Lighting Pole Catalogue

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AQ POLE CATALOGUE 2020 STREET LIGHTING POLE Application Street lighting column with short spigot arm has a wide suitable appications ranging from main roads, residential subsidiary area, commercial developments, parking area, pathway and many others, _ single Double” ‘Short Arm Short Arm Pro Peat Spigat Size "Avalabie 03, 042, 0f8, 000 150) sot 30} 10 Jam Nut 30 3 z femal g ie ‘Lock Nut 8 8 Lock Nut g iS ieee ‘Washer Zz z Leveling nut erent < 3 < 3 4 J £ < 8 8 FLANGE PLATE 8 iS THK eters & leg s v : s 2s Ghia 08 Hole ory ant seam Service Door Service Door Double Be ment | Dou iforcement Putte Sao pretbetSoew ree Earthing Lug GROUND LEVEL leROUNDLEVEL uu 2 Section Column 3 Section Column pean Peay ie Sr CE 5 350mm | somm | 150mm | 250x8mm | 195%20%44mm | 916x260(1)mm 305mm 350mm | som | 150mm | 250x9mm | 195%20%-44mm_| 016% 280(.)mm 205mm ‘somm | somm | 150mm | 250.x8mm | 196%20%4amm | 616x280.) mm ‘305mm -450mm_| 100mm | 200mm | 300% 12mm | 220%26.%63mm_| 920x450.) mm 205mm 460mm | ‘00mm | 200mm | 300% 12mm | 220%26x63mm | 620xA4S0(.) mm 306mm ‘0mm |_s2omm | 200mm | 300% 12mm | 220%26x63mm | 620x4S0(L)mm 205mm 450mm_| 120mm |_s00mm | 300% 15mm | 220%26%53mm | 620xA50(.)mm 610/1900rm 450mm | 120mm | 300mm | 360% 16mm | 260%30x62mm | 24 x57O(L)mm | 670/18002000mn 450mm | 120mm | 200mm | 400% 1@mm | 300%30x67mm | 924 xS7O(L)mm | 610/180072000nm Application ‘Street lighting column with short spigot arm has a wide suitable applications ranging from main roads, residential subsidiary area, ‘commercial developments, parking area, pathway and many others. Single Double Short Arm Short Arm AI Pas Brenan Scan Spigot Size ‘Avaliable Spigot Size ‘Avaliable Pel lf. SERVICE DOOR DETAIL & A ‘TAPERED OCTAGONAL SECTION A ‘TAPERED OCTAGONAL SECTION Tea eis 26mm Boor al Reinforcement Earthing Lug OSs tet Some I eset zen iT ia 4 {GROUND LEVEL 4 }GROUND LEVEL q seer” Tg se ea : eset sn “| Bea ap [aon 50H OM: 1504 PLANTED Lareietid PLANTED * 2 Section Column 3 Section Column Sores Oe ee ee ca) Cogs K a 360mm | 90mm | 150mm | 300%2.5mm 305mm oem 360mm | 90mm | 160mm | 300%2.5mm 305mm oem 350mm | 90mm | 150mm | 300%2.5mm 305mm oem 450mm | 100mm | 300mm | 300x25mm | 305mm 12M 480mm | toomm | 300mm | 300%2.5mm 305mm 12M 460mm | 120mm | 300mm | 300x26mm | ‘308mm 13M 4somm_—| 120mm | 300mm | 300%2.5mm 10/1800 14M 450mm | 120mm | 300mm | 300%2.5mm .610/1800/2000mm 15M 450mm | 120mm | 300mm | 300%2.5mm .610/1800/2000mm 17M STREET LIGHTING POLE Application Street lighting column with curve or racial arm has a wide suitable appications ranging from main roads, residential subsidiary area, commercial developments, parking area, pathway and many others, Tapered Octagonal Arm Bracket