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General Questions

1. Name: Rajendra Paswaan

2. Age: 51

3. Gender: male

4. Address:

Patna, Bihar

Open ended Questions

5. How does the employment of waste pickers happen in your area?

I came from my village to look for a job, didn’t find one so ended up here. But usually people her
have been doing it for generations. Some switched from other trades to this one.

6. What is your mode of operation? Is there a person supervising you?

Collect garbage from residential societies, colleges and schools, no

7. Do you work full time or for a specific period of time only?

Full time

8. How much area do you approximately cover in a day?

8-10 kilometers

9. Where do you collect the waste from and where do you supply it?

Collect waste from colony and then supply it to a middlemen

10. Do you feel you are exploited and underpaid due to the involvement of middlemen between you
and the waste management industry?


11. Do you feel there is a need of cutting out the involvement of middlemen between you and the
waste management industry so that you are not exploited as a result?

12. Have you faced any kind of social discrimination in the society?

Yes, we are discriminated and mistreated by locals.

13. What kinds of hardships/challenges do you face in this work?

Sometimes its raining season and it is very tough to segregate the waste in water

14. How do you think the people in your society perceive you and your job as? Does it give you the
impression that you are valued by them?


15. What kind of treatment do you receive from the Municipality? Do you receive any form of
support from the Municipal Corporation?

We barely receive anything from municipality, sometimes we get water from them.

16. Do you think that a model which organises you into a cooperative society is better placed and
preferred as compared to the one which calls for complete privatisation of the municipal solid waste
management system?

Don’t know any thing about this

Personal Questions

17. Did you attend school at any stage in your life? If yes, till what grade?

Yes,till 10th class

18. Is this your first form of employment? If not, what are the other occupations you have previously
engaged in? What made you shift to this work?

NO, landless farmer,

19. Do you send your children to school? If not, what activity/work are they engaged in?

My children study in a govt. school in my village.

20 .Is your family also involved in this work?


21. . What kind of relationship do you share with your work and what impact do you think it has on
your social and mental health?
I think of this work as an important job in our society.

22. What are the other sources of income in your family?


General awareness

23. Are you aware of your rights under the labour law provisions for the benefit of waste pickers in


24. Do you receive any assistance from the Government? If yes, what all benefits do you receive?


25. Have any welfare awareness programmes been conducted for you by any NGO/governmental
agency in order to make you aware of your rights and social security schemes?


Illnesses and Health Hazard

26. Do you face any health or medical illnesses due to the occupation of waste picking?


27. What all health hazards/risks have you faced or have known others in the same line of work as
you to face?


28. Are you provided any safety equipment by any NGO/Municipality/Governmental agency in order
to prevent damage to your health and safety?


29. . Do such illnesses affect your personal life as well?

30. Are you forced to work even though you are injured or are facing an illness?


31. Do you or the waste pickers you know engage in consumption of any form of substance like
alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or other psychotropic substances?

Yes tobacco and bidi

32. Is there a risk of waste pickers being a victim of motor accident cases in their line of duty? If yes,
do you know of any such instances?


Basic Expectations

33. What all expectations do you have from the Government/Municipality in order to create decent
living and working conditions for waste pickers in your area?

Some monetary assistant from the govt could be one the things.

34. Do you think there are ways in which you can perform your job in a better and safe manner?

If people stop throwing glass bottles and other toxic waste in a proper container then it would be
safer for us.

35. What are facilities/benefits do you desire the State to provide you in return for the work you do?

Basic amenities like safety equipment, drinking water

36. What are the basic fundamental reforms you would like to bring about in this occupation that
would improve your working and living conditions?

Cutting the middlemen

37. Are you satisfied with the pay you receive as part of your work?


38. Would you want to move into a more formal and organised setting of waste picking and waste
collection giving you more empowerment and creating better working conditions for you?


General Questions

1. Name: Parvesh kumar

2. Age: 37

3. Gender: male

4. Address:


Open ended Questions

5. How does the employment of waste pickers happen in your area?

Its mostly hereditary. Others migrate here to look for better opportunities.

6. What is your mode of operation? Is there a person supervising you?

Collect garbage from buildings, no

7. Do you work full time or for a specific period of time only?

Only in the morning, after that I do other menial jobs.

