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by using the balanced by using the subscripts for by using the coefficients of
1 Consider the following rate law: Rate = k [A]n[B]m, how are the exponents n and m determined? by experiment
chemical equation the chemical formulas the chemical formulas
Three materials A, B, and C of equal thickness and of thermal conductivity of 20, 40, and 60
2 kcal/hrmo= deg C respectively are joined together. The temperature outside of A is 30 deg C while of 50 60 70 80
C is 100o
3 Which of the following will show a negative deviation from Raoult’s law? Acetone-benzene Acetone-ethanol Benzene- methanol Acetone-chloroform
Work index is the gross energy (kWh/ton of feed) necessary to reduce a very large feed to such a
4 size that 80% of product particles will pass through a 0.1 mm screen. The value of work index 1.34 2.34 3.34 4.34
determined for wet grinding should be multiplied with ___ to get the same for dry grinding
the fluid particles move in
the velocity of successive the magnitude and
the direction and plane or parallel planes
fluid particles, at any point, direction of the velocity do
5 Steady flow occurs when magnitude of the velocity and the streamline
is the same at successive not change from point to
at all points are identical patterns are identical in
periods of time point in the fluid
each plane
Doubling the absolute Reducing pressure to one Reducing temperature to Reducing the temperature
6 Which of the following will increase the volume of a real gas by four times? temperature as well as fourth at constant one fourth at constant to half and doubling the
pressure of the gas. temperature. pressure. pressure.
Liquid propane is contained in a storage tank at a pressure of 1.4 MPa, which is the equilibrium
vapor pressure at the pumping conditions. The propane has a specific gravity of 0.58. If the level of
7 8.12 6.12 4.12 2.12
theliquid propane is 4 m above the centerline of the pump and the frictional losses in the suction line
is equal 2 m, what is the available NPHS in meter if the velocity in the suction line is 1.50 m/s?
whole of the metal piece
the metal piece will be
A piece of metal of specific gravity 13.6 is placed in mercury of specific gravity 13.6, what fraction of the metal piece will simply will be immersed with its metal piece will sink to the
8 immersed in mercury by
its volume is under mercury? float over the mercury top surface just at mercury bottom
9 Humidification involves mass transfer between a pure liquid phase and a fixed gas, which is Insoluble in the liquid Soluble in the liquid Non-ideal in nature Non-ideal in nature
A carbonaceous fuel (containing no H2 or hydrocarbons) is burnt and the resulting flue gas contains 21% excess air has been 21% excess oxygen has Complete combustion of No excess air has been
21% CO2. It means that used for combustion been used for combustion fuel has taken place used for combustion
Carbon dioxide from Benzol from coke oven Ammonia from coke oven Tar from coke oven gas in
11 .Absorption with chemical reaction' is involved in the removal of gaseous stream using gas using solar oil/wash gas using refrigerated primary gas coolers using
alkaline solution. oil. water. chilled water.
Hot gases at moderate
In drying a solid containing Sherwood number in . Forced convection is pressure are usually in the
moisture above the critical mass transfer corresponds relatively more effective in shell side of shell and
12 Pick out the wrong statement. moisture content, the to Nusselt number in heat increasing the rate of tube heat exchangers. At
number of degrees of transfer and Schmidt mass transfer, if Schmidt higher pressure, however,
freedom is 2. number to Prandtl number. number is larger. it is customary to put gas
in the tube side.

