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Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report

Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology

Sontyam 531 173, Andhra Pradesh


Full Semester Internship

Submitted by



in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology

Sontyam 531 173, Andhra Pradesh


Full Semester Internship

Carried out at

Demy Software Solutions


in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Summer Internship Report
Department of CSE(AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch


Certified that this internship report FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT. Is the bonafide work of
PENTAPATI VENKATA SURYA KAMAL (20NU1A4220). who carried out Full Semester
Internship under our supervision at DEMYSOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, Visakhapatnam.

Signature of the Faculty supervisor Signature of the Industry Supervisor


Sr. Assistant Professor Demy Software Solutions
Department of CSE (AI&ML) Visakhapatnam

Signature of the Head of the Department

DR. A. S. S. V. Ram Kumar
Head of the
Department CSE

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Table of Contents
No. Description Page Number
Company URL
1 Profile of the Company v
2 Certificate of Full Semester Internship vi
Learning Outcomes of Full Semester
3 1
4 Program Outcomes Addressed (List) 2
5 Abstract 3
Detailed Internship work (along with Daily
6 4
Learning Outcomes (PO – wise)
PO #1 8
PO #2 9
PO #3 10
PO #4 11
PO #5 12
7 PO #6 13
PO #7 14
PO #8 15
PO #9 16
PO #10 17
PO #11 18
PO #12 19
PSO #1 & #2 20 & 21
Rubrics (Internal Review & Final
8 22
Presentation Review)
9 26
Write your experience with the company
Photo(s) of your internship
10 27
experience/Product/Other related

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch


Demy Software Solutions (DSS) is a multifaceted company which promises the right expertise and an implacable commitment to its clients. It
accelerates the careers of students by training them on cutting-edge technologies as per the industry benchmarks to help them get into world’s
top product companies.

Demy Software Solutions is founded by Avinash Gowripattapu and co-founded by Padmaja Naidu in 2022

Specialties: -
Information Technology, Software, Education, and Training & Development

Located: -
Bus Stop Plot No. 16, Lurdu Nagar Minority Community Residence Welfare Society, near, Marikavalasa Rd,
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 530048

In this company they are providing a different course like:

• AWS Cloud and Devops.
• Data structures and Algorithms.
• Full stack web development.

They teach all kind of domain services and they advise us for job requirement and openings

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch


We would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to my internship supervisor, Mr. N. Viswanadha
Reddy, Sr. Asst. Professor, CSE (AI&ML), N S Raju Institute of Technology (A), Visakhapatnam, who has persistently and
determinedly guided me during the whole course of this project. It would have been very difficult to complete this project
without his/her enthusiastic support, insight and advice. We are extremely thankful to Dr. A. S. S. V. Ram Kumar, Professor
& Head of CSE (AI&ML) Department for providing excellent lab facilities which were helpful in successful completion of
my internship program. Our utmost thanks also to all the Trainers of the Company for their support throughout my Full
Summer Internship and Department Level Coordinator, Mr. N. Viswanadha Reddy Sr. Asst. Professor, CSE(AI&ML) and
Internship Institute Level Coordinator, Mrs. V. Usha Rani, Asst. Prof. of EEE.

We take immense pleasure in thanking Dr. Sambhu Prasad, Principal, Dr. J. Raja Murugadoss, Director, N S Raju
Institute of Technology (A), Sontyam, Visakhapatnam, for having permitted me to finish the Full Summer Internship. We
thank the MANAGEMENT of N S Raju Institute of Technology (A), Sontyam, Visakhapatnam, for providing the various
resources to complete the Full Semester Internship successfully. We are thankful to one and all who contributed to my
work directly or indirectly.



Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Summer Internship Report
Department of CSE(AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Learning Outcomes of Full Semester Internship

As per Curriculum

1. Recognizes and articulates the conceptual knowledge involved in the task undertaken
2. Use the appropriate resources required to accomplish the task
3. Demonstrate the theoretical learning outcomes of the domain in task undertaken
4. Communicate well in various forms appropriately
5. Demonstrate a professional behavior with improved inter-personal skills
6. Coordinate with people from inter and multi-disciplinary setting

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Summer Internship Report
Department of CSE(AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

List of Program Outcomes

As per the Program of Study
PO1: Apply the knowledge of basic sciences and fundamental engineering concepts in solving
engineering problems (Engineering Knowledge)
PO2: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences. (Problem Analysis)
PO3: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or
processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. (Design/Development of
PO4: Perform investigations, design and conduct experiments, analyse and interpret the results to
provide valid conclusions (Investigation of Complex Problems)
PO5: Select/develop and apply appropriate techniques and IT tools for the design & analysis of the
systems (Modern Tool Usage)
PO6: Give reasoning and assess societal, health, legal and cultural issues with competency in
professional engineering practices (The Engineer and Society)
PO7: Demonstrate professional skills and contextual reasoning to assess environmental/societal
issues for sustainable development (The Environment and Sustainability)
PO8: Demonstrate Knowledge of professional and ethical practices (Ethics)
PO9: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multi-
disciplinary situations (Individual and Team Work)
PO10: Communicate effectively among engineering community, being able to comprehend and write
effectively reports, presentation and give / receive clears instructions (Communication)
PO11: Demonstrate and apply engineering & management principles in their own / team projects in
multidisciplinary environment (Project Finance and Management)
PO12: Recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning (Life
Long Learning)
PSO1: Able to apply the theoretical knowledge of Computer Science and Engineering and the foundational principles
of software development to provide sustainable solutions for the real-world technical challenges in the tech
landscape by maintaining professional standards, ethical values and integrity

PSO2: Able to adapt to technological changes by initiating self-paced learning to meet the industry demands.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch


 Demy Software Solutions (DSS) is a multifaceted company which promises the right expertise and an implacable
commitment to its clients. It accelerates the careers of students by training them on cutting-edge technologies as
per the industry benchmarks to help them get into world’s top product companies.
 They are dedicated to becoming a go-to skill development platform for students to create 100 employment
opportunities & 1000 coders per year and a strategic partner for clients to help them achieve their objectives
 Company size:11-50 employees
 Founded: 2022
 Specialties: Information Technology, Software, Education, and Training &
 the Demy Software Solutions internship program stands as an enriching and transformative experience that equips
participants with invaluable skills, knowledge, and professional networks. Through a blend of mentorship, hands-
on projects, and a supportive environment, the program paves the way for aspiring individuals to embark on
successful and fulfilling careers in the dynamic realm of technology.
 In the internship program at its core emphasizes a well-rounded learning experience. We are exposed to a diverse
array of technologies, including but not limited to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, various front-end and back-end
frameworks, version control systems, and deployment strategies. This comprehensive exposure empowers
interns to seamlessly navigate the intricacies of modern software development.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Detailed Internship Work

Section – I: Weekly Progress with Daily Logs (attached here)

Week 1: How to install Virtual Studio, Fundamentals of html, examined real world html examples and done basic html
Week 2: Favicon, comments, tags, elements in html, features syntax and history. And done html page using new features
in html
Week 3: Doing project on using html, fundamentals of Css, using styles in Css.
Week 4: Background in Css, Background-color and attributes in Css and done pages using Css.
Week 5: Assignment on Flatpack, on Flatpack Real-estate page, evaluating projects and clearing the doubts on creating
the pages.
Week 6: Assignment given to create a page using html and Css individually to students, introduction JavaScript.
Week 7: Fundamentals of JavaScript, how to use JavaScript in the html page, features syntax and history, JavaScript
principles to improve the user interface.
Week 8: creating the calculator using JavaScript and Hands on demonstration of animations and transitions.
Week 9: Data types, functions, loops concepts in JavaScript
Week 10: fundamentals of bootstrap, using of bootstraps, functions and syntaxes of bootstrap.
Week 11: creating a table using Bootstrap, done tables using bootstrap and checking of the mini project given to the
students, clarifying doubts.
Week 12: Introduction to Git, Git Hub version Controlling, uploading the mini projects done by students to Git Hub.
Week 13: coding using JavaScript, solved coding assignments in JavaScript uploading the coded problem to the GitHub.
Week 14: Setting up a React application, creating components, assets, flies. state management, props and Done project
on Sign up and Login page.
Week 15: rendering, lifecycle methods and interactions within a React application. Done calculator as project.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Section – II: Introduction about the concept of the Internship

The Full Stack Development internship program at its core emphasizes a well-rounded learning experience. We are
exposed to a diverse array of technologies, including but not limited to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, various front-end and back-
end frameworks, version control systems, and deployment strategies. This comprehensive exposure empowers interns to
seamlessly navigate the intricacies of modern software development.

