yes to confirm ‘To make multiple accounts inactive at once: Select each ane by placing a checkmark inthe box fo he left ‘Then, from the Batch aotions dropdown, select Make inactive To confirm, select Yes, make inactive How to make an account active again By default, inactive agcounts are not visible from the chert of accounts. To make an account acive again, youll fist need to make it appear in the Chart of Accounts screen: Select the small Grid Gear icon above the Action clurmn (Check the Include inactive option Account editing limitations Because QuickBooks Online requires some default accounts to carry out essential functions, customization has certain limitations, You can edit the folowing accounts’ names, but they cant be made inactive or merged: Accounts Receivable Opening Balance Equiy Retained Earnings Reconalaton Discrepancies LUnapplied Cash Payment Income (Sales tax agency name, such as GST, VAT) Payable Services Soles of Product Income Uncategorized Asset Uncategorized Expense and Uncategorized Income Owners Equity The Inventory'Stock Assels and Cost of Goods Sold|Cost af Seles accounts can be renamed, made inactive, nd merged, with the flowing imitations They can only be made inactive if they re not assigned to a Products! Service tem They can be merged or renamed, butif any changes are made to a Product/Service tem that relates to these acoounts the merge will be undone, or the account will ever to is orginal name Knowledge check Which of the following optons is NOT true regarding eding a chart of accounts? +6 se soo se Cesk Answer Al transactions are deleted from an accountif you make itinactve ‘Merging accounts isnt possible for all account types Transactions posted to merged accounts are also merged You can make an account active once it has been made inactive Transactions in inactive accounts remain part of the company data, ‘Take our ProAdvisor challenge Really fo see how you'd do as @ ProAdvisor? Complete the following task and help a sample client, Craig's Landscaping company, merge two accounts in the ‘chart of accounts. ‘To complete the task, you need to: ‘* Right-click on the Creig’s Landscaping link below end select copy link address ‘Open anew browser window in privete view (Incognito in Chrome, InPrvete in Microsoft Edge, Private Window in Safari, et), then right click and past the flink Craig's Landscaping is a practice account and a safe space for you to explore and try out new things without worrying about making a mistake or breaking something. Once you close the window, the account is completely refreshed, so you can start over again Craig's Landscaping Select the headings to find out more. You want fo help your clent keep their chert of accounts tidy, so you've decided fo merge two oftheir subaccounts: one for legal fees and the other for professional fees. Here's what you need to do: The task ‘* Merge the Bookkeeper account into the accounting account ‘+ Only the Accounting subaccount should remain How did you do? Tocheck the marge has ben sucess selec Ran part fom th ton colar extothe soning subacoun - Bn oan SS You shoul ee oentes or Bookeeper, st ens for acount es Our solution Iryou dt make tute othe ed, oyouhada ert ote, ry Bis 4. Nawgato to the Chart of Accounts screen either by selecting the Gearicon and choosing Chart of accounts or by selecting Accounting from the left-hand navigation and chacsing Chart of accounts from there 2. Find the Bookkeeper account in thelist, selec the down arrow in the Action column and choose Et 3. Inthe Ealt account panel, change the name ofthe account to Accounting 4 Next, select Save 5. To confim that you want to merge the accounts, select Yes, merge accounts 6 Select Save agan Having trouble? For an esau a merge wih archer, te ames (nog erates an spac) shou be eae e same So, make Sie tat ou copy and paste We cout name who any font eooes or chro, Importing produets and services, customers, and vendors Making things simple CuikBocks Cinemas easy fr you snd yur est na pred sore, customer, or vendor tom seach Hones sme of our lens may aeady have Iss the pes services, cstorers or errs e-consuirg ber al ese temsire QuckSocks Online ara, and miles can pen when niin ds. How can you and QuickBooks Online help? ‘GukBoxks Orine has abun iporig tol a lows you and your eles o port enema ss Te tools makes a5) map Re data te caret eso QuekBo0kS Online Hone: certs ar ie need the row-tou of an expenced Provo contre he dala ohatit maps the core elm QuickBooks One The QuickBooks Online ecosystem is constantly evolving to meet your needs. In this lesson, we'll cover: ‘+ Importing products and services, customers, and vendors into QuickBooks Online Topies ‘+ What's involved in importing ists into QuickBooks Online? Importing list into QuickBooks Online ‘= ProAdvisor challenge What's involved in importing lists into QuickBooks Online? Inpring isto Guickcoks Onn ia saightfonward proces. The mos ie consuing sspact aking su he sts congue in he covet rma bolo you impor i Select the headings to discover more about importing lists into QuickBooks Online. How do you importa ist? ‘Your