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CHAPTER 7 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Maintenance is defined as the combination of all technical, administrative and managerial actions during the life cycle of an item intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform the required function ot services, Maintenance is a regular action in response to disturbance, failure and other ‘unfortunate events, 71.1 Classification of Maintenance ‘Maintenance are classified as 1. Unplan 2. Planned Maintenance ed Maintenance, and 1. Unplanned Maintenance It is also called as reactive maintenance or Breakdown Maintenance. It is basically the “run it till it breaks” philosophy. No actions or efforts are taken to ‘maintain the equipment. The repair of failure equipment is carried out after break down. Itfocuses on restoring the equipment like failure of Distribution Transformers by replacing or repairing it. HT, LT lines, feeders are operated till breakdown occurs and restore the supply by replacing faulty equipment or repairing faulty lines to bring it normal operating condition, Ithas an advantage of Low maintenance Cost, No maintenance planning required. It is cost effective until no disastrous failure occurred, 2. Planned Maintenance It is the proactive strategy used for maintenance of equipment. The time schedule is prepared for preventive maintenance of Electrical Equipment based on the available data. Complete, accurate, and current documentation is essential for an effective maintenance program. Itis classified as a. Preventive maintenance, b. Predictive maintenance, or reliability centred maintenance TT TTT Menace Management a. Preventive Maintenance: It is the most commonly accepted approach for maintenance of electrical ‘equipment and lines, Preventive maintenance is regularly performed so as to avoid ‘unexpected failure of equipment. It is actions performed on a time- or machine-run based Schedule that detect, preclude, or mitigate degradation of a component or system With the aim of sustaining or extending its useful life through controlling degradation to an acceptable level”. Preventive maintenance increases reliability, reduction in system failure, increases equipment life cycle, saving of Energy and cost effective as compare to ‘unplanned maintenance. b. Predictive Mainte ce, or Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) ‘The name itself states that it provides an appropriate amount of maintenance at the right time to prevent forced outages while at the same time eliminating unnecessary maintenance. If itis implemented properly, RCM can eliminate some of the drawbacks of preventive maintenance and may result in a more streamlined, efficient maintenance program. RCM seems very attractive in times of diminishing funding, scarcity of skilled maintenance staff, and the pressure to “stay online” due to electric utility industry deregulation. Reliability centred maintenance program is consciously chosen, effectively implemented, and properly documented program Fig 7.1 : Maintenance Strategy Frovet Managemen ad Practices Time Directed: Involves number of operations, operating hours, or seasonal change Failure Finding: Used (o protect the equipment; able to find equipment failure Condition Directed: Used to prevent incipient failure from becoming a real failure when sustained acceptable operation cannot be ensured. Run to Failure: Optional task that can be selected only inthe event a technically correct and cost-effective task cannot be identified 7.2 Categories of Electrical Mainteance :- Electrical maintenance activities fll into following two general categories: a. Routine Maintenance Activities that are conducted while equipment and systems are in service. These activities are predictable and can be scheduled, staffed, and budgeted. Generally, these are the activities scheduled on a time-based, run-time-meter- based, or a number of operations schedule. Itis carried out by visual inspections, infrared scans, cleaning, functional tests, measurement of operating quantities, lubrication, oil tests, alignments like AB switches, Isolators, lines, feeders and ‘Transformers ete i. Maintenance Testing These are the Activities that involve the use of test equipment to assess condition of equipment in an offline state, These activities are predictable and can be scheduled, staffed and budgeted. They may be scheduled on a time, meter, or number of operations basis but may be planned to coincide with scheduled ‘equipment outages. Since these activities are predictable, some offices consider ‘them “routine maintenance” ot “preventive maintenance, Some examples are Doble testing, meggering, relay testing, circuit breaker ‘tip testing, alternating current (AC) high-potential (Hipot) tests, Battery load tests, ii, Diagnostic Testing Activities that involve use of test equipment to assess condition of equipment after unusual events such as faults, fires or equipment failure/repair/replacement or when equipment deterioration is suspected. These activities are not predictable and cannot be scheduled because they are required after a forced outage. Each office must budget contingency funds for these events. Some examples are Doble testing, AC Hipot tests, HVDC ramp tests, partial discharge measurement, wedge Lightness, core magnetization tests, pole drop tests, turns ratio and core ground tests ‘The vast electrical distribution infrastructures have been developed by the electrical utilities over a period of time. Some of these infrastructure components ‘equipment have become old and deteriorated due to age resulting into breakdowns causing power interruptions. The pro-active steps are necessary to prevent these breakdowns. A planned routine preventive maintenance of equipment not only avoids their failure but also increase efficiency and life of the equipment. The electrical utilities have to keep a certain amount of its overall budget reserved for an ensured, regular and planned, preventive of various equipment / components of the electrical network. While doing preventive maintenance works, itis necessary to prioritize and follow standard recommended practices uniformly, This will ensure that the money invested goes in proper area which will help in improving the quality and reliability of power supply to the consumers, 'b, Pre-Monsoon Maintenance: Overhead or underground network is used for distribution of electricity which is susceptible to various faults due to storms, lightning strikes, heavy rains, and floods. The distribution utility plan and carry out thorough maintenance of the distribution network components of lines and substations before onset of monsoon to avoid the breakdowns during monsoon. 