Projection Available “5M, 20M, 25M, 30M Lanter Ent Spigot Size Available “Tapered Octagonal Arm oe ae eee Bracket Projection Available “15M, 2.0M, 25M, 30M Eieety Lock Nut Zz 6 Washer 5 Leveling nut RM teveting nt <| z 8 rer = (oka Eee 2 2 eg = Ted Se avi sith 6m oor Rennforcoment ih] ll Service Door Earthing Lug IY antithett Screw GROUND LEVEL ey eos ren CG CMs rr 450mm | 100mm | 300mm | 300x 12mm | 220%26%53mm | 020 x 450(L) mm 306mm asomm_| 100mm | 300mm | 300x 12mm | 220% 26x53mm | 620 x 450(L) mm ‘306mm ‘450mm | 120mm | 300mm | 300x 12mm | 220% 26xS53mm | 620 x 60KL) mm 306mm 480mm | 120mm | 300mm | 300% 1mm | 220%26%S3mm | 620.xA50\L) mm ‘670/1800mm ‘450mm | 120mm | 300mm | 360x 16mm | 260x30x62mm | 024 x57O(L) mm '610/1800/2000mm ‘4somm | 120mm | 300mm | 400x 1émm | 300x30x67mm | 624 x57OKL) mm {610/1800/2000mm STREET LIGHTING POLE MJ Application Street lighting column with curve or racial arm has a wide suitable appications ranging from main roads, residential subsidiary area, commercial developments, parking area, pathway and many others, Tapered Octagonal Arm Bracket Projection Available 15M, 20M, 25M, 30M Double Long Arm 25 Lantern Ent Spigot Size Available Tapered Octagonal Arm 983, 042, 048, 260 Braet Proccton Avaicbie 15M, 20M, 25M, 30M - 5 ea — z & [ < 4 3 8 é 3 Tn pal 450m oar Reinforcement a 1 ll Earthing Lug Service Door Ih Antethett Screw K\ £ GROUND LEVEL, al S RZ a HL cable Entry Slot u ‘SOW x 150H (3M - 5M) GOW x 150H (M- 12M) puanteo {Ill fee Peeserns ANTLSINKING PLATE] GRD. LVL. to SRVC. Braco rN CG COs cs i ‘60mm ‘oomm — | 300mm | 300%2.6mm 05mm 12M 460mm oom | 300mm | _300%2.6mm 305mm 12M “450mm ‘aomm | 300mm | 300%2.6mm 306mm 13M 60mm ‘aomm | 300mm | _300%2.6mm ‘10/1800mm aM “450mm ‘20mm | 300mm | 300%2.6mm '510/1800/2000mm 115M “450mm ‘0mm | 300mm | 300%2.5mm '610/1800/2000mm 7M PCW Agena Application Flood lighting column coupled with suitable Head-Frame bracket provide soluon to area lighting. Application ranges from warehouse compound lighting to recreational. sport lighting Head-Frame brackets are customized to suit diferent purpose = : : bs io} & 5 g g 8 8 z < 3 < 3 g g é § 8 8 3 g 5 5 = z — poe peroane oe Crane pe tee Sees cue fie CMs i ele} Mle) ya te) e 3 HF-2 HF ea HF 4 SSS pooe is2ce fee vi 018 oUNTG Hove ‘TO SUIT MOST OF ee ‘Leostiont a0 cic Ie—ahso Sie 1 ob MOUNTING HOLE seal uaee oe rLoodtiont rng ene) Lock Nut Washer ‘Washer Leveling nut Leveling nut esa (ants ert 20 Hole aes DETAIL gemn Double 00%, out Reinforcement] Hinged Earthing Lug an Pee Eres rr 5 196% 20 x4mm | 016x280(L) mm asomm | somm | 150mm | _250xomm | 195x20x44mm | 16 x 280(L) mm 205mm asomm | som | 150mm | 250xemm | 195x20x44mm | 616 x 280(L) mm ‘305mm 480mm | 100mm | 300mm | 900% 12mm | 220x26x5%mm | 620 x 450(L) mm ‘305mm 460mm | 100mm | 300mm | 300% 12mm | 220x26x53mm | 620 x 450(L) mm ‘305mm 480mm | 120mm | 300mm | 300% 2mm | 220x26x53mm | 620 x460(L) mm | ‘305mm 450mm | 120mm | 300mm | 300% 15mm | 220%26x 53mm | 620x-450(L) mm | 610/1800mm 450mm _| 120mm | 300mm | 350% 16mm | 260%20x6amm | 924 x570(L)mm | _610/1800/2000mm ‘450mm | 120mm | 300mm | 400% 18mm | 300x30x67mm | 24x 570(L)mm | 610/1800/2000mm ETE Application Flood lighting column coupled with suitable Head-Frame bracket provide soluon to area lighting. Application ranges from warehouse compound lighting to recreational. sport lighting Head-Frame brackets are customized to suit diferent purpose HEA TAPERED OCTAGONAL SECTION a TAPERED OCTAGONAL SECTION PLANTED. Senes Doe. ZS 2 a S 2 4 Sai May | FLOODLIGHT POLE MJ HE 4 — MOUNTING HOLE FosuT MOSS OF oot ee 18 ae CIE fs MOUNTING HOLE. TOSUIT MOST OF FLOODLIGHT Tar aay ae. Peet vic Pet a 0 aa Hole Petey —— Rehroreement ee Bu Earthing Lug ANTESINKING PLATE | GRD. LVL. to ORs 360mm ‘90mm | 180mm 300 x 2 Sem 305mm osm 380mm 0mm | 180mm 300 x 26mm 305mm [ oan 350mm 0mm | 150mm 300 x 25mm 305mm oan 450mm | 100mm | 300mm 300 x 25mm 305mm 12M 480mm | 100mm | 300mm 300 x 2.6mm 305mm 12M 450mm — | 120mm | 200mm 300 x2 Sem 305mm 1M 450mm [120mm | 300mm 300 x 25mm ‘10/1800mm 14M 450mm | 120mm | 300mm 300 x 25mm 610/1800'2000mm 15M 450mm — | 120mm | 300mm 300 x 25mm 610/1800/2000mm 1mm SRC) COMPOUND LIGHTING POLE Application Compound lighting pole or post-op column is suitable for Varieties of secondary lighting like pedestrian walkway, car park, Fecreational compound and many others. The pole sults all types of posttop mounted fiting including customized decorative lantern. Options for polyester coating for improved aesthetic eae eg + sco « Service Door — Ante Serev « GROUND LEVEL KE RX cee pee ET Ted Leveling nut esa (ants G rng ene) Lock Nut ‘Washer Leveling nut ert 20 Hole aes DETAIL 195% 20% 44mm | @16x280(L) mm asamm | omm | 150mm | 250xsmm | 195%20%44mm | 616 x 260(L) mm ‘305mm 360mm | oom | 160mm | 250x9mm | 195%20x44mm | 616 x 280(L) mm ‘305mm 350mm | 9mm | 150mm | _250x9mm | 195%20xadmm | 616 x 260(L) mm 305mm ‘360mm | 9mm | 150mm | —_250%x9mm | 195%20x4dmen | et6x 280(L) mm ‘305mm COMPOUND LIGHTING POLE MZ] Application Compound lighting pole or post-op column is suitable for Varieties of secondary lighting like pedestrian walkway, car park, Fecreational compound and many others. The pole sults all types e078 of posttop mounted fiting including customized decorative = 8amm lantern. Options for polyester coating for improved aesthetic appearance. Ga tha aa atin 1£ ee < Tar. Eran 25 eet pant oe Boor Service Boor LAP Recent || beeen ( all Earthing Lug « GROUND LEVEL a} SSS||| 822 5 }- cable Enty Slot fl ‘SOW 150H Base Plate PLANTED. ¢ oh Hook Bot me nics ‘350mm ‘0mm 160mm 300 x 2.5mm ‘305mm oem ‘360mm ‘0mm {60mm 200 x 2 Smnm ‘205mm ow ‘360mm ‘0mm +60mm 300 x 2 Sm ‘305mm oem 360mm ‘0mm 40mm 300 x 26mm 305mm oem ‘360mm ‘0mm 460mm 300 x 26mm ‘305mm oom CLIMBING- RUNG POLE Application This design is perfect for restcted and remote areas not accessible by fitting equipment. Examples are military camp, golfing area, tennis ‘HF -4 ‘court, jungle track and other. itis also economically viable in keeping es ‘maintenance cost low. sami rowowr iboats 200 CG feats gic iB ee Detachabio « eee geass] O18. MOUNTING HOLE TOs Meee dota rng ene) ‘TAPERED OCTAGONAL SECTION ‘TAPERED OCTAGONAL SECTION s Lock Nut : ‘Washer ‘Washer / Leveling nut Leveling nut aaa ert 20 Hole aes DETAIL SKE LR 2 Section Column 3 Section Column ere CMe J 360mm [0mm | 150mm | 250x8mm | 185x20x44mm | 916% 280(L)mm | 305mm 360mm | 0mm | 1s0mm | 250xemm | 125%20x44mm | 616 x 280(L) mm 305mm 360mm | 90mm | 160mm | 250xemm | 1¢5%20x44mm | 616 x 280(L) mm 306mm ‘450mm | 100mm | 300mm | 20x 12mm | 220%26x53mm | «20x 450(L) mm ‘205mm ‘450mm | 100mm | 300mm | 300x 12mm | 220%26%53mm | 20 x-450(L) mm 305mm 450mm | 120mm | 300mm | 300x 12mm | 220%26x53mm | 920 x-450(L) mm 305mm asomm | 120mm | comm | 300x 18mm | 220%26xs3mm | 620 x 450(L) mm ‘10/1800mm ‘450mm | 120mm | 300mm | 350x 16mm | 260%20x62mm | 824x570(L)mm | 610/%800-2000mm somm | 120mm | comm | 400x 18mm | 300%30x67mm | 624 x570(L) mm ‘st0rt8o0/2000mm enc) Application This design is perfect for restricted and remote areas not accessible by fiting equipment, Exemples are miltary camp, going are, tennis CLIMBING- RUNG POLE ‘court, jungle track and other. Itis also economically viable in keeping HF-4 maintenance cost. ia HF -1 oo Dtachase womerna yous ee L spuarmiauees ‘cong ers veuoar 4 00g 199 z z fees 8 5 13 8 4 wii weommagao Z Z ‘TO SUIT MOST OF Hi I res dye 4 8 R ae Wook 044 < i & i 4 6 z z L L 4 4 g 4 Ht es L |, osctaie ents SERVICE DOOR L od ei Eon 98 Hole seen Dow pone aan 4 & egquouve & i 2 gS 5 -Cable Entry Slot }t- Cable Entry Stot y ‘SOW x 150H (3M-5M) SOW x 150H (3M- 5M) Sone 1 ev tat ek) PLANTED PuaNTeD 2 Seton Gsm 3 Secon Conn far rN NKING PL Cos 360mm 6mm | 180mm 300.x2.5mm 306mm oeM 350mm | 90mm 180mm 300.x2.5mm 308mm 10M 350mm ‘0mm 180mm 300 x2.5mm 308mm 10M 460mm | 100mm | 300mm 300 2.6mm 308mm 13M 450mm) 100mm | 300mm 300.x2.5mm 308mm 14M 450mm) 120mm | 306mm 300x2.6mm 306mm 15M 450mm) 120mm_| 300mm 300.x2.6mm ‘610/1800mm 16M 450mm_| 120mm | 300mm 300x2.5mm .610/1800/2000mn 16M 450mm) 120mm —| 300mm 300% 2.5mm ‘610/180072000mm 17M TO aa ET MID-HINGED COLLAPSIBLE POLE Application This type of pole is perfect for restricted areas lke army camp, prison, offshore wharf, port and others. The applications also ‘extended to recreatonal