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wee AM Fo Mdentty ond comment on Plasmodium vivax and also comment om symptoms of diseases caused by it MATERIALS REQUIRED SSEEREW slisées of Plasmodium vinaxilasrating different stages of life eyele (sporozoites, pound microscope, notebook and pen. PROCEDURE ‘merozoites and gametocytes), S QRERS Be sides of sporozoites, merozoites and gametocytes of Plasmodium vivax under the microscope 7% Note down the characteristic features of each stage. S- Draw Siagram what is visible to you from the slide and label it eoesnenrs 2 yxsiONS Fe lds are showing. dierent sages of lie eye in symptoms of malaria are high foyer, 2 nt Te of Plasmodium vivax which causes malaria * feadache and violent shivering : i Hs primary host is human a Jost is mosquito. pestis nde 1 Fev Sled poral tach Spoons teens dans rt aan tee : a founded by a flexible pellicl been infeed female Anopheles mosquito bites « hun 7 mie Ww ted into blood. eee ae an, sporozoites are injected into boo s reset ve ‘n oe Sh he live cel, here they penetrate certain cells, grow and multiply. From ee ‘ovoltes are released which attack the red blood cells (RBCS). ‘6. ° | oO unicellular structure Mosquito Blood ~0* Gametocytes : ‘ Fig. 17.2. Life eyele of Plasmodium 7, Inced blood cells, merozoites multiply increasing their population. At interval of 48 or 72 hours the infected RBCs rupture releasing the merozoites. The rupture of RBCs is associated with release of a toxic substance, hhaemozoin, which is responsible for development of diseases symptoms (chill and high fever) in the Jnfected person. 8, In bloodstream, merozoites develop into gametocytes which represent the sexual stage of P. vivax. When female mosquito/sucks the blood, gametocytes reach to intestine of mosquito where development of gametocytes completes. ‘9, Within the intestine, gametocytes develop into male and female gametes. Fusion of male and female gametes Jeads to the formation of zygote which develops into oocyst ‘10, In each oocyst many sporozoites are formed which migrate to the salivary gland of mosquito. Phylum ~ Protozoa i Class — Sporozoa ‘Type — Plasmodium vivax.

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