8. How much area do you approximately cover in a day?

15-18 kilometers

9. Where do you collect the waste from and where do you supply it?

Collect waste from colony and Market area then give it to municipality workers.
10. Do you feel you are exploited and underpaid due to the involvement of middlemen between you
and the waste management industry?


11. Do you feel there is a need of cutting out the involvement of middlemen between you and the
waste management industry so that you are not exploited as a result?


12. Have you faced any kind of social discrimination in the society?

Yes,sometimes police scold us and demand bribe.

13. What kinds of hardships/challenges do you face in this work?

Sometimes rag pickers are often exposed to hazardous waste materials like broken glass, syringes,
and chemicals.

14. How do you think the people in your society perceive you and your job as? Does it give you the
impression that you are valued by them?


15. What kind of treatment do you receive from the Municipality? Do you receive any form of
support from the Municipal Corporation?

We sometimes get water from municipality.

16. Do you think that a model which organises you into a cooperative society is better placed and
preferred as compared to the one which calls for complete privatisation of the municipal solid waste
management system?

Don’t know any thing about this

Personal Questions

17. Did you attend school at any stage in your life? If yes, till what grade?

18. Is this your first form of employment? If not, what are the other occupations you have previously
engaged in? What made you shift to this work?

Yes, I get into this line of work because its marginally better paying than my previous job.

19. Do you send your children to school? If not, what activity/work are they engaged in?


20 .Is your family also involved in this work?


21. . What kind of relationship do you share with your work and what impact do you think it has on
your social and mental health?

I am abused by the locals. I feel very sad about that.

22. What are the other sources of income in your family?


General awareness

23. Are you aware of your rights under the labour law provisions for the benefit of waste pickers in


24. Do you receive any assistance from the Government? If yes, what all benefits do you receive?


25. Have any welfare awareness programmes been conducted for you by any NGO/governmental
agency in order to make you aware of your rights and social security schemes?


Illnesses and Health Hazard

26. Do you face any health or medical illnesses due to the occupation of waste picking?

Yeah my hands are often bruised and cut because of solid waste and glass bottles.

27. What all health hazards/risks have you faced or have known others in the same line of work as
you to face?


28. Are you provided any safety equipment by any NGO/Municipality/Governmental agency in order
to prevent damage to your health and safety?


29. Do such illnesses affect your personal life as well?


30. Are you forced to work even though you are injured or are facing an illness?


31. Do you or the waste pickers you know engage in consumption of any form of substance like
alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or other psychotropic substances?

Yes tobacco and bidi

32. Is there a risk of waste pickers being a victim of motor accident cases in their line of duty? If yes,
do you know of any such instances?


Basic Expectations

33. What all expectations do you have from the Government/Municipality in order to create decent
living and working conditions for waste pickers in your area?

Getting safety equipment from NGO and cut the middlemen who took money from them

34. Do you think there are ways in which you can perform your job in a better and safe manner?

35. What are facilities/benefits do you desire the State to provide you in return for the work you do?

Basic amenities like safety equipment, drinking water

36. What are the basic fundamental reforms you would like to bring about in this occupation that
would improve your working and living conditions?
Cutting the middlemen

37. Are you satisfied with the pay you receive as part of your work?


38. Would you want to move into a more formal and organised setting of waste picking and waste
collection giving you more empowerment and creating better working conditions for you?


General Questions

1. Name: Parvez

2. Age:40

3. Gender: male

4. Address:


Open ended Questions

5. How does the employment of waste pickers happen in your area?

The entire community here does this work.

6. What is your mode of operation? Is there a person supervising you?

Collect garbage from offices nearby and an empty plot, no

7. Do you work full time or for a specific period of time only?

Full time

8. How much area do you approximately cover in a day?

10 kilometers

9. Where do you collect the waste from and where do you supply it?

Collect waste from colony and Market area then give it to a middleman.

10. Do you feel you are exploited and underpaid due to the involvement of middlemen between you
and the waste management industry?


11. Do you feel there is a need of cutting out the involvement of middlemen between you and the
waste management industry so that you are not exploited as a result?

12. Have you faced any kind of social discrimination in the society?

Yes,sometimes police scold us and ask us to leave.

13. What kinds of hardships/challenges do you face in this work?

Sometimes rag pickers are often exposed to hazardous waste materials like broken glass,etc.