7.3 New Technology in Maintenance : Today many technologies are being examined and used to control the electrical equipment’s condition, helping in condition-based maintenance. A few tools and techniques are as follows. i, Ultrasonic Noise Analysis Technique The prolonged sound in the equipment may be a sign of air, gas, or steam. leaks and can also be a result of friction between moving parts. ii, Incomplete Discharge Detection Sensors used in the power system detect initial insulation breakdown in any equipment; they are also used to detect emerging failure so that in future no significant damage occurs. iii, Transformer Dissolved Gas Analysis : This analysis is one of the methods used to detect the amount of dissolved gas content in transformer oil or any other any abnormalities. A gas-level indicator shows the maintenance engineer the state of the transformer essential for maintenance or potential failure, Infrared Thermography - Infrared cameras are used in thermography surveys to detect hotspots at various clamps and connectors in distribution substations and lines. It shows the real-time measurement of the four key gases—earbon monoxide, hydrogen, acetylene, and ethylene—which are known for fault currents in the transformer. Hotline Maintenance - This is the process of maintenance at transmission or distribution lines in live condition without necessity any shutdown. Sufficient insulation has been provided by the technology during maintenance. This is very high-risk technology to be executed only by properly trained and experienced personnel. 7.4 Maintenance Activities Carried on Distribution Equipments and lines are as below. i. Distribution Transformer : a, Check oil level and leakages and rectify. b. Check silica gel breather and replenish with blue colour gel. ¢. Check and tighten all current-carrying clamps and connectors (tighten ot replace if need) d. Measure dielectric strength of the transformer oil and carry out filtering if need be eCheck all earthing connections for tightness and continuity (measure and bring value below 5X), f. Check LA connections and tighten. g Check working of primary and secondary side protections and rectify if need be Provide fresh crimping to low tension (LT) cable connections to bushings. ii, Overhead lines Straighten the bent poles and replace cracked PSC poles. Tighten stays. Check and provide ant-climbing devices and caution notices. Check insulators for cracks. Redo the binding of pin insulators (if damaged). Check and rectify earthing of poles and all metallic fittings on it. mee pores Redo mutfing if damaged. ‘Maintenance Management h, Check jump ring clamps, connectors for health, i, Check multiple neutral earthing for LT lines and neutral continuity j. Ensure tree-cutting is done as per norms (vegetation management) Maintenance of Power Transformer The principle aim of maintenance is to maintain the insulation in good condition. Moisture, dirt and excessive heat in contact with oxygen are the main causes of deterioration of insulation. Besides other parameters, the health of the transformer depends largely on the health of transformer oil as an insulation, Monitoring the condition of transformer oil used inside the transformer is therefore cone of the important aspects of monitoring the health of the power transformer. ‘The Transformer Oil is used in the Transformer: a) Asinsulation between windings and core, and winding & tank. Without oil, the paper insulation of the windings could be punctured early, which in turn will result in failure of transformer. b) Oil facilitates cooling of windings and magnetic core. Without oil the temperature of windings and core will rise rapidly and as a result the insulation material becomes charted and the transformer gets damaged, ©) Oil. protects the windings and core from absorption of moisture, from chemical attack. 4) Prevents building up of sludge in transformer. €) _Itfills the voids in the transformer. ‘Schedule of Maintenance for Power Transformer L. Daily Observation and Maintenance Winding Temperature : (W.T) It should be observed and recorded hourly. Cate should be taken to see that within permissible limits, Here it should be noted that permissible limit vary as per manufacturer's specifications. Generally 45° C rise above the ambient temperature is the permissible limit. Any abnormal rise in W. T. despite of low loading ot limited loading conditions should immediately be attended. Reasons for high W. T. can be any of following: a. Risein viscosity of oil. b. Blocked or closed valves of radiators. ¢. Internal hot spots, . Insufficient cooling. eewiciy Diswibaton Project Management and Practiees Oil Temperature -- Recording of oil temperature is also equally important, Raised oil temperature reduces the efficiency of transformer, The reasons for rising of oil temperature above the permissible limits are the same as that for winding temperature. Oil Level in Main Conservator Tank :- Oil in the main conservator tank is indicated by oil level indicator. It should be checked daily. Low oil level alarm is provided as one of the protection. If level goes down and alarm is received it should be immediately topped up to the required mark. Oil level in O.L.T.C. Conservator Tank :- O.L-T.C. conservator is provided with simple glass type indicator. Close watch is essential otherwise if the level falls below the O.L.T.C, Bucholz, it may results into Bucholz alarm, creating ‘emergency on the transformer. This is particularly important in winter, because due to cold atmosphere the level goes down due to contraction of oil. Visible Oil Leakage --Daily attention should be given to watch visible oil leakages from joints, gaskets, valves, radiator flanges, and all other possible spots. If leakage is observed, it should be attended immediately. Breather :- Silica gel crystals in the breather play a very important role due to the variation of temperature in day and night, the oil in the transformer expands & contracts and transformer breathing phenomenon takes place. This breathing is through the breather. To keep the breathing ar free of moisture, silica gelis provided ‘which absorbs moisture and turns pink. These pink crystals should be immediately reactivated or replaced by new blue crystals. Breathers have transparent “see through “type containers hence a just glance at breather is required to attend it. Load on the Transformer :- Attention should be given to the load supplied by the transformer to avoid overloading, current readings should be recorded hourly. It gives us average load on the transformer, maximum load reached daily, minimum load reached. Thus we can have a prediction regarding overloading of the transformer. Load record gives us the exact environment in which the T/F is ‘working. Load should be checked per phase to monitor balancing of load. Primary and Secondary Voltage :- Voltage on the primary or HV. side and secondary or L.V, side should be watched hourly. If the voltages are less than the required limit, taps should be operated accordingly. Because the output voltage monitors the load on the transformer. ‘Maintenance Management Load Sharing : If two power transformers are running in parallel, then the loads shared by each of them should be equal. Otherwise there will be inter ‘circulation of current