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Scenario 1:

A teacher and a student. The student is trying to convince the teacher that video games are actually
good for a person’s mental health as it improves attention and reaction. The teacher claims that it is a
waste of time and that you need to stop wasting so much time doing it.

Scenario 2:

A son/daughter and a parent. Although the boy/girl is smart, and their parent foresees a great future for
them in medical school, law school, or engineering school, you think you are more interested in arts like
singing, music, drawing, etc.

Scenario 3:

A son/daughter and a parent. As you see the world advancing, you are more convinced everyday that
having a college degree isn’t worth your time nor effort. You believe that you should drop out of school
and start a life where you can be a business man. Your parent l, on the other hand, thinks that a
university degree is very important and that you need to have one for a good place in society.

Scenario 4:

A police man and a kind citizen. You both saw an old woman shoplifting (stealing) in a supermarket.
When the lady was caught, she claimed that she stole the goods because she was hungry. You think that
the Policeman should cut her some slack and let her go. The Policeman wants to apply the law and take
her to prison.

Scenario 5:

Two siblings. A relative of yours has been in a coma for a very long time. Doctors have recently
discovered that although the patient is brain-dead, they are experiencing pain. You are faced with a
choice whether to kill the patient and end their agony, or keep them alive until, hopefully, get better
one day.

Scenario 6:

A boss and an employee. Your boss is claiming that everybody should wear a uniform to work as it
shows discipline and order. You think that this is a confinement of your freedom which will probably
affect your productivity.

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