14. How do you think the people in your society perceive you and your job as? Does it give you the
impression that you are valued by them?


15. What kind of treatment do you receive from the Municipality? Do you receive any form of
support from the Municipal Corporation?

No support in any form.

16. Do you think that a model which organises you into a cooperative society is better placed and
preferred as compared to the one which calls for complete privatisation of the municipal solid waste
management system?

Don’t know any thing about this

Personal Questions

17. Did you attend school at any stage in your life? If yes, till what grade?

Yes, till 8th class.

18. Is this your first form of employment? If not, what are the other occupations you have previously
engaged in? What made you shift to this work?


19. Do you send your children to school? If not, what activity/work are they engaged in?


20 .Is your family also involved in this work?


21. What kind of relationship do you share with your work and what impact do you think it has on
your social and mental health?

I don’t like it but have to do it to survive. I don’t think it has any positive impact on my health.

22. What are the other sources of income in your family?


General awareness

23. Are you aware of your rights under the labour law provisions for the benefit of waste pickers in


24. Do you receive any assistance from the Government? If yes, what all benefits do you receive?


25. Have any welfare awareness programmes been conducted for you by any NGO/governmental
agency in order to make you aware of your rights and social security schemes?


Illnesses and Health Hazard

26. Do you face any health or medical illnesses due to the occupation of waste picking?

Yeah I am often feverish and my body hurts because I walk far everyday.

27. What all health hazards/risks have you faced or have known others in the same line of work as
you to face?


28. Are you provided any safety equipment by any NGO/Municipality/Governmental agency in order
to prevent damage to your health and safety?

29. Do such illnesses affect your personal life as well?


30. Are you forced to work even though you are injured or are facing an illness?


31. Do you or the waste pickers you know engage in consumption of any form of substance like
alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or other psychotropic substances?

Yes tobacco and bidi

32. Is there a risk of waste pickers being a victim of motor accident cases in their line of duty? If yes,
do you know of any such instances?


Basic Expectations

33. What all expectations do you have from the Government/Municipality in order to create decent
living and working conditions for waste pickers in your area?

Getting safety equipment from NGO and cut the middlemen who took money from them

34. Do you think there are ways in which you can perform your job in a better and safe manner?

35. What are facilities/benefits do you desire the State to provide you in return for the work you do?

Basic amenities like safety equipment, drinking water

36. What are the basic fundamental reforms you would like to bring about in this occupation that
would improve your working and living conditions?

Some safety equipments and a cycle or a vehicle might be a great help.

37. Are you satisfied with the pay you receive as part of your work?


38. Would you want to move into a more formal and organised setting of waste picking and waste
collection giving you more empowerment and creating better working conditions for you?


General Questions

1. Name: Bhagwat Singh

2. Age: 39

3. Gender: male

4. Address:


Open ended Questions

5. How does the employment of waste pickers happen in your area?

My family has been doing this our entire life.

6. What is your mode of operation? Is there a person supervising you?

Collect garbage from empty plots, landfills, no

7. Do you work full time or for a specific period of time only?

I sell vegetables afterwards.

8. How much area do you approximately cover in a day?

12-14 kilometers

9. Where do you collect the waste from and where do you supply it?

Collect waste from colony and Market area then give it to municipality workers.

10. Do you feel you are exploited and underpaid due to the involvement of middlemen between you
and the waste management industry?


11. Do you feel there is a need of cutting out the involvement of middlemen between you and the
waste management industry so that you are not exploited as a result?

12. Have you faced any kind of social discrimination in the society?

Yes,sometimes societies don’t allow us to enter inside.

13. What kinds of hardships/challenges do you face in this work?

I am constantly facing harassment from police and municipal corporations.

14. How do you think the people in your society perceive you and your job as? Does it give you the
impression that you are valued by them?


15. What kind of treatment do you receive from the Municipality? Do you receive any form of
support from the Municipal Corporation?

We sometimes get water from municipality.

16. Do you think that a model which organises you into a cooperative society is better placed and
preferred as compared to the one which calls for complete privatisation of the municipal solid waste
management system?

Don’t know any thing about this

Personal Questions

17. Did you attend school at any stage in your life? If yes, till what grade?


18. Is this your first form of employment? If not, what are the other occupations you have previously
engaged in? What made you shift to this work?

Yes, I get into this line of work because its marginally better paying than my previous job.