which is undesirable working condition. Hence tap positions for the transformers running parallel should be maintained correctly equal and same. All these daily attentions are to be given by the shift in charge Engineer or the Operator as the case may be. Il. Monthly Maintenance : As per the standards laid down by M.S.E.DCL, the Monthly maintenance should be comprised of following points, ‘Testing of dielectric strength or Break down voltage (B.D.V.) of the oil from main tank of transformer at 2.5 mm spark gap. Care should be taken that oil sample for testing should only be taken out on a dry weather day. Visual Inspection of the Oil : Oil should be inspected for any visible suspended impurities or perceptible sludge or deposits. If such sludge or deposits are found, filtration of transformer is carried out, Checking of the oil in the bottom cup of the breather : Small quantity of oil is provided in the removable cup at the bottom of the breather. This oil plays the role of arresting of dust particles and moisture to some extend from the air passing through the breather. As the oil is very less in quantity, it gets saturated with moisture hence it should be replaced every month. Perforations provided in the bottom of the breather container should also be checked and maintained free, Otherwise due to choking, oil may start coming out. Foundations : Transformers are rested on rails with solid concrete foundations below it. These foundations may develop cracks due to uneven settling of the soil, Hence attention should be given to check development of such cracks. and if found, immediate action should be taken to repair it ‘Wheels & wheel stoppers : If wheel are provided to transformer, they are also provided with stoppers. The wheels should be lubricated with light lubrication to avoid rusting of bearings and axies Wheel stoppers should be checked for firmness at their place O.L-T.C. Cubicle : O.L.T.C, cubicle should be maintained clean and free of dust and rust. Gasket provided for the door be checked for water ingress. If water is seeping inside the cubicle, the rubber gasket be repaired or replaced Minor lubrication should be provided to the mechanical moving parts such as gears pinions ete, Space heaters in the cubicle should be checked for its proper working and be replaced if found faulty. These heaters should be kept ‘ON’ during rainy and winter season to avoid moisture and humidity affecting the mechanical and electrical parts. Limit switches and contactors should be checked. Wirings should be checked for its tightness. III. Quarterly Maintenance : During quarterly maintenance following points should be checked carefully. A. Bushings: 1, Clean HT. /L:7. Tertiary and Neutral bushgings with dry cloth Examine the bushings for cracks or chipping. If cracks or chipping are found, they should be repaired by making up with the M-seal or replaced. 2, Check for oil leakage from the base plates of the bushings as well as terminals. [foil leakage is found, it should be attended immediately. Ifthe bushings are of condenser type, then separate oil is filled in the bushings and they are provided with oil level indicators. In such case, oil level in the bushings should be checked and be maintained up to the mark. 4, Incase the bushing terminals are covered with insulation tape, the condition of the tape should be checked B) Cable Sealing Ends : In case of epoxy type or heat shrink type cable terminations, check the tightness of earthing of the box. Tighten the connection wherever necessary. 1. Check the cable sealing ends for leakages of oil or compound . If leakages ate found clean it with carbon tetrachloride and dry cloth and seal it with M-Seal 2. If cable compound type cable boxes are provided, check for leakage of cable compound and clean it. 3. Incase of epoxy type or heat shrink type cable terminations, check the tightness of earthing of the box. Tighten the connection wherever necessary. 4. Check the crimped lugs for the sign of overheating due to looseness. If they are covered with tape, check the proper cover to avoid bird fault. ©) Connections : 1, Check HT. and L:T. connections for tightness of nut bolts. Tighten if found loose. ‘Maintenance Management Check terminals for the sign of overheating. 3. Check the firmness of neutral connection. T/F earthing connections should be checked for proper tightness because earthing connections ate very important for the safety of the equipments as well as the safety of the operating persons. 4, Transformer earthing should be firmly connected to the station earth mat, 5. Neutral grounding connection should also be checked very carefully. D) Oil Leakages : 1. Check foroil leakages from level indicator glass of conservator, O.L.T.C. conservator. Bucholz Relay, Radiator valves, sampling valves, top plate gaskets, flanges and all other possible points. Attend the same immediately by cleaning the leakage points and taking required remedial action, 2. Tighten up the joints, nuts bolts of flanges, top plate cover etc. because they may get loosened due to vibrations. 3. Check the oil level conservator and top up if required, E) Oil Tests : Oil samples from top and bottom of T/F tank should be tested for i) Dielectric strength ii) Acidity iii) Precipitable sludge. iv) Crackle test The test results should be recorded in the Maintenance Register. It is to be noted that sampling should be done only on dry weather day. Sampling valve should be claned, some oil may be allowed to flow into bucket then sample should be collected in duly cleaned sampling bottle. F) Bucholz Relay: 1, Check Bucholz Relay for any gas collection , Take samples of gas collected for testing if possible otherwise release the gas. 2. Clean the glass cover. Check for any oil leakage from glass or air release valves and attend them, 3. Check the relay connections inside the connection box by removing the 4, Check the sealing at entry of the cables. 5. Check the mechanical float operation by pumping air into the Bucholz Relay. This operation should be checked every six months and be recorded in Maintenance register. G) Breather : As stated eatlier, the breather plays very important role proper attention should be given to the breather. Silica gel crystals should be checked and kept free for air intake. Breathing should be checked for any possible leakage. If any leakage is found, it should be attended immediately. HD) Conservator : Conservator provides minimum oil to air contact surface area Oil being hygroscopic in nature, absorbs moisture from contacting air, To minimize the moisture, breather is provided, Oil level in the conservator should be maintained up to required mark. If the indicator is mechanical float type, the operation of the float be checked for correctness. If level glass is provided, there is a possibility of the glass. Hence the level should be checked carefully. There are temp. markings on the level indicator dial. The oil level should comply with these markings. TD) Explosion Vent : Explosion vent serves