13 30% 50% 70% 90%

Moisture content of a substance when at equilibrium with a given partial pressure of the vapor is
14 Free Unbound Equilibrium Bound
called the _____ moisture.
The reaction 3A + 4B à products is first order in A and second order in B. What is the overall order of
15 0 1 2 3
the reaction?
output and feedback
16 The output of a feedback control system must be a function of reference and output reference and input input and feedback signal
initial mass of substrate in initial mass of substrate in initial mass of substrate in initial mass of substrate in
the reactor + final mass of the reactor - final mass of the reactor + final mass of the reactor - final mass of
17 .In fed-batch fermentation, mass of substrate utilized is calculated using the relationship substrate in the reactor + substrate in the reactor + substrate in the reactor - substrate in the reactor -
flow rate x [substrate in flow rate x [substrate in flow rate x [substrate in flow rate x [substrate in
the feed] the feed] the feed] the feed]
Total amount of vapor Boiling point elevation in a Heat transfer co-efficient
Total heat transfer area of
produced per kg of feed single effect system is in a single effect is much
A dilute aqueous solution is to be concentrated in an evaporator system. High pressure steam is all the effects is less than
18 steam in a multiple effect much higher than that in lower than that in any
available. Multiple effect evaporator system is employed, because that in a single effect
system is much higher any effect in a multi-effect effect in a multieffect
evaporator system
than in a single effect system system
Air in an ideal diesel cycle is compressed from 3 to 0.15 and then it expands during the constant
19 pressure heat addition process to 0.3 h, under cold air standard conditions, the thermal efficiency of 25% 45% 65% 85%
this cycle is
Sphericity is the ratio of the surface area of a spherical particle having the same volume as the
20 particle to the surface area of the particle. Which of the following has the maximum value of Sphere Cube Cylinder (L/ D = 1) Raschig rings
What is the degree of freedom for two miscible (non-reacting) substances in vapor-liquid equilibrium
21 0 1 2 3
forming an azeotrope?
increasing the
adding a catalyst for the raising the temperature of removing products as the
22 Of the following, _____ will lower the activation energy for a reaction. concentrations of
reaction the reaction reaction proceed
Which of the following units is not present in both the vapor compression refrigeration system and
23 Expansion valve Condenser Refrigerator Compressor
absorption refrigeration system?

24 15 22 44 51

Peclet, Reynold's, and Prandtl, Schimdt, and Sherwood, Nusselt, and Sherwood, Reynold’s, and
25 Mass transfer in a flowing fluid may be correlated by
Schimdt No Reynold's No Reynold's No Schimdt No
remain constant
If biomass yields are constant, then the biomass productivity of a culture grown in continuous reactor always decrease with increase with dilution rate decrease with dilution rate
26 irrespective of the dilution
will dilution rate until washout until washout
Tripling the concentration
The actual value of k will The actual value of k will
The rate law of a particular reaction is found to be, rate = k[A]^2[B]. Which of the following The reaction is third order of A will result in a
27 depend on the depend on the
statements is FALSE? overall. nine-fold increase in the
temperature. concentrations of A and B.

28 2 1.56 1 1.56

29 When paddle is used for mixing of liquids, the flow pattern of a fluid is Axial and tangential Radial and tangential Axial only Radial only
pressure signal to electric pressure signal to position electric signal to pressure position change to
30 .In pneumatic control systems the control valve used as final control element converts
signal change signal pressure signal
.A liquid/gaseous fuel containing hydrocarbons and high amount of sulfur is burnt with 40% excess Presence of large quantity Low calorific value of the High sulfur content in the Lack of thorough mixing of
air. The flue gas still contains large amount of carbon monoxide. This may be due to the of hydrogen in the fuel fuel fuel fuel with air
Relative volatility varies with the concentration of component for an ideal solution. The relative Liquid phase obeys Vapor phase obeys
Only vapor phase follows Only liquid phase obeys
32 volatility of a binary mixture may be defined as the ratio of vapor pressure of component 'A' to that of Dalton's law and vapor Dalton's law and liquid
Raoult's law Dalton's law
component 'B', when phase obeys Raoult's law phase obeys Raoult's law
surface energy created by energy absorbed by the energy fed to the machine energy absorbed by the
33 Crushing efficiency is the ratio of the crushing to the energy solid to that fed to the to the surface energy solid to the surface energy
absorbed by the solid machine created by crushing created by crushing
A refrigeration cycle is a reversed heat engine. Which of the following has the maximum value of the Vapor compression cycle Vapor compression cycle
34 Air refrigeration cycle Carnot refrigeration cycle
co-efficient of performance (COP) for a given refrigeration effect? using expansion valve using expansion engine


