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“The Power of Social Modelling: The Effect of Television Violence”

by Christine Van De Velde

(A Reaction Paper)

Upon reading the article of Christine Van De Velde entitled “The Power of Social Modelling: The
Effect of Television Violence” I find it very appealing. Kudos to Albert Bandura to point out the Effect
of Television Violence to children. Nowadays people can freely access anything with just one click on
the internet. Without parent’s supervision some children were left out with their gadgets watching
whatever stuff including the bad one’s in the internet. I think that this is really dangerous especially it
can result into a really serious violence. The fact that they wouldn’t know if what they’re doing was
right or wrong. For instance children watching If you know this program then you would notice how
violently react and sometimes this are imitated and can be seen in behaviors of some children.

In Albert Bandura’s famous “Bobo Doll” experiment, Bandura conclude that when exposed to
television violence children exhibits aggressive behaviors namely; hitting, shouting, gritting their
teeth and throwing things when they are angry or annoyed. This is where parental guidance is
needed. When it comes to what children see on television, it's important to keep an eye on them,
provide guidance, and explain to them the potential negative outcome of watching violent content.
Children's minds are delicate, and as parents, it is our responsibility to protect them from the
harmful effects of television.

It is also important for the government to consider regulating TV violence. It should also encourage
people to invent and develop new technology which can block violent scenes from the programs
children are watching. Inappropriate scenes of violence and sex can be blocked out as well. It’s
time to realize how harmful watching TV violence is and it’s time to save our children from violence.
It is crucial that the authorities take into account limiting TV violence. The development of new
technology that can filter out violent content from the shows that kids watch should also be
encouraged. Additionally, inappropriate sex and violence scenes can be kept off. It's time to
understand the dangers of watching violent content on television and to protect our children from it.

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