In this internship of Full Stack Development typically provides hands-on experience and exposure to the complete spectrum
of web development. It involves working on both the front end (client-side) and back end (server-side) aspects of web
applications. Full Stack Developers are proficient in multiple programming languages, frameworks, and databases, allowing
them to create and manage entire web solutions.

In Internship of Full Stack Development often offer a comprehensive learning experience, covering topics such as HTML,
CSS, JavaScript for front-end development, as well as server-side scripting languages like Node.js, Python. Additionally,
interns might gain experience in working with deploying applications to web servers or cloud platforms.

These internships are valuable for individuals aspiring to become versatile developers capable of handling various aspects
of web development projects. They provide a holistic view of the development process, from conceptualization and design
to implementation and deployment. Interns often work alongside experienced developers, contributing to real-world
projects, and gaining practical skills crucial for a career in Full Stack Development.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Section – III: Details of the Internship

In this Internship I have Learned about the Full Stack Development: -

Full Stack Development in the context of front-end involves a comprehensive understanding and proficiency in both the
client-facing side (front-end) and the server-side (back-end) of web development. The specifics of front-end development
within the realm of Full Stack:
Languages and Technologies:
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): Fundamental for structuring web content.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Responsible for styling and layout, enhancing the visual appeal and user experience.
JavaScript (JS): Primary scripting language for interactivity, dynamic content, and behavior of web pages.
Frameworks and Libraries:
React.js, Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery, Responsive Design, UI/UX Principles, Version Control Systems, Cross-Browser
We have been gained the knowledge on Full Stack Development by using these languages and Technologies.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Section – IV: Final Outcome of the Internship

In conclusion, my internship at Demy Software Solutions was a transformative experience that equipped me with practical
skills, a deeper understanding of Java Full Stack Web Development, and the ability to contribute effectively to real-world
This practical exposure is crucial for translating theoretical concepts into tangible solutions and preparing participants for
the complexities of real-world development scenarios. The certification awarded upon successful completion of the
internship serves as a testament to the participants' acquired skills and their ability to navigate the intricacies of Full Stack
Development. This certification becomes a tangible representation of their dedication, hard work, and proficiency in the
technologies covered throughout the program. Throughout the internship, participants benefit from mentorship, receiving
guidance and insights from experienced professionals in the field. Regular evaluations ensure continuous improvement,
allowing participants to track their progress and refine their skills based on constructive feedback. The inclusion of
networking opportunities further enriches the learning experience, providing participants with the chance to connect with
industry experts and peers, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment. The program culminates in a final
presentation, a pivotal moment where participants showcase their skills and present the outcomes of their real-world
projects. This presentation not only serves as a demonstration of technical proficiency but also marks participants'
readiness to embark on a career in Full Stack Development. It provides a platform for them to articulate their achievements,
problem-solving approaches, and the impact of their work, making a compelling case for their potential contributions in a
professional setting.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Learning Outcomes (Write in your own words not exceeding 200 words)
(Indicate how the theoretical knowledge of the courses taught helped you to do Full Semester

 Having a strong theoretical understanding of HTML is a fantastic asset when doing into practical projects in the
internship. We find our theoretical knowledge helped us to grasp more complex concepts or problem-solving
scenarios while working with HTML during the internship
 Understanding the theoretical aspects of CSS, such as selectors, specificity, box model, and layout techniques,
can greatly enhanced ability to create visually appealing and responsive designs
 Theoretical knowledge of JavaScript, including concepts like data types, functions, loops, and object-oriented
programming, serves as a strong foundation for practical applications. Were there specific areas where this
knowledge proved particularly valuable while working on projects involving JavaScript
 Reacts theoretical concepts, such as components, state management, props, and lifecycle methods, can
significantly empower ourselves to build complex and efficient web applications.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #2:
(Indicate the ability of Problem Analysis)