as automatic pressure release valve Main tank of ‘Transformer is completely filled with oil Great pressure may develop within the tank due to generation of gases consequent upon an internal fault. This gas may not be able to rise rapidly through the narrow pipe connected from main tank to conservator via Bucholz. Relay and may therefore result into an explosion. This ‘danger is minimized by fitting an explosion vent to the top of the tank, ‘While carrying out the maintenance, the oil indicator provided on the explosion should be checked for presence of oil. If oil is present, it indicates that the lower diaphragm is ruptured, This can be attended by draining oil from the bottom valve of Transformer lifting the vent by means of winch and carefully replacing the ‘damaged diaphragm, Before draining the oil, the valve in between main tank and conservator should be closed so as to avoid unnecessary drainage of large quantity of oil. While refilling, the oil should be filled through filter machine with its outlet pipe connected to the topside valve of Transformer main tank. At this time it should be remembered to open the previously closed valve in between main tank and conservator before starting the filter: ‘Maintenance Management J) Temperature Indicators : Check oil temperature and winding temperature meters for correctness of their readings . The pocket in which the stem of the OTI & WTTis inserted should be checked for oil filling O.T. alarm & WT. alarm can be checked for its preset operations. K) Control Wirings : Clean control wiring box. Check for losse of connectionsa and Tighten it carefully. L) Cooling : i) Natural Air Cooling (ON/AN) : Cooling of oil is one naturally by convection currents through radiator pipes or fins. Now-a-days fin type of radiators is provided which give more surface ‘contact with air and thus efficient cooling, While catrying maintenance, the radiator valves should be checked if they are closed, Open the radiator valves if found closed. Proper operation of radiator valves can be checked easily. If the valve functioning properly, ic. both top and bottom valves open, then radiator portion at bottom side will be cooler than at top side. If both valves are closed O.T. & W.T will rise abnormally, Transfarmer tank will be felt hot whereas radiators will be cold. ii) Forced Air Cooling = Check the working of fans provided for forced air cooling. The fans should be set to operate automatically at the pre-set temperature ¢.g. 65 deg. C. For this, proper maintenance of starters, contactors and above all of the fans itself should bbe done carefully. Transformer's rating depends upon efficient cooling Lubricate fan motor bearings. ili) Forced Oil Cooling Forced oil cooling is provided by using oil Pumps which displace oil for fast circulation and thus cooling is done faster. The working of these pumps is also pre-set at a particular temperature. Check for the proper working of contactors, starters, pump motors, and the pump itself. Lubricate mechanical parts, Maintain the wiring in good condition iv) Forced Water Cooling : Forced Water Cooling is provided generally for Generator Transformers. For these proper maintenance of water line, water pumps, motors and electrical contactors be done and working of automatic operation be assured. M) O.L-T.C. (On Load Tap Changer) : Clean O.L:T.C. cubicle check the space heaters for their proper working condition, Check the fuses provided for motor circuit. Check and clean contactors provided for raising and lowering of taps. Check manual operations for smoothness. Keep the handle in the cubicle Lubricate mechanical parts such as gears, bearings ete, Check the Tap Position Indicator for correctness of tap position ‘Compare the tap position shown in the cubicle with that shown on R.L.C.C, Panel. If any discrepancy is found it should be corrected immediately. Check working of the buzzer provided in R-T.C.C. panel. Clean the panel from inside and maintain it vermin proof, N) Insulation Resistance (LR) Values : From all the above points of maintenance, it must be now very clear that all the care is tobe taken to maintain the windings and its insulation in proper order. ‘Mainly water, dissolved varnishes, carbon deposits are the factors affecting insulation resistance of the windings. While carrying out the Quarterly Maintenance, it is desirable to check and record IR. Values of HV. and L.V. Windings with respect to earth and with respect to each other. LR. Values be recorded and compared with previous records. While keeping the record, the I. R. Values should be incorporated with the W.T. in deg. C and megger voltage by which the LR. is tested. This gives us the reasoning for variations in the values because LR. values are inversely proportionate to temp. I. R. Values at lower temp. may be deceptive hence LR. Values be recorded at around 60 deg. C of W.T TV Pre-Monsoon Maintenance Pre-Monsoon maintenance should be comprised of following additional points to quarterly maintenance, Oil Leakages: Oil leakages from bushings, top plate, Bucholz Relay, and all other points should be attended because rain water may accumulate on the flat portions and these points of leakage may convert into water ingress points in rainy season. Gasket / Rubber Linings: Gaskets, Rubber Linings provided for Bucholz Relay connection box should invariably be checked because ifthe lining is improper, rain water may introduce inside and which in turn may shorten the terminals giving false Bucholz alarm or tripping. Similarly linings provided for O.L:1.C. cubicle door and all connection boxes in the switchyard be checked and replaced if necessary. ‘Maintenance Management Breather : Breather container should be checked for air tightness. Silica gel be replaced by blue crystals and oil in the cup below the breather be replaced, Allother points as mentioned in quarterly maintenance be checked. ‘V) Annual Maintenance :- It is desired that following points should be checked during annual maintenance of power transformers, i) Core and Windings. ii) Bushing terminal leads. iii) O.L-TC. divertor tank from inside. But practically, to open a transformer in many times not possible or even such long period outages are also not available. But still, the annual maintenance should comprise of following checks a. OL-TC. Inspection. b. Testing of oil forall tests as per 1S. 1866:1983, ¢. Checking of Bushing connection, 4, —_Draining of some quantity of oil from conservator tank and refilling with fresh oil ©. Calibration of Temp Indicators. £. Painting conditions. O.L-T.C. Inspections : Drain out the oil from O.L.T.C. Remove the top plate of O.L-T.C. Inspect the fixed & moving contacts of O.L.T.C. for wear and tear and sparking marks. ‘Clean the contacts with emery paper for smoothness Bridging resistance isa very important part and it should be checked for possible damages. Operate O.L.T.C, manually for all taps Check making and breaking of contacts. Check the springs for proper tension. Check the mechanical