the fluid particles move in

the velocity of successive the magnitude and
the direction and plane or parallel planes
fluid particles, at any point, direction of the velocity do
35 Uniform flow occurs when magnitude of the velocity and the streamline
is the same at successive not change from point to
at all points are identical patterns are identical in
periods of time point in the fluid
each plane
Two balls of same material and finish have their diameters in the ratio of 2:1 and both are heated to
36 same temperature and allowed to cool by radiation. Rate of cooling by big ball as compared to 1:1 2:1 1:2 4:1
smaller one will be in the ratio of
37 Which of the following parameters remains constant during chemical dehumidification? Dry bulb temperature Partial pressure of vapor Wet bulb temperature None of these
screening becomes screening becomes capacity and effectiveness capacity and effectiveness
38 As particle size is reduced,
progressively more difficult progressively easier of the screen is increased of the screen is decreased
For water at 300°C, it has a vapor pressure 8592.7 kPa and fugacity 6738.9 kPa Under these
39 conditions, one mole of water in liquid phase has a volume of 25.28 cm3 and that in vapor phase in 7553.6 5653.7 6753.5 5765.3
391.1 cm3 . Fugacity of water (in kPa) at 9000 kPa will be
When growth begins, the division rate increases gradually and reaches a maximum value in the
40 exponential growth period. This transitional period is commonly called the accelerated growth phase lag phase stationary phase death phase exponential growth phase
and is often included as a part of the
Both enthalpy and The assumption of
41 Ponchon-Savarit method analyses the fractional equipment based on Enthalpy balance only Material balance only
material balance constant molal-overflow
A culture in a closed vessel to which no additional medium is added and from which no waste
42 continuous batch fed-batch semi continuous
products are removed is called a ______ culture.
It is desired to concentrate a 20% salt solution to a 30% salt solution in an evaporator. Consider a
feed of 300 kg/min at 30°C. The boiling point of the solution is 110°C, the latent heat of vaporization
43 3.06 x 10^5 6.12 × 10^5 7.24 × 10^5 9.08 x 10^5
is 2100 kJ/kg and the specific heat of the solution is 4 kJ/kg-K. The rate at which the heat has to be
supplied in (kJ/min) to the evaporator is
concentration of the concentration of growth concentration of the
growth limiting substrate is limiting substrate is much specific growth rate growth limiting substrate
44 During the exponential phase the maximum specific growth rate equals specific growth rate as
much less than the Monod greater than the Monod increases exponentially is equal to the Monod
constant constant constant
45 For which of the following controllers, the offset is zero and it has the highest maximum deviation PI-controllers PD-controllers P-controllers PID-controllers
We can use the rate law to The rate law gives us a The rate law can lead us
From the rate law we can
directly determine good indication of the to determine the
46 Of what use is it to find a rate law for a reaction? evaluate potential reaction
coefficients in the thermodynamic stability of equilibrium constant for
balanced equation the products. the reaction.
the number of collisions the rate at which the
the number of substrate the concentration of the
47 When an enzyme is functioning at Vmax, the rate of the reaction is limited by between enzyme and enzyme can convert
molecules in the reaction substrate
substrate substrate to product