spot actly cour ike tennis and basketbal. ft thas made possible maintenance without iting machineries. + HF-2 HF-3 HF A4 —— poor. Eee ieee lene 318 ourmne Hove TO SUIT MOST OF ee Flood Lighting tl Mid-Hinged oS 180 CIC Cotapbe setsip ase (SeaSaw) tr = snes oe #18) nouns Hous TOBUTMDST OF ‘loooLicr < ene) Washer Leveling nut Levelling nut Brrr anit Pn & 5 3 8 z 5 8 a t Peet Peet i GROUND LEVEL Jémm Renloccement Earthing Lug FLANGE PLATE Cotas rr 360mm | gomm | 150mm | 250xemm | 195x20%44mm | 616 x 280(L) mm 305mm 350mm | 90mm | 150mm | 250xSmm | 195%20x44mm | 016 x 280(L) mm 305mm ‘360mm | 90mm | 160mm | 260x9mm | 195x20%44mm | 916% 280(L) mm ‘305mm 450mm | 100mm | 300mm | 300% 12mm | 22026 53mm | 920% 450(L) mm 305mm 450mm | 100mm | 300mm | 300x 12mm | 220%26x 53mm | 020% 450(L) mm 306mm 480mm | 120mm | 300mm | 300% 16mm | 220%26x Samm | 620% 450(L) mm 306mm 450mm | 120mm | 300mm | 200% 16mm | 220%26% 3mm | 620% A50(L) mm 610/1800rm| 450mm | 140mm | 300mm | 360x 16mm | 260x30%62mm | 024 x570(L) mm ‘610/1800/2000mm 450mm | 140mm | 300mm | 400% 18mm | 300x30x67mm | 024x57O(L) mm 610/180012000mm Enea CAMERA POLE MJ Specification Octagonal continuously tapered pole for height below 15 meter. Polygonal continuously tapered pole for height above 15 meter. Flexible mounting bracket to suit the camera positons, Height from 3 meter to 25 meter Application: Speed dome, fted camera and zoom camera, Smeter- 25meter. ro I) a TU anism seow GROUND LEVEL WRK KR Flange Mounted Type meter -25meter (GROUND LEVEL SEG) Hable Entry Siot PLANTED. Planted Type TRAFFIC LIGHT POLE Application Overhead Traffic Light Mast Traffic light pole in various designs providing stable support to trafic management system, It can also incorporate double application as Trafic and Lighting 3500 / 8500 Pole. pa 3 g Lock nut 7 Samet ‘iS ae A talent 3 ion 2 é ios 0m 3 engaeaitae e & on uset Gist ever ROUND LEVEL ratte Ugh mast onovaie 25mm 25mm ea aE Remosbl Removable Senn Do a Se one Sm | a tte Sco A-t40m 0-4 STE ‘Octagonal Parallel Planted Typo ROUND LEVEL SE WM Octagonal Parallel Planted Type Err rs MM THK Tubular Flange Type Pann) Eke Lock Nut Washer Leveling nut 16 Du ese JULTIPURPOSE POLE MEY Application Main road, smal oad, parking area, garden ight Diameter Thickness. Diameter Material 1 Mild Stoo! H.0.6 GROUND LEVEL, Kg Br Serre cree (ints DETAIL c Lock Nut Lock Nut Washer ‘Washer Leveling nut Leveling nut ‘| fee ae Stainless stee! Locking Bolt HEIGHT : 5 eer prea DIAMETER eae rN or a ’ a 360mm | 100mm | 250x8mm | 196mm | 616 x 280(L) mm | et65mm | 140mm | e114mmn 305mm ‘350mm | 100mm | 250% 10mm | 196mm | 616 x 280(L) mm | 6t65mm | 140mm | ott4mmn| 305mm 450mm | 120mm | 300% 15mm | 220mm | 620% 450(L)mm| et65mm | et4omm | ottémm {610/1780mm “450mm | 120mm | 