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pie Viewpoint About the Consolidation guide & Full guide PDF US Consolidation guide [APOF version a his publcation is atached here: Consolidation guide POF 4.04) PwC is pleased :o offer our Consolidation guide. This guide begin with a summary ofthe overall consalidtin ramework. The ‘ensuing chapters ciscuss the varacle intrest ent andthe voting intrest ety models. In ado, tis quis cscusses the ‘sccountng for intercompany transactions in consolation ad other related matters. ‘This guide summaries te appleable accountng Herat, inchidrg relevant elorences to al excarpis from the FASE'S [Accounting Standards Godifeation the Coafcation. It also provides our insights and perspectives, interpretative anc application guidance, usvatve examples, and discussion on emerging racic issues. This guide shoula be used n combination witha tmorough analyse of he relevant facts and excumstanese, review of he authortative accounting Iteature, and appropriate professional ard technical advice. Feferences to US GAAP Definitions, fll paragraphs, and excerpts from the Francil Accountng Standards Boar's Accounting Standards Coafication ‘re clearly designated, ether within quotes inthe regular text or enclod within a shaded box. In some Instances, guidance wes {tea with minor editor medeaion to Now in the context of the PwC Guide. The remaining lexis PwC's erga content. Feferonces to other Pw guidance “This guide provides general and spect references to chapters in other PC ques to assist user in fdng other eevan «formation. References to cher guides ar incited by the applicable guide abbcevat.on flowed by the specific section ‘umber. The other PwC guides veered ton this guide, including ther abbrevitions ae + Bankripeies and liquidations (@LG) + Business combinations and noncontroing interests (8G) + Derwatve instruments and hedging acts (DH) + Equity method investments and joint vertras (EM) + Fair value measurements (FY) + Financia statement presentation (SP) + Financing transactions (FG) + income taxes (71) + Not-forproft ents (NP) + Stook-based compensation (80) + Transfers and soning of thancal asets (TS) + Unites and power companies (UP) ‘Summary of signicant changes Following summary ofthe noteworthy revisions to the guide sine twas last updated. Addonel updtos may be ms seep pace wth significant developments, Fevisions made in September 2023 (06 1, Background on the consolidation framework (© section 1.1.8 was updated to reflec the guidance in ASU 2029-05, Business Combinations —Joint Venture Formations, con the accounting ay ait venti erty for contbutons received upon formation. 00 4, Determining whether an entity ls 2 VIE (© Section 4:3 was update to reflect the guidance in ASU 2028-0 on accounting by ajo venture entity fr cantibutons received upon formation, 66 8, ntercompany transactions, proportionate consolidation, and other matters (© Section 8:3 was updated to elect the issuance of ASU 2023-05, which is tfectve for ot venture entities formed on or ater January 1, 2025. Revisions made in January 2023 (0G 5, Identitying the primary beneficiary of a VIE (© Figure 0G 5-1 was added to C6 5.1 to provide a goneral overviw of the primary Beneticiary analy rom the reporting enttys perspective fexclucng elated party considerations), © wine upcated t ince an examle of when a variable interest holder may lnk stated power while hong an economic intrest ina VE that exposes the variable interest noler to greater than a marty of the V's benefts and losses, and now that may Impact he primary Beneficiary analy. (© Figwe CG 5-2 was addod 9 C6 5.7 to provide a goneral overviow of the primary bensticiary analy including related patios. © 6 5.64 was asded to ciscuss th primary beneficiary analysis whan tor aro multiple decision makers in a roatec party group, Copyrights ‘This pubteation has been prepared for general informational purposes, and does not constute professional advice on facts and Ccroumstances spect to ary person or eniy. You shoul! not act pon be information contined in this publeation without ‘blaring specie professional avi, No representation or waranty express or imple) f gen ast the accuracy or Completeness ofthe information cortainedin ths publeaton. The information cortard in this publication was nt iterded or itn to be used, ard cannot be used, fx purposes of avoaing penalties or sanctions imposed by ary government ar other regulatory body. PrcewaterhouseCoopers LLP, is members, employees, and agents shal no be responsible for any loss ‘Sustained By ary person or entity that rbes onthe information cortained in his pubieaton, Certain aspects of ths publication ‘may be superseded as new guidance or interpretations emerge. Financial statement proparers ard atharusors of ths putiication {a thatetore cautoned to stay abreast of ana carefuly evaliste sunsequect atroitatve and interpretative guidance, ‘The FASB Accounting Standards Coacatin’® materials copyrighted by the Financial Accounting Foundation, 401 Mert 7, Norwalk, CT 06856, and is reproduced with permission. Allights reserved, PwC refers othe US member frm or one ofits subscales o flats, ard may sometimes reter1o the network. Each member fm sa separate legal entiy. Please see worn for further details. Tha contents for ‘general infrmation purposes only, and shoud not bese as a substi for consutation wth profesional aisors

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