your sions can tnpert alist rom win hs ovat certerin Quckccks Olina. Fo exarpleoinpor a produ an saions a rom fhe Products and Series centr, salt ‘ne doun anou nests New, ten st part 8 O dame On QO8e Ca oo @. @ ‘You or your ent can ao mp ging to Me Gear icen and eesti Inpentdt, Than choos tat pe tema The second moto work welichrts want irpot ovr dierent yp of ts into QuickBooks Onin, bt hey oan ny ingot nei a a tre Note: The process for importing alist is covered in more detal later in the lesson. What format do lists need to be in? ‘uieBoxks Onine can importa seed a Exe or CS es, Cle ea alo earect oa em Gang Sees You re terse each ist sel up coated in he cnet oma tat QuekBocks Onin can mao each tom of dala the core el. How do you know how to configure alist correctly? uikBoce Onin nce «sap e foreach nts tht you ane your nt nau ow te fama eac eats you inpatitYou youre can dounoas the sample by choos he evan i tie om Pe ior sven ard seep Download a eam Each aol te prtrmatie wth ie eaunn nea hat QucxBoDes Orne nots Osea a8 eda te company cea. sng he arp esas you your cles from hain creat re tempat fom sich Here isa sample erthe cat of ssc: We recommend dounlodeg an saving to arp le a empleo, on copying and ping your cent’ customar detain sch slum. Ramerberto deo ho sample data in sac colin fist Pa tonson fo wh colmnns ets) ae he in tlt, a nanos andi oder ‘erate you can ust cur chants sesh spuacsneete ten arp Ne (nce thalitscontgurd const, you or our cant an impart int iBook Orne ‘What he cert akendy has oducts ard serves, customer, andor vendors? Imporig orto conus ot a ostomerendor bt doesn replace or ude ees data in you chen GusxB0cks Calne company. nas ads new emf Me company Hoses tn rertng a reds ard series st you your let can ens to ona and unl ers aed in QuesBooks Onin Inter case QuickBooks One ines name tha akeadyoxts dung the ergertng process pomp oulo change tha nana or derhe Box and nat npr hate. ProAdvisor tip Youll find more detail on importing lists ino QuickBooks Online inthe lessons on exporting lists from QuickBooks Desktop and importing lists Into a QuickBooks Online company. Importing a list nto QuickBooks Online Lets loseathow youimpar tints Queecnks Oring Toserenctte the posers lshow yu howto impr eed and sonic fom tha Profuse and Sere cater. The pond he same fr mpeg cura or Watch the video to see how It's done. The individual steps are below for you to follow. 4. Goto the Produets and services fab in tne Sales center 2. Select the arrow next to New and select Import 3. Next, select Browse 4. Find the spreadsheet to be imported and select Open to upload it 5. Select Next 5. Cheok that the column headers in the list are mapped fo the correct feds in QuickBooks Online. The column headers inthe spreadsheet are referred to as “Your Fete here You may also need to enter any dats tha's missing from the spreadshest. Data could be missing because you added @ column to the spreadsttet but didnt enter data inthe column for every row. 7. When youre ready, select Next 8 On the next page, selec the correct incame accounis fom the chart af accounts in he Income Account column dropdouns: 8. Once youve done this, select Import Thats Yovtedne {ios ap abo nuit eom/appicustomerst Knowledge check Here iste Custer ceterin a lens Cuakoaks One eorpany Ready to test how you'd do as 2 ProAdvisor? Complete the following task and help 2 sample client, Craig's Landscaping company, Import a customer list. To complete the task, you need to: '* Right-click on the Craig’s Landscaping link below and select copy link address ‘= Open a new browser window in private view (Incognito in Chrome, InPrivate in Microsoft Edge, Private Window in Safari, etc), then right-liek and paste the ful ink Craig's Landscaping is a practice account and a safe space for you to explore and try out new things without worrying about making 2 mistake or -breaking something. Once you close the window, the account is completely refreshed, so you can start over again. Craig's Landscaping Select the headings to find out more. \her can you gota ingot custom atin Gusieck lin? Sle a te Customer types, then select Import customers The Gear con, then select Import data The Gear icon, then select Account and settings [New customer, then select Import cuslomers qanan The down arton by new customer, then select Import customers Check Answer Well done, that's correct. Inpering at em Ee relevant ceerin QuckGcoks Onin que ityeute ayer oe It pe. The Gearon ove is seu ove importing mate Take our ProAdvisor challenge The task ‘our tet, rag ha tre st Rt he sos yu np hs GvexEooks One campy Hees ha ou nied odo ‘* Use the ink below to download the fle Craig's customer list 1o your computer ‘* por the customer ist into his QuickBooks Online How did you do? (Chooktne Castors ab inthe Sala sren. ou can se to foloang customs, you gt tight: © Dick Tse © Lawrence Tan + Paul Simmons Our solution Ifyou et tuck or iit get othe ed ty the folowing sons 4. First, download Craigs customer list fo your local computer. (The customer ists inthe task dropdown in this ProAdhisor challenge) Go to the