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No :8(b) Date:

Real-time data acquisition of Continuous-time signals

To acquire continuous time signals in real time and plot the DFT of the signal.

Real-time data acquisition is an essential tool in many different fields. It allows us to
monitor and control processes, systems, and phenomena in real-time, which can lead to
improved safety, efficiency, and performance. Applications include Process control, Robotics
and control systems, medical diagnostics, Scientific research, environmental monitoring,
security systems, and automotive systems.

Real-time data acquisition of alternating current value using microcontroller:

Data acquisition of alternating current requires a sensor like ACS712. The sensor gives
an analog output equivalent to the instantaneous current value. A suitable microcontroller with
ADC and serial communication peripherals can be used for acquisition and transmission of the
sensor output to a computer for data logging.

Fig: Data acquisition of alternating current

For the study purpose, PIC16F877A microcontroller was used to sample the sensor
output at a sampling frequency of 200Hz. Crystal frequency of 20MHz powers the
microcontroller clock pulse. The sampled data is then transmitted serially using USART at a
baud rate of 115200. Serial terminal tool can be used for viewing the data in the computer. The
received data can be exported and stored in a *.csv file for further processing.
unsigned int i=0;
void interrupt() isr() // Interrupt Service Routine – Timer0
GIE=0; // Disable global interrupt
T0IF=0; // Reset timer flag
TMR0 = 0xB0; // Reset timer register for 5ms
i = 1;
GO = 1; // ADC start of conversion
GIE=1; // Enable global interrupt
void main()
OPTION_REG = 7; // prescalar 1:256
TMR0 = 0xB0; // 5 ms --> 200Hz sampling frequency
INTCON=0xE0; // Configuring Timer0 interrupt
ADCON0=0x81; // 32*Tosc, RA0, ADON=1
ADCON1=0x00; // left justification
SPBRG = 10; // Serial com: 115200 baud rate
TXSTA = 0x04; // Configuring USART peropheral
SPEN = 1; // Serial Port Enable
TXEN = 1; // Transmission Enable
unsigned char dat;

while(GO); // Polling for End of Conversion
dat = ADRESH; // Recording sampled data
TXREG = dat; // Send data via UART
while(!TXIF); // Polling for end of transmission
TXIF = 0; // Wait for transmission to complete

1. To obtain the sampled signal.
2. To plot DFT of the sampled signal.
140 ma:
% Sample input data in csv file
input_data = csvread('rohitsingh2.csv');
% Length of the input sequence
N = length(input_data);
% Initialize the DFT result
X = zeros(1, N);
% Calculate DFT
for k = 1:N
for n = 1:N
X(k) = X(k) + input_data(n) * exp(-1i * 2 * pi * (n-1) * (k-1) / N);
% Plot the result
title('DFT Result - 160ma');
xlabel('Frequency (k)');
% Display the result
disp('DFT Result - 160ma:');

420 ma:
% Sample input data in csv file
input_data = csvread('rohitsingh.csv');
% Length of the input sequence
N = length(input_data);
% Initialize the DFT result
X = zeros(1, N);
% Calculate DFT
for k = 1:N
for n = 1:N
X(k) = X(k) + input_data(n) * exp(-1i * 2 * pi * (n-1) * (k-1) / N);
% Plot the result
title('DFT Result - 420ma');
xlabel('Frequency (k)');
% Display the result
disp('DFT Result - 420ma:');

% Display the result

disp('DFT Result - 420ma:');

Plot of 160ma
Output of 160 ma

Plot of 420ma

Output of 160 ma

Result & Inference:
• Real-time data from the ACS712 sensor, providing analog output proportional to
instantaneous current, is acquired using a PIC16F877A microcontroller. The
microcontroller, equipped with ADC and serial communication peripherals, samples
the sensor output at a frequency of 200Hz, driven by a 20MHz crystal.
• The acquired data is transmitted serially through USART at a baud rate of 115200,
allowing for real-time communication with a computer for data logging. Users can view
the data in a serial terminal tool, export it to a Notepad file, and subsequently convert the
Notepad file to a CSV format.
• To analyze the data, the CSV file is read using the csvread() command. The next step
involves performing a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) operation on the loaded sample
inputs from the CSV file. DFT is a mathematical operation that transforms a discrete set
of time-domain samples into a corresponding set of frequency-domain samples.
• This entire process is executed for two different loads: 140 mA and 420 mA. The DFT
operations for these varying loads are conducted by continuously acquiring real-time data
of alternating currents. The results are then observed and plotted, providing insights into
the frequency components of the acquired current data for different loads.
• In summary, the system captures real-time AC current data, utilizes a microcontroller for
acquisition and transmission, performs DFT analysis on the sampled data for different
loads, and visualizes the results through observation and plotting.


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