300%20mm | 220mm | 920% 450(L) mm | ©220nm | 8186mm | 128mm {10/1780mm 450mm | 120mm | 360x20mm | 260mm | 024 x870(L)mm | €226mm | 6t86mm | 124mm {610/1780mm 450mm | 120mm | 445% 26mm | 300mm | 924 xS7OL)mm| 6220nm | 8TsEmm | 124mm ‘610/1780mm BEM Roun Try COMPOUND LIGHT POLE Application Pedestrian walkway, car park, garden light, area light and other. Housing Material Extrusion aluminum AA 8063-75 Finishing Durable outdoor powder coated, WW oe 2 “ i g 8 z= < z & 3 = 3 Lock Nut . Lock Nut toveting rt Wachet Leveling nut rn Service Doors rar Sy ats DETAIL K GROUND LEVEL SE RR, Src ecm E Ero aS ‘ reETey 100mm| 150mm | 275xemm_| 198mm | o16 x 280(L) mm 0mm (960176 x 69mm] 6127mm 00mm | 150mm | 275xemm | 195mm | e16 x 280(L) me 90mm (960/76 x mmm | 6127mm 100mm | 150mm | 275% tom | 196mm | @16 x 260(L) mm 00mm (960776 x 89mm | 127mm 00mm) 150mm | 300% tomm | 220mm | 620 x 280(L) mm 00mm (960176 x aomm| 6127mm COMPOUND LIGHT POLE MJ Tn Application Pedestrian walkway, car park, garden light, area light and other. Housing Material Extrusion aluminum AA 6063-15. Finishing Durable outdoor powder coated. uy + Flaw 2 i g 8 z= < z & 3 = 5 Lock Nut . Lock Nut toveting rt Wachet Leveling nut rn Service Door ~4= rar Sy ats DETAIL K 68mm GROUND LEVEL lJ SE RR, ee lea Peer) Pees ee Cee Te eat Beer Cah a 4 rs eee red “100mm | 150mm | 275 x mm | 196mm | o16 x 280(L) mm 600mm (060/76 x 88mm) 127 x 127mm) ‘100mm | 150mm | 275 xmm | 196mm | 616 x 280(L) mm 00mm (960076 x 89mm) 127 x 127mm) ‘100mm | 150mm | 275 x 10mm 196mm | 616 x 280(L) mm 600mm (260/76 x 89mm) 127 x 127mm) ‘100mm | 150mm | 300 x 10mm | 20mm | 420 x 280(L) mm 00mm (260076 x 88mm) 127 x 127mm) 7 COMPOUND LIGHT POLE Pome Ur Application Pedestrian walkway, car park, garden light, area light and other. Housing Material Exton aluminum AA 603-15 Finishing Durable outdoor powder coated. uy + fime o i A ‘MM MATERIAL THICKNESS ‘Washer Leveling nut Leveling nut Service Door -4! Pa Sey (F) THK DETAIL GROUND LEVEL, Front View Right View cee 7 Peete ate Per Bers rN Cts fora (016 x 280(L) men 00mm ‘960/76 x 9mm | 90 x 150mm 104mm | 300x8mm | 220mm | 616 x280(L) mm 0mm (960/76 x 89mm | G0 x 160mm 104mm | 300 10mm | 220mm | 616 x280(L) mm 00mm ‘960176 x 9mm | $0 x 150mm ‘04mm | 300 10mm | 220mm | 620 x280(L) mm 00mm ‘960/76 x 89mm | 90 x 150mm (Heorcrn DECO INDUSTRIAL SDN BHD 1116088-U Teaco eR PRC mccain Cee ecru Emons aee Tel: (603) 8964 1888, 8964 1878, 8964 1899 Fax: (603) 8964 1868 Dad four) OVERSEA LIGHTING & ELECTRIC (M) SDN BHD 272782 Rese PR Cree unc tae pews ecu Peon eure cra nae uae Tel: (603) 8964 1888, 8964 1878, 8964 1899 Fax: (603) 8964 1868 are Ocarina Reedy © Copyright Oversea Deco Industrial Sdn Bhd All Rights Reserved 2020

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