Sales center Select the Customer ta Select New Customer ‘Selec Import Customers Selec! Browse Upload Craig's customer list Select Next Check that the mapping is correc, then select Next (0. Finaly, select Import Having trouble? ‘Some fls are roqueswheninpring it at ro QuickBooks Cnn. Fite wih roe wl beighighedinre. You can uate data dct nthe rein Iorose ary sues ‘Summing up Laing cuames Wel doe. ns leason we creed ‘+ Importing produets and services, customers, and vendors into QuickBooks Online Knowledge recep Ira olent tae exiting las of or produ and ens, casio, andlor verdors, QuickBooks Online's atin erring ol lus you othe certo mpot thse tse thei srpany.Asanplespeashes fe powded fer eac lat pe sows youn be fomal ea cores ote datamaps the covet eles n QuexSocks Onin. Next steps Inthe neitesson, wel lckatmanagig he products and serves ‘Managing the products and services list Savoie wih ataratn The produ and serve isin Qos Online cota the details ens and seroes haa cet sels her custoners As clers ald new padulseroes—r disco Irem=tey ned wokee ther rod ard sented. Ts canbe a chalergofor ers, cepacally those wi lager businesses How can you and QuickBooks Online help? CuikBocks Cine ges yeu ad your cent tha fxs io manage th products ae sania Is and agp tin god shape Helping your cers understand how products and sovioss won uickBosks Onine is il pat et png ham te gt ha mast cat ft soxuning stare Ifyou can gel your ‘eres go nabte managng her esi ne serosalit 41 ba aaaerforsvenons melon un—neisng jo Togetthe mest fom thislezon wa esannen hat yeu angle thea nthe Chat of account andthe producta and eervces it The QuickBooks Online ecosystem is constantly evolving to meet your needs. Your curtent experience may difr from whal you see here. Product and service types You or your dient must select the appropriate item lype when adding an item to QuickBooks Online. Here's quick recap of the available item types Inventory (available n QuickBooks Oniine Plus and Advanced only) [These are items thal are bought and sold, and whose quantities on hand are tracked. Your clients musi ubscibe to QuickBooks Online Plus or Advanced fo use tis feature INon-inventory [These are items that are bought and sold, and whose quantties on hand are not tracked. Your cents may} lse tis item ype for small parts used in the installation or devery of @ product [service [These are services that are provided to your client's customers. They can be one-time, recurng, or fixed] Bundle [This s a collection of products and services that are sold together For example, @ package that icludes| n exteriar door and a secuniy lack, or a produc installation that includes both labor and materials The Products and services center 2 foun The prods nd eras cle sen thar Produte and series Ped oo Peery The Lowiout of stock summary is only availabe fo clients wth inventory enbled in QuickBooks Online Plus or Advanced This visual snapshot shows how many inventory-type items are at ow or Zero stock numbers. Selecting either badge allows cients to fier he products ‘and services lst to only show tems a the associated stock level howe ‘The products and services list grid iss all the product and service items that the client sels andlor provides. Items are sted in rows, end the columns give detailed information about each iter In this exemple, “Cabinets has been setup as product calegory in QuickBooks Online, Product categories are explained later inthe lesson The Action column alos you or your dent a + Ei te ten detais + Make itinacbve + example, ifthe dent has stopped seling/providing the tem) + Make @ duplicate copy of it # Runa report onthe item For inventory tems, clients can also adjust the ilem quantity and the tem staring value. To learn more about using inventory in QuickBooks Oniine, look atthe lesson cn setting up inventory products. Creating and using product categories Product categories in CuickBooks Online allow your clients to group items ofthe same type. For instance, if your client has a relall business seling hiking geer. they may want to create product catagories far tems such as hiking boots, backpacks, and tents, Categories help you and your client easily fd products or iteasy fo compare and explore dala by product category i988. They are aso very useful when running sales and inventory reports, as they make Select each question to reveal more about creating and using product categories. How do you create a product category? You and your aliens can create a new product category before adding new products‘sevices to QuickBooks Online. To do this 1. Select More, followed by Manage categories ° eons a ° 2 Then select New category ei = 3. Give the category a sutablo name and select Save The new category wil now appear in the categones list Can you edd sub-categories toa category? It your client wants to be more specific with grouping items, they can also create sub-categories. Note thal you can oly adda sub-category via the More > Manage categories > New catagories method, not when seting up a new productservice item To create a sub-category, select the Isa sub-category