19. Do you send your children to school? If not, what activity/work are they engaged in?


20 .Is your family also involved in this work?


21. What kind of relationship do you share with your work and what impact do you think it has on
your social and mental health?

22. What are the other sources of income in your family?


General awareness

23. Are you aware of your rights under the labour law provisions for the benefit of waste pickers in


24. Do you receive any assistance from the Government? If yes, what all benefits do you receive?


25. Have any welfare awareness programmes been conducted for you by any NGO/governmental
agency in order to make you aware of your rights and social security schemes?


Illnesses and Health Hazard

26. Do you face any health or medical illnesses due to the occupation of waste picking?

I am frequently coughing and all because of the dust.

27. What all health hazards/risks have you faced or have known others in the same line of work as
you to face?


28. Are you provided any safety equipment by any NGO/Municipality/Governmental agency in order
to prevent damage to your health and safety?


29. Do such illnesses affect your personal life as well?

30. Are you forced to work even though you are injured or are facing an illness?


31. Do you or the waste pickers you know engage in consumption of any form of substance like
alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or other psychotropic substances?

Yes tobacco and bidi

32. Is there a risk of waste pickers being a victim of motor accident cases in their line of duty? If yes,
do you know of any such instances?


Basic Expectations

33. What all expectations do you have from the Government/Municipality in order to create decent
living and working conditions for waste pickers in your area?

Getting a face mask would be good.

34. Do you think there are ways in which you can perform your job in a better and safe manner?

35. What are facilities/benefits do you desire the State to provide you in return for the work you do?

Basic amenities like safety equipment, drinking water

36. What are the basic fundamental reforms you would like to bring about in this occupation that
would improve your working and living conditions?

Cutting the middlemen

37. Are you satisfied with the pay you receive as part of your work?


38. Would you want to move into a more formal and organised setting of waste picking and waste
collection giving you more empowerment and creating better working conditions for you?


General Questions

1. Name: Shree Sawant

2. Age: 47

3. Gender: male

4. Address:

Patna, Bihar

Open ended Questions

5. How does the employment of waste pickers happen in your area?

I cam to Delhi for better word opportunities.

6. What is your mode of operation? Is there a person supervising you?

Collect garbage from local landfills, no

7. Do you work full time or for a specific period of time only?

Only in the morning, after that I do other menial jobs.

8. How much area do you approximately cover in a day?

8-10 kilometers

9. Where do you collect the waste from and where do you supply it?

Collect waste from colony and Market area then give it to municipality workers.

10. Do you feel you are exploited and underpaid due to the involvement of middlemen between you
and the waste management industry?


11. Do you feel there is a need of cutting out the involvement of middlemen between you and the
waste management industry so that you are not exploited as a result?

12. Have you faced any kind of social discrimination in the society?

Yes,sometimes police harass us and demand bribe.

We are not earning enough from this work.

14. How do you think the people in your society perceive you and your job as? Does it give you the
impression that you are valued by them?


15. What kind of treatment do you receive from the Municipality? Do you receive any form of
support from the Municipal Corporation?

NO support from municipality.

16. Do you think that a model which organises you into a cooperative society is better placed and
preferred as compared to the one which calls for complete privatisation of the municipal solid waste
management system?

Don’t know any thing about this

Personal Questions

17. Did you attend school at any stage in your life? If yes, till what grade?

Yes till 8th class.

18. Is this your first form of employment? If not, what are the other occupations you have previously
engaged in? What made you shift to this work?

Yes, I get into this line of work because its marginally better paying than my previous job.

19. Do you send your children to school? If not, what activity/work are they engaged in?


20 .Is your family also involved in this work?


21. What kind of relationship do you share with your work and what impact do you think it has on
your social and mental health?

My mental health is severely affected and I am always in stress about my future

22. What are the other sources of income in your family?


General awareness

23. Are you aware of your rights under the labour law provisions for the benefit of waste pickers in


24. Do you receive any assistance from the Government? If yes, what all benefits do you receive?


25. Have any welfare awareness programmes been conducted for you by any NGO/governmental
agency in order to make you aware of your rights and social security schemes?


Illnesses and Health Hazard

26. Do you face any health or medical illnesses due to the occupation of waste picking?

Yeah my hands are often bruised and cut because of solid waste and glass bottles.