 Problem analysis in HTML and CSS involves identifying and addressing issues related to web structure, layout,
and styling.
 With HTML, this might include problems with document structure, semantic markup, or elements not displaying
as intended. In CSS, it could involve layout inconsistencies, styling conflicts, or responsiveness issues.
 Problem analysis in JavaScript involves identifying and resolving issues related to scripting, functionality, and
interactivity on web pages.
 Problem analysis in React involves diagnosing issues related to components, state management, rendering, and
interactions within a React application

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #3:
(Indicate the ability of Design and Development of Solutions)

Creating a structured layout using semantic HTML, ensuring accessibility and proper hierarchy.
 CSS:
Styling the layout, understanding selectors, specificity, and layout techniques to design visually appealing and
responsive interfaces.
 JavaScript for Interactivity and Functionality:
 Interactivity: Using JavaScript to add interactive elements, handle user events, and create dynamic content on the
web pages.
 Functionality: Implementing logic and algorithms to enable functionalities like form validation, data manipulation,
or user authentication.
 React for Component-Based UI Development:
 Component-based Development: Using React to build reusable and modular components, managing state and
props efficiently.
 State Management: Implementing state management within React applications to ensure data integrity and
smooth UI updates.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #4:
(Indicate your experiments being carried out in industry, if any)
The experiments we have done in this Full summer internship are by using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, REACT.
 We have started with a web page using HTML.
 After the HTML, started styling through the CSS.
 We have started doing JAVASCRIPT.
 We had done 2 mini-projects on JavaScript.
 Using the React, we learn to State Management and Component-based Development

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #5:
(Indicate the new tools, programming language, equipment learned during this program, if any)

we have done all of the experiments using virtual studios only. We have used the visual studios for developing the
● I learned how to use visual studios more accurately.
● They have lightened up us by saying the basics of html, bootstraps, css, JavaScript, react etc. for the front
end development.
● I have learned html to use in visual studios, how to execute it.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #6:
(Indicate how your Full Semester Internship is helpful for the Society)

 Enhanced User Experience:

focuses on creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. Well-designed websites and applications can improve
accessibility, making information and services more readily available to a wider audience.
 Accessibility:
Creating frontend solutions that adhere to accessibility standards ensures that people with disabilities can access
and use digital platforms with ease, promoting inclusivity and equality.
 Education and Information Sharing:
Development facilitates the creation of educational platforms and resources. It enables the development of
interactive and engaging learning materials that can reach students globally.
 Social Impact Projects:
Developers often contribute their skills to projects that address social issues, such as apps for healthcare,
education, disaster relief, or community support platforms.
 Economic Growth:
Well-designed and functional websites and applications can boost businesses, fostering economic growth by
enabling online commerce, employment opportunities, and global market reach.
 Innovation and Creativity:
Developers use their creative expression through design and functionality, fostering innovation in digital
experiences that can inspire and engage users.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #7:
(Indicate how the Full Semester Internship is helpful for the Environment and how it is

 Efficiency in Code
Optimizing frontend code can significantly reduce the amount of data transmitted between servers and devices.
This optimization lowers bandwidth requirements and subsequently reduces energy consumption
 Performance Improvements
Well-optimized frontend code results in faster-loading websites and applications. Quicker load times reduce the
time users spend accessing online content, leading to lower energy consumption on devices.
 Minimizing Resource Use:
Implementing responsive design practices ensures that websites and applications adapt well to different devices
and screen sizes. This adaptability can lead to reduced energy usage on devices with smaller screens or lower
processing power.
 Encouraging Sustainable Practices
Developers can advocate for and implement sustainability practices in their projects, such as using renewable
energy-powered servers, reducing unnecessary animations or scripts, and adopting green hosting solutions.
 Promoting Digital Over Physical:
Accessing services and information digitally rather than physically (such as opting for digital receipts, e-tickets, or
online documentation) reduces paper usage, waste, and the associated environmental impact.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #8:
(Indicate the ethical practices followed in your Full Semester Internship)

 Showcasing my total openness to learning, cooperation, and honesty.

 Positivity, morality, and proper conduct.
 Assuming accountability for decisions and deeds committed while on the internship location.
 It has given us practical information, as well as lessons on how a workplace would operate
and how to conduct and connect with others...