interlock, which prevents overriding of tap position above the Last tap. Test the voltage ratio on all tap positions. Check proper harmony between the indicator and actual tap position, Check the leads, ‘connections, nutbolts for proper tightness. Clean the tank from inside. Refill with the oil through filter machine after refitting of top plate. Tightnen nuts bolts evenly toavoid uneven compressing of gasket, which may further result into oil leakages. Testing of Oil : Oil from main (ank and O.L-T.C. should be tested for the tests as per LS. 1866-2000 and results be compared with standard permissible values. If the values are not found satisfactory, ol filtration or replacement be done. Bushing Connections : Check the porcelain of the bushings for cracks or loosening of cement. Repair it, if cracks found. Inspect jumper connections for over heating Typical bluish tinge on the contacts shows overheating and requires attention, Draining of oil from Conservator : Iepossible, drain some oil from conservator tank. This will help in removing the condensed moisture / water deposited at the bottom of the conservator. ‘Then top up the conservator through filter machine to the desired level. Calibration Of Temp Indicator: Check the correctness of the W.TL and 0.7L. if found incorrect, the same may be calibrated by using standard methods Painting Conditions : Check painting conditions of T/f Tank. Paint if necessary ‘Good painting conditions & cleanliness helps easy detection of oil leakages, Annual maintenance should be desirably cartied out in month of April. Inspection of Power Transformer : For the purpose of maintenance of power transformer, it is necessary to carry out its inspection. The inspection would be - External Inspectio This means inspection of all parts on, or related to a power transformer that can be examined with the transformer ‘taken out of services’ but without opening its tank or lowering the oil level. For example, this would include oil testing, megger tests, ratio tests, inspection of bushings, breathers, gaskets, oil level diaphragm, tank, foundations, ground wire, all auxiliary apparatus ete. Internal Inspection : This constitutes a careful examination of all parts inside the transformer tank with oil level lowered sufficiently to inspect condition of coils and insulation, the lower ends of bushings and C.Ts provided thereon, position of thermometer etc. Athorough internal inspection can also reveal any missing parts such as nuts & bolts, small patticles of copper ot burnt or broken tape etc ‘The periodicity of inspection and maintenance is an important factor to be decided since all the work cannot done at all times. The procedures established in MSEDCL after gaining experience in the field of maintenance of transformers, various Indian Standards (e.g. .S. 1886- 1967) give some guidelines for periodical ‘Maintenance Management inspection and maintenance of power transformers. The same has been compiled and produced herewith for the benefit of maintenance engineers Maintenance Schedule of Distribution Transformer ‘Table 7.5 Sr. | Inspection] Item to be ‘Action required no.| frequency | inspected 1 | Monthly [a Oillevel If low, top up with tested oil, Examine Transformer for oil leakages. Attend leakages. All Connections Check phase, neutral & arth connections. Tighten if loose ©. Cleaning of ‘Transformer, Tank Bushing ete. Clean the Transformer, Tank and Bushing. If cracks observed on Bushing ,replace it. In outdoor locations where dust is excessive ie road side transformer and its Bushing will have to be wiped clean frequently Replenishing Breathers. Check that air passages are clear Check oil level in oil seal. Check colous| of active agents. If Silica gel found pink replace it , The old silica gel can be reactivated for reuse Oil temperature (Wherever the thermometers Check whether the temp. is within allowed limits. Ifhigh, remedial action will have to be taken provide.) immediately. For this purpose, shut down the transformer and investigate for reason, f fuses Check whether fuse unit in distribution box & feeder pillar are intact. IF broken replace immediately. Check whether proper sizes of rewirable fuses, proper Amp. D.0 Link have been provided. Blecuiely Disibation Project Management and Practices Quarterly [aLoad Measure the load (Amps) in peak hours of the feeders & record. If unbalance then take remedial action to balance it. If found overloaded & new transformer. b.Voltage. Measure the voltage of the LT side of distribution transformer and far ends of feeders and record Take corrective action. Checking of | Check connections, Tighten if loose. LA's & their tightness Hall Yearly | a Earth Resistance] Measure earth resistance and record, Take suitable action if earth resistance is high. DIR. Value of _ | Measure the Insulation resistance Lightning of Lightning Arrestors & record. If Arrestor & ow, change the arrestor immediately. theirtightness | Measure the IR values of transformer: If low take corrective action Yearly | a Oiltesting Check iro dielectric strength. Take suitable action to restore quality of oil. This should be done before and after rainy season. BABSwitch | Greasing and checking the alignment and operations of A.B, Switch ‘Two yearly | Sampling and | Take out samples of oil Testing. and of test for dielectric strength acidity ofoil__as well as acidity Three yearly Filtering ofoil | Once in 3 years or whenever the dielectric strength of oil proves unsatisfactory or when the sample taken shows presence of solid matter or incipient sludge. Five Yearly | Overhaul of | Overhauling of transformer as Transformer preventive maintenance, ‘Maintenance Management Sr.) Types of ]Item Frequency] Point to Corrective no| Check be check action 1 Physical |Breather | Asand | a) Silica Gel should Ja) If not, replace condition when be blue-b) No crack| with blue silica required/ | in body of breather | gel. b) If any Half Yearly | & oil cup, defect in body/ ©) Oil level in oil cuyf cup, replace it should be up to the |) Ifnot oil filling mark to be done in cup up to the mark 2 [Physical Joa ‘sand ] a) Check for any — |.) Oil leakage to be Condition |leakages | when oilleakage from | attended at siteif required | transformer tank, | not possible at MHalf yearly] radiators, HV-LV _ | site then bushings & any | transformer to gasket joint etc, [be sent to work shop, Physical [Ooi Asand | a)Oilleveltobe a) foil level not wy condition | level when checked in gauge to the mark then required oil topup to be PHall yearly done immediately with fresh oil 4 [Physical [Pam Yearly | a) Check for any a) If any defect, condition | connector reing/pitting mark |Palm connector & & AL bus ‘onPalm connector | AL bus bar to be -bar & AL bus-bar replaced separately] B) Check for any discoloration due 1 local heating 5 [Physical |HVLV | Yearly | a) Check for any | a)Defective condition | bushings crack/flash mark | Bushing on HV-LY bushings if any. b) Check for dust on HV-LY bushing, to be replaced, b) Bushing to be cleaned with dry cloths. Bleewieity Distbation Project Management and Practices 6 [Physical [Tank Yearly [a) Check for dust & | a) Tank body & condition | body & rust on transformer | radiators to be radiators body& radiators. | cleaned. b) paintin is to be done if required, 7 [Physical [Tank Yeally a) Tank body should] a) If not, tank condition | body be earthed at two | body earthing to earthing placed with separate | be done at. earthing point two places, S [Physical [Neutral | Yearly [a) Neutral should be | a) If not, neutral condition | earthing earthed at two earthing to be done placed with separate} at two places earthing point. 