checkbox in the Category information panel Ths will make a second dropdown appear. rom which cies can assign the sub-category to an existing category The sub-category appears inthe categories list, as you can see here Noe thal you can only have upto four category layers, including the parent How do you assign a productservce item to a category? (Once you've sel up a product category, you can assign a productsenvce item lo it when you'te adding the item in QuickBooks Online You can also assign an existing product/service item to a product category. To do this, select Edt from the Acton column in the Products and services center. Ether way in the Product'Servie information panel, select the appropnate category from the Category dropdown: Note: I you choose a sub-category here it will appear in the Category name fekd as “Category name ‘Sub-category name.” For example, “Vehicle inspections Oil inspections.” Can you create a product category when you add a new product service? Yes, you or your dient can also create a new product category vhen setting up a new product/service. Note that you can only create a new product category when you add a new non inventory, servic, or inventory item—not a bundle 4 Start by setting up a new productiservce, as deserited in he lesson on the chart of accounts and the Products and services list 2 When you get othe. = Category field, «open the -— dropdown © and select Add new 3. Ge the category a suitable name and select Save 4. Continue o aid the remaining item deals, then select Save and close The item will be listed under the new product category inthe Products and services lst ProAdvisor tip Follow the link for more information on grouping products and services into diferent categories Seling up products and services to sll andor purchase Now et’ lok a anather aspect of seting up producers where your dents may need extra guidance In he ProductServie information pane, ents have the option ote GuckBooks Online whether hey + Sallis producvsentoe to their customers ‘* Purchase this productiservce from a vendor (available in QuickBooks Oniine Plus and Advanced on) Select the headings to reveal what additional detall the client needs to enter for each option. + Sélthe potictsenie + Purchase the productserie Cents who selet his option need to filin the flowing details abou the iter ‘A descption of the item that wil eppear on sales forms such as invoies +The sales prcetae forthe tem ‘© Which account inthe chet of accounts il be credited when the cient generates an invoice for this item ‘©The sales tax ral forthe item What do clients need to be aware of when setting the sales tax rate? For cients who use sales tax in QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Online calculates the sales tax using the standard rate by default With this setting, when clients add a new taxable product'service, sales taxis calculated based on the seller's (thats, the cents) locaton, Clients can change te sales texte toa custom rate or tell QuickBooks Online thatthe tem is nontaxable, f applicable You can dive deeper ito how sales tax works in QuickBooks Online by exploring the lessons on basie sales tax setup and advanced sales tax activities ‘© Purchase the productservice Cents with Qu (Online Plus or A 8 this option need to fil in the following juts or services they purchase from vendors. Clk * Which expense account inthe chart of accounts willbe debited when the item is adde transaction * The client's prefer vendor, a they have one Products and se = setings isto customize certain product and service features, such as whether to inde prod sales receipts) and whether totum on inventor tracking fields and colurms on sales forms, select the Gear icon and then Account and Settings. Select Sales from the let menu and scroll Jucls and services section. Select each highlighted area to find out more about the setting options. Mie rete Seco ees eee ce ee ete eters ec Cone teeter to adding only descriptions to each line tem of a sales form—and uses the default product Pees eee Select the Show SKU column opfion fo add a column on sales and purchase forms fo track SKU (slock-keeping uni) numbers Se ea er ke en me nS feature allows clients to create special pricing for different types of customers and produ Wee EL ce eee et ea en cee ee Es ee et the Track Inventory quantity on hand option to tum on the inventory-tracking feature (only available in QuickBooks Online Plus and Advances). To find out more about using inventory in QuickBacks Online, have a lok al the lesson on setting up inventory products. a Which of the following statements about adding sub-categories to the product and services list ae correct? Select all that apply. + You can only add 1 sub-category level fo a product category = | You can only assign product or service item to a sub-category when you're setting it up for the fist time + Vaucaneditexsing productserice items to assign them oa sub-category «| Youcan creaie a sub-calegory when yout setting up a new productservice item You can only add upto 4 categary and sub-category levels, including he parent