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #9:
(Indicate your work experience in Full Semester Internship as an Individual and in a team)

 In this Internship that involves front-end work might be quite beneficial for getting real-world experience. Working
with tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, we probably get to create user interfaces, put designs into practice,
and maybe even explore frameworks like React.
 We had done the projects as the individual member.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #10:
(Indicate your improvement in Communication in Oral, Written and Graphical Communication)

 This internship has improved my ability to talk and communicate with higher-level experts.
 My confidence has grown as a result of this internship, which taught me how to create code for the given problem and also
how to find an optimum solution.
 When it came to the written portion, we had already completed a report based on the provided topic,which helped us write better.
 The capacity to communicate face-to-face wherever feasible

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #11:
(Indicate your project management in Full Semester Internship)

 During my Summer Internship, I demonstrated strong project management skills. I efficiently organized tasks, set
clear goals, and established timelines for various projects. I successfully given efforts, monitored progress, and
adapted strategies when necessary to ensure project milestones were achieved effectively.
 I have created a Restaurant page as project

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PO #12:
(Indicate about the self learnt topics or self learnt skills, if any)

● I learned the value of self-learning throughout the Full summer internship course. When I need to study atopic or new technology
on my own, I've started to instill that in my mind.
● During my summer internship, I developed my understanding of domains related to Front end development and learned about related
skills and approaches.
● I had gained knowledge of the Full summer internship course, its applications, and practical applications

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PSO #1:
(Able to apply the theoretical knowledge of Computer Science and Engineering and the foundational principles

of software development to provide sustainable solutions for the real-world technical challenges in the tech
landscape by maintaining professional standards, ethical values and integrity.)
Applying theoretical knowledge in Computer Science and Engineering to address real-world technical challenges involves
a combination of skills, principles, and a commitment to professional standards, ethical values, and integrity. Here's how
one might approach providing sustainable solutions in the tech landscape:
 Understand the Problem:
Begin by thoroughly understanding the real-world technical challenge. This involves engaging with stakeholders,
identifying requirements, and considering the broader context of the problem.
 Apply Theoretical Knowledge:
Use foundational principles of Computer Science and Engineering to analyze the problem and identify potential
solutions. This might involve algorithm design, system architecture, data structures, and other theoretical
 Sustainable Design:
Focus on creating solutions that are sustainable in the long term. This includes considerations for scalability,
maintainability, and adaptability. Choose technologies and design patterns that align with sustainability goals.
 Ethical Decision-Making:
Consider the ethical implications of the proposed solutions. This involves evaluating the potential impact on users,
society, and the environment. Ensure that the technology is being used in a responsible and ethical manner.
 Security and Privacy:
Prioritize the security and privacy of data. Implement robust security measures to protect against potential threats.
Respect user privacy and comply with relevant data protection regulations.
 Professional Standards:
Adhere to industry best practices and standards. This includes using coding standards, following design patterns,
and implementing software engineering practices that contribute to the reliability and quality of the solution.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

PSO #2:
(Able to adapt to technological changes by initiating self-paced learning to meet the industry demands.)

 After this internship, I improved my capacity to approach problems in the right way. the elements that will be used to build a

 I gained knowledge of how to use the html, css and java script and when to apply this logic to the implementation of a front-end

 The process specifies the phases of the design, whereas the technique determines the design measurements and effects,
to demonstrate the capacity to design.

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch


Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Overall Feedback

My experience with the Demy Software Solutions course has been extremely beneficial and
satisfying. The curriculum was carefully planned, and the lecturers showed a high degree of
specialization in their subjects. Their eagerness to answer questions and desire to go above and
above to help students was admirable. The lab sessions gave students a chance to put them
theoretical knowledge to use in practical situations. Creating Demy Software Solutions has a
supportive learning environment that promoted efficient learning. The conversations, Sessions for
creating resumes, practice interviews, and aptitude tests all dramatically enhanced my overall
performance. In conclusion, finishing the course at Demy Software Solutions was an empowering

Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Full Semester Internship Report
Department of CSE (AI&ML), 2020-2021 Admitted Batch

Photo(s) of your internship experience/Projects

Restaurant Responsive website

Credit card form(Responsive) Amazon Clone


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