9 [Physical [Arcing | Yearly a) Check for pair off a) If not, then condition | horns arcing on each phast arcing horns ofHV bushing. | to be fitted. b) Check for ) Arcing hom alignment of arcing | alignment to horn, be done. TO [Blectrical [Earth | Yearly | a) Earth resistance | a) Ivnot then resistance should check for earthin, be = <1 Ohm pit or go for new earthing TT [Blectrical [IR Value [Yearly | a) IR value shall be | a) If not then equal for all three | recheck the IR phases for HT-E, | values. b) If value| LTE, HT-LT. are lower then the b)Normally IR | values specified value shall be then plan for minimum 100 MQ | verhauling/ for HV & S0MQ | replacement.) If for LV windings at | IR value decrease the temp of S0°C | more than IR 20: ©)Compare previous] then need to & present IR Value | investigate.value. T2 |Blectrical [Ol BDV_| Yearly a) BDV of a) oil BDVis les transformer oil have] then 30KV then to be greater than | plan for 30 kV (avg) at —_| overhauling/ 2.5mm gap. replacement ‘Maintenance Management 13 |Blectrical | HVLV Yearly termination| a) Check for intactness of HV- LV termination, cleating a) If not tightening HV-LV nutbolt and accessories to for LV leads & HV. | be done cable, b) Tension on} b) Check for HV-LV terminals | any tension on due to cable/ HV-LV tobe conductor rectified terminals conductor, due to cable 14 |Blectrical | Ol Every five | a)In addition to a) Ifresults are not year OBDVgiven —_| with in limit then additional testo be conducted on oil every five years of service; Water content < 35PPY Tan delta < 0.5, Resistivity > 1OX10"11 ohm-em, Acidity <0.15mg KOH/g, Sludge-0% by wt, and Flash point >125] transformer to be sent for overhauling at work shop Bleewieity Distbation Project Management and Practices 7.6 MAINTENANCE OF HT LINES Normal ground patrolling of lines should be conducted by lines maintenance crew periodically. Periodicity will be decided on the basis of importance of the line, terrain condition, and proximity of the line to habitations, forests, gardens, water borne areas etc. and environmental impact on the line. During ground patrolling of the line, the patrolman (Lineman / technician) should check for the following a, Location no; type of poles (PSCIRSI pole ete.), location address. b. Clearances of the line, both to ground and in air. ©, Availability ofall poles and their condition, Obstructions in the proximity of the line (within line corridor) like trees, branches, structures etc. location wise should be noted, 4. Observing the condition of insulators, conductors, earth wire, jumpers, clamps, dampers, spacers ete., with binoculars, from ground level/nearest possible elevated level. Special patrolling of the line should be done after momentary tripping of the line on fault, for any defects, Defects noticed shall be rectified immediately if this can be attended while the ine is live or at the earliest by availing shutdown, anyway, before the defect develops into a major one causing breakdown. Proper planning of materials and manpower is required in order to carryout rectification under shutdown in minimum time to avoid/minimize interruption to loads. Break Down Maintenance: When a permanent/semi-permanent fault occurs on the line, the line may break down causing interruption of longer duration. The faults could be snapping of conductors, disconnection of jumpers, cross-arms! pole twisting or pole collapse with or without damage to foundation, This may be due to various reasons like heavy wind due to storms, weakening of pole due to aging, accidents, thefts etc. Condition Monitoring Procedures Condition monitoring is useful in identifying some of the defects on conductor and insulators, which is not possible through visual ground inspection. Assessment of nature of defect helps in taking preventive action. Possible breakdowns due to defective joints, punctured insulators etc. can be avoided. ‘Maintenance Management Overhead Line maintenance ‘Type of Inspection Particulars of Inspection Maintenance Tine patrolling PSCpoles are broken Replace the broken poles as a priority RS joistrail poles, ceross- arms are rusted ‘Clean the rusted poles or cross- arms by wire brush and paint with two coats of rustproof red oxide and two coats of synthetic enamel paint Stay set uprooted from ground! stay wire brokes Excavate the pit, place the stay set properly and provide mass concreting up to ground level. Replace the broken stay wire with new one, Ensure the stay wire is in tension Coping of RS joints/rail poles near the ground is damaged Cattle rubbing on the pole at the ground Kites and loose threads hanging on the overhead lines Provide proper cement coping with cement concrete Provide barbed wire up to 1.5 m high on each pole to prevent cattle from rubbing against poles and also ensuring that ‘unauthorized persons do not climb the live poles Remove the kites, burn the threads, and clean the lines [Conditions of insulators Cobwebs, bird's nests, paper kites, and loose threads surrounding the insulators 2. Insulator found cracked/broken Remove cobwebs, bird's nests, and threads; clean the insulators, Replace the damaged insulator with new insulator [Conditions of [clamp fixtures Clamps are loose. Bolts and nuts are missing. Replace the missing bolts and nuts, Tighten the clamps; firmly Eleetilty Distribution Project Management and Practices Fixtures are hanging loose ‘and permanently refix the fixtures by providing new clamps and bolts, nuts, and washers "Tree clearance Tree branches are falling or spreading on the overhead lines, bushes and shrubs thickly surrounding the poles at ground level ‘Cul/remove such branches that are pressing the overhead lines. Remove the brushes and shrubs and keep the area near each pole clean inspection of earthing Earth wires loosely hanging at the bottom of pole, earth- wire connection near the bottom of pole has come out, Barth lug found missing Provide permanent connection, Replace missing or broken lugs and make the earth connections near the poles permanent by proper bolts, nuts, and washers [General esting “Megger used (0 (est the overhead lines between phase-to-neutral, phase- to-earth and between neutral-to-earth ‘Check for any leakages and if found, patrol the line; check for faulty or broken insulators and replace them [Condition of| Guard wires loosely ‘String the wire and fix the ground wire | hanging