27. What all health hazards/risks have you faced or have known others in the same line of work as
you to face?


28. Are you provided any safety equipment by any NGO/Municipality/Governmental agency in order
to prevent damage to your health and safety?


29. Do such illnesses affect your personal life as well?


30. Are you forced to work even though you are injured or are facing an illness?


31. Do you or the waste pickers you know engage in consumption of any form of substance like
alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or other psychotropic substances?

Yes tobacco and bidi

32. Is there a risk of waste pickers being a victim of motor accident cases in their line of duty? If yes,
do you know of any such instances?


Basic Expectations

33. What all expectations do you have from the Government/Municipality in order to create decent
living and working conditions for waste pickers in your area?

Getting safety equipment from NGO and cut the middlemen who took money from them

34. Do you think there are ways in which you can perform your job in a better and safe manner?

35. What are facilities/benefits do you desire the State to provide you in return for the work you do?

Basic amenities like safety equipment, drinking water

36. What are the basic fundamental reforms you would like to bring about in this occupation that
would improve your working and living conditions?

Cutting the middlemen

37. Are you satisfied with the pay you receive as part of your work?


38. Would you want to move into a more formal and organised setting of waste picking and waste
collection giving you more empowerment and creating better working conditions for you?


General Questions

1. Name: Usha Devi

2. Age:42

3. Gender: female

4. Address:


Open ended Questions

5. How does the employment of waste pickers happen in your area?

My husband and I work together.

6. What is your mode of operation? Is there a person supervising you?

Collect garbage from buildings, no

7. Do you work full time or for a specific period of time only?

Only in the morning, after that I work at others’ homes as a domestic worker.

8. How much area do you approximately cover in a day?

10-14 kilometers

9. Where do you collect the waste from and where do you supply it?

Collect waste from colony and Market area then give it to municipality workers.

10. Do you feel you are exploited and underpaid due to the involvement of middlemen between you
and the waste management industry?


11. Do you feel there is a need of cutting out the involvement of middlemen between you and the
waste management industry so that you are not exploited as a result?

12. Have you faced any kind of social discrimination in the society?

Yes,sometimes police scold us and demand bribe.

13. What kinds of hardships/challenges do you face in this work?

We are treated like trash and our pay is very menial.

14. How do you think the people in your society perceive you and your job as? Does it give you the
impression that you are valued by them?


15. What kind of treatment do you receive from the Municipality? Do you receive any form of
support from the Municipal Corporation?

We sometimes get water from municipality.

16. Do you think that a model which organises you into a cooperative society is better placed and
preferred as compared to the one which calls for complete privatisation of the municipal solid waste
management system?

Don’t know any thing about this

Personal Questions

17. Did you attend school at any stage in your life? If yes, till what grade?


18. Is this your first form of employment? If not, what are the other occupations you have previously
engaged in? What made you shift to this work?

I got into this job after I was married.

19. Do you send your children to school? If not, what activity/work are they engaged in?


20. Is your family also involved in this work?


21. What kind of relationship do you share with your work and what impact do you think it has on
your social and mental health?

I don’t feel good about the job and I want to be able to earn more to support my family.

22. What are the other sources of income in your family?


General awareness

23. Are you aware of your rights under the labour law provisions for the benefit of waste pickers in


24. Do you receive any assistance from the Government? If yes, what all benefits do you receive?


25. Have any welfare awareness programmes been conducted for you by any NGO/governmental
agency in order to make you aware of your rights and social security schemes?


Illnesses and Health Hazard

26. Do you face any health or medical illnesses due to the occupation of waste picking?

Yeah my body aches due to heavy work.

27. What all health hazards/risks have you faced or have known others in the same line of work as
you to face?


28. Are you provided any safety equipment by any NGO/Municipality/Governmental agency in order
to prevent damage to your health and safety?

29. Do such illnesses affect your personal life as well?


30. Are you forced to work even though you are injured or are facing an illness?


31. Do you or the waste pickers you know engage in consumption of any form of substance like
alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or other psychotropic substances?

Yes tobacco and Pan masala.

32. Is there a risk of waste pickers being a victim of motor accident cases in their line of duty? If yes,
do you know of any such instances?


Basic Expectations

33. What all expectations do you have from the Government/Municipality in order to create decent
living and working conditions for waste pickers in your area?