Check Answer You can only add a product sub-catogory when you select New category fom the Product Categories Est. Once you've created a sub-category, you can assign new and exising product/service items tit Managing customers and vendors Keeping things in shape As a client's business grows, they/l likely work with new customers and vendors. Depending on their business, clients may well have customers and supple on thei ists that they no longer do business with, Its important that clients keep their customers’ and vendors lists up-to-date, This can be a challenge for them, especially those with high customer tumover, such as retail businesses, How can you and QuickBooks Online help? QuickBooks Oniine gives you and your cents a great set of tools for managing their lists of customers and vendors. CClens can add, ell, and remove customervendor information, They can also group customers by type tohelp them organize their customer lists and generate meaningful data ‘To ensure you get the most from this lesson, we recommend that you work through the training on adding customers and adding vendors fst The QuickBlooks Online ecosystem is constanty evolving to mest your needs The Cuslomers and Vendors centers QuickBooks Online has both @ Customers and a Vendors center to help your clients manage their customers and vendors. These centers are where the client can add new cusiomersivendors—and make existng ones inactive The Cuslomers center and Vendors center look and functon similarly, so let's look al what they have in common Select the headings to explore the Customers and Vendors centers. How do you open the Customers center and the Vendors center? ‘The Customers center is part ofthe Sales center. Clien's can open it by electing Sales from the let-hand navigation, flowed by Customers, Clients can find the Vendor center by selecting Expenses from the left-hand menu, then selecting Vendors \What information do the Customers/Vendors centars provide? When clients open either center, the Key feature theyll see is the custometivendor fst, This shows the name end contact details of each cuslomer/vendor. plus their current open balance Selecting a name in the list allows clients o view information about the customerivendor, such as their contact deals and a list of the transactions tolfrom them. We'll caver how to edt the customerivendor deta later inthe lesson, What actions can you take wih a cusiomerlvendor? ‘A dropdown inthe Action column on the right allows clients to cary out a varity of tasks with a customervendor ‘The actions liens can perform depend on the staius ofthe customerivendor Here's an example othe options available for @ customer How can you add a new customerivendor? (Clients can add or mport new custamersivendors using the eptions atthe top: ‘The process for adding a new customerivendor i explained in the lessons on adding customers and adding vendors, Importing customersivendors is covered inthe Importing Products and Services, Customers and Vendors lesson. How can you remave or delete a customerivendor? Clients cant delete a customer oF vendor from QuickBooks Online. However, you or your cent can make a customer or vendor inactive. To do tis, coven the dropdown in the Action column and select Make Inactive, ai a acee = = cece — Note hat you or your cent won't he able o make a customer inactive they sll owe the business any money I you or your clint wants fo make mutiple customers/verdors inactive the Batch anions tool will da the job. Add a checkmark othe required names in thelist. then select Make inactive ftom the Batch actions dropdown. Easy! Editing a customer's or vendor's details You and your clents can update a customer's or vendor's details in QuickBooks Online, for example, to update their address. To do this 4. Open the Customers or Vendors center as required, then selet the appropriate name from the lst 2 Open the Customers/Vendor Details tab 3. Select cher Eait button (they both have the same function) 4. This opens the Customer/Vender details pane! ‘You or your clients can now edit information about the customerivendor, uch 2s ther contact details, addresses, and payment detail, Youll nd a detailed explanation of each section of the Custamer’Vendor details panel in he lessons on adding customers and adding vendors. Customer types As a cients list of customers grows, they may want to group—-or categortze—their customers. This wil make it easier to fiter their customers lst and run reports by customer. This is where the customer types feature comes in, allowing you or your cient fo group customers ino diferent segments, For instance, the cient may want fo mark customers by how they heard abou the business, for example, through reteral or one search, This could help the client with future marketing and promotion campaigns Use the following questions to discover more about customer types. How do you ereale a new customer we? 1 in the Customers center, select Customer ‘types fram the ‘op Here you can see the lst af customer fypes that have already been created

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