on poles and | cradles permanently guard cradles loosely hanging Logbook Allabove observations, rectifications, measurements, and so on to be recorded in logbook 7.7 Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations upto Notified Voltage In exercise of the powers conferred by section 177 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003), the Central Electricity Authority has issued the regulations for ‘Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply regulations 2010 amended on 2015 and amended on Ist Mar 2018. aintenance a. Government of Maharashtra vide GR dated 19.07.2019 has declared 11 KV as a notified voltage in the state of Maharashtra, b. As per Reg. 43(1) (a), Every electrical installation of notified voltage and below(i.e. up to and below 11 KV) shall be inspected, tested and self-certified by the owner or supplier or consumer, as the case may be, before commencement of supply or re-commencement after shutdown for six months. ¢. Owner or supplier or consumer, as the case may be, shall submit the report of self-certification to the Blectrical Inspector in the formats(Form I (upto 250V), Form Il (above 250V to 650V) &Form I(above 650V)) as framed and issued by the Authority, d. Above notified voltage (IIKV), every installation shall be inspected and tested by Electrical Inspector for the purpose of said regulations. . For the purpose of inspection and testing and self certification under regulation 30 (Periodical Inspection- at least once in five year) and under regulation 43 (Every Electrical Installation-before commencement of Supply and recommencement after shutdown for six months and above) the designated Self-certilying officers of MSEDCL shall be as follows:- Inspection | Self certifying Offices and Testing | Regulation 30 Regulation 43 (or periodical (New connection or reconnection inspection ) after shutdown of 6 months Lr Lines | Section Engineer Section Engineer DTC and | Subdivision [Additional Executive 1KVlines_| Officers (O&M) Engineer (Maintenance) Substation, | Additional Executive [Executive Engineer (Testing) 11KVline | Engineer (Maintenance) ‘The concerned Executive Engineer (O&M) shall check at least 5% of installations of LT Lines and DTCs for which, self certification has been done by concerned self certilying officer. ‘The concerned Superintending Engineer (O&M)shall check at least 5% of 11 KV installations for which, self-certification has been done by concerned self-certifying officer. Fee Mampeeu sad Pees Procedure to be followed For Periodical Inspection at-least once in a five year (Reg. 30) and New Installation or reconnection after shut down for six months and above (Reg. 43) are given below in brief ‘The Designated Self Certifying Officer (DSCO) for LT line, DTC and LIKV. lines, Substation 11kV partis given in table above. 1 ‘The concerned Designated Self Certifying (DSC) officer will visit the site Check the works of existing LT line or DTC and I1KV lines or Substation LIKY part, as authorised, as per MSEDCL’s Standard construction practices and directives. Check Line to line clearance, across and above ground clearance, and clearance from nearby house/building. ‘The safety measure like Earthing, use of stay insulator, guarding etc should be invariably checked, If irregularity/abnormality found in Construction works, get it rectified and accordingly charge the installation. Concemed DSC officer will prepare the report as per Form-I or Il or Ill as the case may be ( Formats enclosed), and send the copies along with the certificate to the Electrical Inspector and MSEDCL higher designated officer. Ifthe Electrical Inspector is not satisfied with the compliance report, shall inspect the electrical installation within a period of one year (for reg-30) from the date of submission of self-certification report and intimate the Concemed the defects, if any, for rectification within fifteen days. The DSC will rectity/clear the discrepancies if any and re-submit the report to the Electrical Inspector. The copies of each report should also be submitted to concerned higher authorities. B) Procedure for Inspection and Testing before commencement of Supply (New Installation) or recommencement after shutdown for six months and above :- ‘The Designated Self Certifying (DSC) Officer for LT line, DTC and 11KV. lines, Substation 11kV part are given in table above. 1 After completion of erection of LT Line (Single phase and Three phase), DTC and 11KV lines, substation 11KV part under any scheme concerned agency/contractor will give intimation in writing to DSC Officer for charging theline. ‘Maintenance Management 2. The concemed DSC officer will visit the site within two days after intimation from the agency. Check the work of newly erected installation as per MSEDCL's Standard construction practices and circulars, 3. Check Line to line clearance, across and above ground clearance, and clearance as per CEA safety Regulations 2010(amended up to date) 4, The safety measure like Earthing, use of stay insulator, guarding ete should be invariably checked, 5. Ifirregularity/abnormality found in Construction works should be conveyed in writing (by email/ register post/ Electronic Media) to concerned agency! contractor on same day of inspection. The same is brought to the notice of concerned higher authorities. 6. Agency should rectify irtegularity/abnormality conveyed to him within 3 days and again submit the compliance. 7. After satisfactory report i.e as per MSEDCL's Standard construction practices, DSCO will charge / commission the installation, 8. DSCO will prepare the report as per Form-I or Il or lll as the case may be and send the copies along with the certificate to the Electrical Inspector and MSEDCL concetned officers. 9. If the Electrical Inspector is not satisfied with the compliance report, shall inspect the electrical installation within a period of ninety days (for reg-43) from the date of submission of self-certification report and intimate the DSCO the defects, if any, for rectification within fifteen days. 10. The DSCO will get rectify / clear the discrepancies if any and re-submit the report to the Electrical Inspector. 11. The copies of each report should also be submitted to the of concerned higher authorities. 