Getting safety equipment from NGO and cut the middlemen who took money from them

34. Do you think there are ways in which you can perform your job in a better and safe manner?

35. What are facilities/benefits do you desire the State to provide you in return for the work you do?

Basic amenities like safety equipment, drinking water

36. What are the basic fundamental reforms you would like to bring about in this occupation that
would improve your working and living conditions?

Some help from the government.

37. Are you satisfied with the pay you receive as part of your work?


38. Would you want to move into a more formal and organised setting of waste picking and waste
collection giving you more empowerment and creating better working conditions for you?


General Questions

1. Name: Ram Prasad

2. Age: 57

3. Gender: male

4. Address:

Muzzafarnagar, UP

Open ended Questions

5. How does the employment of waste pickers happen in your area?

I used to work at a factory but due to health issues I was forced to leave and do this instead.

6. What is your mode of operation? Is there a person supervising you?

Collect garbage from buildings, no

7. Do you work full time or for a specific period of time only?

Full time.

8. How much area do you approximately cover in a day?

11-13 kilometers

9. Where do you collect the waste from and where do you supply it?

Collect waste from colony and Market area then give it to municipality workers.

10. Do you feel you are exploited and underpaid due to the involvement of middlemen between you
and the waste management industry?


11. Do you feel there is a need of cutting out the involvement of middlemen between you and the
waste management industry so that you are not exploited as a result?

12. Have you faced any kind of social discrimination in the society?


13. What kinds of hardships/challenges do you face in this work?

Sometimes rag pickers are often exposed to hazardous waste materials like broken glass.

14. How do you think the people in your society perceive you and your job as? Does it give you the
impression that you are valued by them?


15. What kind of treatment do you receive from the Municipality? Do you receive any form of
support from the Municipal Corporation?

We sometimes get water from municipality.

16. Do you think that a model which organises you into a cooperative society is better placed and
preferred as compared to the one which calls for complete privatisation of the municipal solid waste
management system?

Don’t know any thing about this

Personal Questions

17. Did you attend school at any stage in your life? If yes, till what grade?

Yes ,till 8th.

18. Is this your first form of employment? If not, what are the other occupations you have previously
engaged in? What made you shift to this work?

No, I was a factory worker and switched to this because of health issues.

19. Do you send your children to school? If not, what activity/work are they engaged in?


20 .Is your family also involved in this work?


21. . What kind of relationship do you share with your work and what impact do you think it has on
your social and mental health?

I am severely ill. Often I am looked down upon and even insulted by locals. I feel very sad about this.

22. What are the other sources of income in your family?


General awareness

23. Are you aware of your rights under the labour law provisions for the benefit of waste pickers in


24. Do you receive any assistance from the Government? If yes, what all benefits do you receive?


25. Have any welfare awareness programmes been conducted for you by any NGO/governmental
agency in order to make you aware of your rights and social security schemes?


Illnesses and Health Hazard

26. Do you face any health or medical illnesses due to the occupation of waste picking?

Yeah my hands are often bruised and cut because of solid waste and glass bottles.

27. What all health hazards/risks have you faced or have known others in the same line of work as
you to face?

28. Are you provided any safety equipment by any NGO/Municipality/Governmental agency in order
to prevent damage to your health and safety?


29. Do such illnesses affect your personal life as well?


30. Are you forced to work even though you are injured or are facing an illness?


31. Do you or the waste pickers you know engage in consumption of any form of substance like
alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or other psychotropic substances?

Yes tobacco and bidi

32. Is there a risk of waste pickers being a victim of motor accident cases in their line of duty? If yes,
do you know of any such instances?


Basic Expectations

33. What all expectations do you have from the Government/Municipality in order to create decent
living and working conditions for waste pickers in your area?

Getting safety equipment from NGO and cut the middlemen who took money from them

34. Do you think there are ways in which you can perform your job in a better and safe manner?

35. What are facilities/benefits do you desire the State to provide you in return for the work you do?

Basic amenities like safety equipment, drinking water

36. What are the basic fundamental reforms you would like to bring about in this occupation that
would improve your working and living conditions?

Cutting the middlemen

37. Are you satisfied with the pay you receive as part of your work?


38. Would you want to move into a more formal and organised setting of waste picking and waste
collection giving you more empowerment and creating better working conditions for you?


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