48 0.048 0.079 0.122 0.152

irreversibly to the enzyme

reversibly to the enzyme irreversibly to the enzyme reversibly to the enzyme
substrate complex
49 A classical uncompetitive inhibitor is a compound that binds substrate complex yielding substrate complex yielding substrate complex yielding
yielding an active ESI
an inactive ESI complex an inactive ESI complex an active ESI complex
Manufacturing cost = General expenses =
Total product cost = Total product cost = direct
direct product cost + fixed administrative expenses +
50 Which of the following relationship is not correct is case of a chemical process plant? manufacturing cost + production cost + plant
charges + plant overhead distribution & marketing
general expenses overhead cost
costs expenses
It moves the entire curve It moves the entire curve It has no effect on the
51 In a Lineweaver-Burk Plot, competitive inhibitor shows which of the following effect? It changes the x-intercept
to right to left slope
Three solid objects of the same material and of equal mass-a sphere, a cylinder (length = diameter)
and a cube are at 500°C initially. These are dropped in a quenching bath containing a large volume
52 Cube Cylinder Sphere Equal for all the three
of cooling oil each attaining the bath temperature eventually. The time required for 90% change in
temperature is the smallest for
Rittinger’s number designates the new surface created per unit mechanical energy absorbed by the Low power consumption in High power consumption
53 Poor grindability Easier grindability
material being crushed. Larger value of Rittinger’s number of a material indicates its grinding in grinding
At a distance At a distance At a distance
54 Where is vena contracta most likely located? At the orifice approximately ½ of the approximately equal to the approximately twice the
diameter of the orifice diameter of the orifice diameter of the orifice
63Ni decays by a first-order process via the emission of a beta particle. The 63Ni isotope has a
55 140 years 195 years 270 years 330 years
half-life of 100 years. How long will it take for 85% of the nickel to undergo decay?
When liquid and vapor phase of multi-component system are in equilibrium (at a given temperature
56 Same in both the phases Zero in both the phases More in vapor phase More in liquid phase
and pressure), then chemical potential of each component is
The activation energy of
The activation energy of The activation energy of
Additional substrate the reaction is increased,
the reaction is lowered so the reaction is lowered so
molecules are energized thus decreasing the
57 Which of the following statements is true for enzymatically catalyzed reaction? that a larger proportion of that fewer substrate
to overcome the activation likelihood that any
the substrate qualifies to molecules can overcome
energy of the reaction substrate molecules will
overcome it. it.
overcome it.
The specific humidity The specific humidity The relative humidity The relative humidity
58 When an unsaturated air-water mixture is heated at constant pressure, then
increases decreases increases decreases
Calculate the orsat analysis of the products upon burning pure hexane with 38% excess air if CO2: 60%, O2: 8%, N2: CO2: 10%, O2: 10%, N2: CO2: 20%, O2: 10%, N2: CO2: 10%, O2: 6%, N2:
combustion is complete 32% 80% 70% 84%
60 Main constituents of purified Lurgi gas are H2, CxHy & CO2 CO, H2 & CH4 CO2, O2 & CO N2, H2 & CO2
61 A process for which the inlet and outlet enthalpies are the same. isenthalpic enthalpy conservation throttling steady state
62 For the same terminal conditions and fitting size, the least friction loss is incurred in a/an Union T-joint 45⁰ elbow 90⁰ bend
In psychrometric chart, the constant-enthalpy lines coincide with constant-temperature lines at
63 Above 50⁰C 50⁰C Below 50⁰C Lines doesn’t coincide
The energy of the
The collision must involve The relative orientation of incoming particles must
a sufficient amount of The relative orientation of the particles has an effect be above a certain
Which of the following statements best describes the condition(s) needed for a successful formation energy, provided from the the particles has little or only if the kinetic energy of minimum value, and the
of a product according to the collision model? motion of the particles, to no effect on the formation the particles relative orientation of the
overcome the activation of the product. is below some minimum particles must allow for
energy. value. formation of new bonds in
the product.
Water at 27 deg C flows upward at a rate of 0.72 kg/s through a packed bed of solid particles with an
65 average diameter of5mm. the void fraction of the bed is 0.30 and the bed has a diameter of 0.45 m 0.005 m/s 0.015 m/s 0.024 m/s 0.064 m/s
and a height of 5m. Calculate the superficial velocity of water in the bed.
The energy required per unit mass to grind limestone particles of very large size to 100 μm is 12.7
66 kWh/ton. An estimate (using Bond's law) of the energy to grind the particles from a very large size to 6.35 kWh/ton 9.0 kWh/ton 18 kWh/ton 25.4 kWh/ton
50 μrn is
the control action depends the control action depends the control action depends the control action is
67 In open loop system,
on the size of the system on system variables on the input signal independent of the output
10 kg of dry saturated Boiling brine kept in open A sub-cooled refrigerant
A red-hot steel slab
steam at 8 kg/m2 flowing vessel when the bottom liquid at 8°C flowing at the
(having outside surface
through a short length of surface temperature of the rate of 6 Kg/minute
68 Which of the following situations can be approximated to a steady state heat transfer system? temperature as 1300°
stainless-steel pipe vessel is through a copper
C) exposed to the
exposed to atmospheric maintained constant at pipe exposed to
atmospheric air at 35°C
air at 35°C 180°C atmospheric air at 35°C.
A momentum exchange
A maximum velocity at the
69 Fully turbulent flow in a pipe is characterized by all of the following except A parabolic velocity profile due to fluid masses rather A 1/7 velocity profile
fluid center line
than molecules
70 Steam economy in case of a triple effect evaporator will be 0 1 <1 >1

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