Islamic Socialism

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One of the biggest misunderstandings created by American stooge Zia ul Huq

and half-baked academics was that Pakistan was created for feudal lords, neo
capitalists and clergy. Islamic Modernists around the Muslim World saw
capitalism, or class-based society, as part of imperial rule imposed on them by
then ruling western crusaders and Islamic Socialism as a liberation from them
and their system.

This spiritual version of socialism was later known as Ba'ath socialism when
elements of Arab nationalism also became part of the doctrine in Middle
Eastern states. Islamic socialists didn't believe in literal interpretation of the
religion and thought that the soul of Islamic principles was mixture of equality,
justice and fair distribution of wealth.

Their doctrine believed in keeping these principles alive in their economic

policies to defeat every aspect of colonialism while keeping Islam, as an
organized religion, away from the matters of the state. They thought Islam as a
whole was at its best when practiced in private. These people were strictly
opposed by the clerics. Before these events took place in Middle East in 1950s,
Indian Secular Muslims were experimenting with their own version of socialism
in early 1910s, an alternative to Christian Capitalism or Calvinism and Soviet
Stalinism or Political Atheism.

One of the Islamic scholars and theoreticians of Islamic Socialism, Ghulam

Ahmed Parvez was a Quranist who believed that all ahadees were fabricated by
rulers of medieval era. He stated that Mullahs and Theocratic model were used
by corrupt rulers as propaganda machines to justify their policies. This was way
of silencing the opposition or common man since no one would question
“religion” as defined by “the holy men”.

He claimed that these regressive forces ‘hijacked Islam’ and were result of
feudalism and monarchies, and such systems survived and thrived because of
illiteracy and stone age traditions in society promoted by Sharia based on
fabricated ahadees. He wanted Muslim State or government based on principles
of logic and reason. He thought such states and enlightened societies would
defeat regressive ideologies.
Pervez was introduced to Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who just like, Pervez was
facing a lot of heat and fatwas from alt right groups for promoting the idea of a
modern, inclusive and democratic Muslim State but which would have social
welfare programs and better distribution of wealth than the western states that
used Calvinism/Capitalism as a base for their economic system. This was the
reason why earlier, Jinnah was also the member of Fabian Society in England,
when he was temporarily not involved in Indian Politics, in early 1930s.

The job of Fabian Society was to replace Capitalism with pure Socialism in
western states. Later he started considering implementation of spiritual form of
socialism for Pakistan after seeing the horrors of Political Atheism under
Stalin’s rule and Economic Crash caused by interest based neo Capitalism. This
crash is part of a long-term debt cycle which usually repeats itself after every 70
to 100 years. Recently it happened in 2008. The crash of late 1920s left a lot of
people jobless under democratic and inclusive governments, which gave rise to
H!tler and N@zis in 1930s who acted like their saviors. Their rise then led to
the totalitarian rule, World War 2 and even more chaos.

In these uncertain and complicated times, Pervez was used to counter clergy,
neo capitalists, feudal lords, political atheists and so on to promote
secularism/liberalism when it came to social spheres but economy based on
principles of Islamic Socialism. This was done through articles in a magazine
called "Talu e Islam". Pervez stated:

"Clerics are agents of the rich people and promoters of uncontrolled Capitalism.

Socialism best enforces Qur’anic dictums on property, justice and distribution

of wealth.

Islam’s main mission was the eradication of all injustices and cruelties from
society. It was a socio-economic movement, and the Prophet was a leader
seeking to put an end to the capitalist exploitation of the Quraysh merchants and
the corrupt bureaucracy of Byzantium and Persia.
According to the Qur’an, Muslims have three main responsibilities: seeing,
hearing and sensing through the agency of the mind. Consequently, real
knowledge is based on empirically verifiable observation, or through the role of

Poverty is the punishment of God and deserved by those who ignore science.

In Muslim/Islamic societies, science, as well as agrarian reform should play

leading roles in developing an industrialized economy.

A socialist path is a correction of the medieval distortion of Islam through


Through this narrative, progressive forces tried to change public opinion on

modern democracy and role of clergy as well as feudal lords. 20th century saw
the rise of centrists, liberals, Islamic modernists and left leaning progressive
Muslims against right leaning reactionary Islamist elements. This was a lot like
religious movement in the west during the age of enlightenment which led to
the foundation of classical liberalism and English secularism.

Modern Capitalism as we know it today itself is a by-product of principles of

Protestant Christianity. Calvinism was sub sect of Protestant Christianity which
defined daily work, earning and satisfaction which people derive from them as
‘purpose of life’. Whole western society is based on this school of thought

Even the so called “least religious states” including Norway, Denmark and
whatnot are based on these Christian principles but that hardly damages
impartiality or secularism of their constitutions when it comes to the treatment
of their citizens or minorities. Denmark even has a state religion but its
constitution upholds secularism and doesn’t impose atheism or religion on
people as a state policy.

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