7.8 MSEDCL-Empanelment of Vendors and Guidelines :~ (Ref No: CE(DisDIW/I1102 Date 26.04.2019) Guidelines for execution of R&M works and utilization funds thereof: Preamble : MSEDCL has developed a vast electrical distribution infrastructure over a period of time. Some of these infrastructure components / equipment have become old and deteriorated due to age resulting into breakdowns causing power interruptions. The pro-active steps are necessary to prevent these breakdowns. A planned routine preventive maintenance of equipment not only avoids their failure but also increase efficiency and life of the equipment. Empanelment of Contractors for R&M works : In order to carry out the preventive maintenance work regularly and in planned manner, corporate office has decided to empanel contractors advance for each activity separately. The Salient Features of Empanelment of Contractors are as under: a, Empanelment of the contractors is being done activity wise viz. substation / switching stations, DTCS, HT line, LT Line, ete b. The empanelment of contractors wil be for 3 years which can be extended to 5 years in case of good contractors. c. For each subdivision or division and for each activity, 3-5 contractors be empanelled. d, The standard bidding documents is being used for tendering. R&M Budget Allocation: Accordingly, the R&M budget has been allocated for following six major activities, circle wise 4. Distribution substations / switching stations b, Distribution Transformer Transformer oil HT lines ul Civil works lines meas The budget allocation has been done activity wise. Diversion of budgeted funds from one activity to other shall not be allowed. While Allocation of R&M Budget, following particulars are considered i. No, of substations / switching stations in the Division/Circle. ii, No. of DTCS, DTCS failure rate in 2017-18. 18-19, oil consumption in 17- 3.3.18, 18-19 ii, Length of HT/LT lines. iv. Demand and ABR of that area vy. R&M expenditure incurred in previous year. ‘Maintenance Management Priorities of works: Considering the quantum of works and required manpower and funds, preventive maintenance is required to be done on priority basis and in phases. Accordingly, the priority of works shall be done based on- a) » ©) % e) Age of equipment Number of consumers who will be affected if that equipment fails, Electrical load on the equipment. Number. of breakdowns occurred on the equipment and financial loss caused to MSEDCL drawn from AMR/MRI data only. In addition to this the availability of spares and time taken for repairing, replacement of the equipment shall be also considered. Accordingly, action as mentioned below shall be taken: Distribution Substations / Switching Stations : Yearly regular maintenance of Substation and associated equipment is recommended. However, individual location may require more frequent maintenance due to atmospheric condition or operational nature of the equipment Standard tender documents prepared for preventive maintenance of Substations comprises of three parts, viz part A, B and C. » 2 Part A, (general physical checking of all equipment of substations) which is mandatory for all Substations, involves health checkup ic. general physical checking of all equipment of substations including their operation, It involves cleaning of all insulators and bushings, tightening of all connections, Greasing and alignment ofall moving parts, checking of earthing, various displays, etc. After completion of this activity for which lump sum charges will be paid. Part B of this Tender - Involves repairing ot replacement of those component or equipment which are found defective or bypassed during part ‘A’ activity. Generally, the major components/equipment shall be supplied by MSEDCL and balance by the contractors. However, any component! equipment, urgently required and if not available with MSEDCL, the same can be supplied by the contractor. The charges for the same shall be paid as per cost data rate or as per OEMs latest price list, if rate of the component is not available in cost data. Frovet Managemen ad Practices 3) Part C involves replacement of major components like Power Transformer, Circuit Breaker, control panel, entire steel structure, ete, A proper indent and planning for the same shall be prepared by the concerned EE and submitted to HO through the Chief Engineer for making necessary arrangement of equipment and funds which will be provided, if available, under CAPEX. As already mentioned, all substations, at least for part A, will be covered under the tender. However, while executing the preventive maintenance works, priority to following substations will be given in descending order: b, h. Old substations/switching stations in MIDC and metro areas. Old substations (beyond guarantee period)/switching stations in other Urban areas having capacity 10 MVA and more. Old substations/switching stations in Rural areas having capacity of 10 MVA and more. Old substations/switching stations in Urban areas having capacity less than 10 MVA. ld substations/switching stations in Rural areas having capacity less than or equal to 5 MVA.) New substations in MIDC/metro area within guarantec period having capacity LOMVA or more, except GIS substations, having loading mote than 60%. ‘New substations in other urban area within guarantee period, having capacity 1OMVA or more (except GIS substations) and loading more than 60% New substations in other areas within guarantee period having capacity 10MVA or more and loading more than 60%. All balance Substations. Distribution Transfarmer Centre (DTC) SBD for preventive maintenance of DTC Tenders comprises of 3 parts viz, A,BandC. a) Work under part A, general physical checking of all components of DTC and their operation is mandatory and will be paid on lump-sum basis. b) Work under part B- d Works like repairing and replacement of minor items / equipment like bushings, insulators, AB switch contact, cable terminations, cable, jumper, Lightening Arrestors, connector, earthling etc. shall be taken. The materials ‘Maintenance Management will be either provided by MSEDCL or supplied by the contractor if not available with MSEDCL. ©) Work under part C - Comprise of works of replacement of major equipment like Distribution Transformer, AB Switch, RMU, Distribution Transformer structure ete. Considering large number, of DTCS, and limited funds available for R&M works, R&M of DTCS shall be done in 3 phases. In first phase 1 tyear, 1/3rd of DICS shall be considered. The selection criteria for priority of these DTCs in first phase shall be as under a. The old DTCs (Beyond GP) in MIDC and Urban areas in descending order of capacity which are loaded more than 70% of their capacity. b. The DTCs in Urban areas located in crowded places like markets, malls, sensitive areas, Govt. offices etc. Old DTCs in high rise buildings. Old DTCs in Rural areas loaded more than 70% of the capacity. New DTCs, within GP in Urban areas which are located in important places like Railway stations, Market, crowded places and which are loaded to eas more than 70% of the capacity. 3. HT/LT lines : SBD for empanelment of contractors for preventive maintenance of HT/ LT lines has been already prepared and tenders have been floated from Head Office. These tenders shall also be finalized and orders of empanelment of contractors shall be given at Division level. The tenders comprise of three parts viz. A, B and C, Reference DI. Raj 2) Paul Gill, “Electrical power requirement maitenance and Testing. .P. Ajay, S. Rajasekhar, “Practice in Pressure Management in India” 3) CEA measures relating to saftey and electric supply Regulation, 2010 and amendments. 4) Various circulars issued by MSEDCL,

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